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Chapter 125 - 125. Improvement

Walker didn\'t even take a second to read the system notification. He instead had allowed his instincts to take over and follow through his feelings.

The two boars were about to crush him when he hopped out of the way on one foot turning elegantly. His other foot helps slightly off the ground he landed in a slight crouch. As walker had predicted the boards hit each other with force showing no sign of injury. Instead they seemed more fired up to charge at their previous victim. They both turned towards walker lowering their tusks to try and maim him. Yet again walker hopped and spun leaving a fraction of an inch between them.

The boars charged over and over at him jerking their tusks every which way trying to snare their prey. However walker constantly avoided them hopping and spinning around. Always dodging within a hairs length from them. He would bend his knees to duck under their chins and slide between the two boars with his jade acting to balance his weight. The movements becoming more and more elegant.

The others were all witnessing this, the third boar had been drawn as well since the other two were making so much noise. They all witnessed walker dancing around three demon boars now! The boards hadn\'t so much as brushes him. Walker was dancing around not showing a single bead of sweat. His actions spoke of a rabbit avoiding a fox; constantly leaping and sliding by at any cost. One second he would look to be caught only to escape with plenty of space to breath. Nobody had the courage to interrupt this breathtaking scene before them for some time.

Soon the demon boars grew visibly slower, their rage had died down leaving way to tiredness. Demon boars may have been fast and powerful but stamina was not their strong suit. They were burst hunters, a strong fast attack to claim their prey then a long rest. The fact that the others had all stopped to watch was completely ignored. Their training may have been important as well but watching walker dance around the boars had given them insight on new ways to dodge and survive against strong attacks.

Riley finally stood up, he could tell the demon boars were basically done and out of energy. It was time to let them rest, he approached the three who couldn\'t even muster the energy to charge at walker again and with a flesh of red light they returned to the beast ring. Walker who had seen that the three boars were done had distanced himself while holding his hands out to balance himself for the next chance to dodge. Only once the bots returned to Riley best ring did he leave his trance like state of dancing.

Remey and Elise rand towards him a million questions on their mind. They had the energy to run to him but not the forethought to let one speak before the other.

Walker himself was still processing what had happened for the past moments. He didn\'t even pay heed to Remey and Elise launching questions. He knew he had wanted a way to dodge and that he couldn\'t find an answer but he didn\'t expect to feel his body move on its own. He had no answers so I stead looked to his system.

\' dance of the wild rabbit- passive skill

This way of moving is deeply ingrained in the blood of tribesman. Through many evolutions tribesman would watch weaker animals escape predators. The strong desire and learning ability gave birth to an instinctual passive skill. Using the natural agility of the user they are able to move in a way to avoid most attacks. Like a rabbit slipping from the jaws of a fox.\'

A skill that came from evolution? Wasn\'t that the same of a monsters skills? It may be true that older monster records didn\'t record certain monsters have skills they do today. This was thought to be an evolution over time to better hunt and kill in their territories. It was the same with any living creature. But if that was the case why did it say tribesman? Weren\'t those ancient human groups?

"I swear if you dove out any longer I\'ll smack you!" Remey had become tired of walkers non responsive gaze and drew her fist back. She released with her anger a punch sure to leave a decent sized bruise.

Feeling a slight tug to move down and to the left walker ducked and twisted slightly letting remey\'s fist hit nothing but air. "Hey! What\'s that for!? I\'m still trying to figure out what just happened." Understandably walker wasn\'t too happy to see Remey winding up again. The two went at it again and again Remey punching and walker dodging, it was an entertaining show to watch if one didn\'t know Remey was actually trying to hurt Walker.

"Ahem!" Laurence trying to break up the little show in front of him. "I know you two are a bit busy but Walker, have you ever met a Demi human with rabbit ears before?" This was definitely a strange question. What did rabbit eared Demi humans have to do with walker? The skill might be called dance if the wild rabbit...did this mean Laurence knew where it came from?

"No never in my life. Since you\'re asking I take it you know where the skill I just got comes from?" Seeing Laurence face react slightly in surprise walker knew he was right.

"Hmm well I\'ve met the a Demi human rabbit tribe before. They prefer to live away from their kingdoms city since it\'s too cramped. They have a dance just the same with how you were dodging. No matter how hard any of us tamers tried we couldn\'t learn the step...well if it\'s a skill I guess it makes sense." When Laurence had first become a tamer his older guild members had brought him out to learn the ropes. This adventure brought them in to contact with the rabbit tribe which traveled here and there in the plains. Each tamer that met them made a fool of themselves trying to learn their dances, this show of comedy was loved by the rabbit Demi humans.

"You know if you want when we leave on the quest we put in at the guild, we could take a small detour to meet with the rabbit tribesman." Laurence didn\'t so much want to help walker understand his new skill as he wanted to get a little revenge for the laughter at his poor attempt to dance. But both would easily happen in this detour.

Seeing that the demon boars had been tired out they had all agreed to go off on their own to digest their training session.

Gil didn\'t need any direction, he had felt incredibly embarrassed and angry at himself for missing so many targets today. He knew that if he couldn\'t improve his skills so that he never faltered he could loose the new family he had worked for. That being said he was the only one to stay out in the training field. He started a game for himself that if he missed a target he would have to practice a certain skill a hundred to say he was in for a long night.

Su knew she needed to improve her agility even more. In that respect she decided to take a trip to the forge to try and lighten her armor. She needed to wait to level up to put points in to agility so this was the best move.

Remey was being Remey...she was trying to copy walkers new skill in the safety of her room. If anyone else could see her she would surely die of embarrassment. Luckily everyone in the mansion was much to busy to snoop on each other.

Laurence had taken Riley and Elise to the dining hall. Walker swore he could still hear Laurence reprimanding her for only using one strategy with Stella. It may be true to it was impressive how tough Laurence could be. He was basically a stern father!

Walker himself felt that too much had happened. He had to understand elements better and the only way he knew to do that was to meditate. Not only that but he had another skill he barely understood. There was the chance to meet others who possessed this skill so he could breath a bit easier. In all honesty he just wanted to take a moment and be free of all this pressure to understand skills. This may seem negligent to some but if he worked himself raw instead of improvement he could hurt himself. This chain of thinking inevitably brought him to the kitchen.

Hilda was off elsewhere leaving just the calm roar of the fire and soft breathing of midnight slumbering near the oven. Walkers sat leaning himself next to midnight wondering just how much longer she would sleep. It had been nearly a week now since she had ingested the condensed understanding. Around her more of her baby scales had fallen, Hilda had dutifully cleaned them up and left them for walker in a basket. More adult scales had shown themselves to be thicker and sharper edges than the younger scales. Their colors had more pure dark color mixed with the grayish white of bones. The wings that had appeared weak seemed to be more defined. The skeletal parts had become thinker and held a perfect bone white color. The membrane between them was pitch black and looked as tough as a shield. He could only imagine how much larger her wings would be when she reached adulthood.

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