
Chapter 495 Impeachment Of The King Side

\'This is not Dupok City...\'

Rex stood up in surprise upon hearing the sound of people chattering, he looks around and finds himself on a roof of a building. The bustling sound of people can be heard below.

He then looks at his arms and finds that the chains he bought are not there.

Just this alone shows that he really did somehow break free from the Chains of Sanctifying Downfall and went to this city, he looks around and finds the city is not that great. The walls surrounding the city are only thirsty and feel tall.

It\'s way less than Ratmawati City or even level one or two cities, this is probably a level three city.

While looking around with a hint of crisis striking his heart, Rex then tries to ask Devo who should know what happened to him, \'Devo, how did I get here? Did I go berserk again?\'


But soon Rex realized that he\'s currently suppressing Devo, and it\'s hard for Devo to talk.

Right after he lifted the suppression off of Devo, a voice then suddenly rang inside his head, "I don\'t really know what happened. Just like what you told me, I protect the place to prevent others like that boy to discover you again"

"While I was watching the people near the place, you suddenly pulled me back and suppress me without even saying anything"

Hearing this, Rex can\'t help but looks down with a frown, "That\'s not me..."

"Wait, even if you\'re suppressed shouldn\'t you be able to hear what\'s on my mind? Suppression only makes it harder for you to talk, but you\'re still in my head", he added in confusion, it\'s weird for Devo to not know what happened to Rex.

Devo went silent for a moment, but soon he replied also in confusion, "I-I don\'t know..."

Finding that even Devo doesn\'t know what happened to him last night, Rex hasn\'t  quit yet as he asks the system next, \'System, show me the notification log...\'

\'If I went berserk, the system should at least say something\', he thought.

Whenever he transformed or even when something weird happened to him, the system always notify him through notifications no matter what it is. But when Rex checked the notification log there are none out of the ordinary.

Rex finds nothing weird, everything looks normal.

The last notifications are when the Countess of the Dark Luniric is wanting to give him her blessing, that is all. Not one notification can be seen after that, completely empty.

Although there\'s not one piece of evidence, Rex knows that something definitely happened.

Why would he end up here if nothing really happened, he even realized that he\'s naked. The system should always automatically change his clothes whenever he transforms, but somehow he ends up naked like this without anything on.

One and the only reason for this state is that he ripped it off, but why would he do that?

Rex got so many questions inside his head and each one of the questions is trying to discover the worst, it feels like he\'s slowly losing himself but that shouldn\'t be possible.

After calming himself down, Rex finally realized that there are a couple of figures on his side.

The figures are all wearing a black robe that covers their heads all the way to below their waists, but they all are lying on the ground stiffly. Four figures are lying on the ground to be exact, and Rex got beat by his curiosity and approached the figures.

Kneeling beside the figures, Rex turned one of the figures before his eyes squinted in shock.

\'This is not a human... Vampires? No, this is a Succubus\', he thought in surprise.

Just after he turned one of the figures lying on the ground he finds that the figure is a Succubus, its pale pinkish and voluptuous skin and small wings show clearly that this is not a human but a Supernatural instead.

But Rex finds the Succubus is dead, there\'s a hole in the middle of its chest.

p The hole is not a clean one but rather a messy one that looks to be pierced by claws, \'Did I do this...?\', Rex thought with a frown, the wound might just be inflicted by his Werewolf form claws.

In fact, there\'s no doubt that it\'s done by him.

"So I really did go berserk, but where did these Succubuses come from? Are they trying to attack the city from within by hiding behind these robes?", Rex mutters, the other robed figures are also Succubus but one of them is an Incubus.

Rex should be still in Dupok City, and Dupok City is near the Demon Stronghold, not the Vampire stronghold. So it makes sense for a Succubus to be here.

Upon taking one of the robes, he finds that it\'s a piece of battle equipment.

Rex finds the robes similar to the design of the Astral Blanket in terms of functionality. While the Astral Blanket has the ability to make the presence whoever wore it becomes lighter and even puts the one that wore it in an astral form, this robe seems to have the ability to prevent demonic energy from leaking out.

It definitely has the function to infiltrate a human city, there\'s no doubt about it.

After briefly thinking about these Succubuses, without a doubt they are definitely Succubuses sent by the Demon Stronghold to cause as much havoc in the cities near the stronghold.

With the access they have obtained into the human territory, it\'s rather easy for them to infiltrate.

Despite humanity fighting back against the Supernatural for more than a dozen years now, their Awakened numbers are still lacking heavily. There\'s no way Cessation Knights and Awakened from the 25 Golden Crest Families alone can cover the entirety of the human territory.

This is taken advantage of by the Supernatural by sending these Succubuses.

It\'s been a while since Rex read the progress of the war and everything that is happening to him, so he\'s not really updated, \'I need Kyran to talk about the report sent by the Reed Family\'

But just as he thought of that,

<Sudden Quest Completed!>

<All pack members Evolution Progress has been increased by 30%>

<The user\'s pack member, Gistella has evolved into High Werewolf Fiend!>

<Adhara is awaiting the approval of the user for their bloodline evolution!>

<Obtained Pack-related Skill Upgrade Ticket>

Since the Wolf Moon has already passed the others should finish hunting the deathless Undead and also Duncan\'s wife, the completion of the sudden quest shows that they\'re successful.

Aside from that, Rex\'s eyes landed on the third notification from the system.

\'I\'m surprised that Adhara manage to reach the next evolution first before Kyran, if she\'s the same then she should get the evolution path similar to mine since we both started as regular High Werewolf\', Rex thought.

But as for Gistella, she reached the high Werewolf bloodline.

Gistella should now be able to turn into her Werewolf form or even alter parts of her body into her Werewolf form, it needs some training but she\'ll get the hang of it in no time just like Rex, Adhara, and Kyran did.

Rex puts every corpse of the Succubusses into his inventory for Gistella to devour.

Just as he did that the door leading downstairs on the side jolted open revealing a middle-aged man, his eyes widen upon seeing Rex before turning back into fierce ones.

"Oh... I\'m sorry for sleeping here last night, I will leave straight away", Rex said with a forced smile.

Since Rex already sensed the man approaching the door long before the man opens the door, he already puts on clothes that he bought from the shop so he will not be mistaken as a homeless pervert that sleeps naked wherever he likes.

Ignoring Rex\'s remarks, the middle-aged man then suddenly ran at him angrily.

This caught Rex off guard as he didn\'t expect the man would be so angry at him, he halted the middle-aged man\'s movement by his chest and said, "I will leave right away, I\'m sorry"

But just as he said that Rex finds that the man\'s eyes are flickering with purple light.

Rex finds this to be odd since the middle-aged man is clearly a normal human, there\'s no mana that can be sensed from his body so he\'s definitely a regular citizen of this city.

With one swift movement, Rex hits the back of the middle-aged man\'s head.

The middle-aged man passed out easily, but it still requires a huge effort since his strength is literally monstrous for a normal human. Rex needs to hit the middle-aged mad very lightly, but even with that, it\'s still too much strength.

Using the system, Rex scans the middle-aged man.


<Demonic energy is present inside the target, this energy is focused on the brain. Overpowering it with the user\'s element will free the target from mind control>

Reading this turns out the middle-aged man is under mind control.

Following the system\'s instruction, Rex overpowers the demonic energy using his sky-black lightning. It\'s rather easy to cleanse the Demonic energy showing that his strength is way stronger than the ones that cast this mind control.

With how the middle-aged man\'s eyes flickered with a purple light, it\'s definitely the Succubus\' doings.

After cleansing the mind control, Rex then stands up and looks at the city\'s scenery.

\'If this man is mind controlled by the Succubus that I killed, then there must be others out there as well. Let\'s help them first before going back\', Rex thought, but he then remembered the mystery that happened last night.

Rex doesn\'t like mystery, he hated it.

But soon he can only sigh since he can\'t find any clue of what happened last night except for these Succubuses\' corpse, \'I don\'t know what happened last night, but thankfully no people are hurt. Only Supernaturals...\'

With that, Rex then dashes away searching for other people that got mind controlled.


Meanwhile, Supernatural Territory.

The Scarlet Banes Kingdom,

Inside the Werewolf territory near a mountain peak that is quite deserted, there\'s a Werewolf sitting on a bone throne inside a hut that is savoring what seems to be a leg of a mutated animal that is already half-done.

Despite the huge hut that this Werewolf is sitting in, the other huts around this one are few.

There are only seven huts around the main hut with only about eight to ten Werewolves walking around, their condition is not that good judging from how frail their bodies are for a Werewolf.

Instead of muscular and menacing bodies, these Werewolves are thin.

Even though they\'re still way bigger than a normal human, they are still small for a Werewolf.


"Bring me more food! Tell to that disgrace of a King that treating us like this is not respectable, the Origin will damn him for letting us rot like this!", the Werewolf inside the main hut slam the table and shouted.

From the ice blue S-shape rune on its shoulder, this Werewolf should belong to a family.

Although the condition of its pack is very bad judging from how small his pack members\' bodies are, this Werewolf is still brimming with the air of an Alpha and also its body is screaming with power.

Despite everything, this Werewolf\'s body seems to burst with powerful energy.

The two fragile Werewolves in front of him jolted before they cowers away fearing that their Alpha will make them his food instead, it sometimes happens.

Smacking his lips in displeasure, the Alpha leans back on his bone throne.

Not long after he\'s relaxing while waiting for his beta to bring him more food, there\'s a towering Werewolf with a T-shaped rune on his shoulder entering the main hut. This didn\'t surprise the Alpha as he already sensed this Werewolf.

If Rex were here then he will instantly recognize the Werewolf that just entered as Ruston.

"How the Iceclaw Pride Pack has fallen from grace, I never thought that someone as stingy as you would be willing to be exiled like this, Ian...", Ruston said with a hint of mock in his voice.

Hearing this, the Alpha called Ian sneered, "What are you doing here Ruston?"

"Are you here to see how my pack is doing? Well, bare in mind that even though my pack\'s condition is rough, I\'m the one that manages to sleep with her"

"Not you, that just shows which one of us is the real Alpha right?", Ian mocked back.

From the exchange of the two, there seems to be a history between the two. Ruston even has a dark expression upon hearing what Ian said, but he kept his calm and just puts on the stoic look back onto his face.

Ruston then walks closer to Ian sitting on the throne and said, "Are you satisfied with this?"

"I consider you to be my rival, but you\'re going to disappoint me if you just going to stay here exiled by King Baralt. I want to see at least you try to fight him", he added.

Glaring at Ruston angrily, Ian then grabs the table in front of him and flips it over.

Surprisingly Ian is even more towering than Ruston, there\'s at least two inches difference between their heights. The blue aura surrounding Ian is terrifying as he glare at Ruston, "King Baralt is accepted by the Super Moon, how can I think of fighting him?!"

"Who said you can fight him...?", Ruston replied with a smirk.

This turned Ian\'s eyes bloodshot before he roared right in front of Ruston\'s face angrily.


Upon hearing the roar, Ian\'s Beta came running into the main hut before they saw their Alpha is looking at Ruston with killing intent. But there\'s no fear or panic in Ruston\'s eyes.

"Let me finish first, Ian..."

"King Baralt is strong, you can\'t possibly fight him and win. So why don\'t you ask someone that can fight him, someone, that has influence and also has the potential to take down King Baralt?", Ruston asks hinting at something.

This makes Ian frown, "Who can possibly do that? Only a Prince can hope to..."

Just from looking at Ruston\'s eyes alone, Ian can read it clearly as his eyes widen in surprise. Before he can even comment another Werewolf walks into the main hut, but this one made Ian widen his eyes in shock since he didn\'t sense this Werewolf.

Not only that, he instantly recognizes this Werewolf from a glance, "Arnulf?!! You\'re awake?!"

"I\'ve become quite a celebrity, everyone seems to know me", Arnulf said with a slight chuckle, he stands beside Ruston before stepping right in front of Ian and staring right in his eyes.

Ian unconsciously gulps harshly, that is because Arnulf is even bigger than himself.

"W-What can I help you with A-Arnulf?", Ian asks stutteringly.

The air of an Alpha that he boasts before is long gone because of Arnulf\'s arrival, this just shows that Arnulf\'s presence alone brings a heavy weight to Werewolves that know him. A Werewolf that survived the Radical Era.

Exposing a devious grin, Arnulf then said, "I heard you hated King Baralt? Why don\'t you help us?"

"We\'ve got the Dark Prince on our side..."

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