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Chapter 171 - 171. Together

Walker prepared himself for the ensuing pain, his fire bolt would do more than just burn him, he wasn\'t even sure if he would be able to fully heal himself. There was no going back, it was now or never...hands grabbed Walker\'s shoulders. "Pulll!" Su\'s voice screamed in his ears, he did not hesitate for a second and pulled. All his strength, all of his being was in this attempt. The next second he was falling backwards, his body crashing in to the snow and hard armor. An elbow jammed in his ribs, someone\'s knee jabbed in to his stomach. His frostbitten hands clutched the blue icy orb that was the snow golem\'s core. The hulking figure of the snow golem was grumbling before him.

Walker desperately used his mana to heal his hands so he could release the snow golem core and stand. The green healing aura wasn\'t fading yet before he had forced the core in to his storage, afraid the snow golem would somehow start to reform. His feet tripped over others but he couldn\'t stop himself from sprinting ti Remey and Midnight. The two were knocked unconscious by the golem\'s arm. The arm was beginning to deteriorate but not fast enough, it was still on top of the two. Storing it away as well Walker frantically healed the two who did not show any signs of coming to. "Walker! Stop it stop it now! They are breathing and healed!" Su had gotten up from the ground to chase after him only to see him healing them over and over. Walkers mana was nearly gone and Su knew that if he continued he would be down on the ground as well.

After having Su scream and shake him back to reality Walker could see they two were still breathing, any injured gone from them. Looking at Su, Walker saw behind her was Gil, Laurence, Elise, Stella, and even Riley in a mess on the ground. Every single one of they had pulled Walker from the back, they were the force behind him. They had all come together to tear away the golem\'s core, Gil was the second one up rushing to where Walker and Su were. The look of panic on his face fell away as he noticed the two were alright. Expelling a long sigh, he gave Walker a look, " Get your butt over there and store away more of that Golem\'s snow. Didn\'t Remey say we should save it? You don\'t want her to beat you when she gets up?"

"Pshh damn slave driver you are, making me work on almost no mana." hearing Gil reprimand him for sitting around he was able to break away the tension. Although Remey would totally go punch him if he didn\'t collect the rest of the golem\'s snow, she wouldn\'t even take a second to worry about her well being. Remey was Remey and punching was what she did. Su and Gil grabbed the opposite sides of Walker and brought him to his feet. While he went to collect the golem\'s snow they started to set up a rough campsite so Remey and Midnight could rest more comfortably.

Laurence, Elise, Stella, and Riley were starting to get their own breath back, able to stand stretching themselves; they knew there would be a few bruises in the morning. Walker easily stored away the snow and turned to his friends, he wasn\'t sure what to say to them at all. They had all gone above and beyond to help finish the fight even though they had said they wouldn\'t join in the fight. "You don\'t need to say a word, let\'s all just make a camp for the night. We don\'t need to travel anymore today."Laurence rested a hand on Walker\'s shoulder a moment before walking towards where Su and Gil were setting up camp. Taking a moment to appreciate those around him Walker headed to help set up camp.

Their fire was blazing to stave off the cold, the group decided to break out more food than usual since they were near the demi-human kingdom now. The heating meat and toasting bread was the motivation needed for Midnight to shake herself awake. The noise she made as she came to was also enough for Remey to come back to reality as well. The two seemed confused but not for long, Midnight completely dropped her confusion and chose instead to rush for food. It was nice to see her priorities in order. Remey however did need some explanation, one second she was fighting a massive snow golem and the next she was laying in camp by the fire.

Walker had been keeping a close eye on the two waiting for them to stir, that being so he was right there when Remey began to look around. Not worrying for Midnight he knew that she would go with the flow, also Onyx would explain it all to her since they had been getting so close.

"Sleeping beauty awake again, how do you feel?" The royal glare Walker had received with that comment was definitely worth it.

" Don\'t feel a thing. Better than ever, I gave that snowman a good smack…." she raised her fist definitely but the confusion returned to her face, having trailed off Walker took the opportunity to explain what happened to the two of them.


"So it pretty much threw its arm at you two since it was about to be taken down. Without everyone backing me up I\'m not sure the core would have separated from its body. Speaking of cores, we have three of them now, snow golem, undead golem, and iron golem cores. Wonder what we could do with them."

"Yea yea cores and plans and stuff do whatever. So you gathered up as much of its snow body you could right? " Remey really could care less what happened with the cores they had as far as she cared Walker could drop them in a hole.

" Well of course I did, but why is it so important?" It was Remey\'s turn to be surprised, she knew something Walker didn\'t.

" Alchemy of course! If you had used that fancy appraisal skill of yours you would have seen that the condensed snow that makes up its body is very pure. The old man at the alchemist guild once showed me that medicine or potions made with it are almost double as effective. The only reason it was so rarely used is because the body melts and takes in impurities too fast, but with your spatial inventory magic thingy we can get a lot of it all at once. That means what student Walker?" Wagging her finger at Walker Remey was now playing teacher.

"Well Professor Remey I would say that means we have some to make our own potions and we have some to sell to your friend at the alchemist guild."

"Full marks full marks" the two laughed a bit before Remey\'s stomach growled louder than a beast. "So let\'s eat that good by the fire!" She had nor realized how hungry she was and smelling the aroma she had been pushed over the limit. Heading to eat themselves they joined everyone who was happy to see Remey back up and moving. Today was yet another reminder that no matter how hard they planned if they lacked strength things could still go wrong. They had been lucky so far but one day they may not be.They needed to get stronger, that heroic leveling was one of their quest requirements and it needed to be achieved.

Walker was checking out the system notifications from the day, he wanted to add up how much experience they had all gained today. Totaling it up with their title multiplying it they had gained four thousand seven hundred experience. On top of that they had gained another two hundred and fifteen gold, this isn\'t even considering what they could make selling the snow imps and golem snow. Walker planned to try and sell the snow imp bodies when they got to the demi-human kingdom, Ordist was sure to have a trading hub of some form. They would also be meeting the tamer\'s guild master who could possibly offer a decent amount of advice during their stay.

The journey had taught them a lot and parting with their new friends was something he did not want to dwell on. But he needed to be realistic, on the party\'s trip home they would be alone with no one to escort, meaning that they could take many more quests along the way. For now however, Walker wanted to imagine what the so-called "beast kingdom" would be like. What kind of demi-humans would they meet? What kind of new magics or weapons would they encounter? In many stories there were tales of their coliseums, where warriors would battle in tournaments to challenge each other for glory. There really was a massive world of possibility constantly in front of them, it was just their choice to choose which they chased.

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