亲爱的老师5 韩国电影

Chapter 552 Against An Army Of Orcs


Blood Blade, a low leveled Blood Arts Technique. However, with the Skill Level increasing, all Techniques grow stronger anyways, and the richer the quality of blood and the quantity of Ki used, the better and stronger the attacks become as well. A storm of Blood Blades emerged from the sphere of blood in my hands, firing to all directions and piercing the bodies of the three Orc Warriors charging at me.






One of the Orc Warriors got a blade into his eyes, and the other blades all reached his body and pierced through his flesh and bones with ease, the others were the same, but without their eyes hurt, they kept charging, ignoring the pain that would make goblins scream and try to run away. Orcs were certainly a resilient race… and that\'s why they\'re the ideal punching bags.


One of the Orc Warriors gathered Mana into his fists, covered by bone gauntlets, and unleashed a barrage of fast punches, he was most likely an Orc Pugilist, and was using the [Meteor Fists] Fist Technique.


Meanwhile, the second Orc Warrior held a large hammer made of bones, which he charged with Mana and then pointed at me, aiming to crush me.


However, the moment they hit me, they felt as if they were hitting an incredibly hard piece of metal. No, even harder than that. My defensive stats were not the greatest, yeah, but once I activated my advanced Physique through the consumption of Blood or Blood Ki, and then when I imbued it with Mana and Demonic Energy… then I could quite literally tank these enormous blows just with my bare skin.



The two were left speechless, they began sweating more and more as I glanced at the two, my eyes glowing redder the more my Vampiric Physique was stimulated.

[Blood Flow Acceleration]! [Blood Pump]!

Blood began flowing rapidly across my body, and my blood began pumping rapidly, warming up my body quickly. My reflexes were boosted to a completely new level, in a second, I reached the Orc at my left, appearing right at the left side of his head!

[Blood Edge] and… [Blood Claws]!


My hands suddenly gathered large quantities of Blood Ki, materializing into terrifying and sharp as blade claws made of blood, which I used to behead the Orc in front of me.


Its enormous head fell over the ground, as the other Orc behind me furiously was about to hit me with his hammer, only to be stopped by my spear.

[Weapon Destroyer]!


This was yet another Spear Mastery Technique, capable of inflicting great damage against the weapons of foes, in a single strike, the entire hammer shattered into pieces, just before I leaped over the Orc\'s head and sliced it cleanly with my [Blood Claws]!



Another head rolled over the floor. I looked at the third Orc Warrior trying to look at me even when both of his eyes were destroyed by my previous Blood Blades. I quickly extracted more Blood from the Orcs and shaped it as a [Blood Spear], firing it at the Orc\'s head.



The Orc cried in agony before falling to the ground, motionless.



In the distance, the Orc Chief was furious we were demolishing his forces rapidly. Everyone else was killing Orcs together, working like a team perfectly well. Eric used his vines to trap the Orc\'s legs while Chris and Alberta burned that Orc with flames before Eric shot its head into pieces with a magic arrow.

Erdrich fought one on one against Orc Warriors with his physique evolving through his battles thanks to his [Accursed Seven Layered Demon Transformation], his skin had already become charcoal black I color, as golden tattoos grew over his skin, he had reached his third layer, his current limit, [Black Demon]. Even when many Orcs overwhelmed him, Elizabeth and Elfriedden offered long-ranged magic support.

I also saw Elfriedden shooting down Orcs by firing Ice Spears into their heads, or freezing their legs and then crushing them, other times, he used his needle to hit their pressure points masterfully and incapacitate them by paralyzing their muscles, just before someone else took them down, usually heavy hitters such as Erdrich or Erika.


The Orc Chief glanced behind him, where the ten Orc Archers were pointing their arrows at us… but they were in the floor, all dead.


He had not noticed but I had sent my three spirits to take them down sneakily. They used Shadow Manipulation Techniques to easily get behind them and eliminate them before they would become too troublesome in the battle. The Orc Chief was utterly overwhelmed from all sides, and he was left hopeless.


However, I had yet to have enough time to get to him, five more Orc Warriors surrounded me. Anybody would be terrified by such a sight which pretty much screamed Certain Death. But to me, they were merely aperitives.




They roared in unison to bolster their morale, while they called me "Blood Bastard" or something. Their heavy blows reached me, hammers, axes, spears, swords. I used [Parry] with my Spear Mastery Skill and Gluttony, unleashing powerful blasts of Darkness and Blood Essence each time an attack was parried.



By enchanting my body\'s capabilities even more, I jumped high into the ceiling. Blood quickly shaped into bat-like wings behind me as I utilized [Blood Bat Wings] to give me a temporary ability to fly, and I swung my spear and my claws together, slicing heads from left and right.

The Orcs desperate tried to destroy my smaller body into pieces with their heavy blows, but they were dealing no damage at all. I was actually more susceptible to magic damage, but the archers that could do those explosive arrows were gone, completely out of the picture.


The last two orcs roared furiously as I cut down their legs and arms, and I summoned my little Wyvern, Ruby.

"Go, Ruby, slay them and level up, you\'re close to evolution by now."


The little Blood Wyvern jumped into his feast.


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