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Chapter 157 - 157. On The Road Again

The morning,as always, crashed in to their lives. Rubbing the sleep from their eyes everyone began to pack up. Walker storing what he needed so they could move faster. The night had gone late until the bonfire became just embers. Almost every tribe member had made time to visit the party to say farewell. Some of the parents had nearly force fed walker food not wanting him to be unprepared for his trip. He had definitely made a lasting impact on them by making that slide.

" everyone looking geared up and ready to be on the move?" The party was back in to their winter gear warm as could be. Onyx had wrapped himself in walkers shoulders underneath his cloak. The tamers were bundled up, Stella had been put safely in to Elise\'s beast ring due to the strong winds buffering the plains.

Using elemental manipulation walker willed the walls he had created to fall back in to the earth. The spot they had called home for a few days had returned to the open area in a line of igloos. The sun had just started to break the horizon sending the village in to a glittering jewel.

Not many of the rabbit tribe were up and loving other than the normal hunters and foragers who were already out or on their way out. Reaching the exit to the snow walls the silhouette of a buff rabbit Demi human was clear.

Otis was standing tall a rolled up paper in his hands stone faced as always. He wanted to be the last to see his new and old friends off. "Sleeping in before you\'re adventures continue I see, and here I was up early trying to put together this report for you." Shaking his head at Laurence he passed over the paper.

" you saw your tribe dragging us all here and there last night, there was no way we could rival your early to rise motto." Laurence gave Otis a pat on the shoulder. " thank you for this, it will definitely help our next goal. It was good to see you again, don\'t get any bulkier by the time I visit again." The two laughing as they said their goodbyes spurred the desire to get in the move.

" Otis it was a pleasure to meet you, I hope that my party and I can come again one day. I\'m sure we will be seeing much of the world." Saying his own goodbye the others echoed walkers words.

" I\'m sure we\'ll see each other again, don\'t worry I\'ll make sure my trainee warriors are up to snuff for when you visit. Maybe they\'ll get some revenge." With his own bump to walkers shoulder Otis headed back inside the village. Now all that my before them were glittering plains.

Whipping wind was bringing in darker clouds far off in the distance. Falling in to formation the party was making their way forward yet again. " so Laurence should I assume the paper Otis put together for you were important?" Everyone had been wondering this but had yet to take the chance to ask.

"Ah yes I asked if he could send some warriors to scout the territory the cursed crow is nesting in. Apparently it\'s shifted slightly which is good for us since it\'s closer. Although it\'s also become more aggressive so we will need to be much more careful." It was good to find their distance shortened, but hearing their target was more aggressive was worrisome. "Even more good news it would seem other monsters have more or less chased from the area around the nest. We will only only need to focus on keeping the mother cursed crow occupied." This was another piece of news that could really enhance their chances of success. Elise seemed to gain more energy from this picking up her pace, unable to argue against her enthusiasm everyone else followed her lead.

The ever increasing wind made moving forward much tougher but if they were to get to the edge of the cursed crows territory they couldn\'t stop. It seemed even the monsters were finding refuge from the wind refusing to get out hunting today.

"Let\'s all tighten together, if the wind picks up more the snow will get blown around. We can\'t have anyone getting separated in the poor conditions." The group pulled together all within at least an arms length.

"Stupid wind...grrr cold...mmrrrg" gils grumbling was now easy to hear for everyone. It was easy to see how was not a fan of the current weather. A sharp kick to his leg and Remey had shut him up for the time being.

The conditions soon worsened as a fine snow began to fall. Whipped up by the wind the snow became blinding. " hey everyone let\'s stope for a moment!"

Walker wasn\'t sure what to do and decided it best to confer with the group. This was becoming more dangerous by the minute.

"Leader I think we should stop and wait out the storm." Su was right it was the best move to make given the danger.

"No! We\'re finally getting close what if the eggs hatch before we get there? There will be no point if I miss it." Elise had been more than patient due to Stella\'s healing wing. Now that they were in the move all the pent up determination was forefront in her mind.

Thinking seriously about how they should proceed it was Laurence who had a compromise "what if we linked arms and kept moving? We would stay together safely and could keep moving forward. It would be slower but still progress."

" I agree we would be able to remain together without being lost. We also won\'t need to worry they will hatch without you Elise." Walker made the executive decision to move forward with Laurence\'s idea.

Everyone linked arms creating a strange human chain. Taking steps in unison they moved forward again. The wind pushing back against them constantly. Snow slapping them in the face at every step. The party was constantly thanking Lisa in their heads because their winter gear was doing an amazing job. She would be drowning in praise when they returned home.

Gil stopped suddenly his head cocked to the side listening. " I think I just heard someone crying?" Hearing this Su wanted to immediately investigate.

"Leader what if someone is lost out here? We could be the only others to pass by during the storm." Knowing Su only had good intentions walker almost agreed instantly but he was wary of someone else being out in the storm as well as them.

" who\'s over there!" Laurence yelled out trying to get somethings attention. In a hushed voice " I just saw something move to our right." The sounds of a woman crying reaches the others ears as well this time.

Everyone was frozen in their steps, the crying didn\'t feel normal but they did want to know where it was coming from. An outline of someone crouched in the ground seemed to come in to view before a gust of wind blew up more snow to blind them.

" did you see it! There was a person collapsed in the snow! It must\'ve them crying." Su tried to pull away front he group but Remey and walker had steeled them grips. " come on we need to help them!"

" there\'s more movement behind us!" Laurence had started to gaze around seeing that more than just one figure was hidden by the snow.

" I think there\'s more than one person crying now..." gils voice tempted slightly, this situation was putting him on edge.

Su was still pulling slightly on walker and Remey but they weren\'t letting her go. " Su stop, something not right! Why would three different woman be out in this storm?" The question was enough to make everyone think. Su had acted in instinct to try and help which wasn\'t a bad thing but in this case it could be.

More figures seemed to be moving around their right side the crying increasing in volume. Small glimpses of women on the ground seemingly injured would appear when the wind stopped for a moment but quickly disappear. Chills rose in their bodies as realization began to creep up.

Remey was the first to breath their silence, " walker of I remember right you told us about a monster called a snow woman? She would lure people to a trap and feed off their mana to survive...I think we may be near something dangerous."

This was one of the monsters known to roam the plains in the winter, they couldn\'t attack in any harmful way but could cause illusions. They would utilize storms to lure in adventurers to dangerous places. The edge threes would become trapped or perish leaving behind mana for the snow woman to feed on.

The crying had turned in to loud wailing, even knowing the danger they all wanted to rush towards the sound to save those in danger. Their emotions were screaming at them to act and not be heartless. Tightening both his arms walker prepared to get the group moving, they needed to escape!

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