
Chapter 290

With so many of them coming at once, this was going to be a real hassle!

She swung her knife while slashing and killing, each swing precisely striking the monsters\' heads.

Wherever Chloe passed, piles of severed heads as high as a person\'s lower leg would accumulate.

All of them had been cut from these transparent monsters.

In between the slaughter, Chloe spared a moment to survey the overall situation.

Around the small campsite, in the bushes, inside the tents, anywhere with cover was teeming with these transparent monsters.

Their sheer numbers were staggering.

No wonder the Viper Group\'s people had run away.

Those clumsy good-for-nothings, encountering monsters like these, of course they\'d run for their lives as fast as they could.

Otherwise, if caught by those transparent monsters, they\'d be lucky to escape with their skin intact.

Chloe had only one assessment for those Viper Group members who spent their days prowling the shadowy underworld - they were useless.

It wasn\'t that Chloe was being arrogant, it was just that every Viper Group member she\'d encountered seemed like a complete idiot.

They had legs like sticks but didn\'t know how to use them, eyes under their brows that could only blink but not see.

With fully functioning limbs they might as well have been paralyzed, not lasting two moves under her hands.

Chloe had wondered more than once if only the researchers in the Viper Group could be considered elite members.

She swung her knife to decapitate the monster in front of her, but because she was slightly distracted this time, she didn\'t avoid the blood splatter in time. In an instant, she was drenched in pale blue liquid.

That strange fragrance instantly became overpowering, and Chloe felt like her entire nose was about to fall off.

Damn it, how stupid could the Viper Group be to accidentally release monsters like these?

It\'s a good thing they came to the Forest of Life now.

Otherwise, if these monsters had escaped to the Elf Race\'s residential areas, who knows how many fatalities there would have been.

Chloe habitually assessed her opponents\' strength while fighting.

Although these monsters seemed easy to defeat before her, their strength was not to be underestimated.

Chloe reckoned those fragile elves wouldn\'t be able to withstand them.

Not to mention their current leaders were the Elder Council...

Just as she thought of this, a sudden commotion of footsteps came from not far away.

At the same time, a cheerful voice rang out:

"I\'m here, I\'m here! Let this young master show them what\'s what!"

That familiar voice belonged to Daniel.

They had come back?

Chloe swung her knife with one hand to harvest more heads, while her other hand swiftly grabbed a monster by the neck, twisting with a bit of force to snap its head off.

Only then did she spare a glance towards where Daniel\'s voice had come from.

She saw Daniel wielding an enormous war hammer, bursting out of the woods like a descending divine weapon!

The hammer slammed into the ground with a thunderous impact, splattering the brains of several monsters that hadn\'t managed to dodge in time.

Daniel was grinning wildly, his entire body almost completely soaked in pale blue blood, looking as if he\'d been bathing in a pool of blood for three days and nights.

Behind him, Qin Huaibei was clean from head to toe, though his expression was slightly exasperated.

From a distance, he met Chloe\'s gaze, his glasses reflecting a bit of light as Qin Huaibei shook his head.

Though he didn\'t speak, Chloe understood the meaning of his gesture -

Daniel had gone berserk with the killing, and Qin Huaibei couldn\'t stop him.

That messy state had nothing to do with Qin Huaibei, so if Chloe\'s cleanliness obsession kicked in, she shouldn\'t come after him - it was all Daniel\'s fault.

Chloe couldn\'t help but smile.

However, the simple-minded little wolf had no idea that his captain and brother were communicating silently through eye contact.

At this moment, he was fiercely glaring at the transparent monsters before him, his eyes filled with intense killing intent.

"Damn it, you dare to chase after me? This young master will show you what it means to spill your guts!"

In the next instant, that war hammer descended from the sky, smashing down with the force of a thousand pounds!

Afterwards, pale blue blood flowed steadily, pooling into rivers at everyone\'s feet, mixed with some white, viscous substance that looked like brain matter.

A look of undisguised disgust appeared in Chloe\'s eyes as she took two steps back, casually beheading a stray transparent monster behind her.

Seeing that more people had come to oppose them, the group of monsters let out hissing sounds from their mouths, their bulging eyes like light bulbs filled with intense hatred and murderous intent.

Their long, thick tails swept across the ground with considerable weight - if one of those tails whipped across a person, it would surely break bones.

The monsters didn\'t retreat despite the increase in enemy numbers and the casualties among their own kind.

On the contrary, this seemed to stimulate them to become even more ferocious, each attack growing increasingly vicious.

They were like killing tools specifically created, with death only igniting the bloodlust within their bodies, fighting more fiercely as the battle raged on.

From a certain perspective, it was almost admirable.

Qin Huaibei\'s long sword was already drenched in pale blue blood.

But this man was even more particular than Chloe when it came to killing enemies, never allowing himself to be stained with blood unless absolutely necessary.

"You\'ve dealt with everything on your end?"

Qin Huaibei wiped the sharp blade with his fingertips, his voice rough:

"Of course, how else do you think we got here?"

"After you hung up the communication when you started fighting, we stopped to deal with the monsters."

Qin Huaibei said: "The fact that you engaged them means dealing with these monsters isn\'t a problem for you, so we figured it wouldn\'t be too different for us."

He paused briefly before continuing: "However, there weren\'t that many monsters on our side. But here..."

Qin Huaibei glanced at the continuously charging transparent monsters, and at Daniel who had gone berserk not far away, his expression quite indescribable:

"The number of monsters on your side is just too much, isn\'t it?"

"Did we accidentally stumble into their headquarters?"

Chloe, who had stayed behind to face these monsters alone and suffered a bit, gave a wry smile: "Indeed. It\'s a good thing you arrived quickly."

As she finished speaking, she raised her knife and charged back into the monster horde.

Today, if she didn\'t clean up all these trash monsters, she wouldn\'t be called Chloe!

Unfortunately, there were far too many of these monsters. They fought from daylight until the sun set in the west.

As soon as it got dark, the horde of monsters let out several shrill cries towards the sky. Seeing this, Chloe quickly harvested a few more monster heads.

Surprisingly, the monsters didn\'t pounce again after this. They roared at the humans once more before darting into the night.

With their transparent bodies, they could perfectly camouflage in the darkness, disappearing without a trace in an instant.

Chloe slowly lowered her knife.

She blinked in confusion a couple of times: "They\'re gone. Huh, so they\'re diurnal animals?"

Daniel wiped his face: "Damn, they left just like that? This young master wasn\'t done having fun yet."

"Don\'t think too much about it. Where are Anderson and the others?" Chloe asked.

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