亲爱的老师5 韩国电影

Chapter 461 Love


I still remember her confession that time, and how I felt unsure about actually telling her my own. Mostly because we were so young. Even after almost five years, it still feels like we are too young for these types of things. But the truth is, my feelings for her have not changed, they have only grown over time.

"A-About the thing I once told you before…"

Erika began fidgeting around as she seemed to be mustering her feelings.

"Oh, that?" I asked.

"Y-You remember too?" She asked. "I\'m sorry… I…"

She quickly let go of my hand.

"I was being childish back then, I shouldn\'t had just said such a thing… Haha, I was just a kid." She laughed a bit, looking at the horizon. "I\'m sorry if that made you worry unnecessarily or something. Maybe the death of my father was what put me so emotional."

"It certainly did. I don\'t blame you for that." I said. "That confession was rushed, but I still remember it. I didn\'t felt concerned or something, in fact, it made me happy."

"Happy?" She asked.

"Yeah… Nobody ever told me such a thing." I said to her. "You touched my heart."

"B-Blake…" Erika sighed. "But it has been so long, I know you don\'t… feel the same, right? So I don\'t really want to force you."

"Force me? No, I just wanted to… apologize a bit. I am sorry for taking so long." I said to Erika, as we stopped walking and I looked at her in the eyes, holding both of her hands again. "I feel the same, Erika. I also love you."


The warm wind fluttered across the village, the sweet aroma of the Yggdrasil tree adorned this moment, as Erika\'s eyes began to shine brightly, suddenly, tears started flowing from her eyes.

"R-Really? You\'re not pranking me?"

"I am not… Back then, I wasn\'t sure of who I was… of what I have become… But over time, I came to terms with my own identity and who I truly am."

I was tired of chasing the figure of my previous life. I wanted to become someone different, myself. Trying to be like Asmodeus wouldn\'t work anymore, I didn\'t had the same background anymore, nor the strength, nor the circumstances.

And I had been neglecting my own self all this time, thinking that it was merely a childish thought, a thing of the moment… that it wasn\'t the real me.

But yes, it was always the real me.

I will use the memories and knowledge of this previous life; the greatest gift Asmodeus could had left for me.

​ But I am no longer Asmodeus.

I am Blake Goathorn, the prideful son of a Hunter and a Tailor.

"I am sorry for taking so long to answer you… We were young back then but now that we are 13, I guess it is fine now, right? I don\'t know if you feel the same way anymore, but I had to get this out of my chest."

Erika looked at me as if she was tearing apart.

"I-I… I never thought…"

"You didn\'t?"

"You were always so secretive and sometimes emotionless… I often thought you would never really love anyone."

"I\'m sorry if I made you think that way, I was merely hiding these feelings because I believed they made me someone weak. But those feelings are exactly the thing that motivates me every day to become stronger, to keep on living, and to keep fighting."

"That means…?"

"You\'re my motivation, Erika. Since the moment I meet you, that you always were."


Erika suddenly jumped over me, throwing me into the grass.

She hugged me tightly, covering my chest with her tears.

"Of course I still love you! H-How could I not love you? After everything you\'ve done… After always being at my side… You and only you… you\'re the most special to me, to my entire life."


"Now that you\'ve said this, I am not letting you go… I will stay at your side, always… And I\'ll help you in anything you need… So I can one day become a good wife."

"You\'re taking it a bit too far; you don\'t need to force yourself-"

"I am not forcing myself! It is… what I want."

I couldn\'t help but smile back at her.

"I see… Then I\'ll make sure I can become a fitting husband one day."

I tried to play along with her, but I ended saying something too embarrassing.

My previous self must be narrowing his eyes at me for saying something like this.

I am sorry, Asmodeus.


Erika\'s face quickly closed to me as her lips approached my own. I could had stopped her, but I let her do as she pleased.

Her kiss was soft and warm, this was the first kiss I\'ve ever had in my life. It felt reinvigorating.

When her soft lips moved away from mine, she smiled back.

"I-I always wanted to do that…"

"It was good."

The two of us quickly sat over the grass and then I helped Erika get up. She seemed paralyzed after giving me a kiss out of all the nervousness she felt. It was natural for her I suppose.

"Let\'s go now, we don\'t want to get there late, don\'t we?"

"Yeah! I want cake!"

"Mother made an amazing cake; I am sure you\'re going to love it."

"Will your papa make meat?"

"Yeah he should be roasting it by now… So what did you got me for my gift?"

"Eeeh? That\'s a secret! I can\'t just tell you beforehand! Don\'t be greedy now~!"

"Okay, okay, I\'ll wait."

As we walked back home I heard Eleanora\'s voice.

However, to my surprise, she wasn\'t angered or anything.

The complete opposite. She was crying out of happiness while blushing.

"By the gods… That was so beautiful…"

"Y-You\'re happy over it?"

"Yeah, Erika really deserved that! You finally accepted your feelings, didn\'t you?"

"I thought you would get jealous…"

"At this point I can\'t get jealous of her. She\'s not my rival anymore but a partner… However, I am not going to lose either!"

Not going to lose… I thought she said this wasn\'t a rivalry anymore.


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