
Chapter 1037 Please Let Us Help

Chapter 1037 Please Let Us Help

Something happened at the supply route that was just secured from the usurpers.

In mere moments, the Supernatural skirmishers were absolutely destroyed and brought down by Linsguanx with little to no effort at all. His diversified summoned creatures were way more than enough to deal with this small matter.

Even Lisnguanx was confused as to why the Executor summoned him for this.

Amongst anything, this was an insult to his power.

But when the battle was nearing the end, there was an aura that appeared out of nowhere.

It piqued Lisnguanx\'s interest as this one is way stronger.

Despite the extraordinary senses that Linsguanx possessed, locating the source of this aura proved to be very tedious. Soon enough, the summoned creatures of chaos began to suffer a sudden stiffening, collapsing to the ground one by one.

All that were affected by this was banished back to the chaos realm.

Such a sight caught Lisnguanx off-guard, but it ignited its fighting spirit to greater height.

Disappointed at the Supernatural skirmishers—barely able to put up a fight, Lisnguanx was hopeful at the one it was facing now. No matter who was the one who possessed this aura, they must be quite strong.

Just then, Lisnguanx looked downwards, at the ground beneath its hooves.

A phenomenon was happening.

While he was being occupied with locating the source of aura—the cause of his summoned creatures of chaos to be banished rapidly, the ground with him at the center was covered in an unpredictable, yet familiar energy.

Lisnguanx recognized the nature of this energy and was instantly ecstatic.

It remained completely still.

Obviously, Lisnguax wanted to let the figure be the one to attack him first.

But like many others in the world who had made the same mistake, Lisnguanx\'s downfall was his arrogance. At the moment the entire battlefield was covered by this energy, a blast came and brought forth an amount of energy that spooked Linsguanx.

Nothing of this caliber crossed its mind when it patiently waited earlier.

Just before it was about to move, a whisper entered its left ear, from Lisnguanx to turn.

However, the moment he did that, he saw a shadowy silhouette charging at him.

Despite the swiftness of the shadowy silhouette, Lisnguanx could tell that it was shaped like the Grim Reaper itself, and it was also moving at blazing speed. Oblivious to what happened, Lisnguanx had his vision turned black.

Lisnguanx didn\'t feel anything, no pain, discomfort, nothing.

At one moment, he was completely fine but in the next, his vision darkened completely.

It was akin to someone turning off the light of the world.

Meanwhile, a loud crashing sound reverberated through the air violently.

Edward who was handling his first supply route paused in his combat, granting the enemies to use this opportunity to retreat from the battlefield. Nevertheless, he remained indifferent, his duty was to safeguard the supply route, not to eliminate all of them.

\'Hmmm...? What happened there?\' He pondered with a frown.

He found that the loud crashing sound came from Lisnguanx\'s direction.

Moreover, it was Lisnguanx itself who was letting out a fierce energy that was so dense that it could be felt all the way to Edward\'s place. But naturally, Edward found this weird as there shouldn\'t be anyone who could rile Lisnguanx to this extent.

Lisnguanx even looked bored when dealing with the Supernatural skirmishers earlier.

So there\'s no way someone is strong enough to elicit a strong reaction from Lisnguanx itself.

Despite having his orders, Edward went back to where Lisnguanx was located to check on it, fearing that it might encounter a hidden expert. With the showcase of power to the ones he took care of earlier, the other supply route should be fine.

Edward\'s fight should reach them since the other supply route was close.

Naturally, they should\'ve been retreating by now.

Returning back to where he was earlier, Edward saw Lisnguanx wildly slamming its halberd repeatedly, akin to a berserker in a fit of rage. It seemed to be very angry, too angry in fact which contradicted its usual composed demeanor.

"Raargh! Help!!"

"Keep that thing away from me!!"

Around Lisnguanx were the human workers who were distributing the supplies.

But now, they were completely run down in terror as Lisnguanx was weirdly attacking them.

It happened suddenly and without any warning.

Hundreds were dead from Lisnguanx\'s halberd, squashing them into meat paste.

Fortunately, the summoned creatures of chaos Lisnguanx had previously summoned were already banished to the chaos realm by the mysterious aura from earlier. Had they been in full force, the situation would be way worse right now.

\'Nothing in the surroundings, it was spotless clean\' Edward pondered with a frown.

Scanning the vicinity, he found not a single clue.

Now that Lisnguanx had turned like this, it was evident that something had occurred, and someone was definitely responsible for this. But there was not a single clue to reveal the perpetrator whatsoever.

It was either the person was an expert assassin, or its trace was too faint to be detected.

Either way, Lisnguanx fell to its victim.

"Who the heck did this?" Edward questioned before jumping in.


Looking at the towering Lisnguanx who was the epitome of a battle monger, a human, a low realm Awakened fell to his butt and crawl back in utter fear. Considering his power, escaping from Lisnguanx would be impossible.

He could only watch as Lisgnuanx lifted its halberd high above.

Swinging the halberd with the enhancement of its chaos energy, Edward came in clutch.


Raising the Soulreaver Lance, the lance that was gifted by the Executor, he squarely blocked Lisnguanx\'s attack head-on. However, the sheer force of the strike splintered the ground beneath him, ensnaring him in an intense power struggle.

"Stop! You are not supposed to attack Humans!" Edward exclaimed thunderously.

He was hoping that Lisnguanx would snap out of its trance.

Rather than responding to Edward\'s call, Lisnguanx unleashed a thunderous roar, able to generate a powerful soundwave that blasted the surroundings, leaving all—everyone who heard its might, including Edward, momentarily stunned.

Without delay, it cloaked its halberd and executed another forceful strike.

Knowing that he was in trouble, the ink-like armor that Edward wore moved on its own.

It blocked Lisnguanx\'s attack, perfectly halting it in place.

Even though Edward was completely stunned, unable to do anything at all due to the low vibration that the roar unleashed—crippling his body, his armor wouldn\'t let anything bad happen to him.

However, following that, Lisnguanx sent another—even faster strike.

Despite the protection of his armor, Edward was propelled away, rolling across the air.

Landing on two, firm feet, he looked at Lisnguanx and frowned, "I sensed the Witch\'s aura earlier, and this might as well be her doing. No... I\'m quite sure that it was her doing. I don\'t know what she did to convince the Executor, but she\'s an enemy"

Edward was quite sure that she was still an enemy.

Knowing that Rex is capable of extreme manipulation, he suspects everything.

Since the Witch spent a considerable amount of time with Rex, there was a very high chance that she was still working with Rex, and this was a part of their plan. "Fine, I\'ll stall Linsguanx until the people escape before heading back to check"


Meanwhile, inside the Silverstar Pack\'s castle.

A dire piece of news reached the castle\'s doorstep, stressing Ryze, the one who received it.

It was a message from the Dark Elves who reported that the Executor\'s army was nearing its last steps to reach the Symposium, and thus, the fight was going to happen soon. However, the problem was the fact that there was no instruction.

Ryze doesn\'t know what he is supposed to do.

Since the Silverstar Pack members were all absent, he was at the top of the command chain.

Everyone knows of his relationship with the Silverstar Pack.

Naturally, the one who was fitting to be a replacement for the Silverstar Pack was himself.

Of course, there were Prof. K and Giana who were directly a part of the Silverstar Pack.

However, their relationship was not as convincing as Ryze\'s relationship—being fairly new to the Silverstar Pack themselves. Moreover, Gelmar knew that they were enemies before, thus, leaving the top of command to them was not a probable move.

Sitting on a chair inside a meeting chamber was Ryze, contemplating heavily.

On one hand, he knew that the army should remain in the city.

Rex had advised them to remain behind and protect the city, anticipating a potential assault from the Executor\'s forces while the fight was going. Furthermore, Evelyn had yet to issue orders for the army to prepare and join the fight directly.

It was obvious as to where the decision is leaning to—staying put.

Due to those reasons, Ryze knew that he would command the army to stay out of the fight.

But the problem was the three generals, Gelmar, Dindora, and Linthia.

All of them arrived precisely when Ryze received the news and suggested that the army was prepared to support Rex in battle. Each of them overseeing a legion, had already made sure that their troop were ready to mobilize at a moment\'s notice.

Ryze already declined their proposal, but they still pressed him to agree.

Even now, they were still pressing Ryze.

"Be reasonable," Dindora said politely, trying to convey her thoughts. Everyone who became a resident of Dargena City came because Lord Rex, in one way or another, helped them. It\'s because of him that we are here. I hope you understand because, like us, you are also here because Rex did something for you"

Adding to this, Linthia nodded, "Yes, the city only stands because of him, Sir Ryze"

"Had we stayed behind to protect the city, and in the end, Lord Rex lost and passed away, protecting the city would be futile. In that situation, we, the citizens of Dargena City, would only be awaiting the inevitable doom from the Executor" She added firmly.

Of course, their logic was not wrong.

Staying behind might also be the wrong move, considering the situation.

However, the burden of making such a decision was too big for Ryze, who was not used to this kind of thing. It was then that Gelmar chimed, "Please, say the words. Let us help Lord Rex. We owe our existence to him, and this is the least we could do"

Ryze clutches the handles of his seat in a heavy dilemma.

Despite their logical input, it was still hard for him to order the entire army to go to war.

But suddenly, Rex\'s voice rings inside his head.

"I know that you are still a kid, and the situation might be too much for you. But to be with me, this is what you will be dealing with daily, and don\'t forget that you are now a Heavenly Dragonman"

"You need to grow up fast"

Upon repeating these words again, Ryze\'s expression visibly tensed.

An air of resoluteness washed over him as Rex already warned him that the trials in the near future were going to be very hard, and there was nothing else he could do but grow up soon and take control.

Making a decision also requires him to grow up.

Failing to grow up fast enough meant being left behind, and he didn\'t want that.

\'I am a Heavenly Dragonman, and Rex trusted me to be by his side when he was facing a bad situation, so I must live up to his expectations\' Ryze pondered with a deep flicker in his eyes, he wanted to prove himself more than anything.

Additionally, the opportunity was right in front of him.

All he had to do was to reach his hands out and grasp the opportune moment.

"Okay... Send the words to the army, let\'s prepare for war" Ryze eventually ordered firmly.

Upon hearing this, the three generals\' faces lighten up.

Despite having not much hope that Ryze would be up to the task, the three were happy with how this turned out. In excitement, Gelmar went to the side to take a chest that looked quite regal and refined.

Rotating around it was a sacred aura, telling that the item inside was important.

With a slow motion, Gelmar opened the chest.

"Since we\'re going to war, there\'s a need for chemistry, and this... this is the missing piece we need in order to have a successful war. What do you think, Sir Ryze? Do you think Lord Rex and even the others would like it?"

"N- No.. they wouldn\'t like it" Ryze gasped. "They would love it!"

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