
Chapter 95: Power of Faith

Chapter 95: Power of Faith


Loya and others screamed in pain that pierced through their very souls.

Adam immediately looked away and tried covering his eyes with his hand, but the piercing light went between his fingers and continued to sear his retinas.

"Drop your crosses, fools!" He shouted painfully.

"N-no!" Tim shouted while his eyes were literally lit in flames. "This is God\'s warmth. I have dreamed of this day!"

"We\'ll die!" Adam screamed. "If you don\'t quit the ceremony, right now!"

"W-we have dreamed of this for so long!" Loya screamed. "If we die, we\'ll be embraced by the warm glow of divinity."

"This God is not real!" Adam screamed. "You\'ll just wake back up from darkness and respawn!"

"H-how could you say that?" Loya asked with bloodied eyes. "You have been touched by God. Yet, you don\'t seem to believe in His godly powers."

"Aren\'t you part of the church?" Tim asked. "Why does your faith seem... so weak?"

"I am not part of the church!" Adam shouted while backing away from the light. "You guys

just assumed so. I don\'t know why I have the power of holiness. I don\'t remember ever praying or being touched by so-called God!"

"W-what?" Loya seemed shocked.

"No wonder..." Tim whispered. "I was wondering why you\'re so young-looking. That explains a lot..."

The light seemed to intensify, and it was already impossible to open the eyes.

"Tch, just stop the ceremony!" Adam screamed.

"Our faith is not this weak." Tim said and forcefully opened his eyes, looking straight at the blinding light.

Loya and others slowly opened their eyes and spread their arms around, as if they were trying to hug the warm light.

"These... fools." Adam looked annoyed. "It\'s not real..."


Several years ago.

"O\', God of the Old and the New..."

Chants reverberated throughout a cathedral, echoing off the ancient and golden walls.

Thousands of white-robed figures knelt in perfect unison, their voices rising in a melodious chorus.

It was the annual sacrifice day, a solemn event that had been passed down through generations.

It was a day to honor the gods and ensure a bountiful harvest for the year ahead.

On the top balcony of the cathedral, six figures watched the ceremony, all already dressed in their armor, as if they were preparing to leave for a battle at a moments notice.

A gentle-looking woman had her hands in prayer. She was gently swaying her head back and forth, whispering silent words to herself.


Leaning against the railing, a man with muscular build, with a back-sized shield on the back and a long-hilted sword in the belt, was staring off towards the altar.

"Adam, are you not interested in the ceremony?" A beautiful woman with a rosy tint on her cheeks walked next to him, looking at him with a smile.

"Not really, Sapphira." Adam shrugged as he turned to face her. "They\'re praying for a person with a God complex, nothing more."

Sapphira giggled and shook her head. "You still have that theory of yours?"

"I mean, who else could it be?" Adam asked. "Someone created this world. It would make somewhat sense that they think of themselves as God. However, acting as one is just too far, in my opinion."

"Haha, don\'t you think it is fascinating, though?" Sapphira put her chin on her hand and looked towards the altar.

"This game appeared out of nowhere. It just appeared one day, without any warning.

"Don\'t you think this game was a work of God?"

"I think my theory is closer to the truth." Adam said with a chuckle.

Sapphira shook her head with a wry smile.

At that moment, a silver-haired woman approached them from behind and wrapped her slender arms around Adam\'s shoulders, whispering, "Your theory is stupid, Adam~"

Adam looked over his shoulder at the beautiful, silver-haired woman, whose face radiated pureness and elegance. Her smile looked far too pure.

"Yu..." He could see the mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Shouldn\'t you be at the altar?"

"Pope Almighty will do the finishing touches." Lady Yu said with a gentle smile and hugged him tightly, pressing her chest against his shield. "You can\'t keep your eyes off me, can you?" "You\'re stupid." Adam flicked her in the forehead.

"Oww..." Lady Yu pouted and playfully pushed him away.

"Lady Yu." Sapphira bowed to her and said, "A beautiful ceremony, as always."

"Thanks~" Lady Yu smiled, her eyes sparkling with pride.

She turned to look at the other people present and said, "Oh, famed generals of Star Faction, welcome to the Ceremony of the Gods."

"It was beautiful!" Fleur said with her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I almost could feel the warmth of God."

Perseus scratched his ear-length brown hair and shyly nodded his head. "Thanks for the invite, Holy Priestess, Lady Yu."

"Hm." Kiernan mumbled and nodded stoically.

"It sure was a beautiful event." Dean stood up, put one hand on his chest, and bowed respectfully. "And you made it even more beautiful, Lady Yu."

Lady Yu just warmly smiled in response. However, her Curse of Men was acting up quite harshly. Still, she kept her composure and smile.

"Dean, even my skin crawled in disgust." Perseus said with disgust. "Don\'t do that again,



"Perseus is right, Dean; never do that again." Kiernan shook his head.

"Haha, even the stoic Kiernan said so!" Perseus laughed raspily.

"Tch," Dean clicked his tongue but then smirked. "You guys are just jealous. Just y\'know, back

in my home town, I have girlfriends for every day of the week."

"Sure you do."

"Mmh, I believe you."

Sapphira shook her head with a smile. "Dean, lying has never been your strongest suit."

"Aish..." Dean looked defeated. "No one believes me..."

"Are you alright?" Adam looked at Lady Yu. "Need to go?"

"Mm, I am fine." Lady Yu said with a smile and leaned against his shield. "The curse eases up

in your presence, so it isn\'t that bad."

"Lady Yu, we were just talking about Adam\'s lack of faith." Fleur said with a smile. "Can you convince him otherwise?"

Adam rolled his eyes, not believing that anything could change his mind.

"My Adam\'s mind is sadly closed off to new possibilities," Lady Yu replied with a knowing

look. "Perhaps a miracle is needed to change his perspective."

"Adam, don\'t you find it strange that this game came out of nowhere? The world didn\'t even

have the technology to create this.

"Not even now, after twenty years of Mortal Online\'s creation. No one has been able to

replicate this. Don\'t you find it strange?"

Sapphira asked.

"I think it is strange, sure." Adam said and laughed. "However, a God\'s creation? Quite far-

fetched, I would say."

"Didn\'t God create your world as well?" Lady Yu asked. "So, I\'ve heard."

Adam shrugged his shoulders. It was something he didn\'t have any answers to.

"By the way, when is your marriage-" Fleur asked teasingly. "Come on, Adam, put a ring on

her finger."

Lady Yu\'s cheeks turned pink, and she said teasingly. "That\'s right, Adam~"

"Alright, time to go." Adam said, changing the subject. "Sapphira, isn\'t it time?"

Sapphira quickly checked her timepiece and nodded solemnly. "That\'s right."

This changed the mood of the balcony completely.

"Aish, war, we come." Dean stood up with a laugh. "We\'re going to be late if we don\'t hurry!"

"Be careful." Lady Yu said worryingly towards Adam.

"Mm." Adam nodded, and then the six figures left the cathedral.

It was the year 2160, and it was time for the Second Guild War between the Star Faction and

the Death Faction.

A war that would change the course of history forever.


"Ngh..." Adam shook his head and quickly ran up the stairs.

He rushed out of the basement and then out of the house, his eyes still burning with the gold


"Argh!" Adam screamed in pain, crouched on the dirty cobblestone ground, and took out some water from the canteen to wash his eyes.

The pain slowly subsided, but he couldn\'t really see anything yet, except bright light dots

dancing in his vision.

"Whoo..." Adam put his hand over his face and slowly slid it down, feeling the touch of his

skin and the coolness of the water.


"Hmm?" Adam turned around and saw that the entire house was in flames. "What the..."

As the flames turned tall and danced wildly, the gold light suddenly broke through the floor

and exploded into a blinding white light.

Adam quickly covered himself behind his shield as the house completely exploded.

The explosion sent him flying, and he flew through a window, then through a wall. His vision

went black as he lost consciousness.

The house was razed to the ground. The gold light slowly dissipated. The worshippers were nowhere to be seen, as they had only turned into ash and dust.

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