亲爱的老师5 韩国电影

Chapter 221 The Demon Army Approaches


Led by Ellergest and Lukas, the knight-soldier-villager-priest alliance army marched through the forest after having prepared well enough. The villagers had created a large road by cutting down many trees, all the way to the third layer, which the army of hundreds was following. The map that Ellergest had marked was registered within one of the priests Spirits named [World Map], a special spirit without any ability for combat, but that had the power to map areas and also copy maps and register them within itself.

"Lord Ellergest, we are approaching the third layer. Don\'t you think it is strange that there hasn\'t been any wild monsters or even demons getting in the middle of our journey?" Wondered Seth, one of Ellergest closest retainers and priests.

"Perhaps our numbers are scaring them, there\'s no way a pack of wild Gray Wolves will get close to an army of over a hundred armored soldiers, Seth." Said Ellergest. "Be at ease, thanks to the Map and also my own Senses, I can already feel the demons… they\'re actually approaching us from the front, just as planned."

"T-They\'re coming for us?!" Asked Jack, the red-haired young priest with the Chain Spirit.

"Yes… This is something I had been speculating for a while, but the demons must be led by someone very intelligent, either a Demon General or… they\'re being controlled by a Demon Cult. Or worse, both." Said Ellergest. "They\'re not stupid, the moment they realized we were coming here they immediately decided to start their conquest. This is the day we\'ll do everything we can to stop them. I have investigated the documents found in the room of Cassandra, the half-demon we slay with Blank… They\'re probably related to the Demon Gate that I am hypothesizing to exist in here..."

"Demon Gate?" Asked Seth. "But Lord Ellergest, you said that…!"

"I said there wasn\'t a Natural Demon Gate. You know the difference? One is made through magic by the demons from their own world, the other is made by… people of this world using materials from demons and magic forbidden to us, demon magic." Said Ellergest. "Natural Demon Gates distort time and space, even the sky turns red when there\'s one… but the artificial ones open a small window to Hell, where more demons can come as long as the gate is feed with souls and other energies… I am already guessing it is the later."

"Y-You\'re saying that there is bad people making the demons come here? Why would they do such a thing? Aren\'t demons\' humanity\'s enemy?" Wondered Elizabeth.

"…" Erdrich made a bitter expression, as he recalled his mother and also… the things she was involved with. Evil people willing to sacrifice others to bring these monsters to this world… Although he was the result of such experiments, being born as a half-demon, he didn\'t valued these entities as brothers or his kin and saw them as enemies. Each time Ellergest spoke about them, he felt even more bitter, as if he was in fault for this.

"Who knows?" Sighed Ellergest. "Elizabeth, in your life, you\'ll encounter all sorts of insane people. Some simply do things for motives we cannot understand. Their own minds are twisted by their own selfishness. Our task as priests is to stop them and protect the innocents threatened by their insanity."

"Well if you ask me, they just want to make themselves stronger through ways that affect innocents." Sighed Seth. "There are people like this everywhere. They\'re probably raising all these demons for a reason related to this. They want them to take over the nation so their enemies are taken out easily… These Demon Cults don\'t truly adore demons, they use them as tools for their own nefarious purposes."

"Demons can still be legally used for several things, such as alchemy, item crafting, and even eating. They\'re widely accepted, what makes them different from us is that they use them for experiments, they also modify their own bodies and try to become demons themselves… That is what it must not be allowed…" Said Jack.

"I-I see…" Elizabeth sighed, as she suddenly noticed Erdrich feeling all dispirited and down.

"B-But…! Is it not possible for good people to want to use them for good things?" She wondered.

"Hmm…" Ellergest looked at Elizabeth and her bright eyes, she seemed concerned about Erdrich. "That is a delicate topic of conversation… However, there are victims to all of this. Those that unwillingly were given demon powers… that were used as experimental subjects… or those born with them naturally. These people are innocent, and must be protected, not punished."

"I knew you would say that! See, Erdrich? Don\'t get sad… You were born this way you couldn\'t help it! Feel happy you\'re alive for now… What your mother did or not… it isn\'t something you must carry as a burden." Said Elizabeth. "I am sure you\'re a nice person, use the powers you have for good!"

"E-Elizabeth…" Erdrich felt moved by the words of the little girl, as he smiled and nodded. "You\'re right… Sorry for concerning you."

Ellergest, Jack, Seth, and Lukas smiled at one another, as the old man petted the head of Erdrich.

"I am surprised Elizabeth said such words. You\'ve surely grown a lot." Sighed Ellergest. "And indeed, it is like she said, Erdrich. It all depends in you how people will see your powers. If you do bad things and hurt innocents, your powers will be seen as evil, but if you help others and protect this village with the powers given to you when you were born… Perhaps people might begin to see what you are with other eyes."

"Lord Ellergest…" Sighed Erdrich, as he felt inspired by the words of the wise High Priest. "You\'re right! I will… I will do my best here, even if I am young and unexperienced… I will help as much as I can."

"Hm, you\'re a good kid." Said Ellergest. "Show them what you\'re truly capable of."

The army marched forward, as Ellergest looked into the distance, sensing the demons coming closer… it was an enormous army of at least four hundred, not all of them, but over half. Thins were escalating incredibly quickly, but Ellergest had thankfully prepared for such an outcome, which he had already predicted beforehand.

"Now prepare yourselves, the demons are closing in… The traps… Joan! Are they ready?" Asked Ellergest.

"The magic circuits are ready to activate whenever you give us the order, Lord Ellergest." Said Joan.

"Very well…"


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