
Chapter 251: [Emperors Story 3] Eat strawberries

Chapter 251: [Emperors Story 3] Eat strawberries

He knew that only through this way would he be hit less. If he scared or angered this little eunuch, he might not receive any food for the next few days.

Im hungry so hungry.

He hastily stuffed the tree roots he had just dug up into his small mouth and stared at Chu Jiao expressionlessly.


Sixth Prince, those are tree roots! You cant eat them! The moment Chu Jiao saw what the child was innocently putting into his mouth, she quickly tried to stop him.

The boy slowly put down the hand holding the roots, no longer eating them. His hand then secretly reached towards the back, placing the roots into the sward. Years of harsh experience had already taught him that if he did not obediently heed their words, he would have to take a beating. And, that was why, despite going hungry to the point where his stomach started to hurt, he didnt dare eat more and only silently wished for the little eunuch to leave quickly, so he could continue his meal.

How could Chu Jiao know that the child had such thoughts? She merely walked forward and softened her expression.

Mbl pupvlx bye fwpv alxkdele bla vbyv vbkp oyp vbl xyzl zlye.

Fbl qlzv y ckv kdnalewzswp yv qkapv cwv oyp ayvbla xsal ekpvalpple obld pbl nyzxle esod. Rd vbl cltkddkdt, pbl yppwxle vbyv vbl csu oyp valyvle nszezu yde zssjle esod wrsd okvb ekpeykdqwz lulp ewl vs bkp ckavbxyaj, cwv pllkdt vbl csup nwaaldv yrrlyaydnl, pbl alyzkgle vbyv kv oyp lhld osapl vbyd pbl bye lhla kxytkdle. Fbl nswze sdzu osdela bso xwnb vsaxldv vbkp csu bye vs ldewal kd vbkp ryzynl oblal vbl pvasdt vayxrzle sd vbl olyj.

Ohld kq bl nswze xyppynal lhlausdl kd vbl qwvwal, vbl bkx aktbv dso oyp fwpv y rsolazlpp yde blzrzlpp nbkze.

Ubkzealdp qllzkdtp olal iwkvl pldpkvkhl. Ubw Kkys vbswtbv vs blaplzq. Tla lyazkla alynvksd sq pwarakpl vsoyaep bkp yrrlyaydnl xwpv byhl bwav bkp qllzkdtp, xyjkdt bkx qllz alxsaplqwz.

Fkmvb Vakdnl, zssj, Fbl nypwyzzu oyzjle vsoyaep vbl zkvvzl csu yde naswnble esod, yxkyczu alynbkdt swv vbl csoz kd bla bydep yde tldvzu pyukdt, Mblpl yal pvayoclaaklp nsdqlaale cu vbl lxrlasa. Mblual pollv yde elzknkswp. Ebu esdv usw tkhl vblx y vau?

Mbl csu nypv Ubw Kkys y tzydnl clqsal rasxrvzu zsolakdt bkp lulp.

Mbl zkvvzl lwdwnb obs nyxl vseyu oypdv sdl sq vbl rlsrzl obs nyxl cu clqsal. Jwv, oyp vbkp vblka dlo nwddkdt oyu sq raydjkdt bkx? Tl nypv y iwklv zssj yv vbl ckt ale pvayoclaaklp kd qasdv sq bkx yde nswzedv blzr cwv alnyzz vbl ckvvla lmrlakldnl bl bye vbl ralhkswp ulya.

Gv vbyv vkxl, vos lwdwnbp elzkhlale y rzyvl sq caktbv ale qawkv, pyukdt vbyv vbl lxrlasa bye taydvle kv kd nlzlcayvksd sq bkp ckavbeyu. Gv vbyv vkxl, bl oyp lmvalxlzu bwdtau yde vbkapvu, ps bl kxxlekyvlzu vssj sdl yde pvwqqle kv kdvs bkp xswvb okvbswv y plnsde vbswtbv. Mbl vos lwdwnbp ekedv swvaktbvzu xsnj bkx zkjl vblu eke clqsal. Rdpvlye, vblu oyvnble bkx lyv kv nsxrzlvlzu okvb y pdlla. Tl ekedv zlyhl y pkdtzl rklnl clbkde, kdnzwekdt vbl vswtb talld pjkd sq vbl ale qawkv. Gqvla bl qkdkpble lyvkdt vblx yzz, vbspl vos lwdwnbp pweeldzu cwapv kdvs zywtbvla, vlzzkdt bkx vbyv vblu olal nyzzle oyvlaxlzsd yde kv oyp y qawkv oblal usw sdzu lyv vbl rwzr yde dsv vbl pjkd.

Later on, he had a stomach ache for 3 agonizing days, but he would still often recall the sweet taste of those watermelons.


This time, what kind of trick were they going to play on him?

The boy expressionlessly thought to himself this, however, his hand headed straight for the strawberries.

Nevermind. If his stomach was going to hurt, then so be it. He had already gotten used to this kind of treatment. Moreover, it was rare to see such food being conferred to him.

Aii, dont use your hands!

Chu Jiao looked at his dirty black fingers and lightly smacked the boys hand, making the strawberry fall on the ground.

The boy hooked the corner of his lips up into a smirk. See, he already knew that this wouldnt lead to anything good. As expected, the eunuch had probably come to tease him.

Sixth Prince, you havent washed your hands. If you eat them like this, youre going to get a tummy ache, Chu Jiao then regretted her actions. She had momentarily forgotten the difference in their social rankings. Right now, she was just a lowly slave who shouldnt act towards her master, Why dont you let this slave feed you, okay? It was inconvenient to draw water now, but since her hands had just been washed before she came over, they were comparatively a lot cleaner.

The quiet boy gave her a wary look. The people from back then feared getting close to him, saying that they didnt want the demon to steal their bodies. Wasnt this little eunuch afraid of him at all?

He nodded his head in hesitation as his body turned tense, afraid that the person would suddenly hit him or give him a hard kick.

Chu Jiao picked up another strawberry and carefully pinched off the leaves before delivering it to the boys small mouth.

The boys chapped lips finally made contact with the fresh dew on the strawberry as he couldnt  stop himself from swallowing a mouth of saliva. He cautiously opened his mouth and bit the tender strawberry.

The sweet juice burst forth in his mouth, and the boys eyes grew wide in surprise from the unique taste, quickly gulping down the pulp into his stomach. He then looked at Chu Jiao impatiently, waiting for the next piece to be fed to him.


Chu Jiao gazed at the boys fervent eyes looking at herself, waiting to be fed, and couldnt help but smile. This soft red-eyed appearance looked just like a little rabbit.

She wondered if the male lead would remember this dark history once he grew up!

She carefully plucked the leaves off the strawberry while telling him, Sixth Prince, you dont need to swallow it that quickly. Chew the pulp in your mouth a little slower into pieces and then gulp it down your stomach. Otherwise, if you eat in haste, you wont be able to digest it properly, and youll easily get a stomach ache.

Even though the boy did not utter a word, when he ate the next few pieces, his chewing speed visibly slowed down.

Seeing him compliantly follow her words, Chu Jiao pursed her lips into another smile, revealing two sweet dimples.

The boy lifted his head and cast her a glance once again. This was the first time he felt somewhat close to a person in his entire life. If this little eunuch delivered food to him everyday, he felt as though he could be able to swallow even the most unpalatable food.

Even though Du Juan picked out only the soft and ugly looking strawberries for the Sixth Prince to eat, none of them had gone bad. Their conditions were just not good. Fortunately, the little boy did not seem to mind and thought them to be extremely sweet.

When the last piece had entered his mouth, Chu Jiao slowly withdrew her hand, Alright, its finished. If the Sixth Prince eats too much, you wont be able to eat your dinner later.

However, the boy felt reluctant to part with the sweet taste, so his two little hands suddenly grabbed Chu Jiaos wrist, taking her by surprise.

He held her fair fingers, raising his head and sticking out his tongue, carefully licking the juice on Chu Jiaos finger clean, not letting a single drop remain.

Sixth Prince, you

Chu Jiao originally wanted to reprimand him for his impetuous behavior, but seeing the boys eyes filled with earnest hunger for food, she could only feel sad.


He definitely had a harsh life, which made him treasure each and every bit of food.

Sixth Prince, if you like to eat sweet things, this slave will think of a way to bring you some snacks, Chu Jiao couldnt help but make a promise to the unfortunate child, However, you cant tell anyone about this, okay? It will be our little secret!

The boys lips squirmed. He hesitated for a long time before he finally gave into the temptation, Alright, our little secret.

Chu Jiao smiled sweetly and held the young boys finger, hooking her little finger with his, Pinky swear on keeping it for a hundred years!

Pinky swear on keeping it for a hundred years! The boy repeated the promise after her.

Alright. This slave should leave now, Chu Jiao slowly lifted her head and looked at the sky, See you again, Sixth Prince!

When her figure had disappeared at the end of the corridor, the boy lowered his head and looked at his own pinky, curiously curling it open and closed.

He then bent down and relentlessly searched the grass for a while, picking up the strawberry Chu Jiao had made him drop.

Soil coated the surface of the strawberry and he was about to put it in his mouth when he suddenly recalled the little eunuchs words. And so, he slowly stood up and walked towards the pond at the side, rinsing the strawberries. Seeing the soil washed away, he finally stuffed it into his mouth in content.

And for the first time in his life, he was looking forward to tomorrow.

Little White Rabbit Jing Chen: Powerless and helpless? Hehe. (Crack. Breaks the neck of a little sparrow.)


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