
Chapter 259 259

"What brings you here, Mr. Frost?" Keith showed a lack of interest and did not even bother looking at the two guests who came to his door unannounced.

However, he received no answer, and when he finally raised his eyes, he found Mathew looking at Amira and Reina in a confused state.

Of course, he was wondering what the two of them were doing at Keith\'s home and why they were sitting on either side of him.

"Young Master..." The butler worriedly called out to his master, bringing him out of his confused state, and Mathew immediately lowered his head, gritting his teeth.

"I am here to apologise, Master Demiliore." He revealed his intention.

"Does not seem like it."

However, Keith mockingly chuckled at him, which unnerved him and made his body tremble in anxiety.

"But what are you supposed to apologise to me for, Mr. Frost?" He curiously asked, tensing both the guests with his question.

Albert and Mathew realised that Keith was toying with them, but there was nothing they could do other than be honest and bear the humiliation they were bound to suffer.

"My men tried to upload the footage of the incident on the Internet..."

Amira, Reina, and Zoey, who had arrived here a few minutes before Mathew, looked at him in dismay.

"What?" The chestnut-haired girl could not help but blurt the question.

"Under whose order?" Keith asked.


Seeing Mathew admit to it, he smiled.

"Why, Mr. Frost? Do we have any animosity that I am unaware of?"

"I..." Mathew tried to say something but then stopped.

He stayed silent for a good minute and then took a deep breath.

"You killed those people in cold blood, and I..."

"And you wanted to become the patron of Justice." Keith cut him off and amusedly chuckled. "A wonderful attempt at coining a convincing lie, Mr. Frost."

His words made Mathew frown and he finally raised his head to meet Keith\'s eyes.

"After what you tried to pull off last night, the authorities investigated your recent activities." He smiled at the fear that suddenly dawned on Mathew\'s face. "You were not there by coincidence, Mr. Frost." He meaningfully said, and the three girls caught on his words.

"What do you mean, brother?" Reina asked as she glanced at Mathew and then looked back at Keith.

"One of his men, whom I shot to disarm, had been following you two for the last few days, telling him about all your activities," He informed them, and the Twins looked at Mathew in alarm.

"So those goons were his men?" Zoey narrowed her eyes.


"They were not my men!" Mathew immediately defended himself. "I was there to save Amira and Reina!" He blurted out.

Keith smiled at the flustered-looking Child of Destiny, and then leaned forward to pour himself some wine.

"The question is..." He waited until he had poured enough and then picked up the glass. "Why was your man following the daughters of the Goldsmith Family? As far as I am aware, you are not related. And your family has nothing to do with their family as well."

The three girls frowned at his words and narrowed their eyes at Mathew.

However, before the Child of Destiny could defend himself, Keith revealed some more things that plunged him into an Abyss.

"And you were not just keeping tabs on Amira and Reina." He smiled. "Your men have been following Zoey and Hanah Reyes as well." Keith did not bring up the names of the other two ladies who were Mathew\'s targets.


"And you have been using your Family\'s power to bring down your ex-girlfriend\'s family. You intend to make her your slave, don\'t you, Mr. Frost?" He smiled. "You are a toxic man."

"You..." Mathew glared at him. "And what were you doing there yesterday?" He questioned. "Was it a coincidence that you were there?"

"Do you want to imply that I hold ill intentions towards these two ladies?" Keith amusedly asked.

"You don\'t?" The young man smirked at him.

He had already lost all hope of conquering Zoey, and now he was certain that he would lose Amira and Reina as well.

The quest about Maria Valeca was already at a dead-end too, and nothing seemed to be going in his favour.

Failing three Systems quests was not something he could afford, and right

now, he was utterly scared and anxious about everything that surrounded him. Therefore, he had pretty much lost his mind.

"Brother, kick this man out." Reina looked at Keith. "We don\'t want to see him."

Those words shocked Mathew as he could not believe how stupid this girl was. Could she not think over what he just said? Was it not obvious that Keith\'s appearance at Flower Street yesterday was not a coincidence?

"Go and be with Iseul." Keith nudged Reina\'s nose and asked her and Amira to leave the room.

The twins obediently nodded their heads and stood up to leave, and Mathew seemed ready to call after them but Albert grabbed his arm rather painfully to keep him in place.

"You don\'t behave like someone who has come to show remorse for their actions, Mr. Frost. Or do you not realise what sort of predicament you and your family are in?" Keith coldly asked, and suddenly, the atmosphere in the room suffocated everyone.

Mathew heard the System advise him over and over again to keep his head clear, but the young man was too rattled right now.

"Stand up," Keith commanded, and Albert immediately stood and pulled Mathew to his feet as well. "Kneel."

The words were light, but the weight they held behind them was very heavy.

Abert was wise and immediately did as was asked, and he pulled his young master on his knees too.

"Properly." Keith smiled and said, and the aged man helplessly prostrated to him.

Mathew, however, was dazed, and he stared at Albert who was prostrating to Keith.

Silence reigned in the room, and it was not until Mathew heard Albert cry that he regained some clarity.

"Young Master... please..." Albert begged him, and finally, the young man shed all his pride and prostrated as well.

Keith smiled as he heard a System Prompt in his mind.

He had managed to humiliate Mathew and earned his extreme hatred. Now, this Child of Destiny wanted nothing other than to end him, which amused him a lot.

Unfortunately, Mathew still had a lot of Fate Value left, and there was still time before his Invincible Halo wears off. So, Keith could not end it all for him.

"So, Zoey. Should I forgive them?" He playfully asked the girl who was watching everything with cold eyes.

"No." She resolutely said, and the men on the floor trembled at her words.

"You heard her." He chuckled. "You will have to pay a price to make me let go of this matter."

"Keith..." Zoey wanted to say that it was not what she meant, but just a glance from him quietened her down.

"Please say, Master Demiliore..." Mathew, who saw a ray of hope, gritted his teeth and asked.

"Your Grandfather handed over 50% of Oscar Family Business to you, which is all under your name now." Keith playfully said. "Transfer everything under your name to me."

His words shocked all of them.

What he was asking for was half the wealth of the Oscar Family, which was over seven billion Neris.

"You must be thinking that I am asking a lot." He smiled. "However, 7.5 Billion Neris is not something special in my eyes. So, I am letting you off very easily."

His words were arrogant, but no one could deny them.

If the Demiliore Family\'s fortune was combined with Keith\'s personal Networth, 7.5 Billion Neris indeed meant nothing in front of a combined fortune of over 170 Billion Neris. At least, not in the eyes of someone like Keith.

His words reminded Mathew again of the gap between them. The difference in wealth alone was something he could never dream of surmounting.

"You have 30 seconds to make up your mind. If you are a second late, you will be kicked out of my house and there will be no mercy."

Keith did not have to wait long, Mathew gave his answer within 10 seconds, and of course, he agreed.

The two men took their leave after thanking him over and over again for his mercy and promised to transfer everything to him by the end of the day.

"Why did you let him off?" Zoey frowned and asked.

Keith smiled in his heart.

He could not tell her that with the amount of Fate Value on Mathew, it was not possible to end him.

Even if he was sent to prison, he could somehow manage to grow more powerful thanks to the ministrations of Destiny.

Not to mention, the Child of Destiny possessed a System. Though not a very powerful System, it could still bail him out from a few situations.

"His time will come. It was just not today." He lightly said, making the girl frown at the words. "Missed me?" He playfully asked, diverting her attention, and Zoey immediately blushed at his words.

"I will show you my University today!" She happily said, and he nodded to her, agreeing to her plan.

"Let\'s go."

The two of them exited the drawing room and headed straight to the garage.

"By the way, Keith." Zoey suddenly spoke. "Amira and Reina stayed here last night?"

"Yes." He nodded to her as he opened the door of the Blackwing and got into it.

She was debating if she should ask the next question but soon received the answer without needing to ask for it.

"They were part of the deal I reached with the Goldsmith Family. The two of them belong to me." He told her.

Zoey felt a little uneasy in her heart at his words but nodded her head and stayed silent.

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