
Chapter 201

Chapter 201

It wasn\'t difficult to pick up the trail of the vanished barbarian army again. The imperial army had many experienced pursuers. It was difficult for the barbarians, who were practically just an all-infantry force, to escape the range of the cavalry scouts.

"We\'ve found them. They moved west from here."

Another scout cavalryman returned after having found the barbarians\' tracks.

"They couldn’t have gotten too far. Their supplies must be running low as well."

The barbarians, while quite mobile, carried limited supplies. Especially those who had just fled the battlefield likely had only about three days\' worth of food and drinks.

‘They\'ve been surviving on their local lootings all along. They won\'t last long without going through a village.’

Carnius fed his soldiers well with meat.

Carnius\' forces had started their pursuit immediately after a large battle and had also faced an ambush from the barbarians. Even the well-trained imperial troops couldn’t avoid the severe combat fatigue.

"The barbarians must be just as tired. In fact, their situation is probably worse than ours."

As long as they could catch up to them, Carnius’ victory was all but certain. That was the consensus of Carnius and his command staff.

"General, there are civilians approaching."


Carnius spurred his horse forward. A group of civilians had come up to the troops.

"They say they are refugees from Valdima."

A knight who had already interrogated the civilians reported.

Carnius called one of his adjutants and opened a map. Valdima was a village under a count\'s domain that had a population of about two thousand people.

"This means the barbarians are in Valdima."

"The civilians said that it all happened two days ago. If they hit Valdima to loot for supplies, they wouldn\'t have been able to leave immediately."

"Using the time their comrades bought them to gather supplies... That is not a wise decision. They should have moved further even at the risk of starvation. If luck was on their side, we might have even missed their trail and they could have escaped."

"Perhaps they were that desperate for supplies."

Carnius summoned the escaped residents of Valdima to hear about the barbarian attack.

"T-they showed up in the middle of the night. They climbed over our walls like it was nothing, and w-we couldn’t do a-anything about it.”

It was a plight similar to that of Langkegart.

The barbarians had killed left and right as they took over the village. By now, they would be busy plundering the people.

‘It would be best to block the barbarians’ escape route before they try to run.’

Carnius called his cavalry commanders and pointed at a spot on the map.

"Keep an eye on them and make sure they can\'t escape from Valdima."

It was a half-day ride for the cavalry.

Carnius decided to send the cavalry first to pin down the barbarians and give the infantry a chance to rest before going into another battle.

‘I will not rush it.’

Carnius repeated these words to himself several times. Each time, he suppressed the emotions boiling inside him.

"Understood, General."

The commanders nodded and withdrew. They called their cavalry units and relayed the orders. Soon after, a mixed force of heavy and light cavalry advanced first.

"Set up camp. We spend the night here."

Carnius\' order was met with cheers from the troops.

"Hooray General Carnius!"

The construction of the campsite proceeded faster than usual. The soldiers completed setting up the camp even before the sun was completely down. Carnius specially gave out alcohol to the soldiers before the day of battle.

They ensured enough rest and opened their alcohol supply. The soldiers relieved their fatigue and enjoyed a modest feast.

"Now, tell me about my son one more time."

Carnius called aside a soldier from Leo’s unit who had survived.

‘Dammit, I get that he misses his son, but calling me every day like this is driving me mad.’

The soldier smiled, although his true emotion was quite the opposite. The man who was requesting his presence was none other than the renowned General Carnius. He could not afford to be rude.

"...I still remember vividly. Your son was an excellent knight," the soldier began his account.

"Right, I trained him quite rigorously ever since he was a young boy. I was even harsher because he lacked practical experience."

Carnius drifted into old memories. He personally took charge of Leo\'s swordsmanship training, intending to raise him as a general who would one day hold a pillar of the empire.

"Even under the sudden assault of the barbarians, he remained unyielded and calmly issued his commands. It was as if he was proving that he truly carried your blood, General."

The soldier explained the combat situation, emphasizing Leo\'s bravery.

"However, even before reinforcements could arrive, the barbarians had us surrounded. Naturally, those who command bravely tend to stand out. Yet, he fought on, even as the barbarians\' blades grazed his neck. It was indeed a knightly end."

The soldier finished speaking and took a sip of water.

Carnius closed his eyes, picturing Leo\'s final moments.

"Thank you. This is a small token of appreciation."

A few gold coins dropped into the soldier\'s hand.

"Of course, General. It’s the least I could do."

The soldier received the gold, bowed his head, and left the tent.

"Hah, what the hell am I doing?"

The soldier counted the gold coins and sighed.

\'Valiant death, my ass. In the end, he died while trying to beg for his life saying he was a noble. The pathetic sight of him begging for his life to some barbarians who wouldn\'t even understand his language...\'

The soldier had played dead among the bodies of his comrades. Yet, he felt no shame in his survival.

\'...I am no noble. Dying honorably is the role of them and the knights.\'

The soldier had embellished Leo\'s last moments when reporting to Carnius.

Leo died a death that was unfitting of a knight, and revealing such a truth could have led to the soldier’s execution for lying. It must never become known that Carnius’ son died such a shameful death.

After getting plenty of rest, the rest of the army followed the cavalry that had moved ahead. The soldiers, having slept well for the first time in a while, walked with light steps.

Once this battle was over, they would return home. This boosted their morale so much that even the conscripts were filled with fighting spirit.

After reaching the outskirts of Valdima, the imperial army set up their camp again.

"The barbarians are holding out in Valdima."

The cavalry commander who arrived first informed Carnius. Carnius surveyed Valdima from afar on his horse.

"What about the lord?"

"The inner fort has been taken, and Count Valdima is currently being held hostage by the barbarians."

"Hah, is that what they were aiming for?"

"Yes, they seem to be going for a negotiation. They have sent their message through a local resident that if we attack, they will kill the count."

"How funny is it that they think holding some small-time noble is going to work?"

Carnius scoffed. After circling the territory of Valdima once, he convened a meeting.

"The outer walls are just a wooden fence. They\'re not very sturdy. The defenses around the gate are clumsy, and there isn’t a moat either, so it shouldn\'t be too difficult to breach."

"It’s a place that even the barbarians took over in a single day."

"Moreover, even the existing defense facilities seem to be in poor condition. It might be best to launch our attack right away tomorrow."

The adjutants and knights were sure of their victory. It was clearly an easily conquerable village. Its defenses were the bare minimum.

"The only concern is that its lord and the citizens who couldn\'t escape are being held hostage. If we fully launch our attack, the barbarians will kill them all."

A brief silence fell. These men were followers of the sun god Lou. They had a duty to protect the innocent.

Carnius spoke up.

"What is more important to us is not saving the lives in front of us but eradicating the barbarians as soon as possible to prevent even greater damage. Even if we hesitate and delay our attack, it won\'t magically stir mercy in the barbarians\' hearts, nor will it free the residents of the village. It will only prolong their suffering."

There was a scale in Carnius’ heart. Whenever he faced a dilemma, he would weigh it on the scale of his heart. People called him ‘Iron Blood,’ but the truth was that he always acted for the greater justice.

"We will prepare for the attack, then."

No one else objected to Carnius\' decision. All they needed was someone to bear the moral burden, and that was always the role of the commander.

"This land belongs to the sons and daughters of the Sun God. Let us show the barbaric pagans the power of the Sun!"

A devout knight exclaimed. The other knights responded, praising the name of Lou.

* * *

Over six thousand imperial soldiers prepared for the siege.

"They won’t get away this time. We even have our cavalry with us."

The knights laughed heartily as they donned their helmets. Unlike the previous battle, they had over a thousand cavalry to send on the pursuit. Having already dispatched horsemen to the rear gate of the fortress, there was no chance of the barbarians escaping.

"They\'ve dug their own graves. They’ve practically trapped themselves in a place with no escape."

The knights scoffed at the barbarians\' decision.

However, Carnius watched Valdima from a distance, deep in thought.

‘They must have some kind of strategy. Especially if their commander is the one who broke through our encirclement last time.’

Even Carnius had to acknowledge the decision-making of the barbarians who had killed his son. A frontal breakthrough in that situation was an astonishing decision.

‘Was it just a charge reliant on the frenzy, or was it the decision of an exceptional commander... I guess we’ll find out soon.’

Carnius proceeded with caution. He planned to send the heavy infantry and knights first to breach the gates. With Valdima\'s level of defenses, there was no way to stop the heavy infantry and knights.

‘Once we break through the walls, This battle is as good as over. No matter how brave the barbarians are, they can\'t defeat the knights.’

The superiority of the knights had been proven time and time again. The knights in steel armor were practically the natural predators of the barbarians.

‘The barbarian infantry is strong in melee and chaotic battles. But in the face of our knights, those advantages are virtually non-existent.’

Knights clad in steel armor had almost no weaknesses. How many warriors could exploit the few weaknesses of knights in the chaos of battle? Even if they borrowed the courage of wolves and bears, a blade made of crude metal couldn\'t penetrate a plate armor.


Carnius gave the command. The commanders moved according to the planned strategy. The knights and heavy infantry slowly approached the gates.


The barbarians fired their crossbows and arrows. In a town with poor defenses, arrows were almost the only means of defense.


The arrows did nothing against the imperial army. The knights\' armor deflected the arrows, and the heavy infantry raised their large shields over their heads, maintaining the Turtle Formation.

‘This is their last desperate struggle.’

The imperial advance was heavy and firm.

Doong, doong, doong.

Only the sound of the drum setting the marching speed spread across the battlefield.

The barbarians shooting arrows from the fences almost looked pitiful. The imperial army wasn’t going to lose the siege even if they tried to. It was clear that the barbarians were headed for defeat.


The barbarians who were shooting arrows suddenly screamed. Those on the fences rushed down to the ground.

"What\'s happening?"

The advancing imperial soldiers slowed down. The commanders narrowed their eyes, observing what was happening.

The imperial army reached the gates. There was no resistance or defense from the barbarians.

Instead, sounds of fighting came from inside the village.

\'Internal conflict?\'

There was a group of mercenaries from the civilized world among the barbarian army. That was a fact well known to even the imperial army.


The gate opened. A group of blood-soaked soldiers came out, gasping for air. They hurriedly sought help from the imperial army.

"We are mercenaries who have been with the barbarians! The barbarians are coming for us!"

The one who came out of the gate leading the mercenaries was Georg. He had opened the gate to escape with dozens of his men.

"Hah, idiots."

The knights at the gate looked over the mercenaries and laughed. The situation was obvious.

\'They are trying to save their lives by betraying the barbarians and opening the gate, but they\'re as good as dead anyway.\'

General Carnius\' son was dead. Even if they surrendered, those who had joined the barbarian army had no chance of surviving.

Nonetheless, the barbarians were at an overwhelming disadvantage. It wasn\'t surprising that the mercenaries betrayed them in such a situation.

The momentum was strong. Carnius looked at the gate that had opened on its own. The smell of iron was almost sweet with the proximity of victory.

"The barbarian bastards must be confused by the betrayal. We must enter now, General!"

Victory had rolled in too easily.

\'If the situation flows too favorably, you have to be skeptical.\'

Carnius stroked his chin, looking over the battlefield.

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