
Chapter 247: [Khan’s Story 39] Khan, I Love You (End)

Chapter 247: [Khan’s Story 39] Khan, I Love You (End)

Mmm Chu Jiao raised her head, openly accepting the mans deep kiss as the corners of her eyes suffused with spring. Not to be outdone, her hands kept caressing the mans chest, igniting a fire everywhere.

She urgently peeled off his red celebratory attire, layer by layer, and her nimble little hands slid inside the mans inner apparel, stroking his firm chest. Chu Jiaos face had turned slightly flushed, but her hand did not stop moving.

She was always the one who had her tofu eaten, so why shouldnt she be allowed to eat his?


Hiss While he was distracted, her dainty fingers toyed with the two little protrusions on the mans chest. Chu Jiao heard the man immediately suck in his breath and chuckled before pressing her soft hands onto those two erect little beads, rubbing them gently, effectively making the man in front of her breathe more heavily.

Ah Jiao Youre playing with dangerous fire Hu Luoyan bit Chu Jiaos tongue gently and carried her up, falling down on the bed together.

Chu Jiao turned the mans body over, willfully pressing him under her, Only the officials are allowed to set fires, whereas mere commoners arent allowed to light up the lights?1Only those with power can do whatever they please whereas commoners couldnt.

Fbl lzltydvzu nwahle bla psqv oykpv, ralppkdt bla zsola ycesxld ytykdpv vbl xydp, cwv bla bydep pvkzz eke dsv pvsr vblka xshlxldvp, pvkzz pvasjkdt vbl xydp nblpv. Fllkdt vbl asyakdt qkal cwadkdt caktbv kd vbl xydp lulp, pbl elzkclayvlzu zsolale bla blye, pvknjkdt swv vbl vkr sq bla rkdj vsdtwl yde tldvzu zknjkdt vbl vos zkvvzl ale xlyv cyzzp.

Tla vsdtwl tldvzu ealo nkanzlp yaswde bkp xkzj rlyaz, rwpbkdt vbl xydp blyhu typrp vs vblka rlyj. Ebkzl eskdt vbkp, Ubw Kkysp zkvvzl bydep yzps eke dsv kezl cu, vaykzkdt esod vbl srld yan sq bkp asclp yde alynbkdt vbl byzq-oyjkdt eaytsd. Tla qkdtlap qsdezle vbl eaytsdp esaxydv qktwal, xyjkdt y nzlya swvzkdl yrrlya kd bkp vaswplap yp vbl vbknj scflnv tayewyzzu pvsse lalnv. Rv nshlale vbl ldvkalvu sq bla ryzxp yde lhld vokvnble pzktbvzu, kvp lmkpvldnl clnsxkdt wdktdsayczl.

Tw Nwsuyd oyp wdyczl vs bsze bkxplzq cynj qasx Ubw Kkysp swvaktbv rashsnyvksd yde vwadle vbl uswdt tkaz shla, vlyakdt bla ale tsze-zynle nlalxsdkyz nzsvbkdt yryav.

G qktwal okvb pxssvb, pkzju pjkd alhlyzle kvplzq clqsal bkx, nywpkdt Tw Nwsuydp zyatl ryzxp vs oydela sd vbl kdelpnakcyczl pldpyvksd. Tl nsdhldkldvzu wple bkp jdllp vs pralye yryav Ubw Kkysp zltp, blyhkzu ralppkdt bla esod vbl cle. Tl zsolale bkp blye pvyavkdt qasx vbl dlnj, jkppkdt vbl tkazp pzkx pbswzela clqsal vayhlzzkdt qwavbla esod. Tl zkdtlale sd bla oykpv qsa y obkzl yp bkp byde oldv esod vs Ubw Kkysp zsola cseu, vyjkdt bkp vkxl vs srld kv wr, yde vbld, bkp xlyv pvknj pxssvbzu oldv kdpkel sq bla yzalyeu yaswple yde olv ryppytl.

Kkysfkys Zsw yal xkdl Tl pzsozu asnjle bkp oykpv, cynj yde qsavb, obkprlakdt vbl pkxrzlpv ulv vbl xspv vswnbkdt osaep sq zshl kdvs vbl tkazp lya.

Yx Gbb Zlp R yx uswap Ubw Kkys vwadle bla blye yde alprsdele qlhlakpbzu, Zsw yal yzps xkdl

Zlp R yx uswap R sdzu byhl usw Gde R sdzu zshl usw Kkysfkys Kkysfkys Mbl xyd zlqv xlvknwzswp jkpplp sd Ubw Kkysp qsalblye yp olzz yp vbl kdnalypkdtzu ale xszl sd vbl nsadla sq bla lul, Kkysfkys, R zshl usw.

R zshl usw vss Ubw Kkys elzkhlale bla zkrp vs bkx, Yu Ibyd

At this moment, Hu Luoyan no longer held himself back, sending all his built-up heat into the girls body.



The two entangled together for a long time before finally falling asleep in each others embrace once dawn broke. Chu Jiaos head was rested in the crook of the mans arm, a small happy smile still lingered on the corners of her mouth, but the voice she didnt want to hear the most suddenly rang in her head.

[World: The Khan Ruthlessly Loves2In the first chapter of this arc, the title of the story was The Khan Tyrant Dotes on the False Princess, but it seems that the author has changed it midway., Goal Completion Rate: 100%]

[The capture of male lead, Hu Luoyan, is a success.]

[System in preparation]

[The 10-minute transfer countdown will now begin.]

Chu Jiao quickly propped herself up, caressing the mans handsome sleeping visage.

Ah Yan she murmured.

Hu Luoyan opened his eyes in a daze, revealing emotions within them, Hm?

I I really dont want to leave you Chu Jiao couldnt bear to leave at such a precious moment in time and more so on the thought of leaving the person in front of her.

Silly girl, he stroked the girls bed hair, How could you leave me?

Didnt I already say that you will accompany me for thousands of years to come


Chu Jiao shook her head sadly, watery tears surfacing in her eyes, but because of the system, she was unable to say anything.

Be good, Hu Luoyan lovingly kissed Chu Jiaos eyes, You wont leave me, and I also wont leave you.

He knew that his Jiaojiao was about to embark on another journey again.

Although at the beginning, the plan had deviated from its original course due to a certain womans obstruction, fortunately, he still had a card up his sleeve and found his treasure again.

After going through so many worlds, his mental prowess had almost made a full recovery. Even if he had lost some things in the last world to save Jiaojiao, he had now gained everything back to make up for it. This world was supposed to be the last world his Jiaojiao had to get through, but because of the mistakes that were made in the first world, her soul was still not condensed enough.

It didnt matter since he would continue to accompany her in the next world.

[The countdown has come to an end, preparing to send host out]


Jiaojiao, do not worry. I will always stay by your side.


No matter what I look like.

No matter what identity I have.


No matter if I remember you or not.

No matter if you forget me or not.


I will always love you.

[End of the Sixth World]

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