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Chapter 91 - 91. Elemental Magic

The scroll had vanished from their hands, completely consumed now that the spell sealed within had been used. Su looked a bit weak as she had less mana that walker and used most of it. However as they looked to Helena the changes were great. Helena who had previously been pale was now rosy cheeked and her eyes shown with energy.

Frederick saw this change and had jumped up standing in front of the bed, his desire to grab her and swing her in his harms was barely held back.

Walker knew that they would have a lot to go over so he was ready to excuse himself. "I know this is a lot to take in so I\'ll leave you all to rest." Before Su could stop him he left through the door. As his steps faded the sounds of excitement and crying had filled the room.

Walker was finally free to proceed with his studies. He had decided to first experiment with earth since the ground was everywhere. It was much like the same he did with water. He started by throwing a rock...nothing. Stomping the ground....nothing. Yelling earth wall in different accents...nothing.

He had the drive to try many things but felt again like a fool. The next hour of doing so made him look just as such. The sun had now risen enough to give him adequate light which was greedily absorbed by the abyssal serpent egg.

After almost two hours walker threw some dust in the air "sandstorm!"

\'Due to actions from the user in relation to elemental fusion skill two skills have been take .

The skill earth manipulation has been taken from the earth elemental system.

The skill wind manipulation has been taken from the sky elemental system.

Would the user like to learn the skills?\'

"Y-yess!" Walker pushed pst his minor shock seeing two skills pop up.

\'Skill wind manipulation has been learned.

Wind manipulation- mana 1+

Give the ability to manipulate the air. The more mana used the more the user can manipulate. This can not creat air but utilize the air in the environment.

Skill earth manipulation has been learned

Earth manipulation-mana 1+

Give the ability to manipulate the earth. The more mana used the the more the user can manipulate. This can not create earth but utilizes the earth in the environment.\'

Walker was thinking, now that he had earth, wind, and water he would have to get light darkness and fire. The question was didn\'t he already have a darkness and a fire spell? Or what\'s evil consuming flame a light spell? Would he also try to manipulate time? He had a spatial magic skill too. He didn\'t fully understand the last two elements relation to the other six so decided to forego them for now.

Deciding to start with light and fire walker used evil consuming flame skill to create a white fireball in his hand. The theory he had come up with was that keeping it within his palm and keeping it burning he could manipulate the strength by forcing more mana in to it. To enhance this and relate it also to the darkness element he used the shadow of the mansion as his workspace.

Slowly increasing the mana would make the white flame brighter and larger chasing away the darkness of the shadows around him. However decreasing the mana the shadow would return to its normal strength. Walker could feel some heat coming off of it and was trying to ignore the slight burning feeling in his hand. He judged he had enough mana to test this for about three hours as long as he didn\'t use too much.

Unknown to him the abyssal egg had absorbed a significant amount of the light given off from the white flame.

The time passed and as walker noticed his mana dwindling he became a bit more reckless. Sometimes he would force the the flame so small that the shadows looked to be swallowing it and others he would push it to its limit and have the shadow almost disappear. His hands felt dry and almost brittle from the constant heat but he refused to give up. He had sweat dripping from his brow. A complex expression showed on his face as he knew only a few precious minutes remained before he\'d need to stop for the day.

Finally he hit one mana remaining and completely extinguished the flame. He fell to hit butt leaning back with a huge sigh. "Soooo ttttiirreeddd!!!" He didn\'t want to move anymore he just wanted to nap in the sun that had now risen to conquer the shadows on the side of the house walker had been experimenting in.

He drifted off to sleep not even taking notice of the system in action.

\'Skill darkness manipulation has been taken from the lord of the dark system

The skill light manipulation has been taken from the angels system

The skill flame manipulation has been taken from the flame elementals system.

The system has detected six elemental skills compatible with existing skill elemental fusion.

Skills have been fused:

Light manipulation, water manipulation, wind manipulation, fire manipulation, earth manipulation, darkness manipulation.

Skill grand elemental manipulation has been created and learned.

Skill grand elemental manipulation- mana 1+

User can greatly manipulate any of the six core elements: light, air, water, earth, fire, darkness. The user can not create these

elements where they do not exist.\'

Walkers nap produced strange dreams of fire and water mixing to create steam. The earth burning endlessly creating lava. The wind throwing water and dust creating tornadoes and typhoons. Darkness water and earth creating poison swamps. Light, water, and air creating clouds of the heavens. So many ways for the elements to combine and natural phenomenon. For walker who was often lost in thought this dream was better than reading any book or tome. Lucky for him his dream was being recorded in his mental archive.

Subtle cracking sounds could be heard near him. Scratching and more cracking grew in volume.

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