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Chapter 37 - 37. Kings Blessings

The king had a steady face with strongly set lines from years of using a poker face. His hair was long and white due to his age but he was only in his fifties and expected many years more. He wore clothing of unmatched quality in comparison to all but the Queen. The Queen had curled black hair and warm features but her eyes threatened destruction to those that wronged her. Both king and Queen were slim and fit of average height.

"Hello, my king I Ibis and Barry of the adventurers guild greet you along with these young ones." As Ibis made his greeting there was a stir within the attendants and nobles within the hall noticing a dragon, a few guards brought their hands to their weapons.

A man with long brown hair and flamboyant clothing stepped forward. Clicking his tongue he motioned for guards to step forward. "Remove that ugly monster before it causes the king harm! It\'s disgusting to think you would bring such a thing here of all places.!"

Upon hearing this midnight lowered herself ready to pounce. Walker pulled his staff from his inventory and stamped it down causing a loud echo through the room. "Midnight calm down! You are better than him, don\'t allow him to push you to anger!" His words immediately calmed Midnight who responded by relaxing and wrapping her tail around one of his legs.

"You commoner, have no right to speak as such let alone bring out a weapon! Guards!" The man again pushed the guards forward.

Walker had become agitated, they came to meet the king yet some idiot instead tries to have a member of his family harmed? He wanted to push them away to make them feel the fear Midnight did. Walker felt that she thought she would die like her mother. Feeling her tail tighten around him he grew more angry.

\' Due to the users desire the skill dragon\'s intimidation has been taken from the black crystal flame dragon system. Would the user like to learn dragon\'s intimidation?\'

"Yes" walker said between clenched teeth

\'Skill dragons intimidation has been learned.

Dragon\'s intimidation- 1 to 5 mana cost per use

A violent roar is released intimidating all who hear it. The more mana used the stronger the roar. \'

Walker stepped forward with his other leg and took a deep breath as more guards moved up. "BAAAAHHHHHHHHHRRRRRR" he realeased the built up air consuming two mana. The roar was shocking the moving guards fell to their knees, some of the attendants and nobles followed suit. Others obviously stronger were able to stand some only flinched. The kings and queen didn\'t even react as it was too small to them.

Walker noticed that his party was not affected at all which he noted as important for later uses.

"Hmm that would be enough Markus you may not like monsters for your own reasons but the little dragon is much more important than you could know." The king\'s voice was the only sound to break the tension. " that\'s an interesting skill you have there, I look forward to your explanation since last I knew that was a dragon\'s roar." All eyes directed at Walker, some glaring, others confused, and even others still in shock.

Walker kneeled and so did his party. He forced the anger from his face knowing he may have overreacted. "Forgive me my king. I see Midnight as part of my family now. We have an equal bond using a blood contract. The thought of harm coming to her caused me to learn another skill."

"Ah so you\'re a tamer then interesting...wait you just learned that skill now?" The king had never seen someone easily put a skill to practice as fast as Walker had and believed he was being tricked.

"My king I awakened the jack of all trades system. I am able to learn any skill that\'s not a mastery skill. Midnight here is a black crystal dragon hatchling we rescued. Gil here is a Ranger, Su is a shield bearer, and Remey is a Brawler. We are humbled to meet you." The queen had made an O with he lips as her jaw dropped surprised at his words.

Her melodic voice rang out "so you\'re saying you can use skills from many systems...hmmm use another I wish to see." The queen was letting her curiosity guide her but Walker could not say no.

Upon this walker sent his staff back to storage. "That my queen was spatial magic used to store items, even monsters we\'ve hunted. I also learned this from a quest. All around appraisal!" Walker used his appraisal skill on Markus who had just begun recovering.

\'Markus Raven

Treasurers system

Level- 63

Weakness- snake type monsters. Fear of snakes has been ingrained within him for his entire life due to watching one bite and kill his younger sister while he was a child.\'

"I received this after helping some blacksmiths. I know that Markus Raven has a treasurer system and is level 63 he is also terrified of snakes due to childhood trauma. This skill doesn\'t tell me everything because I would need a master appraisal skill but it gives me some basics and even some hidden information such as weaknesses." With these words Markus showed rage in his face and stood up quickly but he was unable to make a move.

"Well how interesting, I can tell these skills would not normally be connected. And here I was prepared to reprimand you on your party name of omnipotent but it seems it fits well." The king\'s words reminded Markus of where he was causing him to put his poker face back on and return to the line of other nobles and attendants. "I assume the guild master has already told you why we wished to meet you, however this is still a surprise to my attendants and nobles here so bear with me as they may react strongly." The king finales smirked showing his excitement " I see four of you with the hero\'s title but where\'s the fifth?"

The nobles and attendants\' faces dropped. Did he just say title? No this must be one of his jokes.

"Actually my king Midnight is the fifth member of our party and holds the hero title as well. Like I mentioned before we have an equal contract that is why she is family to me." Midnight stood and puffed up her chest at Walker\'s words the feelings of before wiped away by his praise.

"Impossible! How could a monster have a hero\'s title! Monsters are evil creatures that kill and kill!" Markus Raven spoke again having gathered his courage.

"Well not only did we set a record for the most titles in any one kingdom but we also destroyed the thought process that all monsters are evil. I quite like this party in August, I would like to see more of them in the future." The queen\'s words caused even more shock as she had immediately supported them! Was she in on this trick too?

"Hahahaha. Yes I see this is indeed remarkable. The other day I received a quest telling me to bless the five heroes that had been granted such a title in my kingdom as to foster their growth. Now that I see who is before me I am amazed again. Not in My life did I imagine this. I am truly blessed to be the king of this kingdom!" The king\'s words were absolute, the fact that he had received a quest for such an occasion spoke volumes to how important this title was. Normally the king would only receive quests that revolve around the kingdom\'s growth. Such as taxes, harvests, ambassadors, and even wars. None of which did not have their great importance to the kingdom as a whole.

The king stood and stepped toward the kneeling party. Ibis and Barry stepped backwards.

"My young heroes. I welcome you and pass to you the king\'s blessing. I shall award all of you with a medal to allow travel in my name. You shall receive the amethyst mansion which has been abandoned for many years and in need of new owners to bring it back to glory. If you do choose you may enter any academy or school of battle, magic, or otherwise within the kingdom. All who see these young ones here know this! They are protected and fostered by myself as king and the adventures guild. To harm them is to harm me and the kingdom itself. You have been warned!"

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