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Chapter 73 - 73. Lost

They ran hopping two stairs at a time trying to get up. The water could be heard flowing up the stairs and no one knew how high it would go. A skeleton was on their heels but Su used their height advantage being higher on the stairs to crack its skull before running harder.

"Walker we\'ve got a room up here." Gil\'s voice echoed down the stairs along with a grunt from Remey who seemed to be fighting.

As Walker saw the room he noticed Remey fighting a half rotted half skeleton zombie. It must be very old to have made it to this state. Before anyone even helped Remey had already crushed its head with a strong punch. "Pfft I can handle myself." Remey was out of breath but still had the energy to brag.

Su stepped in to the room backwards watching as the water slowed to only three steps from them. "It\'s safe to say that we can not return that way." The look of horror on her face was evident. A death by drowning and leaches was not anyone\'s preference.

Seeing that the water had stopped and there was no immediate danger the party collapsed to the ground. They could finally catch their breath and relax. "Ok so maybe having you test out your new bow was a bad idea." Walker looked at Gil who smiled sheepishly.

"Better to test it out and run like a fool then fail later" Su responded while stretching her legs.

"We passed a lot of hallways I hope we going the right way." Remey had seen many possible turns but stayed straight forward afraid to lose the others while running.

Finally looking around them walker noticed the room\'s round shape. The stairs they had come from let way to a domed ceiling. Three hallways branched from this all seeming to slope upward and to the left as if in a spiral.

While resting walker pulled the book Gil had found glancing through the pages not seeing much of interest. This was all scripture for an ancient religion. "This undying faith seems to worship a god that grants immortality. I don\'t see it named anywhere in this book though." Walker\'s forehead crunched and he looked harder trying to pry more information. "The rituals and such in here aren\'t necessarily evil but a lot of blood letting and animal sacrifices. This last section speaks of a way to fuse the souls with others to gain the blessing of the god. Naturally the blessing is immortality. What kind of people lived here to believe something so brutal?" Walker couldn\'t contain his curiosity, if these people truly fused their souls with one another how could a body contain them?

"So basically these people did some pretty gruesome things, no wonder this place is filled with undead" Remeys blunt comment brought the realization to them.

"What if it was because of the things they worshiped and did the city ended up like this? What if they tried to get immortality from their god and ended up creating all these undead and ruins?" Gil had just hit the nail on The head.

\'Chain quest link has been completed

Optional: discover the history of the ancient ruins


400 exp multiples to 4000exp.\'

"Ha! Yes I\'m right." Gil jumped up in victory.

"So due to their worship and attempts to fuse their souls they created the undead. I wonder if we can find any specifics, I bet that spire in the center isn\'t just for show right? It\'s probably swamped with the undead for a reason too." Walker drew the connection. If any super important religious ritual would take place wouldn\'t it be at the most important looking place?

"Leader if that\'s the case should we venture there? Or try to avoid it? I\'d hate to fight so many undead or even stronger ones but that seal could only be on something important right? Maybe it\'s a key back outside from the tower?" Su wondered if the deal was so immensely important to the ancient ruins but walker dashed her hopes.

"As far as I know no one has ever entered the spire but this talisman is most likely for another door. From the writings here if the tower was religious it was most likely open to those who lived here for worship." Walker based his hunch on how many religious buildings worked in their city along with the hope that they could find a treasure in a sealed door. He may have been slightly biased.

Looking up from his pensive state Walker decided that scouting a bit in to the three hallways would be wise. "Gil you take the right path I\'ll take the left then we will return and check the middle." The left and right path seemed to turn a bit more than the center so Walker was thinking it was longer and went farther up.

Gil stood up, now that they had rested he was ready. He proceeded forward walking on the slopes curving halfway. The walls were smooth but every few feet carvings were evident. As he walked he felt he\'d traveled a distance upward but the end was near. He came to a dead end, another alter say In front of him. However, no books or scrolls were present. There was an ancient religious amulet and some coins. This was a complete bust! Gil grabbed the items and headed back in a huff having wasted time.

Walker had headed down the left hallways and come to similar conclusion. However his dead end housed an ancient suit of armor which Walker examined with his skill.

\'Undying faith ceremonial armor

Carved from bloody stone this armor was believed to assist in the connection with the gods.\'

This stone red armor was carved with many symbols and patterns. Its shoulders held spikes and the helm a skeletal carved face. The bracers and boots were carved to look like the heads of snakes. This would have been a terrifying sight to see if walker did not know it was ceremonial only and lacked battle prowess.

Walker quickly stored away the Armor knowing it could help their test grade if they ever escaped the catacombs. The walk back to the domed chamber seemed faster than his slow sneak upwards.

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