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Chapter 33 - 33. Systems In Motion

Walker was dumbfounded, he had prepared to completely blow Clara's mind but instead all his built up excitement  deflated.

"But what do you mean makes sense?" Slightly recovering Walker was now letting his curiosity grow.

"Well I got a system quest. Since it was a titled quest called "fostering a young hero" I figured it would be a big deal. Also looking through some very old guild records I found that a hero is sometimes a system or a title. So I expected someone with a hero system to appear. However, it's fairly surprising that all of you gained the title. You just may all shock the world luckily I was prepared." A small giggle was released from her lips as she said the last part since she felt she had accomplished, a fitting revenge on those who didn't follow her guidance.

"Well, I'll also take your party under my management seeing as you would be the first. Let me just set it up I'll need your party name?" Clara flowed flawlessly in to the primary goal.

The party was stuck, they had been thinking and bouncing ideas off each other the whole walk to the guild and had nothing. Not a single good idea.

"Well, I'm not an omnipotent goddess I can't just leave the name blank and still register your party." Clara had realized they were stuck and attempted to push them to a decision.

"Let's go with that!" Remey immediately perked up " omnipotent sounds good we can do anything we even have a leader with like, infinite skills and we have a literal dragon!!!" The excitement was contagious soon the whole party was smiling even midnight had roused from her nap enough to huff quietly at the name.

"Our party name is Omnipotent,''  Walker spoke up, finalizing the decision.

"Well umm OK I'll set it up." Clara was a bit hesitant but proceeded after seeing their looks

'Party has been registered as Omnipotent. The party known as omnipotent has been registered as managed by the adventurers guild first floor manager Clara. Does the user and leader of omnipotent accept?'

"Yes, I accept!" Walker quickly accepted.

"Perfect now I can look in to directly sending you quests to browse and decide on taking without you having to sit down and accept a quest every time. Also, I will be notified when you reach requirements for completion so that I can move forward with preparing rewards and other such activities. You will also have the ability as party leader to contact me to speak on details and I will be able to do the same." The benefits Clara gave them as a manager were very good for any party and Walker understood why getting a manager became a requirement. Not to mention once one was silver or higher tier parties often gained fans who would disrupt them as they entered the guild.

"We also have realized that our titles as you demonstrated can't stay secret forever so we find it safer to request your guidance. We already know the guild has experience in this realm as they often protect those with promising talent or nobles." This was a very important reason for their meeting with Clara, once word got out not only would stronger people try to take advantage of them but also other countries as well.

"Yes you are correct in knowing I can arrange that for you, we have many higher strength individuals that have retired from adventuring to become an employee of the guild. Some as such have amazing abilities to guard those without even their knowledge. Rest assured the adventurers guild wishes nothing more than your safety and growth and even at the event of a catastrophe will be there to assist."everyone's stress dissipated a bit after hearing her words. They had thought some stronger employees would be sent to guard them but hearing that they would be able to do so without change to their party adventures.

"I hate to rush you all out but I'm going to get very busy arranging everything properly. I recommend heading home and not spreading a word just yet. I know it may seem exciting but as you know it could be dangerous." Clara seemed eager to jump in to her work even though the night was upon them.

"In that case, we will do just that, I know everyone needs rest after today plus who knows what tomorrow will bring. I know we will meet early in the morning to look at a quest, it's too bad we can't go out after more locusts but we can't take other parties chances it wouldn't be fair." Walker was slightly dejected but knew that he would only become hated by other parties if he somehow weasels his party in to another day guarding the fields. But he knew getting out together was the best way to shake off the residual emotions from their chaotic day.

After saying their goodbyes the party split up heading home for the day. By the time he returned home Walker's family was all asleep. Lisa had fallen asleep at the table working on something and he quickly carried her to bed. After completing his task he went to bed himself too tired to even look at what she had been so engrossed in as to fall asleep at the table.


Within a study full of books and a large oak desk an older man in about his fifties was in luxurious white nightclothes reading from piles of documents. The man had long white hair and a serious face with the lines set in after years of using a poker face. He pulled documents from stacks that seemed to defy gravity mumbling every so often before scribbling a note or two. Every once in a while the man would check his candles and continue working. Seemingly stuck in a problem he began to pace and read a map "could go north...dragons...but the craftsman....the forests are too big... Safe away from the swamps and ruins.....but they ancient artifacts...not sure....beast man maybe...definitely not demons...." the man trailed on mumbling words ever so often as time passed. The weight of the world seemed to be on his shoulder until a small notification pulled him back to reality.

' the kingdom has been blessed with five who have gained the title of hero. The title quest blessing of the king has been issued to the user.

Requirements: bless the five who hold the hero title and assist in their growth. The duty of a good king is to seize the opportunity in front of themselves and push their kingdom to the top.

Rewards: none'

The man had frozen on the spot a map falling to the floor. This quest offered no reward but having a title bearer in the kingdom was more than any reward let alone five! With the energy of someone twenty years younger, the man bolted from the room. As he got farther and farther the sounds of shouting could be heard waking others in the night.

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