
Book 1: Chapter 3: Painful Coconuts and Teleportation

Book 1: Chapter 3: Painful Coconuts and Teleportation

Seeing as how Sophie had calmed, Lone\' carefully placed her down on the beach. He let her continue to squeeze one of his tails half to death as she lay there.

Tails I have fuckin tails. He held his face in his hands as he chuckled. This is totally nuts, whatever this all is.

He flopped down, letting his back rest against the shore. If nothing else, at least his new fluffy limbs were easy to control and didnt actually get in his way at all despite being massive.

"Ive got nothing else better to do while I think so I got other skills, right? Show the skills The Summoning Room, Creation Magic, Basic Regeneration and Growth Accelerator? My status too if thats a thing. It wasn\'t in the game though so I\'m not really expecting much," \'Lone\' said a bit uncaringly.

He was still trying to wrap his head around everything that had literally just happened to him and this weird doll-like girl.

Almost instantaneously, five tables popped up in front of his eyes, so he read them all very thoroughly.

The Summoning Room was identical and just as it was mere minutes ago. Looking it over again gave him no further insight, sadly.

He did find it oddly satisfying though seeing the floating words simply appear at his command. I wonder if I can do that mentally instead of verbally? Ill give that a try later.

The Summoning Rooms information disappeared and was quickly replaced by that of Creation Magics.

Unique Skill: Creation Magic

A skill unique to the host, Lone Immortus.

Grants the host the ability to create anything existing on Altros or anything that can exist on Altros at will with MP.

Grants the host the ability to repair things by creating the missing parts and directly replacing the broken parts.

Cost:Relative to the desired item and the host\'s knowledge of the desired item. Mastery: N/A

Okay, thats pretty fuckin amazing. Altros is the name of this place then? The island? Country maybe? Heck, could even be a new world. I dont remember any fox folk back on Earth who werent just legends, Lone thought as he ran his fingers through the sand and continued reading.

Unique Skill: Basic Regeneration

A skill unique to the host, Lone Immortus.

Grants the host the ability to passively heal injuries at a slow rate. The healing rate can be increased in exchange for MP.

Cost:50 MP (per second per 1% increase in healing rate) Mastery:Beginner Level 1

Oh? Lone raised an eyebrow curiously. One, that sounds super helpful but at the same time I have no plans to go get injured. Two, Beginner Level 1? So some skills can level while others cant. Interesting. Thats different from the game, for sure. I wonder how it works Improvements per level-up or only when it gets past the beginner stage?

The only real way to find out would be to test it and right now he was busy lounging on a tropical island beach as he supervised an unconscious kid. Perhaps another time.

The next and final skill was actually super interesting. More so than the ordinary though certainly useful Basic Regeneration was.

Unique Skill: Growth Accelerator

A skill unique to the host, Lone Immortus.

Grants the host the ability to learn any skill and level them to the highest possible level (does not apply to species, race, or bloodline specific skills). Allows the host to learn any non-unique skill directly used on them instantly.

Passively makes it easier to grasp all learnable things including those not related to the system.

Allows the host to tell if a person is using equipment perfectly suited for them (works on the host as well).

Grants the host the ability to consume some stats from killing, though the host cannot earn stat points through any other means.

Cost:N/A Mastery:N/A

That is a lot to unpack, Lone thought.

For a start, different species was apparently a thing. He could only assume that meant sapient creatures and not animals though he could be wrong.

Races and bloodlines too. The mention of them in the skill implied they got special exclusive skills. I wonder if I can get one too as a whatever the heck I am. Golden Foxkin I think the message said

The other information on the skill was very intriguing too though most of it needed more information for him to tell if it was particularly, well, unique or not.

Just how special was being able to tell perfect matches gear-wise? Was it a big deal or not to be able to learn every skill?

Was it a boon or a curse to not be able to earn stats by any normal method, instead needing to kill things?

Speaking of stats, his status was the next thing displayed to him. Lone was pretty happy he actually had one. It was a bit of a long shot in his mind but it could prove to be very informative.


Name:Lone ImmortusSex:Male Age:24Level:1 Species:

FoxkinRank:I Race:Golden Foxkin HP:320/320SP:2,000/2,000 MP:4,000/4,000 Basic Stats Strength:16Vigour:200 Dexterity:38Agility:40 Vitality:32Luck:50 Bonus Stats Charm:70Charisma:38 Magic Power:400

"A lot to unpack here yet again Looking at the raw numbers of those stats I guess Vigour is tied to SP, Vitality to HP, and Magic Power to MP? Hmm He read through the details once more.

So my species is foxkin and the race is Golden Foxkin. Like human and African American, I guess, he thought aloud.

One detail on the sheet of information started to stick out to him like a sore thumb after a bit. Lone Immortus Lone Immortus I guess thats who I am now. Darren McCullen certainly didnt have a big bunch of fuck off fluffy tails or good eyesight, thats for sure, hahah

He took off his glasses and sighed deeply. They didnt even fit on his head properly anymore since his human ears were gone. He decided to shove them in the breast pocket of his shirt for now.

"... Mmm?" The young girl laying down by his side mumbled wearily.

"Mornin," Lone casually replied with a soft tone and a warm smile as he turned his head towards her.

Sophie looked right back at him and blinked a few times before decidedly closing her eyes.

Is she trying to focus or somet-

Right at that moment she disappeared as if by magic. One second she was by his side, the next, gone. All that was left was nothing but the new lack of acute pain in one of his tails and the small indent in the sand to show that she was just there.

Lones jaw hung loose in shock and awe. " The fuck? Uhhh What just happened?"

"...W-Who are you?" The sound of Sophie\'s trembling voice came from the nearby trees.

Lone hadnt paid much attention to the thick forest that made up the islands core but he quickly changed that fact as he scanned the treeline to find the girl.

There she is. Hiding behind a tree with your head poking out? Why bother if your eyes are closed He smiled wryly at the girls cute actions while he slowly got back up on his feet.

He smiled at her and answered, "I was Darren until this morning, but I guess I\'m Lone now. Lone Immortus. And you?

All I really know about you is your name and I doubt youll give me any more than that but introductions are important to fostering familiarity. It would suck if she had another attack, especially when Im not sure what caused the first one, he thought.

"S-Sophie... Vladimirovich..." the girl mumbled before hiding behind the tree completely.

\'Shes quite shy, huh? Better that way. Im not good at dealing with cocky, arrogant kids. I\'m glad she\'s okay, at least,\' Lone sighed in relief mentally.

While he wasn\'t particularly liked by most of his students or by his peers back home, he was still a fantastic teacher and knew that one of the best ways to deal with shy children was to not push them and to give them plenty of space which he was more than willing to do.

"I\'m going to look around for some food and maybe some shelter. Please don\'t run away or go into the forest, okay? Just give me a shout if you need me for anything," Lone said in a friendly tone.

He received no reply, but he knew that the girl had heard him so he made his way towards the treeline and started to inspect each one to see if any bore fruit.

While he was doing this, Sophie was stealthily dashing from tree to tree, and she maintained a distance of no less than 15-metres from him.

He had no idea why she was being this shy. Hed dealt with some shy kids in his short time as a teacher, but this was beyond anything hed seen before.

She was acting almost like a baby animal who knew instinctively to avoid anything but its mother yet still wanted to approach the strange human that wasnt trying to eat it.

Lone tried his best to ignore her actions, adorable as they were, but he\'d be lying if he said it wasn\'t a struggle. After all, the girl wasn\'t being discreet in the slightest and she kind of reminded him of his sister, Hazel.

Perhaps she pegged herself as something of a master sneak though anyone with eyes and ears would have been able to notice her actions like Lone had.

His attention was forced away from the girl by several large, green-skinned balls that sat atop the tree Lone was standing under. "Coconuts?" he mumbled.

He was never very athletic before and the only exercise he ever got was when he cycled to work. However, he had noticed that his new Golden Foxkin body was, to not mince words, very fit.

\'There\'s no harm in trying, right?\' he convinced himself before he grabbed the tree and started to madly shake it.

A few minutes and a sweaty body later, Lone\'s head started to throb with pain after a large coconut had smacked him right in the forehead.

The melodious sound of a child\'s laughter rang through the air. He glanced over towards Sophie who wasnt trying to hide now.

Instead, she was grasping at her stomach and hunching over while tears welled up in her closed eyes.

\'Was it really that funny? People have died from that before.\' Lone frowned and grabbed the coconut that had attacked him before he returned to the beach and found a palm-sized rock.

He sat down on the sand and smacked the coconut with ease after peeling its green skin off. It split perfectly into two halves so Lone threw the rock away and placed one half of the fruit on the sand carefully to make sure what was left of its unsplit water didn\'t also trickle out.

Lone then, with an annoyed expression on his face and whilst grumbling to himself, drank the coconut water in his half before he began to carefully eat the coconut.

A loud rumble reached his sensitive fox ears. Turning his head he saw Sophie staring at her own belly in utter confusion.

You dont know what hunger is? he teased in good spirit.

She glanced up at him no less confused than when she was looking at her stomach. He picked up the other half of the split coconut and gestured with it towards her.

"Here," Lone said as he looked away from the blushing and perplexed girl who was holding her belly, "It\'s for you. Don\'t be shy, I won\'t do anything to you. Just sit and eat if youre hungry. Hows that sound?"

She seemed reluctant but ultimately, it seemed her growling belly had gotten the best of her.

Sophie slowly walked towards Lone and sat next to him before picking up the coconut and investigating it briefly. After she had confirmed that it was fine, she gleefully drank its water and then started to nibble on it.

"Earlier," Lone said in a quiet and relaxing tone, "Was that teleportation?" he added.

Naturally, Lone was referring to how she had disappeared and suddenly reappeared behind a tree. No matter how much he thought about it, there was no way for it to be anything except teleportation, right?

Sophie lightly nodded her head and avoided replying directly. As she ate she had unconsciously opened her eyes, giving Lone his first chance to get a proper look at them.

"I thought so... Anyway, you have amazing body coordination and a great sense of spatial awareness for someone who\'s visually impaired," Lone praised as he looked at Sophie\'s pure grey and lifeless eyes.

"T-Thank you..." Sophie squeaked out in response.

Lone grinned and stood up, startling the poor girl. "I\'m gonna build us a shelter. Nothing fancy, but we can\'t really sleep out in the open tonight, now can we? Just stay within my line of sight, please. I don\'t think its wise to split up given our circumstances," he requested.

Sophie continued nibbling on her coconut and meekly replied, "O-Okay..."

Smiling, Lone moved away a bit to build two small teepees. While he wasn\'t physically fit back home, he was deeply knowledgeable and had spent a lot of his time learning new things on the internet between his usual gaming sessions.

So while it might take him a few hours, he was confident that he could build a place for them to sleep and avoid any rain or wind in the night.

Lone, mid-building, heard Sophie finish her coconut half and then mumble, "... Those tails look so fluffy and soft..."

Yeah, definitely dont like this new advanced hearing, he sighed mentally.

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