
Chapter 368 Song Family End is Near!

Chapter 368 Song Family End is Near!

?"S-She's gone...?" Lisa exhaled a sigh of relief, feeling the oppressive pressure around them dissipate with Feng Ruoyan's departure.

Zhang Wei, noticing Lisa's unsteady stance, swiftly moved to support her, taking hold of her as her legs seemed to soften from the ordeal. Lisa's cheeks flushed with a hint of color at his unexpected closeness.

"Can you still drive, or should I take the wheel?" Zhang Wei asked, his voice laced with teasing concern as he steadied her. His eyes searched hers, ensuring she was alright after the intense situation they she had just went through.


Down the highway, Zhang Wei navigated the vehicle towards Dhonjiang Airport, with Lisa seated in the co-pilot's seat. She was unusually quiet, lost in thought after the day's unexpected events.

"Don't worry too much," Zhang Wei said, placing his hand reassuringly on her thigh. "She's after me, not you."

Lisa, slightly startled by his gesture, nodded in acknowledgment. "I... I was just a bit taken aback," she confessed.

Zhang Wei flashed her a smile and winked. "Be prepared for more surprises," he teased, pressing the accelerator down further. The sudden speed pushed Lisa back into her seat, her eyes widening in surprise.

She caught herself staring at him, quickly averting her gaze as she felt a fluttering in her stomach. But her attention was abruptly drawn to something unusual.

"Your hair..." she whispered, noticing a change.

Zhang Wei, curious, responded, "What about it?" He slowed the car slightly and glanced at the rearview mirror.

His eyes widened at the reflection. "Huh... It turned white... Not so bad," he muttered, seemingly unfazed by the transformation.

Lisa remained silent, her mind a whirl of thoughts. Shouldn't he be more concerned about such a sudden change? She sighed, finding it increasingly difficult to understand the enigmatic Zhang Wei.

Twenty minutes later, as they arrived at Dhonjiang Airport, the hum of activity around them felt almost surreal compared to the stillness of the aura inside the car.

Zhang Wei pulled the car up to the entrance, the engine idling softly.

Lisa, her hands fidgeting in her lap, finally turned to Zhang Wei. Her eyes held a depth of emotion that words couldn't quite capture. "Zhang Wei, I... Thank you. For everything you did for me, in future I would do my best to learn the work and justify the position you have given me... You won't always have to cover for me!"

Zhang Wei's gaze softened, a playful yet reassuring glint in his eyes. "No need for thanks, Lisa. And as for the others, don't worry about them. If they start pointing fingers, just send them my way next time, haha! I'll handle it."

Lisa smiled, a sense of relief washing over her, but she knew inwadly, he can't continue to behave like last time, she should know her duties well, and should be able to do them independently.

She bit her lip, contemplating.

Then, as if propelled by a sudden surge of courage, she leaned over quickly and pressed her lips to his cheek. It was a soft, fleeting touch, but it carried the weight of her gratitude and unspoken feelings.

Lisa pulled back slightly, her gaze locking with Zhang Wei's. There was a fleeting hint of shyness in her eyes, a contrast to the strength she had just resolved to show. "Stay safe, okay?" she whispered, her voice laced with a hint of plea, revealing her genuine concern for him.

Zhang Wei's smile deepened, a warm acknowledgment of her worry. "I will. And you take care of yourself too," he replied, his tone equally sincere, as if practiced thousand times.

"Mhm," With one last look, she opened the car door, stepping out into the busy crowd. She hesitated, looking back at him through the sea of people. Then, with a small wave, she turned and merged into the flow of travelers, disappearing from view.

[Another one fell...]

Zhang Wei, ignoring the system's teasing, watched Lisa disappear into the crowd, the faint warmth of her kiss lingering on his cheek. He chuckled softly to himself, "Young heart, huh..." He glanced at his reflection in the rearview mirror, the sight of his white hair bringing a wry grin to his face. "Well, this change was unexpected, though not unwelcome."

With a contemplative shake of his head, he shifted the car into gear and pulled away from the curb, his mind already weaving through the complex web of his next moves.

His phone suddenly vibrated, snapping him out of his reverie. Glancing at the caller ID, he saw Wang Liang's name flash on the screen.

"Wang Liang?" he answered, curiosity evident in his tone.

Wang Liang's voice came through, tinged with urgency. "Senior, I found the culprit!"

Zhang Wei's eyebrows arched in surprise. "Who is it?"

Wang Liang replied, "It's the Song family. They've been digging around for information about you. I suspect they're behind this."

Zhang Wei's expression turned serious. "You're not just pinning this on someone to cover your own back, are you, old man?"

Wang Liang, visibly sweating and surrounded by his anxious family, responded with a hint of embarrassment, "How could I dare to do that, Senior..."

Zhang Wei exhaled deeply. "Are you certain it's the Song family?"

"Absolutely!" Wang Liang insisted. "They have a hidden master who could have breached the defenses."

Interest sparked in Zhang Wei's eyes. "Alright then, follow my instructions..."

He proceeded to outline a plan, and the Wang family members listening in on the other end shivered at the audacity of it.

"Won't this action be too drastic, Senior? What if the Martial Arts Association decides to interfere?" Wang Liang asked, concern lacing his voice.

Zhang Wei laughed confidently. "They won't," he assured before abruptly ending the call.

Wang Liang, still holding his phone, shook his head in disbelief. "The Song family... They really dared to offend this formidable man..."

He sneered, a cold glint in his eyes. "Old Song, your end is near..."

Wang Liang turned to his family, the tension that had been suffocating the room moments ago dissipated as he relayed the news that they were saved.

The Wang family burst into cheers, the relief palpable as they began celebrating their narrow escape from disaster.

However, their joy was short-lived.

The phone in Wang Liang's hand buzzed again, and Zhang Wei's name flashed on the screen.

Gasp! Instantly, Wang Liang raised his hand, signaling for silence. The room fell eerily quiet, every pair of eyes fixed on him as he answered the call with a grave expression.

"Yes, Senior Zhang?" Wang Liang's voice was cautious, a stark contrast to the momentary jubilation they had just experienced. The atmosphere tensed once more, every family member holding their breath, waiting for what was to come next.

Once the call ended, Wang Haoran, approached with a curious yet anxious look. "Grandpa, what did the Zhang Wei say this time?"

Wang Liang, a mix of respect and resignation on his face, shook his head with a bitter smile.

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