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Chapter 535.2

There was no doubt that I was brought up in the environment of the Demon Forest.

“…Even with His Majesty himself and those monsters under his command, you can’t easily defeat the monsters in that forest, right?” (Helger)

“There are many monsters there, far stronger than us. We are still considered among the weakest of those who live there. There is always someone better than us in this world.” (Yuki)

In the west area of Demon Forest, we were able to put up a fight. We could even win to some extent, but there were many creatures stronger than me there.

Some of them were at the level where I could only win a battle with my entire pet army.

My strength was about the same as those monsters.

“…How can you spend time in a place like that?” (Helger)

“Haha, well, I guess you wouldn’t think it would be possible, would you? If I were in your shoes, I would think so as well. But now that I’ve gotten used to spending time there, and with the help of my dungeon, I’ve secured a safe zone, I’m able to live there without any inconvenience.” (Yuki)

After all, I was spawned in Lefi’s former territory, which became our home, and since it was situated between the east and south areas, there were currently no more monsters that were stronger than me. The north was Lefi’s nest, so there were extremely few monsters in that area.

And the monsters in the west area were reclusive to begin with, so they seldom came out. The magic element in that place was extremely dense.

Now that I have established my base and have been spending time in the Demon Forest, I could say that I could live a normal life there. However, I would probably die from even the weaker monsters in the west area if I let my guard down.

“Back to my wives, there are actually two more, but I didn’t bring them with me because they are pregnant. I’ll bring them on the day of the competition, and I’ll have them say hello at that time.” (Yuki)

“Four people…hmmm, you are very resilient.” (Helger)

“I’ve got a lot going on over there, you know. Well, I’m just doing my best, you could say.” (Yuki)

The other members of the Order also started to participate in our conversation.

“We have one wife and already, I tell you, it’s a lot of work. As expected of his Majesty, you were on another level.”

“Considering all the trouble I’m going through, I’d think one would be enough.” (Yuki)

“Well, I’d love to hear some tips on how to get along.”

“I’m not doing anything special. I’m not good at many things, but my wives make up for it. Well, I dare say the trick is not to go against your wives. Especially with four of them, it’s a scary thing… never mind, just forget about what I said.” (Yuki)

“Hahaha, indeed. The same could be said for the feared demon instructor at my Knight School and my current wife. As to which is more terrifying… let’s not talk about it.”

“Yes, that’s for the best.” (Yuki)

“Onii-san, I heard what you just said completely.” (Nell)

“That’s terrible! We are just doing our best for the husband. Right, everyone?” (Layla)

After Nell and Layla’s words, the wives of each Royal Guard followed, “Yes, yes!” “You remember that, don’t you?” “When we get back home…” with a smile aimed at their own husbands.

Well, it seemed that many of them had their wives breathing down their necks, after all.

You guys are my comrades. Let’s get along well.

While we were chatting like that, the meal was finished and Helger then said to me, “Well, let’s have a toast, shall we? Your Majesty, could you give a speech and say a few words about the Magic Festival?”

“Yes, I will. –Gentlemen, at last, we have reached completion of our preparations.” (Yuki)

The Royal Guards, each holding a glass for a toast, listened to my words.

“Many things have happened recently, and it’s been a lot of work… but all of this is for the sake of bringing this Magic Festival to a successful conclusion. But we’ll not be satisfied by just joining the festival, right?” (Yuki)

Smiling as if to encourage everyone, I continued my words.

“We will hold the festival safely, and as the host country, we will win the championship. That’s how we can show the supremacy of this country. Win, you guys. Show them the strength of the Rogard Empire with your own hands!”


I listened to the men’s passionate voices, and I said.

“To victory!”

[To victory!]

We raised our glasses.

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