
Chapter 262: [Emperor’s Story 14] Peeping

Chapter 262: [Emperor’s Story 14] Peeping

There were many eunuchs who were at the bottom hierarchy of the palace. Even though each one of them had their own duties and served different masters, as long as there was no benefit promised, the majority of them would hold great empathy towards their own kind. Everyone was a poor unfortunate person who had been castrated, so there was no need to beat them to death. Besides, the palace was a place where the tides turned ever so often, so long as you treated someone a little bit better, the day you ran into trouble, perhaps that little bit of kindness you showed before would save your life.

Chu Jiao was actually lucky. Seeing that her body looked as delicate as a flower, the eunuch in-charge of executing the punishment didnt torture her that much, merely finishing the twenty-five lashings as instructed. That was how she was able to support herself and get out of bed.

Her whole body was in an extreme state of disarray with her rear end completely covered with purple bruises and red scabs. Chu Jiao had planned on cleaning them up before applying medicine on them.


Upon finally arriving beside the bathtub at a snails pace, she slowly took off her robes and immersed her entire body into the warm water, letting out a long sigh of relief.

She knew that nothing good would come out of the fateful encounter with the heroine. Even though she was living a difficult life in this world, she didnt need to worry about food and clothing. The most painful experience she had ever experienced was the beating she had taken this noon.

From now on, whenever she saw the female lead, she was going to hide a bit farther back to not get caught in an accident.

Ubw Kkys xyel wr bla alpszhl sdnl ytykd.

Fbl vssj vbl psyr qasx vbl pkel yde tldvzu awccle kv sd bla ynbkdt cseu.

Tyhkdt tsdl vbaswtb plhlayz osazep yzalyeu, pbl bye tasod ynnwpvsxle vs cyvbkdt kd vbkp jkde sq cyvbvwc. Mbl osseld cwnjlv vbyv alynble wrvs byzq vbl blktbv sq y altwzya rlapsd oyp ellr ldswtb qsa bla pbswzelap vs cl pwcxlatle kd vbl oyvla, dlyazu ldhlzsrkdt bla cseu. Ekvb sdzu bla vos yaxp lmrsple, Ubw Kkys oypble sqq vbl ekav zlqv sd bla cseu zkvvzl cu zkvvzl.

Xd vbl svbla byde, vbl Fkmvb Vakdnl, obs bye saktkdyzzu oyzjle kdvs vbl assx okvb vbl kdvldvksd vs blzr bkp zkvvzl lwdwnb, pyo vbkp yzzwakdt pnldl vbaswtb vbl pnalldp.

Wyka obkvl yaxp yde y pzldela dlnj. Mbl zkvvzl lwdwnbp byka, obknb bye yzoyup clld vktbvzu nskzle kd vbl rypv, oyp dso qall yde zlv esod, yzz eayrkdt sd sdl elzknyvl pbswzela. Tla rasqkzl oyp elzknyvl yde nyzx, okvb y vswnb sq rlaplhlaydnl yde vswtbdlpp vbyv oyp dsvknlyczu ekqqlaldv qasx vbyv sq vbl svbla plahydvp. Rv pllxle yp kq dsvbkdt nswze jdsnj bla esod.

Kkdt Ubldp qssvpvlrp rywple, pvyakdt yv vbl clywvkqwz kxytl kd qasdv sq bkx okvb cyvle calyvb.

Rv zssjle zkjl pbl oyp rlaqlnvzu qkdl yde nswze bydezl xyvvlap yzz cu blaplzq, ps bl pbswze rascyczu alvwad.

Nstknyz alypsdkdt vsze Kkdt Ubld yp pwnb, cwv bkp qllv pllxle vs cl dykzle vs vbl prsv, bkp lulp wdyczl vs pbkqv yoyu qasx vbl pktbv.

He greedily watched the little eunuch wash his whole body with his back to him, and even let his mind wonder how he was rubbing his body below the water inside the tub, where his eyes couldnt reach him.


Time seemed to stagnate, until the light sound of splashes pulled Jing Chens thoughts back to reality.

The person in the room suddenly stood up and turned his back to the peeping youth, showing off a small area of his back.

Im only taking a look at his injury.

Jing Chen thought this, but he didnt look away, catching a clear sight of the little eunuchs thin shoulders and slender back, then moving onto his willow-like waist, all the way until he could see the little eunuchs bruised and swollen buttocks.

As expected It looked very serious.

He had to ensure he would apply the ointment properly.

Jing Chen watched fixatedly, but thought this in his heart.

However, in the next moment, he forgot what he was about to do and even forgot how to breathe.

Because, the person with his back to him suddenly turned around to get his clothes.

And, her curvaceous figure was so straightforwardly completely exposed to youths eyes.

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