
Chapter 593 Escalating Tragedy

Just like being in hell itself, the rain of blood kept going for a moment.

The sheer amount of blood that was amassed from thousands of people being crushed under the kingly force make the rain keep going drenching Adhara and Flunra, blemishing the city's scenery in red, and also turning the fresh air smothering.

It turns the entire place into Vampires' heaven from how much blood overflowed the place.

Both of them just stood there in a staple looking at the destruction that was left by their Alpha, something that they still can't believe happen. Nothing seems to be wrong, but Rex suddenly snapped in a blink of an eye.

Although Flunra thought that he was not stable due to Ruston, this is more than he expected.

Even when they were talking before he didn't see any glint of anger inside his eyes. Despite knowing the fact that someone was after him, Rex didn't seem to be troubled by it at all as if he has already forgiven the perpetrators.

Maybe due to his lifestyle that constantly exposed him to danger, he was not that mad.

With every little turn he made in his attempt to rise to the peak and take revenge on the Supernaturals, dangers always lurks and waited for him. Each one of them threatens his life to the point that danger involving life was not something that surprises him.

Of course, the perpetrators still need to pay the price but he was exceptionally calm.

But out of nowhere as if there was a switch that can turn on his anger, Rex suddenly went berserk in a snap and destroyed the entire place without even a hint of remorse. It was not his usual self, something big must've happened.

Adhara looks to the side and finds many people crying and dazed from what just happened.

It happened so quickly that none of them can even process what just happened, and when they did, they started crying and screaming in absolute terror from seeing their significant other or even someone they knew got squashed into the ground.

"Let's check on the others first, they should be in the rubble", Adhara said before she turns away.

Despite the people that are in dire need of explanation and help, she decided to just leave them be as she doesn't know what happened either, 'How could this happen? But I know Rex, he won't suddenly burst like that without anything happening...'

While digging through the rubble, they find Evelyn doesn't seem to be hurt but is still unconscious.

On the other hand, Flunra digs into the rubble and finds Gistella is already trying to get out of the rubble herself. Helping her out of the rubble, she was instantly surprised when her nose was greeted by the thick scent of blood.

Adjusting to the bright sunlight, Gistella looks around before she gasps in a cold breath.

"D-Did the city got attacked?"

"No, Rex happened. Out of nowhere, he suddenly went berserk and activate his King Mark"

Upon hearing what Adhara suddenly said from the side, Gistella was in a state of disbelief as she knows that Rex would never do something like this, "Impossible, he wouldn't do something like this. At least not without a reason"

Rex was ruthless, but he was ruthless to those who deserves it and Supernaturals.

Just like what Adhara thought earlier, Gistella instantly thought of the same thing as killing thousands of normal humans was not something Rex would do, it's really out of the ordinary.

While looking around, Gistella suddenly remembered something.

"I woke up a bit earlier, and I saw Rex gasping for air on the floor as if he was sick. I was certain he was sick because he didn't even notice me waking up and just left the room, something must've happened"

Flunra frowns as he tries to remember what Rex was saying earlier.

Although he was right beside the dazed Rex kneeling on the road in front of the hospital, the words that he was saying in inaudible. But the last word that came out of his mouth, Flunra can vaguely decipher it, "Might be a clue, but he was acting weird earlier. Just like what she said, it's like he was sick and also seeing things"

"I can't hear what he was murmuring, but I think I know the last word that he said"

Adhara approaches closer and pushes Flunra's shoulder to make him look at her, "Well, what was it? We need to know where he was going, something must happen to him for him to do something like this"

While looking at Adhara's demanding eyes, Flunra then replied, "Mother..."


Meanwhile, Sector 2.


Immediately after the chilling bone-breaking sound, the place turns dead silent.

Zero didn't waste any more time and did the unfathomable, stepping over the line of tolerance by breaking the fragile neck that doesn't need much strength to break. Like having the soul blown away, Mrs. Greene's body instantly went weak.

Upon looking at Mrs. Greene who still has a warm smile on his face, everyone started quivering.

Ryze's body went stiff as the cold bone-breaking sound penetrates his heart and shuts down his bodily function, his body went stiff out of pure disbelief and also fear. Although it was brief, Mrs. Greene has given him some motherly love that he missed so much ever since his family's death.

Giving him concerns and even cooking for him.

Mrs. Greene played her part in making the room in Faraday University and the new mansion feels like a home, she was a pleasant addition in a place where many troubles seem to be attracted.

But now she was dead, her limp body under Zero's grip showed that.

It was an utter shock upon seeing Zero kill her just like that but the realization hits Edward more than it hit Ryze, his blurry eyes are trying to adjust to what he was seeing almost as if his eyes themselves don't want him to see the unbelievable scene.

Just like having his soul sucked, Edward turns his face forward again while his lips quiver.

Even though the sword of light is still stabbing his chest with blood still seeping out, he was numbed from the pain as his eyes kept wide open, 'N-No... No way that this is happening, it must be a dream. It can't be happening, did I just fail...?'

Upon the realization that suddenly dawned on him, a couple of tears falls from his eyes.

From the moment he finished his last task in the military, he feels indebted to two people that are responsible for keeping him breathing past that hazardous mission. Both of them did a heroic deed and also saved him in the process.

One of them died, but one of them survived. Rex survived.

Although he was hesitant in meeting with him at first, fate takes a turn when Rex ends up in the same university as him. At that moment he swears that he will do the right thing, and this time he will succeed.

Despite wanting to repay his debt, he failed Kyle.

Edward hasn't got the chance to repay his debt of life to Kyle even until he died, and that crushed him to the absolute core. But now, he failed once again, and that crushing feeling comes two times greater and made him shed tears.

With the sword of light stabbing him, he can only sob his strength away.

'I'm sorry, I can't save her. I failed once again, I'm sorry Rex...'

But as he was looking at the sky waiting for the reaper of death to take his soul and bring him to hell, a flash of Mrs. Greene's warm smile appears inside his head. It was the one she wore during their conversation regarding Rex's actual race.

Although he was distracted, Edward remembered the last sentence she said to him.

'Something bad will happen, and I hope you can be there to keep him in check'

That was the last sentence that Mrs. Greene said to him, she already knew that this day would come and anticipated her untimely death. It was a message directed to him, Mrs. Greene wished that he would still be here when Rex knows all of this.

Reminding him to not stray from his actual path just because of her death.

'Who am I kidding, I'm on the verge of death already. But I can't die yet... I can't die yet...'

Edward kept repeating the same words over and over again trying to make a deal with the reaper of death to not take his soul now, he already broke many responsibilities of himself and he didn't want to break another one bestowed on him.

No matter what, he needs to keep on living. At least until Rex learned all of this.

But the more he repeats those words inside his head, the more everything started to blur. Noises coming from the back started to become muffled, and his body slowly leans forward, into the sword of light.

It shouldn't be happening, but his vision slowly turns darker and darker.

While Edward is drowned in sorrow and the feeling of death, the scene keeps escalating.


Robert saw the lifeless body of the person that he loved the most in the cold clutches of a white-robed creature, his eyes ultimately bulged with absolute anger as his blood started pumping even faster.

Even though he was weak, rationality have already left his mind.

Zero's astral face smiled mockingly while looking at Robert, he then threw Mrs. Greene to the side.

Upon seeing this Edward's uncle was also stunned by the scene, but his eyes darted to the left and saw Zelene on the ground before he hurriedly scurry over to her and helps hug her in his embrace. Zelene started crying and sobbing from seeing how Mrs. Greene died cruelly.

"She's dead, uncle. She's dead!"

"I know, I'm sorry..."

Edward's Uncle rubs Zelene's back while looking at Robert clenching both of his fists.

Although he wanted to help dissuade Robert from doing anything rash, he was too late. Robert has already filled with anger seeing his wife's lifeless body get thrown to the side like trash, he glared and roared at Zero before he started advancing.

Looking at a sword lying on the ground, Robert picked it up before charging forward.

With nothing but muscle and willpower, he clenched the sword's handle with both hands and swings it without holding anything back. It was the first time he was using a sword, but he used every ounce of power from his body in this strike.

Due to Zero's Gladiator Form, there's a stark size difference.

The sword that was swung fiercely by Robert landed on Zero's stomach cleanly.

But instead of doing any sort of damage to the white-robed figure that Robert hated to the core right now, the sword that he swung shatters as it did nothing to Zero. Not even a dent even though he was very injured and weakened.

Robert widened his eyes upon seeing the sword shattering, his anger vanished almost instantly.

Giving him a mocking look, Zero raises his hand intending to strike back.

Out of nowhere, the clear bright sky is suddenly tainted by the color red as a figure way up in the sky heads toward them, faster than the eyes can see. Diving down from the sky like a meteor, the figure brought sparks of red lightning which generates immense pressure that can even be felt by Zero himself.

"ZERO!!!", Sebrof roared hurriedly using everything he got to stop what Zero was about to do.

Even though he was a ninth-rank realm Awakened which is the strongest existence in the entire world currently, his power proves to be a little bit too late as Zero's hand already launched and slapped Robert away.


From that backhand slap, Robert got sent crashing across the ground.

No matter how anyone looks at it, an eighth-rank realm Awakened in the Gladiator Form slapping a normal human would be an instant death. It's the difference in terms of strength that is even worst than a baby fighting an adult.

In the next second after that, Sebrof crashes into him with his hand grabbing Zero's neck.


Both of them crash and carve a destructive path on the ground while Sebrof glares at Zero.

Although he was a bit too late, Sebrof has already seen the destruction that was caused by Zero, and also the heavy casualties that are not many but each was an important figure that he can't afford to lose.

The path went on for miles with Zero helpless under Sebrof's rampaging aura.

Grabbing his neck tighter, Sebrof lifts him up from the ground by the neck with his blitzing red lightning eyes still glaring at Zero, "ZERO, YOU WORTHLESS SCUM!! DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'VE DONE?!!

"Akhh- I-I'm saving h-humanity's reputation", Zero replied with a smirk on his face.

Upon hearing what he just said, Sebrof's expression contorted and his entire body exploded with suppressing red lightning that was like the judgment of heaven itself for the sins that Zero committed, "Reputation?! You fool! You saved nothing! You only dangered humanity's continuity from what you did!!"

Even under the glare, Zero started laughing like a maniac. It seems he didn't regret it at all.

But just as Sebrof was about to make Zero understand what he had done.


Sebrof widened his eyes when he saw Zero's chest suddenly burst and blood splattered onto his face, he blinked a couple of times out of confusion and realized that claws were penetrating through Zero's chest.

It was sudden, and even Zero revert back to his normal form from that attack.


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