亲爱的老师5 韩国电影

Chapter 224 Clash Of Armies


The demons clashed against the human army led by Ellergest in an instant. Their clash was loud and powerful, bringing forth demonic energy everywhere, and engulfing the army of humans with a toxic and red-colored cloud that could negatively affect them in battle. Demons did this against any other adversary that weren\'t demons, as they knew very well that they were weak against their own powers and energy. Hundreds of armored Imps with Leather or Wood Armor holding rusty weapons clashed against the better armored soldiers, knights, and the hunter villagers.


The sound of their weapons clashed for the first time was incredibly loud, thundering across heaven and earth like lightning. Dozens of Imps were promptly disposed by the human side rather quickly after the beginning of the war, they were weak against the armored humans… and their traps.

"Now!" Said Ellergest, looking at the demons being held by the armored infantry in the frontlines. Joan immediately activated the rune circuits, series of runes connected to magic circles set in the floor which were sealing the traps made by the villagers.


In an instant, chaos ensued in the demon army! Several twenty meters deep pitfalls emerged one after the other, throwing dozens of demon\'s deep underground to their demise, as they were pierced by spikes left in there, or crushed by just the fall! A larger pitfall emerged all the way to the backlines of the demon army, taking a handful of Onis and three Giant Demons with them, falling into a fifty-meter-deep pitfall and dying pierced by countless spikes and boulders that quickly began to fall from the sides of the hole, which also happened in the other pitfalls, burying alive a hundred demons in mere minutes!

"T-They did it! the traps worked wonders!"

"Amazing…! Charge deeper into their army! Don\'t let them regroup!!!"


Villagers, knights, and soldiers together unleashed their fury against the demons, while the priests quickly purified the red-colored demonic energy cloud that was weakening the human side, and then… rays of holy light started to be shot from the skies!

"Holy Light Arrow Rainfall!" Ellergest commanded the priests behind him, as even Seth, Jack, and the little Elizabeth combined their magical power into a giant magic circle in the floor, fueling it with mana… above the skies, a rain of holy light arrows started to fall, piercing through the demons and exploding! The light was completely harmless to the humans, and it even spread out a bright holy essence that healed small wounds and restored stamina!


"We are managing…!" Said Ellergest. "Keep pushing forward, don\'t let them get back up! Eliminate the demons in the floor, do not show mercy even if they supplicate, it is all an act!"

Ellergest roars resonated across the entire battlefield, as bloodshed spread out, humans began to fall as well as the demons slowly started to regroup and used their sheer numbers and demon magic to overcome the tightly packed army of humans. The conjuration of the Holy Light Arrow Rainfall Spell took several minutes, it wasn\'t something they could easily conjure, and all the priests had exhausted their Mana after that, drinking Mana Potions to recover.

​ Ellergest knew that the hardest time in the battle had yet to begin, after they unleashed everything they had, the demons would quickly begin to take over the army once more, and he expected many of the soldiers to die in this stage of the war… he felt pain and bitterness, but he knew that this is how war was.

However, the demons were smart as well, they had planned and even accounted sacrifices of their own army as part of their plan. Ellergest continued to watch the army while healing the soldiers brought to the backlines, as he saw many Blue-skinned Onis running forward from the back! It seems that many of them managed to survive the pitfalls and ended hiding to let the hundreds of Imps take most of the damage, and now that they saw that the priests were resting, they immediately began to massacre the human troops with their superior strength, agility, vitality, and intellect.

"Those damn Blue Oni… We are losing dozens! Distribute potions quicker!" Roared Ellergest, as various soldiers continued running to the frontlines, feeding potions to the wounded fighters to quickly get them back up.

However, the battlefield wasn\'t lineal, although the dense sea of forest made it difficult for large armies to traverse through it without a defined and open road, many smaller groups of demons led by Blue Onis infiltered the backlines of the human army through the surrounding woods, reaching Ellergest and the rest!

"I knew they would come… Thankfully we secured some knights and soldiers for ourselves!"

Thankfully, Ellergest had thought this through and knew that the demons wouldn\'t be so stupid to simply attack upfront, there were also another three hundred demons left somewhere, else, he prepared a strong army of soldiers and knights to protect the priests, and even a few priests that had not participated in the chanting of the spell so they could unleash holy light magic of smaller size to deal with these demon groups.

There were six groups led by six Blue Onis, with around five to seven Imps each, and they were all surrounding the formation protecting the Priests from all sides. Jack immediately joined the knights, as he unleashed the power of his Holy Chains in an instant.

"Holy Chains!"


Holy Chains emerged out of his hands, as they began to coil around a Blue Oni and his six Imps retainers before they could even begin fighting, tightly wrapping them around the chains, as they started to burn through their skin and souls with the power of the holy light element.


The Blue Oni roared in anger and fury as Jack continued to tightly wrap him with his chains!

"You won\'t get out, you bastard!!! Purification!"


Jack unleashed a ray of light from his hand, as the Blue Oni and the Imps were burned alive by the holy light while tightly wrapped by his Holy Chain Spirit, dying on the spot!

"Phew…" He sighed. "I did but my Mana is already running low? Ugh…"

"Jack, here!" Elizabeth ran towards Jack and gave him a Blue Potion.


However, right before Jack could refill his Mana, a pair of Blue Onis broke through the knights formation and stormed the interior of the backlines, one of them immediately jumped towards Elizabeth before Jack could recover his Mana and defend her!




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