
Chapter 103: The Reason Behind The Motive

Chapter 103: The Reason Behind The Motive

Yuuto and Aiko made their way out of the massive union building, the dim lighting of the late evening sun casting long shadows across the stone floor.

Aiko, her hands folded neatly in front of her, glanced sideways at Yuuto, her curiosity bubbling to the surface.

"Master Yuuto, do you plan on actively participating in the search for this monster?"

Yuuto walked calmly, his hands clasped behind his back, deep in thought. The faintest of smiles spread on his face as he looked ahead.

"Aethel is overestimating this creature."

"The intelligence it displayed in carrying out the murders shows it\'s well aware of its own limits. If it were truly a threat to guild masters like us, it wouldn\'t be skulking in the shadows, picking off victims one by one. No, it would be more direct with its actions."

Aiko nodded, understanding his words. "Your deductions are as wise as always."

"But knowing this, are you still planning to search and capture it?"

Yuuto\'s grin widened, a flash of amusement in his eyes as he tilted his head slightly, glancing at her.

"No," he said, his voice filled with a touch of mischief.

"I\'m going to leave this as a little bonus for Alister when he returns."

Aiko sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly. She had expected as much but hearing it still stirred a mix of emotions within her.

"Why am I not surprised?"

She said to herself before looking at him with a curious expression. "If I may ask, Master, why do you seem to favor Alister so much? It\'s past time I got an answer."

Yuuto slowed his pace, his expression turning thoughtful as he considered her question. He stopped walking, his gaze fixed on a point in the distance as if seeing something only he could understand.

Yuuto chuckled softly, the sound echoed as they continued their slow walk. "Aiko, you should know me by now," he said, sounding playful.

"I\'ve always loved watching talents grow. Living as long as I have, you tend to appreciate-"

"That is certainly not it," Aiko interrupted him sharply, her hand coming up to adjust her glasses. She kept her gaze steady, refusing to let him finish the well-worn excuse she had heard many times before.

Yuuto blinked, momentarily caught off guard.

"W-what?" he stuttered, his composure slipping just a fraction as he turned to look at her, his eyebrows raised.

Aiko met his gaze, her expression firm but not too serious. "Please, be more honest with me." "I\'ve heard that line so many times it\'s practically cliche at this point."

"Cliche!?" Youuto repeated, stunned by her words.

Yuuto\'s eyes narrowed slightly as if considering his next words carefully. "I just wanted a new powerful member in our guild, that\'s all," he said, attempting a casual tone.

"What\'s so bad about that?"

"Also wrong," Aiko responded smoothly, adjusting her glasses once more. She looked relaxed, but there was an intense glint in her eyes.

Yuuto\'s calm demeanor began to crack, and a touch of annoyance seeped into his voice. "And how can you be so certain?"

"You can\'t read my mind or-"

"Father," Aiko\'s voice cut through his rising voice, calm and gentle but with a small touch of vulnerability that made him pause.

"Is this really something you can\'t tell me? Am I not ready to know yet? I thought you\'d already taught me there should be no secrets between family?"

Her words caught Yuuto off guard, and his expression softened as he turned to gaze at the setting sun. The vibrant hues of orange and pink reflected in his silver eyes as he let out a long sigh.

"Yes, indeed, I did teach you that," he murmured, almost to himself. "But it was so long ago, I didn\'t expect you to remember."

Aiko\'s lips curled into a small smile. "You underestimate me, Father. You\'re the only person I look up to. Your words are gold to me, so I always treasure them."

Yuuto sighed again, shaking his head with a touch of pride and resignation.

"Guess being an amazing father has its downsides."

He said in a teasing tone. "I\'m sure it\'s your obsession with me that\'s caused you to not have a boyfriend yet. You\'re always following me around."

Aiko\'s cheeks flushed, and she stuttered, "That\'s... That\'s not it..."

Yuuto flashed her a mischievous grin, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

"I\'m just joking," he assured her. "I know it\'s because you care, and I appreciate that. But you should also try to live a little. I\'m not going anywhere, even in a hundred years."

Aiko smiled, her blush fading as she nodded. "I know, Father. But someone has to keep an eye on you, right?"

Yuuto chuckled, his heart warming at her words. "I suppose so," he agreed, patting her shoulder lightly as they continued walking, the sun dipping lower on the horizon, casting a golden glow over the world around them.

Yuuto took a deep breath, then let out a sigh. "So, you want to know why I favor Alister, huh?"

"Yes," Aiko replied, her eyes fixed on him with curiosity.

Yuuto gazed up at the sky, watching as stye stars slowly became visible in the distance. "This could be tricky to explain," he said, his fingers tapping lightly against his chin.

Aiko\'s gaze remained steady. "Whatever way you try, I will certainly understand."

Yuuto\'s lips curled into a soft smile. "I\'ll tell you a bit, but I don\'t want you to start looking at the boy in a different light. The rest will reveal itself in due time."

Aiko sighed, her shoulders relaxing slightly. "You must have your reasons. I understand. So, what can you tell me?"

Yuuto nodded, his expression becoming more serious. "First of all, you could say he is a relative of mine."

Aiko\'s eyes widened in surprise. "What? How?"

Yuuto raised a hand, calming her down. "Not necessarily by blood, just a connection."

Aiko\'s brow furrowed. "Is that why you favor him so much then?"

Yuuto shook his head with a gentle smile. "Of course not."

Aiko\'s curiosity deepened. "Then why?"

Yuuto let out a resigned sigh, his gaze shifting to the stars beginning to twinkle in the darkening sky. "Aiko, you know how it\'s necessary for a child to attend one of the academies to train in order to stand a higher chance of awakening a powerful talent?"

Aiko nodded. "Yes, but how does that relate to Alister?"

Yuuto\'s eyes softened as he looked back at her. "The boy undoubtedly has potential. He\'s smart, works hard to get what he wants. He has a golden soul-neither too naive nor too cold, just a nice balance between both."

"But if he is going to be ready for the things He\'s going to face in the future, the burdens he will carry, he has to experience a lot more things now."

"An rough future awaits him, one so intense he might be crushed under the pressure if he isn\'t

ready then."

Aiko listened intently, absorbing his words. "So, you favor him because you want him to be prepared for what\'s coming his way?"

Yuuto nodded, his tone taking on a slightly serious edge. "Yes, that\'s part of it."

Aiko\'s curiosity piqued further. "What is coming his way?"

Yuuto\'s eyes twinkled with a look of mischief. "You\'ll find out later," he said playfully,

causing Aiko to momentarily wear an annoyed look on her face.

Aiko\'s lips curved into a small smile. "I suppose I\'ll have to be patient then."

Yuuto patted her shoulder gently. "Patience is a virtue, Aiko. And sometimes, the best things

come to those who wait."

Yuuto suddenly paused in his tracks, "Oh, speaking of Alister, there\'s something I need you to

quickly handle for me."

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