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Chapter 149 - 149. Simple Right?

Stella and Elise had been resting the entire time walker was gone. Upon returning walker found the two snacking and chatting with the others. Midnight and Laurence had fallen asleep in their respective bedding. Laurence had succumbed to the fatigue after worrying over Elise since the morning and midnight as slothful as usual couldn\'t resist a nap by the fire.

Walker updated the party in the happenings with the elders and the uses the greater ice imps body had. Gil became extremely interested " you\'re telling me I might be able to expand my elemental attacks by using arrows with special tips? If I could fuse my wind affinity and other elements it may prove to be a nice trunk card." Gil ran with the idea wanted to start pulling teeth and the horns of the greater ice imp immediately. Sadly he lacked the proper skills to utilize the materials so pledged to wait until they returned to the guild. With this decision made walker gave up the idea of selling the body but instead waiting until they returned home. It was another thing to look forward to when they took a break from their journeys.

They managed to eat and relax with the stress of the day finally behind them.

When the morning came everyone had gotten up early as the day before, Laurence was already lecturing Elise and Stella about staying behind today since Stella still shouldn\'t fly. Between strict glances and small rants he prepared some dried meats and toasted bread for everyone\'s breakfast. It was a fairly comical sight to see someone acting caring while reprimanding someone.

" good morning, I see you are off to a quick start." Walker tried to distract Laurence saving Elise and Stella from another round of lectures.

" oh good morning good morning. Elise and Stella will be staying here today. Elise seems alright but Stella still has swelling where her wing was harmed so unfortunately another day of rest. I also wanted to make a suggestion." Laurence got a little more serious, " after thinking on it I think we should head out to hunt in different groups so everyone can be a little uncomfortable. I know that sounds odd but what happens if someone is hurt and we can\'t rely on their aid? It would be good to boost our individual ability." Laurence made a lot of sense here and walker had also had this thought cross his mind. Individual training would also be valuable to such ends.

" I definitely agree" walker Remey, Su and gils attention. " we will split up today, each go to a different hunting group to aid them. Midnight do you want to hunt or stay here with Elise and Stella?" Walker wasn\'t sure if midnight would want to go off alone with another group to hunt. Remembering she was a dragon after all and some might be put off by her hunting.

Looking at him carefully midnight growled slightly hearing walker suggest she stay. " well hunting it is then, I\'ll send you with Otis he shouldn\'t need much help but can easily back you up." With the arrangements made they are and geared up until Otis arrived.

Hearing their ideas Otis appreciated the goals and brought them to a larger group about to head off. Each party member including Laurence and Riley went off with another group of three. The hunting groups of four all when different directions, some forging, some hunting, and others scouting out potential dangerous monsters encroaching on the village.

Through the day Gil optimized his longer range taking down the odd snow imp without his group even seeing it.

Su ended up foraging for some white radish which relaxed her. She was able to talk, learning more of the village and its history. The tribesman found her pure caring heart a blessing.

Remey had some built up fury over the greater ice imp. She didn\'t like that she had to distract it and not attack the whole time. So with her restraints gone she mercilessly crushed every snow imp and ice wraith she laid eyes on. The tribesman began to shiver every time she burst off with her fist cocked.

Laurence used this opportunity to acclimate Hyde even further. The pair had been working more and more to get Hyde used to combat and people in general. This effort was paying off indeed. Hyde could now fire off flaming quills much more accurately sometimes even without curling in to a ball. It was safe to say Laurence was a proud father.

Riley was avoiding effort giving the three hunters with him a slight headache. However as ice needles reigned down on him Riley was finally forced to summon one of his demon boars. This decision shocked the hunters and caused its own brand of chaos. Riley really could use a bit more control on his wild aspect of his taming system.

Walker naturally shocked everyone with his elemental manipulations, however he mostly used mana shot by itself and his scythe to try and gain some close combat skills. He decided that punching would not be his forte but he would avoid it. He also wanted to make sure his mana was completely full for his return to training later, if the elder was there he wanted to put his all in to it.

The hunting hours passed in a flash and soon everyone Ha shorten back together at their little camp. Gil had been able to keep the three snow imps he took down with arrows, the hunters he went with said they hadn\'t even noticed them and could not rightfully take them. This was very respectable and only spoke to the tribes upstanding values.

For lack of a better work Su and Remey needed a bath. She was covered in dirt which as it had defrosted became mud. Remey on the other hand had learned that the blue blood from imps definitely smelled, not as bad as other monsters but still very much so. The two had dropped their gear and headed off toward a bathing area specifically for women. Naturally Su and Elise had tagged along leaving walker, Gil, Laurence, and midnight alone. Riley would have been included but patently he worked too hard and needed energy so he\'d gone off to eat with his fellow gluttons.

Midnight seemed fairly upbeat as she had dragged back a horned white rabbit. These monsters changed fur colors with the seasons and often liked to charge at their enemy. The vicious pointed horn in their head held a toxic poison paralyzing their prey. Walker had seen Otis carrying three more, the two seemed to have had a very good hunt. Midnight would naturally be caught up in her small feast for a while before napping to burn off the meal.

" so would you two like to come to the training area and help out teaching the trainee warriors? I\'m sure Otis won\'t mind, even the elder is coming." Laurence had already wanted to bring Hyde out for more conditioning.

" of course, I can\'t say I\'ll participate but Hyde and I will be watching. Don\'t worry about being loud Hyde had been making great progress, he\'s much more courageous now!" Laurence was very proud and it was written all over his face.

" you know I\'ll go! Maybe I can show off a bit more, you know we\'ve kind of been a big hit here in the tribe. Simone is always peaking around the corner or sneaking glances. It\'s pretty nice to be popular." Well there it was Gil had inflated his ego a bit too much. Fame may prove to soon be his greatest weakness.

With that the three headed off, the trainees and Otis had already arrived. Seeing the stiff stances of the trainees it was plain to know that Otis had dropped the bomb. The elder was coming. The three greeted Otis, after a few words Laurence stepped back to a safe distance where a few parents had gathered, their interest was grabbed when they heard walker would be assisting Otis.

" hello hello! I\'m glad everyone is back, the elder is coming which it seems you all have heard. But don\'t stress about it you\'ll make fools of yourselves so stiff and straight like that!" Walker addressed the elephant in the room, he knew telling them to relax wasn\'t a fix all but it at least made them conscious of it. Seeing a few start to stretch showed it was worth saying. " now yesterday we had some fun learning the value of not rushing in! Today we build on that and focus on timing." Walker used his elemental manipulation to raise ten earth pillars fairly spread out. " this will be simple you will attack the target myself or my party member Gil attacks." This alone gave him skeptical looks from the small crowd watching. They hadn\'t been present yesterday to see the penalties the trainees faced from rushing in all at once. The trainees were put on edge stiffening up again.

" well I see you went right to work! An old rabbit like me would have been late if I\'d stayed a savings longer at the fire." The elder came up behind walker seeing the targets and hearing walkers words. Let\'s see what the sneaky boy has for our young ones today. This was the only thought the elder had.

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