
Chapter 293 She Didn't Know


Rosie suddenly shouted from the side attracting both Ana and Rex\'s attention, they both glance at Rosie who can barely stand with all the wounds around her body.

She\'s holding her right arm that is broken, her blood covered her face.

The treatment she gets from Issac is clearly brutal, and some of the blood even flow down to her left eye forcing her to close it.

Looking at this, Rex mumbles, "Just run..."

Rosie saw Rex\'s mouth move and told her to run, but her expression is stubborn before she looks at Ana without any hint of fear in her eyes, "I\'m the Chosen One right?!"

"Then take me instead! and spare him!", she shouted desperately.

Hearing this, Ana looks back at Rex and tightens her grip, "You\'re not as important as killing the Prince", she replied nonchalantly.

Since Rex has shown to be able to use such a spell that is a bane for all Vampires.

Ana has second thoughts since leaving Rex alive will be more dangerous, her expression says it all as she is determined to snap Rex\'s neck here and now.

This makes Rosie grit her teeth, she then looks to the ground around her.

"Rrgghh!", Rex grunted as Ana tries to snap his neck, but with her weak condition, it is very hard for her to do so since Rex is a Werewolf.

His bones are tougher, and the layered muscles are more than any Supernatural.

Rex grip Ana\'s hand that is choking him trying to buy time, he saw Jarvald is slowly standing up while shaking his head.

He will definitely recover, Rex just need to give him more time.

After looking at the ground around her, Rosie\'s eyes fall to Edward\'s dagger that lies not far from her. She then grabs the dagger before she bit her lips,


Rosie cut her wrist as blood flowed out,

The fragrant smell of her blood attracted Ana\'s attention again before Rosie points the dagger on her own neck, "Let go of him!"

But even so, Ana ignores her attempt.

Seeing this, Rosie shouted again, "If you kill him, then I will kill myself!"

Hearing this, Ana\'s body stopped before she replied, "You won\'t, I know you don\'t have the will to kill yourself. And what I said still stand, the Prince is more important"

Then suddenly,


Rosie suddenly stabbed her stomach right after Ana doubted her resolve.

This makes Ana widen her eyes as she looks at the blood flowing out of Rosie\'s stomach, her expression is clearly worried that Rosie might actually kill herself.

She falls to her knees as she pulls out the dagger from her stomach,

"Take me instead, Rex will not kill himself so just take me and capture him later", Rosie said.

Ana then was about to do something as her eyes are eyeing Rosie but Rosie notices this and intervenes, "Don\'t try anything! You move, I will kill myself!"

"Do you really think I can\'t stop you from killing yourself?", Ana said with a wicked smile.

But Rosie saw through her fake strong expression, "Why don\'t we find out?", she replied with an unwavering expression that makes Ana hesitate.

Ana\'s expression makes Rosie smirks, Ana bit her lips in return knowing that Rosie saw through her.

Rosie\'s suggestion is clearly working since Ana is frowning in thought.

Seeing the turn of events, "No! Leave this place now!", Rex shouted.

Although Rex is the bigger fish since he\'s the Prince of Werewolf and can also use an anti-Vampire spell, Ana knows that Rex will not kill himself since he\'s fighting so hard to survive the ordeal.

If she kills Rex then Rosie will also kill herself,

The Vampire then will not get the Chosen One\'s blood, but if she takes Rosie then the Vampire will still have a chance to capture both of them.

It\'s just she can\'t get both right now, the situation said so.

"What do you say? Do we have a deal?", Rosie said lightly.

But out of her expectation, "No!", Ana replied coldly completely shocking Rosie.

Ana then suddenly stabs her claws on Rex\'s chest instantly piercing through his body, Rex widens his eyes and he spat a mouthful of blood because of this.

After doing that, Ana opens her mouth baring her fangs.

"NOO!!!", Rosie runs towards Ana while screaming hysterically.


Rex got bitten right on his neck as he can feel his blood getting sucked by Ana\'s fangs.

His blood flow got interrupted as the blood flowed into Ana\'s mouth,

The two long upper fangs of Ana sucked the blood out of Rex\'s body like a torrent, Rex felt his body getting weaker by the second because of this.

Jarvald saw this before he roared, he can\'t let Ana kill Rex.

"RARGHH!", Ana got bitten right on her neck, Jarvald pulled her away with all his might but Ana was not going to let Jarvald pull her away without any resistance.


Ana elbowed Jarvald\'s chest pushing the air out of his lungs before biting his neck.

Rex falls to the ground weakly as he touches his bleeding neck, but his mind is distracted by the notification that came from the system.

<Detected Forbidden Killing Attempt!>

<Eternal Curse Restraints has been Activated!>

\'Eternal Curse?\', Rex thought with a frown, but then his eyes lit up.

He looks at Ana who is struggling against Jarvald as he realized something, \'Does the curse forbid other Vampires to kill me?\', Rex thought in surprise.

Rex knows that Calidora is the Vampire that is bound to him by the Eternal Curse.

The notification about the Eternal Curse from the system said something about restraints, if what Rex thought is true then something will happen to Ana.


Jarvald roared as Ana sucked the blood out of him,

She then slap Jarvald away before her eyes went back to Rex, but when she was about to finish Rex off, "Eh?", she mumbles as she suddenly felt dizzy.

Ana suddenly stopped as she felt her throat starting to burn and her mind started to spin.

She grabbed her throat and started to scratch it feeling the burn start to get stronger, the sudden burn caught her off guard as her head rocked left and right.

Seeing this, Rex confirmed what he thought was true as he shouted, "Rosie! Get back!", Rex saw Rosie running towards them from the corner of his eyes.

Hearing this, Ana glances at Rosie that is nearing her.

Although her vision is a bit hazy since the dizziness and burn, she can still see Rosie who is running towards Rex.

With the last bit of her strength, Ana leaped towards Rosie ignoring the dizziness and pain.

Seeing Ana closing in on her, Rosie dropped the dagger and let herself be taken by her, "ISSAC! We\'re retreating!", Ana shouted as she takes out a red crystal.

Rex tries to stand up but his legs are not listening to him,

He then looks up at Rosie who started to be enveloped by red energy, "ROSIE! LISTEN TO ME!! DON\'\'T LET HER TAKE YOU!", Rex shouted desperately.

But Rosie only smiles lightly as she saw Rex struggling to stand up.

"It\'s okay...", Rosie mumbles.

Rex then replied hurriedly as the red energy glows brighter, "No! She will get weaker, just break free! Now!", he said desperately trying to convince Rosie.

The effect of the Eternal Curse was about to kick in,

Ana sensed this since Rex\'s blood that she drinks burns her throat, and the dizziness also came from the blood so she had no choice but to just take Rosie who is easier.

It\'s better to catch at least one of them than nothing at all.

Rex knows this but Rosie didn\'t, she thinks that Ana is taking her instead of Rex.

She thought that Ana takes her proposal, but Ana is worried that she can\'t take any of them because of the curse instead.

"Arrgh!", Ana grunted as a mark appeared on her neck that shows the curse is affecting her.

Looking at this, Rex puts all of his might to stand up wanting to save Rosie from Ana. Once he manage to stand up, his body suddenly stopped when he saw Rosie\'s lips move.

There is no honeyed voice, just the movement of Rosie\'s lips.

All of the things and sounds around him slowly fade as he saw Rosie is trying to say something, it\'s like they\'re both locked into a stance where nothing around them interrupts their exchange.

But even without the voice, Rex knows what she\'s trying to say vividly.

\'I love you\'

Those are the words that came from Rosie\'s mouth making Rex\'s body freeze, tears escaped Rosie\'s eyes before her body turns into a red light and slowly disappeared from the place.

It take but just a moment before Rex snapped out of his daze.

The moment he snapped out of his daze, Rosie is already gone from the place as Rex falls to his knees. His body lost all power.



After Ana manages to escape, the sky started to pour.

It started slowly as Rex kneel on the ground unmoving after failing to save Rosie, then the rain started to get more intense by the second until the sky started to rain heavily.

He didn\'t move from his spot for a minute,

Edward slowly approach him from the side after taking his daggers,

The battlefield is filled with cracks and destruction that scarred the ground, blood also splattered everywhere marking the place with the stench of death.

But slowly but surely, the rain drains the blood from the battlefield.

"I\'m sorry, I tried to stop her but she\'s just too stubbo Edward taps Rex\'s shoulder from the side.

Although he knows that it\'s dangerous to keep trying to find Rex, he was swayed by Rosie that thought Rex is in danger so he turns a blind eye to the potential danger.

She was true, but the danger is way out of their league as Edward fails to think with a clear mind.

They both shouldn\'t be here, and Edward regretted not stopping Rosie sooner.

Hearing this, Rex hangs his head down with a gloomy smile, "It\'s okay, It\'s not your fault", he said lightly that almost can\'t be heard because of the rain.

Rex then raises his head to the sky and added, "She didn\'t know..."

"Didn\'t know what?", Edward asks in confusion.

Rex glance at Edward with a troubled look and continues, "That Vampire, Ana. She\'s poisoned by my blood and will get weaker with time. But Rosie didn\'t know, she didn\'t realize"

"She thought that she\'s saving me, that\'s why she let herself be taken..."


Meanwhile, Delarosa Family\'s Mansion.


A red light lit up the garden as three people appeared, Issac and Ana are amongst them while the last one is Rosie.

"Huakhh!", Ana spat a mouthful of blood as she fall to the ground.

Seeing this, Issac hurriedly approaches her and supports her head, "Mom?! What happened? How did they manage to hurt you like this?", he asks worriedly.

But seeing Ana didn\'t answer, Issac looks at the mansion and called, "FATHER!!"


Right after he called his father, Delarosa appeared from thin air and frowns when he saw Ana lying on the ground while coughing blood.

Her skin started to let out a steaming sound as it turns red, the mark on her neck also glows.

"What happened?! I thought the Prince is just an early sixth rank?!", Delarosa asks in shock.

Hearing this, Issac then looks at Ana in concern as he replied, "The Prince is way stronger than the last time I saw him, and there\'s also a Werewolf helping him to fight with mother"

"Bring her inside! We need to give her more blood", Delarosa commanded hurriedly.


The Vampire Kingdom, Supernatural Territory.

Inside the castle of the King and Queen, four Royal Vampire Guards are standing idly inside the underground chamber of the castle.

But if one looks at their expressions, one can see that they are uncomfortable.



Banging sounds can be heard occasionally making the Royal Vampire Guards\' hearts jump every time the sound happens, but the four of them try to ignore the sounds.

The underground chamber has some changes from the last time.

Aside from the chain that shackles Calidora\'s limbs, there are also steel pipes that separated the Royal Vampire Guards and the door with the place where Calidora is contained.

The steel pipes are imbued with runes and it looks stronger than before.

The banging sound came from Calidora who is banging her head against the steel pipes, her expression is that of a crazed one as she kept banging her head on the steel pipes.

Not long after, Nezera enters the room guided by a Royal Vampire Guard.

She saw how Calidora kept banging her head to the steel pipes, her red eyes are glowing brighter than normal vampires with a weird black pattern in them.

"Since when did she start doing this?", Nezera asks concerned.

The Royal Vampire Guard beside her then replied, "She\'s fine about five minutes ago, but then she started to bang her head repeatedly"

Hearing this, Nezera approach Calidora slowly.

"My child, What is wrong? Talk to me", Nezera asks lightly with a concerned expression.

But Calidora completely ignore her question as she kept banging her head, she\'s mumbling inaudible sound.

Nezera focus on her mumbles before she finally hears her mumbles,

"How dare you touch him", Calidora then giggles creepily, her giggles even give Nezera quite a chill since she never heard something like this come out of her daughter\'s mouth.


"He\'s mine and mine only, how dare you touch him..."


"I will kill you..."




The ground shakes right after Calidora shouts, her deafening shout surprises the Royal Vampire Guards and even makes Nezera steps back.

Nezera then looks at Calidora in surprise, there\'s a maniac look on Calidora\'s face, and her mouth quirk up into a smile that contorted scarily.

"This...", Nezera mumbles before she saw Calidora\'s Eyes of Terror glow brightly.

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