
Chapter 417 "Hehe... You cultivate in peace brother... I’ll take care of your woman"

Chapter 417 "Hehe... You cultivate in peace brother... I'll take care of your woman"

?One hour later, the bustling energy of Beicheng's main district seemed a world away from the serene, almost ethereal ambiance of the Imperial Hotel's luxurious suites.

Chen Xiaoya, enveloped in the warmth of her lavish bath, let the hot water cascade down her body, tracing the contours of her skin, transforming her into a goddess amidst the steam and tranquility.

The room, filled with the soft glow of ambient lighting and the soothing sound of water, was a haven of peace, a stark contrast to the turmoil of her thoughts.

As she leaned back, closing her eyes to let the warmth seep deep into her bones, she was unaware of the shadow that began to materialize behind her, as silent and insidious as a night whisper.

The presence announced itself with a voice that was both alien and chilling, "... I don't like hot showers...."

The words, spoken so close and with such unexpectedness, sent a jolt of fear through Chen Xiaoya. She stiffened, her sanctuary violated by an unseen intruder.

Before she could react, a hand clamped over her mouth, stifling any attempt at a scream.

Her heart pounded against her chest, a frantic rhythm of terror and disbelief.

"Uu..uu!?" Her muffled attempts at calling out were futile, her eyes wide with shock as her vision began to blur, the edges of her reality darkening as if night had descended upon her in an instant.

In a swift motion, she felt herself being enveloped in a blanket, a coarse and sudden barrier against her skin.

The next moment, the window to her room shattered, a spray of glass sparkling like diamonds in the brief flight before they succumbed to gravity, and she was whisked away, the city lights a dizzying blur as her captor leaped from the 23rd floor with her in tow.

Adjacent to her suite, Long Tian remained oblivious to the unfolding drama. Engrossed in his own deep contemplations, the silence of his room was a stark contrast to the chaos that had just erupted next door.

The bird, as it were, had been caged, snatched from the nest before even the slightest alarm could be raised.

As Zhang Wei leapt from the hotel room, a wicked sense of mischief took hold.

Peering through the thin divide, he sensed the dense aura of Long Tian in deep contemplation next door.

A smirk spread across Zhang Wei's face, his voice low but brimming with malice, "Hehe... You cultivate in peace brother... I'll take care of your woman."

'What!?' The shock in Chen Xiaoya's mind echoed loud, her heart pounding in disbelief and fear. As she started to struggle against her knidnapper, her efforts were futile.

Zhang Wei was not one to heed pleas or resistance.


Night had descended upon the town, draping everything in a veil of anticipation for the evening's communal dinner at 8pm.

The dining area buzzed with the energy of assembled people, yet a noticeable absence hung in the air.

Zhang Wei had not appeared, and a certain Chen Yulan grew increasingly impatient, a shadow masking her usual expression.

In a move driven by a mix of concern and perhaps a deeper, unacknowledged motivation, Chen Yulan decided to take matters into her own hands.

With everyone else seemingly absorbed in their own worlds, she prepared a separate plate of food, excusing herself with the pretense of delivering it directly to Zhang Wei.

Chen Dong, witnessing such an interaction, felt a despair so profound it was as if he were contemplating his own end. 'If our ancestors were alive, they would have certainly ended me,' he thought, the weight of perceived dishonor heavy on his soul. 'What a sin is happening under my own nose?'


Meanwhile, Chen Yulan stood outside her room, a slight frown creasing her brow as she heard unusual noises emanating from within.

"Eh?" A blush crept over her cheeks, curiosity piqued. Yet, confusion swiftly followed; all the women were accounted for downstairs. "Could there be another?" she wondered, a mix of apprehension and intrigue pushing her to investigate further.

Knock... knock...

With a heart heavy with unease, she knocked on the door, only for it to swing open with a force that startled her.


As the door opened, a wave of fresh air brushed against her face, a stark contrast to the tension that had built up inside her.

Her eyes, wide with curiosity and shock, quickly scanned the room, landing on a figure lying on the bed.

The sight before her was mildy disturbing: a girl with her face obscured, her body exposed under the thin cover of a blanket, marked with a damning red stain.

The color drained from Chen Yulan's face as realization dawned, the implications of the scene before her cutting deep. "Wei.. you?" she managed to stammer, her voice a mix of disbelief and accusation.

"Shh! Stop peeking inside, it would taint your eyes," Zhang Wei chided, his tone light but his actions firm as he caught her head, forcing her gaze away from the bed to meet his. "Look at my face, not hers."

Chen Yulan was left speechless, her mind racing to process the unfolding situation.

As Chen Yulan's senses returned to her and she dared to look back, the mysterious girl had vanished as if she were a figment of the night's dark imaginings.

Yet, the bed, with its stained sheets, stood as a damning testament to the reality of the situation.

"Change the bedsheets, I'll go take a shower," Zhang Wei's voice cut through the tension, his back to her as he retreated to the sanctuary of the bathroom.

"W-Wait..." The words barely left Chen Yulan's lips before the sound of the closing bathroom door silenced her plea.

With a heavy sigh, she turned her gaze to the task at hand, her movements hesitant as she approached the bed.

Her fingers pinched her nose, an instinctive gesture to shield herself from the reality before her.

As she changed the sheets, a mix of disgust and curiosity clouded her thoughts.

Who had been the victim of Zhang Wei's this time?

And more importantly, why?

'It isn't good...' The thought weighed heavily on her, a somber realization of the chaos that Zhang Wei brought with him.

'Why is he... so... Evil...' For a moment, rare concern flickered across her face, a glimpse of the turmoil that churned within her heart.

"Bring me the towel," came Zhang Wei's voice, piercing the silence as the bathroom door cracked open just slightly.

Chen Yulan, having just finished tidying the room, hesitated, her lips pressed tightly in contemplation. 'So careless...' she thought, her resolve hardening as she took the towel in her hands and approached the door.


In an instant that seemed to suspend time, Zhang Wei's hand shot out, seizing her extended arm and pulling her into the bathroom, the door slamming shut behind them.

Chen Yulan was rendered speechless, her eyes snapping shut as the cold water enveloped them both, a chilling reminder of the unpredictability and danger around him.


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