
Chapter 44 A Deal With Acosta Family

Rex was stunned, he's from the military so this kind of thing still makes him nervous, and for the record, he never had a girlfriend his whole life.

His heart is thumping for unknown reasons, "Why so sudden? Do I look like I want to go out?", Rex said.

Rosie looks at Rex up and down, a pair of slippers, a black t-shirt, and shorts. Rex's appearance is too casual for dinner with her parents.

Rosie thought for a bit before she said, "It's in a mall, so we can buy clothes first", she then drags Rex outside.

Just as they got outside of University, "Wait, do you even have permission to go out?", Rex asks after remembering that students need the classroom lecturer's permission to go out of the university.

Rosie becomes annoyed by Rex asking too many questions, "Just shut up and follow me"

Hearing this, Rex sighed and decided to let Rosie drag him.

They both get in Rex's car and get out of the university,

The security which is an Awakened asks for their permission before the security let them out,

It is already afternoon when they got out of the university, the sun is golden while the sky is deep orange in color.

Rex felt he can finally breathe again after getting out of the university, in the university is too tense for Rex the vibe in it is not comfortable for Rex.

Compared to the outside where there are many normal wholesome people, Rex preferred the outside rather than the university.

Rex drives the car slowly, he didn't even turn on the air conditioner and open the windows to breathe the fresh air.

Rosie on the side was speechless, "Why do you look like someone that just got out of prison?"

The veins on Rex's forehead bulge feeling annoyed, "Can you let me be? I just got out of the military if you somehow forget", Rex said annoyedly.

Rosie chuckles and keeps teasing Rex, the drive is full of Rex's curses and Rosie's laughter.

They arrive at the mall where they first met, Rosie and Rex look at each other feeling nostalgic as they walk past the entrance.

The entrance is where Rex transforms for the first time,

While they are walking, Rex remembered that Lucas Platchi is dead, "Wait, if Lucas Platchi is dead, doesn't that mean you're free?", Rex asks.

"Are you dumb? Of course, my parents have multiple candidates", she replied irritatedly.

Rex scratches his head feeling dumb, 'What am I thinking, just look at her. With that kind of beauty, there will be no shortage of men lining up for her'

Rosie looks at the time and nodded her head, they still got time to buy Rex clothes.

They both arrive at a suit store, it is called Bugo Hoss,

The saleswoman approaches them with all smiles, "Welcome dear customer, what can I help you with?"

"I want to find a suit for my boyfriend here, can you recommend some?", Rosie said, she called Rex her boyfriend casually as if they really are one.

Rex was stunned on the side, Rosie noticed Rex stunned expression and whispered, "Stop doing that, if you're not casual about us we will be in trouble when we meet my parents"

Rex nodded his head and follow the saleswoman,

The saleswoman brought him to the measuring room, she then measures Rex's figure and said, "As a boyfriend, you must look good especially when you have that kind of beauty outside"

Rex can only smile wryly while hearing the saleswoman nag,

The saleswoman takes the measuring tape and measures Rex's shoulder, "You're frame is big, I recommend you black or maroon slim-fit modern style suit and matching pants. It'll be perfect for the both of you", she claps her hand and said with stars on her eyes.

She then goes outside to bring the suit,

'Why does she look so excited? Is this marketing strategy?', Rex thought before he chooses the option brought by the saleswoman.

Rex tries on the maroon suit, he also asks for shoes, he can't wear a suit while wearing slippers.

Rosie is sitting on the sofa waiting for Rex when suddenly the measuring room opened,

Rex got out of the room wearing the black suit, his muscular frame fits perfectly on the suit highlighting his masculine aura more than ever.

Rosie's mouth went wide for a second before she reverts back to being unperturbed, 'Does he always look this good? A suit really does bring the man out of any guys', she thought.

Something inside Rosie's heart moved as she looks at Rex,

"So? What do you think?", Rex asks when he gets no words from Rosie.

Rosie shakes her head and replies, "That'll do, you look decent. Let's go", she said trying to hide her flustered face.

Rex nodded his head and paid for the suit, his wallet is bleeding after paying the suit.

After getting Rex's clothes, he looks fresher than before.

If before his looks emits a bad-boy aura, now he brings a gentleman aura that attracts women.

While walking to the restaurant, many girls can't help but look in Rex's direction, some even went to Rex and asks his phone number directly before get cursed by Rosie.

The girls give Rosie a disgusted look and whisper to themselves, Rosie swears that she hears the word 'whore' in their conversation.

Rosie wanted to confront them but was stopped by Rex, "Don't, you will ruin your appearance if you make a fuss", Rex said trying to persuade Rosie to stop.

Rosie got annoyed by the girls that ask for Rex's phone number, she's fuming with anger but decided to ignore them, "They dare to ask for your phone number in front of me?! Did they think I am just going to stand here like a display?!", she said angrily.

Rex grabs Rosie's waist, he knows this is the only way Rosie will shut up.

Feeling her waist got grabbed by Rex, Rosie really did shut up with a blushed face.

Not long, they both arrive at the restaurant where Rosie's parents are already waiting.

They both fixed their clothes before entering,

The restaurant looks like a high-end restaurant based on the people who dine in here, it is a steak-oriented restaurant covered in a red carpet, and the place is golden with pillars on the sides.

Rosie looks around and found her parents near the window, the window showcased the street view from the fourth floor.

The both of them walk toward Rosie's parents,

Rosie's parent still didn't notice their arrival and still chat with each other,

The steps seem to become heavier the closer they got to Rosie's parents, Rex also starting to sweat because of the invisible pressure.

Unlike his relaxed state the first time he meets Rosie's parents, Rex felt nervous because now he will meet Rosie's parents as her boyfriend,

Nearing the table, Rosie's parents notice their arrival and glance at them.

Rex started to sweat even more, 'Why the hell am I this nervous? It's just meeting a couple of old people no big deal', Rex thought trying to calm himself down.

"Rex, don't do anything embarrassing. Remember, you promise me so don't ruin this and let me do the talking", Rosie whispers.

Hearing this, Rex nodded his head repeatedly.

The both of them arrive in front of Rosie's parents, they then sit in front of Rosie's parents.

Muji looks at them with a judging face, compared to his friendly demeanor from before, now he is glaring sharply at Rex.

Rosie hugs Rex's arm as she said, "Dad, Mom, this is Rex. You've met him before, he's from..."

Before she can finish her words, Muji already intervene hastily, "I know, he's the so-called heroes of Dwight City. And more importantly, a non-Awakened", he said while emphasizing the last words.

,m "He's different now! He's already so strong, he defeated a rank four Tree Giant by himself", Rosie rebutted.

Muji scoffed, "A rank four Tree Giant? Don't be ridiculous. I won't approve of this relationship, I already got you a candidate"

Muji crossed his arms together and said, "Although Lucas died because of unknown reasons, I know the director of the FAA, he has a son that is already at peak rank-four in his twenty-two age. You're better off with him", the tone Muji used is an unbreakable one.

His tone hint that his words can't be rejected,

Rosie was at a loss for words, she wanted to rebut but the tears in her eyes are filling up.

In Rex's eyes, Rosie is a cheerful and cunning girl that seems unbreakable, she never wanted to show signs of weakness in front of Rex but the girl on his side now is not her usual self.

Rex stood on her side and frowns, Rex knows how much Rosie didn't want this forced marriage, she even wanted him to kill her rather than being married to a guy she doesn't like.

'Fine, I'll lend a hand', Rex thought before he musters his words and looks at Cinta right in her eyes.

Muji and Cinta glance at Rex with cold eyes, "How about we make a bet Mrs. Acosta?", Rex said confidently.

"A bet? what kind of bet can you even come up with?", Muji answered coldly.

Rex didn't even reply to Muji and continued to stare at Cinta, he didn't even glance or give any reaction to Muji's cold words.

"How dare you ignore me?!", Muji wanted to stand up fuming with anger but was stopped by Cinta's hand.

Looking at this, Rex smiles, "What kind of bet?", Cinta replies gracefully.

"There is a friendly tournament with the Faraday University in a week or so, Have you ever heard of Kevin Luc", Rex said with a grin on his face.

Cinta's eyes lit up hearing the name, "Of course, I know him. Kevin Luc, The Blazing Lion of Faraday. What about him?"

Rex positioned his suit and said, "If you know about Kevin Luc then you must know about his terrifying prowess"

Cinta raises her brows, she already guessed where this is heading.

Rex then continues, "What if I can be a match for him? Will you approve my relationship then?"

Cinta was deep in thought, she holds her chin thinking about Rex's words.

Muji on the side didn't want to have it, he then said, "That's impossible, you're not even an Awakened", he said impatiently.

Once again, Rex ignores Muji's remarks and pays close attention to Cinta.

Muji gritted his teeth in anger, but Cinta shakes her head forcing him to calm down so as to not make a scene.

Rex glanced at Rosie's hand below the table briefly, he saw a wind blade that points at her veins ready to strike at any moment.

"Mr. and Mrs. Acosta, look at your daughter", Rex said while pointing at Rosie who is trying so hard to hold on to her tears.

He then glances back at Cinta and said, "The consequences of rejecting my proposal and forcing her to marry the FAA director's son is not something you can pay", Rex said hinting something at Cinta.

Cinta and Rex locked eyes, Cinta then suddenly came to a realization.

After getting Rex's hint, Cinta clears her throat and said, "Rex, can you accompany me to the bar for a quick chat?"

Rex nodded his head and follows after Cinta, leaving Rosie and Muji alone.

But before Rex can follow Cinta, "Rex, what are you doing?", Rosie stops Rex and held onto his hand.

Rex stop and sent a reassuring smile to her making Rosie let go of Rex's hand,

Arriving at the bar,

"So you're saying my daughter will kill herself if I force her into this marriage?", Cinta asks while ordering a drink at the bar.

Rex glanced at her a bit before replying, "Yes, she already contemplating killing herself just now"

Cinta frowns, she massages her forehead in stress after getting reminded by Rex, 'If Rex didn't warn me, then she might just kill herself', she thought

Rex then continues, "Just accept the bet. If I win then let Rosie off this marriage"

Cinta turns her body and faces Rex, "What if you lose? What makes you confident?", she stares at Rex while squinting her eyes trying to read Rex's mind.

The corner of Rex's mouth quirked a bit as he replies, "Do we have a deal then?", Rex said confidently without even answering Cinta's question.

Cinta hesitated for a bit, she bit her lips, "Fine", she replies before leaving Rex behind with a drink in her hand.

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