
Chapter 488

Chapter 488: The Marquis of Discord (6)

[“Beyond that Gate of Destruction lies a force of sixty-two demons lords and their legions, each one stronger than me.”]

A sudden impact to the back of the head momentarily dimmed his vision, plunging it into a dizzying darkness.

Though Andras’ words were taunting, Vikir could tell they were not lies.

“……! ……! ……!”

He knew this because the sinister gazes felt from the dimensional gate were striking his skin in real-time.

The sensation was akin to skin growing hot as if under a magnifying glass, with the unsettling feeling of countless insects burrowing deep into his organs, all while being scrutinized by countless eyes.

He can feel the presence of the remaining sixty-two great evils watching from beyond the burning black flames.

Their stares, piercing through the wall of blazing fire, were like sharp spears impaling his body and soul.

If it were an ordinary person, just one of these gazes would have caused them to cough up blood and die.


Vikir saw massive shadows cast through the countless dimensional gates created by Andras.

A serpent that devours nebulas, the leader of worms, the king of vampires, a scorpion emitting thick venom, a woman whose beauty conceals unknown terrors within, a demon that feasts on deserts, the lord of all things rotten, a centipede coiling around mountains, a being that walks beneath the ocean, a giant that tears the earth asunder, a lion that drinks fire, a bird with wings that cover the sky, an executioner at the graveyard, a corpse rotting in the swamp, and countless others with such ominous names were all showing interest in this world.

They drooled, turning their steps towards this still-intact world, which has yet to be destroyed and corrupted.

Vikir gritted his teeth.


Among the colossal shadows cast through the dimensional gates, some had already noticed the presence of this world.

And among them, a particularly malevolent few were already preparing to cross over to this side.

Their stares were filled with massive evil and a burning desire for destruction—something Vikir had never felt, even during the era of destruction.

Andras chuckled.

[“The sixty-two demons on that side are absolute beings even I cannot oppose! Among them there are those so noble that I dare not even kiss the shadow they cast upon the earth.”]


Vikir looked beyond the enormous dimensional gate in front.

One shadow cast darkly over the army of monsters, exudes a stench so foul it almost burst his nose.

On a flag, in the ancient language of a long-perished magic empire, the name "Baal" was written.

The shadow cast by it was darker and more ominous than anything else.

‘……It seems stronger and much more wicked than all the Ten Corpses I’ve faced combined.’

Even Decarabia, clinging to Vikir’s chest, was trembling.

[“That one is essentially the mother of the seventy-two demons, ‘The Mother of Destruction.’ If she crosses over, everything will end. That day will be the end of this world. She is the one and the all, the all and the one……”]

At that moment, Vikir finally understood the meaning of what Decarabia had said before.

[“So, do you have the strength to withstand the wrath of ‘the one and the all, the all and the one’? Do you dare bear it?”]

[“……That answer shall be eternally sealed by the covenant.”]

The cryptic dialogue between Belial and Decarabia during the battle at the Bourgeois mansion was likely a warning about the sixty-two demons beyond the dimensional gate, preparing reinforcements for after the era of destruction.

Andras spoke up.

[“Building the Gate of Destruction was a task that involved the seventy-two demons of Hell recruiting armies from their respective domains and constructing a bridge to cross over. We, the lowliest, are the Pilots who came over to this side to prepare for that.”]


[“You may have thought the war ended after you died, but that was a grave mistake. We on the other worldline have finished our tasks and stepped back. Now, the humans left in that world are facing the true end against the remaining sixty-two demons. You should consider yourself lucky to have died and been dragged by me before that happens.”]

Andras stared at Vikir, his eyes emitting darkness and a foul stench as he spoke.

["It\'s not too late. If you tell me the identity and location of my brother, I’ll close this gate right now. I have no desire to escalate this matter any further. Interfering with parallel worlds is a complex business."]


["This may not be the world you were originally from, but surely this world must feel more familiar to you now? Do you wish to see this world destroyed, just like the one you failed to save?"]

Andras conjured countless illusions within the dark mist he had created.


The illusions depicted the people Vikir had encountered and the connections he had formed since his return.

“Don’t try to handle everything alone. You’ve come this far; think about the people who care for you.”

“The people gathered here are all following you, Vikir. Wherever you go, they are ready to follow.”

“I’m always watching, so you should rest. It wouldn’t do if your health suffered.”

“Stop fighting, all of you. Especially now when Big Brother’s heart is troubled.”

“……Are we heading to the capital? I’ve only read about it in books.”

The voices brushing past his ears felt as vivid as if they were speaking to him in person.

There was Camus, who always sat by his side.

Dolores, who silently supported him without complaint.

Aiyen, who not only saved his life but shared many life-and-death struggles with him.

Sinclaire, who overcame internal conflict and chose to remain by Vikir’s side.

Kirko, who left her homeland to follow him into the impending dreadful war.

But it didn’t end there.

The comrades he met in the Red and Black Mountain.

The friends he made at the Colosseo Academy.

The connections he forged in Nouvellebag.

The triplets, Highbro, Middlebro, and Lowbro, who were once enemies but became his loyal dogs.

The eldest son, Osiris, who always seemed distant and cold, but now appeared like an elder brother who struggled to show his emotions.

The Seven Counts, with whom he had now formed a bond.

……And the complicated feelings he still couldn’t fully explain about Hugo.

He thought of the many other faces who looked only at him.

The darkness in his vision wavered significantly. The illusions encircled Vikir, moving with such vividness that they seemed almost tangible.

["Now, you have no other choice. If you want to close this dimensional gate, accept my offer."]

Andras knew well that Vikir was not someone who could abandon these people, so he continued to press on.

But Vikir remained unmoved.

“There’s another way—I can kill you and close the gate myself.”

["Are you still dreaming? The dimensional gate I created can’t be closed by anyone but me! It’s not like the main Gate of Destruction! Have you ever seen a hole in your clothes mend itself? If I die, this gate will remain open forever!"]

Andras kept pressing, incredulous at Vikir’s resolve.

But Vikir’s demeanor remained steadfast.

“I don’t make deals with demons. I just kill them.”

["You’ve lost your mind. Do you truly have no intention of closing this gate?"]

Andras’s threat was becoming more tangible as the sixty-two shadows beyond the gate slowly converged on Vikir.

Yet, despite this, Vikir’s stance did not waver.

“No. I can close it.”

At those words, Andras was about to shout in anger.

…At that very moment.

The words “How could you possibly!” that Andras had almost voiced turned into a mere hissing sound as he gasped.


A blade pierced through his chest.

The blade that had come through his back and exited his chest was feeding hot mana into the dimensional gate while precisely penetrating Andras’ heart.


For a moment, Andras’s face transformed into that of Crown Prince Jack Meridieu.

Creek creak—

His head slowly and squeakily turned, like an old clockwork, revealing the scene behind him.

There, placed on a heavy iron chain, was a coffin.

The same item Vikir had carried on his shoulder since entering the imperial palace, or rather, since his departure from Tochka.

A coffin as heavy as the old demon hunter’s sense of duty, guilt, and the rage and hatred towards demons, which he had carried in his heart throughout his life.

And now, the being lying inside it was the one who had thrust the knife into Andras’s back.

The crown prince’s eyes widened in shock as he recognized the face.

The owner of the knife\'s hilt was none other than… Figgy.

Just Figgy, with no title.

The inferior student of the academy. The weak companion who always followed Vikir around.

Yet, for some reason, the brilliance emanating from Piggy’s eyes now overwhelmed Andras.

Andras, through the mouth of the crown prince, stumbled through his words.

[“Golding… Golding Ralph. Golding Piggy Ralph… No… ANDRASSSS!”]

Standing there was the second crown prince, one of the two bloodlines of the imperial family.

At the same time, he was Andras, the first corpse, and also the other form of Andras.

The First Prince and the Second Prince, along with the two form of Andras, were all present in one place.

[First Corpse Andras]

Risk Level: S+

Size: ?

Location: Depths of the Gate of Destruction, ‘Womb of the Serpent’

- Known as ‘The First Corpse.’

One of the ten calamities, feared as the nemesis of humanity, inexplicable, and indestructible.

“Both worlds shall fall into darkness.”

- From ‘The Ten Commandments’ 10: Upper -

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