亲爱的老师5 韩国电影

Chapter 295 Time To... Registering Eleanora As An Adventurer?!


Eleanora faked her nervousness by putting on an emotionless face, walking straight towards the receptionist in the front of the table at the corner of the large building\'s first floor. The Adventurer Guild was composed of two floors, the first one was also like a bar, where Adventurers could come and relax after retrieving their rewards from completing quests. One of the reasons why I didn\'t do this earlier was because of the lack of strength, I wanted to spend a few years growing stronger with Eleanora before taking into the Adventurer entrance exam that is done here, because I knew it is harsh and not easy in actuality.

As Eleanora walked towards the receptionist, who was a young girl, perhaps in her late teens with brown eyes, tanned skin and green eyes, a band of three guys showed up walking behind her. Eleanora was faster than them so she tried to avoid them, but they began running behind her until they caught up to her.

"Hey! Why are you running from us, cutie?"

"Are you a new Adventurer? Never seen you here before."

"Are you a newbie? Want to join our party? We need a cute chick like you to raise our morale, hahah!"

Eleanora made a disgusted face.

"(My lord, can I kill them?)"

"(…No. Ignore them.)"

Eleanora decided to ignore the men, but they didn\'t stopped, one of them suddenly got in front of her. Their group was of three, the trio was rather picturesque. One of them, the biggest of the three was a very fat man wearing leather armor and a large sword, the second was a scrawny guy with a tall and stick bug-like body, and the last was a small goblin-like bald men. They were hilarious to look at.

"Oi cutie we are talking to you!"

"You\'re a disrespectful newbie, huh? You should try to be nicer with your seniors."

"Do you want to register? You know that as long as there\'s someone registered in your party you can still do quest? So just don\'t do that annoying test and join us."


Eleanora seemed to be resisting the urge to crush their heads. The other Adventurers started to whisper with one another.

"Those three idiots are at it again…"

"Seriously, they\'re the worst."

"Didn\'t the last newbie that joined them died?"

Despite everyone talking about them in such ways, nobody dared to get in their way. Perhaps because they might be older adventurers, but in strength? They were very average; I could easily break their necks carefreely. They probably just hunted horned rabbits or did herb gathering quests…

"Come on, say something!"

The fat man slowly approached his hand towards Eleanora\'s shoulder, the moment he touched her skin, she lost it.

"Get off my way, trash."

She grabbed the man\'s arm and suddenly lifted him off the ground, the fat man that weighted so much was easily lifted by a skinny woman. Everyone lost their minds.

The second after, she threw him into the ground, crushing the wooden floor below.



"O-OI…! What do you think you\'re doing?!"

"You whore!"

The other two quickly jumped against her pointing their weapons, a sword and a dagger respectively. The scrawny guy tried to slash Eleanora\'s face and was greeted with a punch in the face, breaking his nose. The goblin-like guy tried to stab her leg but ended getting kicked in the balls easily.



At the end, the three ended in the floor.

Eleanora looked at the three of them with disgust.

"Be grateful I\'ve spared your lives. You dare touch me another time, and I won\'t be so merciful."


"S-She\'s a monster…!"


The three guys comically ran away. Incredible, this was the first time I\'ve faced such idiocy. Is this what they call "clichés"? I am not that well versed in literature, but I do recall such terms in stories of books I\'ve read in my previous life, in the boring days of being an intergalactic ruler, I put a lot of time into reading about the worlds I\'ve conquered, in there, I found a lot of terribly written fiction. Sometimes, these cliches would appear. Interesting, so they can actually happen in real life.

I had not intervened to help Eleanora because I knew she could handle everything by herself. Of course, they had also offended me when they trash talked her, but if I came out, our whole façade would be ruined, so for now, I shall forget about trash. But if they appear again on another occasion, just like Eleanora, we won\'t be merciful.

"W-Welcome to the Adventurers Guild…" The receptionist said timidly.

"Is there a problem for what I did?" Wondered Eleanora.

"N-No, disputes between adventurers happen often in here, they\'re usually resolved by the Staff, but you resolved them so quickly we didn\'t had to do anything about it… Don\'t worry, because you were assaulted first, there won\'t be any punishment to you." Said the receptionist, winking at Eleanora.

Despite Eleanora having started the fight, the girl seemed to be in her side and put a blind eye in the situation.

"Thank you…" Eleanora said with a smile.

"We girls have to protect one another, don\'t worry." The receptionist said. "Anyways! Do you want to register? I\'ve never seen you around! What\'s your name?"

"Name\'s Elea- Rose." Said Eleanora. I had told her to say a different name than Eleanora.

"Elearose?" Asked the girl.

"Errr… You can just call me Rose for short." Eleanora said. She was terrible at lying. Thankfully, the girl seemed oblivious or just overly nice.

"Don\'t worry, adventurers often never say their real names, so a nickname is fine." The girl said, immediately seeing through Eleanora\'s lie. "Anyways Rose, you want to register?"

"Yes, what is the fee and requirements?" Wondered Eleanora.

"Let\'s see… For registering, you must first pass a small test by completing one of our Newbie Quests and then pay a fee of a small silver coin, or 500 Telis for short." The girl said.

"I see! Seems easy enough." Eleanora nodded.

Things seemed more simplistic than I thought. I guess this is why even those weaklings were adventurers.


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