
Chapter 112

Ye Shaoyang quickly picked up the torch on the ground . He brought the torch closer to the cocoon; the silk immediately melted once the fire arrived in its proximity . The melted silk revealed a hole, and cold air puffed out . Ye Shaoyang waved away the cold air . As he looked closer, he saw a pair of fair, slender legs—they must belong to a girl .

Ye Shaoyang melted all the silk with the torch . He gasped in astonishment . A delicate and pretty young girl with short blonde hair appeared before his eyes . She wore a shirt and a pair of short pants, and she laid inside the trunk . She looked vivid and alive .

“Oh gosh! Isn’t that the girl we saw in the illusion, who tried to hang herself?” asked Zhou Jingru from behind Ye Shaoyang .

Ye Shaoyang sized up the young girl after Zhou Jingru mentioned this . Indeed, it was that girl . No wonder her Illusion of Death would appear underneath this pagoda tree . Her corpse was buried inside the tree .

“Why does she still look alive?” Zhou Jingru exclaimed . As she finished these words, the girl’s eyebrows slightly fluttered . Then, she gradually opened her eyes .

Zhou Jingru hurriedly backed off a few steps, “Is she a pseudo undead?”

Although Ye Shaoyang knew that it was not a pseudo undead, he too did not know what was happening to it either . He waited aside and did nothing . As the girl completely opened her eyes, she slowly focused on Ye Shaoyang .

“I feel so cold… . ”

What can I do if you’re feeling cold? Don’t tell me I should hug you? Ye Shaoyang scratched his head; he removed his shirt and covered the girl with it . When he inserted his hands into the hole, he felt an icy sensation . Then, he carried her out and placed her on the ground . The girl’s cheeks gradually turned rosier; her breath became slower and steadier . After a moment, she tried to sit up . She took a deep breath and tears streamed down her cheeks, “It has been three years . Finally, I can breathe fresh air . ”

Ye Shaoyang and Zhou Jingru looked at each other in shock . How did she survive in a tree trunk for three years?

“Are you the one who saved me?” The girl fixed her eyes on Ye Shaoyang . Then, she continued, “Are you a sorcerer?”

Ye Shaoyang nodded, “How do you feel now?”

“I’m fine, but I’m starving and thirsty . ” The girl innocently stared at Ye Shaoyang .

Zhou Jingru took out a bottle of purified water from her backpack . She gently supported the girl in her arms and helped the girl slowly drink . After she drank some water, the girl grew slightly energetic . Ye Shaoyang and Zhou Jingru decided to bring the girl back to the resort and give her some food to eat . However, she could not walk at all due to her weak state . So, Ye Shaoyang carried her on his back . He could feel her tender and smooth skin when his hands touched her thighs . He quickly chanted a mantra in his mind to prevent his mind from indulging in a flight of fancy .

“Big brother Shaoyang, how about those ground undead?” Zhou Jingru asked in a worried tone . Those ground undead did not appear again after Ye Shaoyang destroyed the pagoda tree demon .

“It doesn’t matter . They’re different from the usual undead . They will die after a certain time due to a lack of nutritional supply from the tree demon,” Ye Shaoyang explained .

The journey down the hill took a while . Although the girl was short and lightweight, Ye Shaoyang still panted heavily . By the time he had sent her back to the resort, he was exhausted . Zhou Jingru let the girl rest on her bed . She ordered a bowl of porridge and personally fed the girl . The girl fell asleep after she ate half a bowl of porridge .

“It’s better to let her have a good sleep tonight . We’ll talk to her more tomorrow,” Zhou Jingru suggested .

Ye Shaoyang nodded, “She will sleep with you?”

Instantly, Zhou Jingru felt worried, “Why? Is there any danger?”

“It’s nothing . Even though I don’t know how she sealed up herself in a cocoon for three years and survived, she is definitely a human . I don’t sense any strange aura from her . ”

“Oh, okay . ” His words relieved Zhou Jingru, “She will sleep with me . I’ll take care of her . ”

Ye Shaoyang smiled, “You’re great at taking care of patients . ”

“I just feel sorry for her . Besides, there is no nurse nearby . Don’t tell me you want to sleep with her?”

“Ahem . ” Ye Shaoyang let out a dry cough, “See you tomorrow . ” He waved his hand and returned to his room . Before he went to bed, he suddenly remembered an important matter that he had not settled—to concoct the cure medicine from the spirit’s tongue for the old village head .

It did not matter much if Ye Shaoyang treated the old village head’s grandson one day later, but the spirit Qi in the spirit’s tongue would disperse after one night . He would have wasted his efforts . So, he got dressed again and groped through the darkness toward the old village head’s house . On the way, he felt exceptionally unfortunate, as he had such a busy day today . In one day, he had captured spirits and subdued a tree demon . Worse of all; he handled all of these matters voluntarily, without any pay… .

The old village head’s entire family had stayed awake and waited for Ye Shaoyang . They opened the door once Ye Shaoyang knocked . They brought Ye Shaoyang to the main hall . Ye Shaoyang used the peach wood sword to take out the three spirit’s tongues . Then, he put them into a porcelain bowl . He ignited a few sheets of talisman paper and heated the bowl from underneath . Bit by bit, the spirit’s tongues shrunk and turned into droplets of greyish-red spirit’s blood . In fact, Ye Shaoyang did not need so much spirit’s tongue, but he did not want to waste them . The three spirit’s tongue had distilled into a quarter bowl of spirit’s blood . Ye Shaoyang asked Xiao Jun to carry the baby out . Then, Ye Shaoyang fed the spirit’s blood to the baby .

After he drank a small amount of spirit’s blood, the baby stopped moving . This change immediately left the old village head and Xiao Jun stunned, “Heavenly Master, what . . . what . . . what has happened to the baby?”

“Don’t panic . It’s normal for him to faint after drinking so much spirit’s blood . If it was you, I think you’ll die on the spot . The baby contains too much spirit Qi inside him . Spirit’s blood and spirit Qi have a common origin . The spirit’s blood will automatically absorb the spirit Qi after one drinks the former . ”

Once Ye Shaoyang finished his words, he pressed his palm against the top of the baby’s head . He stimulated the spirit’s blood with his Gang Qi to every meridian in the baby . When he had almost finished, he looked back at Xiao Jun, “Please get me a piece of red cloth . ”

Ye Shaoyang wrapped a piece of ambergris and a handful of glutinous rice in the red cloth . He stuck a Qi Accumulation Talisman Paper on it before he placed it on the baby’s belly button .

“You have to place this red sack on the baby’s belly button at all times; The spirit blood will gradually come out from the baby’s belly button . If the bag grows soaked, you’ll need to open it up and swap out the glutinous rice inside . Then, place it back till it completely absorbs the spirit’s blood, and he will be fine . That’s all there is to it . I’ll take my leave now . ”

Before Ye Shaoyang left the room, he turned around and looked at the baby . The baby had woken up . He looked back at Ye Shaoyang with a pair of watery eyes . This sight surprised Ye Shaoyang . This baby could regain consciousness in such a short period after he drank so much spirit’s blood—this baby had a good physique . Ye Shaoyang involuntarily exclaimed, “This baby has a good physique for becoming a Daoist . ”

The old village head’s eyes blinked in happiness, “Heavenly Master, if my grandson has the fate to become a Daoist, it will be his greatest honor to become your disciple . ”

These words left Ye Shaoyang in a state of contemplation; he carefully thought again before he said, “If you really want him to become a Daoist, you can bring him to Maoshan Sect and find an old Daoist name Qing Yunzi . He will know what to do once he sees this baby . But . . . let me give you a warning . Consider this very carefully . The path to becoming a Daoist is very tough and cruel . ”

The old village head frowned, “I know it will definitely be tough but why cruel? We will be very proud of him if he can become a Heavenly Master like you . ”

Ye Shaoyang smiled and spoke no more . If they knew what he had gone through for the past ten years in the path of becoming a Daoist, they would not feel so keen to bring the baby to Maoshan . Ye Shaoyang had gone through all kinds of cruel tests and sufferings during his training . However, Ye Shaoyang neither persuaded them to bring the baby to Maoshan nor did he ask them to give up . He left the choice to them . Whether they brought the baby to Maoshan or not, it was their decision . After all, it depended on the baby’s destiny .

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