
Chapter 493 Alpha's Desire


Kyran slammed the black spear on his side while looking at the group of Cessation Knights with a wide grin, his eyes flashed with a hint of excitement and his body is even slightly trembling.

It\'s been quite a while since he actually fought with someone, and now he had the chance to.

A sizzling black aura is slowly rising from Kyran\'s entire body hiding the presence that made no one from the group of Cessation Knights can even sense him, not even the leader. Fighting a being that can\'t be sensed is very horrifying on its own.

Imagine fighting someone but you can\'t tell where is their exact location.

Fighting someone like Kyran who has no presence at all, the Cessation Knights needs to rely on their vision and keep track of Kyran\'s movement. But even then, the potential weakness ceased to exist since Kyran can blend into the darkness.

Without a doubt, he\'s a master of stabbing on the back, a naturally gifted assassin born to kill.

"They don\'t look like they\'re affected by the full moon... this is really bad, leader", the man holding a bow said while keeping his eyes on Kyran and the others, it\'s clear from how Kyran conversate that he\'s not in bloodlust.

In fact, he\'s quite calm for a Werewolf under the full moon which is surprising.

Hearing this, the leader also frowns as he also finds this a bit odd. Gistella is hard enough but now two other Werewolves join the frame, "I know, contact the other platoons to call them here", the leader whispers very light.

But even with the whispering voice, the man heard what the leader said.

Nudging a Cessation Knight holding a machine gun on the furthest back, the man holding a bow then whispers to him too, "Quickly send our coordinates to the others"

While the man with a bow is saying that, the leader keeps Kyran\'s attention on him.

"You must be their Alpha, a shaman on top of that too. I advised you to retract back your pack and leave our territory before we\'re forced to take a drastic measure"

"There are six other platoons here, consider this a warning for you"

The leader said while squinting his eyes with his boiling aura of a seventh rank Awakened in full display, with the glowing green sword he\'s giving an act of intimidation that has zero effect on Kyran.

Rex has a sheer frightening aura way more than the leader of the Cessation Knight.

Kyran has seen the outmost suppressing aura during Rex\'s berserk state in the Vampire territory, something like this is a child\'s play for him. It only riled up his battle instinct further.

Hearing this, Kyran then smiles, "Didn\'t you guys hear what I said earlier?"

"Our Alpha told us to not kill any human for a purpose that you don\'t need to know, my friend here is having trouble with the full moon so she will accidentally kill you if she fights"

"As for me... I\'m perfectly fine, so I can just cripple all of you", Kyran said brutally.

Although the Cessation Knights are already expected a confrontation with Kyran that is clearly showing his hostility to them, they have never been this much disrespected by a Werewolf. It\'s baffling how Kyran is so confident despite their numbers and power.

But the leader didn\'t reply as he was too stunned by what Kyran said.

It\'s not about Kyran\'s confidence, but he was stunned knowing that this clearly powerful Werewolf is not the Alpha despite having no presence and emitting such a horrifying bloodlust.

Just as he was thinking, the leader suddenly realized the black spear is gone.

Kyran is giving the leader a wide gruesome smile seeing that the leader finally realized his black spear is gone, pointing at the Cessation Knights\' back Kyran then said, "Did you really think I wouldn\'t know you\'re stalling for a time...?"

Upon hearing this, the Cessation Knights look back before their eyes widen.

The man with a bow was the one stunned the most because the Cessation Knight on his back is already pinned on the ground by a black spear that pierced his chest without anyone noticing.

Dark energy is coiling around the Cessation Knight\'s mouth that makes no sound come from his mouth despite trying desperately to try and notify the others that he\'s attacked, but Kyran\'s dark element can even devour sound.

Soon the Cessation Knight\'s wound turns black before he passed out not long after.

It strikes a jolt of electricity that made them all frozen in place.

"W-When did he attack... I didn\'t even sense the black spear", the man with a bow mutters silently.

A maniac chuckles escape Kyran\'s mouth as he finds the Cessation Knight\'s stiff body funny, he finds it very fun to see the fear slowly gripping their hearts from not realizing that Kyran has just launched an attack while they were discussing without them noticing.

Soon the black spear piercing the man dissipated before coming back to Kyran\'s side.



The leader saw one of his men get injured, his anger slowly besting up inside of him like an erupting volcano. Charging his body with immense spirit energy and wind mana, he charges forward follows by the other four melees Cessation Knights.

Each of their steps makes their armors make a steely sound showing how heavy they are.

But seeing the charging four Cessation Knights, Kyran did the same thing and imbued his black spear with spirit energy and dark mana again, "Pneuma Spell, Piercing Black!"


Upon seeing this, the leader widens his eyes, "How can he use Pneuma Spell that easily?!"

Just like how the leader did before, Pneuma Spell usually needs a bit of preparation before it can finally be cast. It\'s because of the difficulty of merging the elemental mana and spirit energy, that it demands a high level of control.

But Kyran makes it looks so easy as if he just cast a regular spell he used for the hundredth time.

With a movement that is organized and in sync showing their experience on the battlefield, the four Cessation Knights stacked their shoulders together while preparing to receive the black spear.

"Alliance Technique, Shield of Four Strength!"

Each one of the five Cessation Knight chanted before their mana merged and created a shield.

The shield is like a combination of multiple elemental mana even though it\'s contradicting, the technique they used creates a neutral ground for each mana allowing them to merge.


Upon colliding with the black spear, the five Cessation Knights got pushed back a little.

Kyran throws the black spear and uses his piercing black pneuma spell but in the end, just when the black spear was about to leave his hand, he intendedly uses his fingers to spin the black spear.

The spear becomes a drill adding the penetration power of the Pneuma Spell.

Because of the penetration and sheer power of the Pneuma Spell, the five Cessation Knights kept getting pushed back under its power. Even though Kyran doesn\'t have a seventh rank level of mana but his spirit energy is way denser than these Cessation Knights.

It\'s because of his dark spirit that surpassed the 5000 years mark, a very powerful spirit.

Using Kyran\'s spirit, Shurbaa\'s energy, the gap between Kyran\'s power and also the leader lessens heavily. He even manages to overpower the leader\'s Pneuma Spell just from his superior spirit.

After a crack appeared on the shield, the leader roared adding more mana to the shield.


Soon the black spear got successfully parried spinning up into the air, this brought a smile to the Cessation Knights\' faces but just when they were about to close in the distance they suddenly saw Kyran is already up in the air holding the black spear.

There\'s a brutal smile on his face, "Pneuma Spell, Piercing Black!"


Unlike their expectation, not only does Kyran can use a Pneuma Spell rather easily he also can do it multiple times without stopping showing the level of control and spirit energy he possesses.


Another piercing black hit the shield once again making the crack bigger.

Kyran did it a couple of times without stopping giving no time for the five Cessation Knights to do anything except for defending, the shield has already cracked everywhere. It will shatter with just one more piercing black.

But when Kyran was about to use his Pneuma Spell once more, he saw an arrow flying toward him.

The man with a bow already fires a powerful arrow covered in lightning, it blitzes so fast that the man believes that Kyran wouldn\'t be able to dodge that. He should be forced to block it giving enough time for the other five Cessation Knights to do something.

"Good, he\'ll definitely be paralyzed for a moment", the man mutters.

Another Cessation Knight beside the man also started firing his machine gun relentlessly.

Unlike the expectations in their minds, Kyran\'s body moves even faster as he throws the piercing black at the five Cessation Knights and immediately grabs the incoming arrow.

He then blended into the darkness dodging the bullets before reappearing on the ground.

Seeing that Kyran is holding the lightning arrow using his bare hand without even a hint of pain in his eyes, the man shuddered in absolute fear, "You think this level of lightning can paralyze me?"

"What...", the man utters in shock, he only lightly whispers to himself but Kyran heard it.

This alone shows how sensitive Kyran\'s senses are to the point of sheer terrifying, his whisper before to the Cessation Knight that got pierced in the chest is a normal whispering level of voice.

But right now his voice is very light, not even close to the first one.

Even if someone is standing right in front of him and also leans his ear to the man\'s mouth, they still wouldn\'t be able to decipher what he mutters for himself.

Kyran on the other hand despite standing a hundred feet away can hear it perfectly.

With one swift motion, Kyran snaps the lightning arrow into two before facing the man with a bow, "If you think this lightning can hurt me, then you\'ll be surprised what real lightning looks like..."

Just as he said that the shield made by the Cessation Knights behind him shatters.

There are already so many cracks decorating the shield that even the leader can\'t give enough mana into the shield to block the last piercing black, and after the barrier shatter it exploded sending the five Cessation Knights flying away wailing in pain.



Looking at this scene, the man holding a bow gulps harshly.

From the start, he already knows the situation is very bad as even his gut is telling him that it will not end well, but since the leader decided to charge then he doesn\'t have any other choice.

Just as he blinks his eyes, he feels a sharp sting on his cheek.

The same goes for the Cessation Knight beside him holding a machine gun, they both touch their cheeks in reflex and find the helmet they are wearing torn and their cheeks got scratched.

It was Kyran\'s doing, of course.

His mana level might not be equivalent to a seventh rank Awakened, but right at this moment, the Wolf Moon is shining brightly in the sky amplifying his physical prowess to the seventh rank realm.

p Someone like the man with a bow in front of him can\'t follow Kyran\'s movement.

Kyran points his index finger cloaked with dark mana towards the man with a bow and the Cessation Knight holding a machine gun, and in the next moment, they all fall to their knees from the gruesome pain they\'re feeling.


"What\'s happening to me?! RARRGH!!"

Both of them felt the cut on their cheeks starting to get more painful by the second.

Using his dark element, Kyran is able to manipulate the pain he inflicted on whoever is wounded by him and also below the seventh rank realm. This is an innate ability of the dark element, something like a pain amplified.

Through the gap in their torn helmets, one can see the cut wound on their cheeks becomes black.

Veins around the cut started to turn black and it\'s spreading like a disease, it\'s very painful to even see the process much less actually feeling it like those two are currently feeling right now.

The other Cessation Knight immediately passed out from the pain.

While the man kept gritting his teeth trying to fight the pain and it\'s clear he can only manage against the pain, but this alone shows the willpower the man has.

After crippling the ranged Cessation Knights, Kyran glanced over his shoulder.

The explosion from before turns out it\'s more devastating than he actually thought, the different properties of the elemental mana inside the shield make the explosion very powerful. It\'s a double-edged defensive spell.

On one hand, it becomes very sturdy since it can withstand multiple Pneuma Spells from Kyran.

But on the other, if the shield is destroyed then this powerful explosion happened wounding the Cessation Knights inside of it in the process. Four of the Cessation Knight got hurt badly, only the leader can be seen kneeling.

The leader opens his helmet before he spits blood on the ground, he\'s clearly hurt.

Kyran walked passed the leader heading to where Adhara brought Gistella away to help her calm down, he sensed the leader grabbing the sword before he said without stopping, "Don\'t worry, we will not attack Eqosa City"

"None of your men has died, so you can trust my words", he added.

Hearing this, the leader stops on his track as he was about to attack Kyran again. He looks at Kyran\'s body which is slowly disappearing into the darkness from his legs before slowly moving up.

Before Kyran can leave, the leader then asked hurriedly, "What do your Alpha really want?"

"Killing the Supernaturals, you may not believe it but we\'re on humanity\'s side. We\'re here to deal with the full moon, nothing more and nothing less", Kyran replied glancing back with a smirk.

After saying that, his body disappears into nothingness.

The platoon of Cessation Knights got absolutely wrecked by Kyran who is enhanced by the Wolf Moon, they have no chance. It\'s very hard to fight Kyran, and Rex helps him to reach that state so he knows in his mind how powerful Kyran really is.

Looking at the disappearing Kyran, the leader then glanced around.

Just like what Kyran said, the other Cessation Knights are not dead but only heavily wounded, "This got confusing really fast, just what kind of Werewolves are they?"

"Since when Werewolves are this civil..."

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