
Chapter 776 Suited Better

Just like the gate into Dargena City, the entrance of the castle is open on its own, the sound of the huge and thick doors boasts of its weight, and the sight that is presented was akin to a cocoon turning into a butterfly.

It could definitely take anyone's breath away. 

But it was not awe that took their breaths away, it was fear and pressure instead.

At the center of a huge spacious room was a figure laying back on his throne, piercing deep red eyes staring straight at Prof. K, and the light smile on his face can shatter any entity that believes themselves to be powerful.

Under immense spiritual pressure and sheer dominance, even Prof. K feels like an ant.

Flunra's eyes sparkled when he saw the sight of the throne room, 'It's changed...' he thought in slight surprise, finding that the throne room was not like it was. Without a doubt, Rex has changed its appearance.

Since he definitely sensed them coming, he might've made these changes in accordance.

One of the most noticeable changes that Flunra instantly caught was the throne itself. Earlier, the throne room looks generic like any other throne that reaches high to the ceiling and is colored crimson. But now, it developed a unique characteristic of itself.

Instead of the generic, the throne is now circle-shaped with a royal red cushion on top.

Rex can now have some space to lay back on the throne instead of being forced to be upright and stiff by the previous throne, and this added an overbearing yet relaxed presence that no other King or Queen has.

Around the new throne are two red circlets stacked onto each other, reaching knee level.

Decorating the back of the throne is a big glowing ornament that is shaped like the moon itself. If not for the perfectly round shape, the way it was slightly tilting down makes it looks like an eye instead.

Flunra smiled when he saw this, he can't lie that this suited Rex way better.

Out of the entire powerful beings that existed in the current era, Rex does not belong to the original ninth-rank entities that have occupied the top ever since the Supernatural Emergence happened.

Rex is a new one, climbing from the bottom and eventually reaching the peak of power.

In a way, he's an outlaw that diverges from the norm of the entire era. A being that is unbound by the normal rules, unchained by any forces, and was in the process of becoming the third superpower of the entire world.

Compared to the previous throne, this one perfectly represented him better.

Glancing to the side, Flunra finds a shocked gaze inside Prof. K's green eyes at the sight of the Alpha. It makes a surge of pride swell inside of him, grateful that the Alpha he was following right now is worth obeying.

Without even Rex knowing, Flunra devoted himself more to him than before.

"Keep your eyes down, and follow me"

Prof. K shifted his gaze from the throne before he nodded his head and follow Flunra's instruction, keeping his gaze on the red carpet in front of him. In steady steps, the two then enter the castle and approach the throne.

But as soon as Prof. K stepped inside the castle, a sudden wave hits his body.


Although he can already feel the overbearing aura from the outside, turns out it was not even a tint of the full extent of the pressure that Rex emitted right now. It was barricaded by the castle before, but now that he's inside, he was hit by the full brunt of the pressure.

The pressure is so powerful that Prof. K halted his step to look at his own legs in surprise.

Even though he was considered the upper echelon in the SCO and even the entire humanity, Prof. K finds his legs trembling ferociously in the attempt to measly keep his body upright and standing.

For a moment, he can only fix his eyes on the black marbling stone of the floor.

"What are you doing, keep walking" Flunra said from in front with a warning tone.

Upon hearing this, Prof. K clenched his hands tightly before he forced himself to walk. Step by step, he tries to keep on walking while resisting the unimaginable pressure. A pressure that could literally crush those who are weaker than him.

Each step feels like the weight of the entire world is on his back, pressing him down.

It can be considered a miracle for the bones in his legs to not break, bearing the stress of this pressure. 'The gap is too wide, I can't believe he was once the person that I recruited into the SCO and become my subordinate...' Prof. K thought in disbelief.

While he raises his gaze a little to look at the space in front, his eyes were hazy.

After a torturous walk through the throne room to reach the base of the throne that feels like crossing the entire continent, Prof. K finally stops under the gaze of both Flunra and Rex who is stroking Delta which is lying beside the throne.

Looking down at Prof. K, he then gives a look to Flunra to explain the situation.

"Lord Rex, you may know this, but we are dealing with the human armies that are aiming for the Dark Elf and Dwarf. There, we met with him and he gave us this" Flunra said and takes out the memory drive that Prof. K gave earlier.

Rex gestured with his hand before Flunra ascend the stairs and give him the memory drive.

<Multifunctional Memory Drive>

A technological object that is used to store data up to 1 petabyte, projects a holographic interface to maneuver over the content, and can also be activated as an explosive that explodes green toxic gas.

When he gets his hand on the memory drive, he quickly scans it with the system.

Even though it would be very unlikely for Prof. K to do anything to jeopardize his own safety by pulling tricks here in the castle, considering his introverted and lazy personality, it's best to be safe than sorry.

Who knows? The memory ought to be pinning their location right now.

But thankfully for Prof. K, it doesn't seem to be doing that based on the system's description.

"Coming here alone and actually doing something, it's not really your style, Prof. K..." Rex said with a slightly rasping tone, he wanted to look into the memory drive instantly but needs to keep his appearance for the moment.

Upon hearing this, Prof. K slowly looks up, seemingly asking permission to speak.

Rex waved his hand lightly as a sign of approval before Prof. K then finally opened his mouth, "I wouldn't have come here if there was no need for me to come here. But the situation is bad, innocent people are dying left and right, and my peace is disturbed"

"Innocent people? Since when do you guys care about the innocent?" Rex replied harshly.

Without realizing it, Prof. K touched the surface of the forbidden topic, and now he realized that. Quickly clearing his throat, he decided to ease out of the topic, "I'm just worried that actual modern humans would be no more if it keeps on going in this direction, and that is why I'm here. You must still care about us, humans... despite everything that happened"

Just then, Rex abruptly sits up and connects his fingers together.

Leaning forward with his sharp eyes drilling into Prof. K's soul, "Don't assume anything about me, Prof. K. Only I dictate how I feel, and only I decide whether I care about the humans or not. I decide, not you. And my decision is already round ever since I left humanity" Rex paused, building suspension to his words. "I will not help humanity without a merit in me"

"Now that you have brought me the intel, I will gauge how much it's worth" Rex added.

From the moment he stepped out of the human territory, after the incident that breaks his heart, he decides that he would act objectively as a third party to the other forces. Only transactional agreement is allowed.

If anyone wanted something from him, then they would need to pay the appropriate amount.

Even if that anyone is the Supernaturals, he didn't mind lending a hand to help them in whatever they are trying to do. But the only problem was they were still hostile to him, and Rex is not going to make the first move to fix that.

Out of the enemies he has now, he wanted to focus on the Executor and the Witch.

The Supernaturals, at least the current one is not a direct threat to him, they would need something big to actually beat him in a battle. Rex would only need to worry about them attacking the others.

As he thrives to be the third party, this is the best course for him to reach that.

Despite the fact that his growth was influenced a bit by Prof. K and the SCO, not to mention their help during the Supernaturals' trap for him, he can't pick and choose and decides to be objective in this problem.

After all, the humans did awaken the Executor into this world by using him.

Prof. K kept silent as there was no more room for him to add, if that was Rex's decision then he couldn't force him. With that declaration, Rex then decides to open the memory drive to scour through the data stored inside of it.

He was already itchy in doing so as in order to fight the Executor, he needs intel.

Just as he was about to look into the memory drive, a frown then appeared on his face before he looks over to Flunra, "I was told that you left with Adhara and Evelyn, where are those two?"

Upon hearing this, the air inside Flunra's lungs stopped for a brief moment, choking him.

Even though the Luna's energy was affecting him greatly, Flunra knows that he was being influenced and is eventually melted under Evelyn's persuasion of her request. But he fail to consider what he would answer if Rex asked.

Now, in the face of Rex's question, he didn't know what to answer.

"Is that how you should act, leaving those two who you should be protecting alone?" Rex asked again. But this time, his voice turn colder, and his eyes squinted, sharpening the gaze like a dagger poking his skin.

Flunra stutters, his mind is in shambles, and he doesn't know what to say.

But then eventually Rex sighs as there must be a reason why Flunra lets them go alone, it doesn't make sense for him to do otherwise, "Fine, just tell me the reason. Although they are strong, the Witch is still around and we need to be cautious"

"I-It's Giana, she comes to the Supernatural territory in search of us" Flunra replied.

With that, he pointed at Prof. K and further explains, "He told us the news, he spied on Giana through the Intra technology and told us about it. Just like you might expect, Adhara and Evelyn reacted fiercely at that"

"Hmm... is that so? Then I feel bad for her" Rex replied with a nasty grin on his face.

Although he still wasn't sure about his tendency, his feeling toward Giana, he knows full well that Adhara and Evelyn's feelings towards her is clear as a day. Knowing how hot-blooded they can get, especially Adhara, he can't help but pity Giana.

Even he would probably be trembling in his boots if he were in Giana's situation.

But as he was leaning back on his comfortable and soft throne, Rex's eyes glisten as his mind suddenly blisters with a great idea. It was an idea that might be possible if he play it right with Prof. K and Giana.

Glancing at Flunra, Rex then said with a commanding tone.

"Go back and tell Adhara and Evelyn to bring Giana here, after they are done playing around with her. I just got a perfect idea for this situation" he said, his devilish grin keeps on blooming like a flower under the sun.

Upon hearing this, Prof. K feels a bad omen coming from him.

Just from looking at the expression Rex is wearing alone, he can tell that he's up to no good, 'What is he planning now...? I only wanted to deliver the message and go home to sleep, yet this happened' Prof. K thought with a deep sigh, his introverted side is already complaining.

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