
Chapter 60 - 60

Chapter 60: Chapter 60

"Yeah, aren't we supposed to meet the Water God Suijin?" Yumeko inquired.

"This is where he's located. You wouldn't know this, being low-born, but our kingdom has had a hostile takeover by the eldest son of Water God Suijin. I don't know how that disgraceful, powerless rat gained powers of the void, but he and a group called the Disciples of Darkness have taken over the capital and the kingdom. Water God Suijin, his wife, and his remaining son Kawa were forced to flee and hide here. Mizuki, the disowned candidate to become the next water god and ruler of Aquora, was disowned for being born auraless. He was powerless but made a deal with the cult. They gave him the ability to manipulate the void somehow. Now the cult has taken over the kingdom and is planning something. Water God Suijin didn't tell us what, but he is afraid the whole world will be in danger if it happens," Nagisa explained.

"I see, so the Disciples of Darkness have already made their move," Fire General Kai said.

"We've stopped them twice. Once in our home Aeritha when they tried to steal the first Wind God Arthur Pendragon's Skywards Excalibur, our kingdom's relic, and the second time is when they tried to steal the Braveheart shield. But after we left, they managed to steal the relic," Sky said.

"Wait, you mean they're after the Relics? The weapons that originally belonged to the Hero and then became the weapons of the four founding elemental gods, and then were passed on to the current gods?" Nagisa asked.

"Yes, we believe the Disciples of Darkness are trying to free the Void Queen. They stole the first Wind God's Excalibur from our kingdom," Sky replied.

"But why would they want to free the Void Queen?" Nagisa asked.

"I'm not sure. That's why we came for an alliance before you attacked us like a savage," Layla replied.

"You are a lower life form. Tell me, have you ever spared a pig, a cow, or a chicken because it begged you for its life? No, just like that, you Aerithans and Ignarockians are lower life forms to Aquorans. We are from a higher, more powerful realm. If it wasn't for the wind spirit or that red version of you, you would have died like pigs. Now you Aerithan trash are begging us to save you and your pathetic kingdoms," Nagisa said with a cocky grin.

"You think you're a higher existence because you're from a different realm. We all are humans, no matter what realm you are from. All life matters," Sky said.

"Human? You think you are human. But no matter, we can't do anything without the approval of our Water God," Nagisa said as he took them to a cave behind the waterfall where they heard a voice.

"Nagisa, are you mad bringing lowborns here? Why would you bring such trash here?" a giant man in armor, looking unlike what you'd expect a water user to look like, spoke from behind them.

"F-f-f-fleet Admiral En-En-En-Enkai," Nagisa stuttered. "They... They beat me, and I promised... I-I-I, if they on the off chance d-d-d-did, I would bring them to Water God Suijin."

"How dare you bring these lowlifes here," Fleet Admiral Enkai said as the water around him started to rise and swirl.

"Please, we come in peace," Fire General Kai said as he stepped forward.

"You Ignarockian trash are not allowed near us," Enkai said, sending a blast of water towards Fire General Kai.

Fire General Kai created a shield of fire, but the force of the attack broke the shield and sent him flying backward.

"Stop," Sky said as he stood between Enkai and the rest of the group.

"Sky, be careful," Yumeko yelled.

"He is strong. Don't try to stop him by yourself," Layla warned.

"Oh, the lowest of the low, an Aerithan trash protecting Ignarockian trash. Pathetic," Enkai said.

"I told you to stop," Sky said as wind surrounded him. The other Marines, sensing their Fleet Admiral channeling his aura, appeared, thinking Mizuki's forces were attacking, only to get angry seeing Aerithans and Ignarockians.

"What are these lowborn trash doing here? They should working as slave or in thier own realm, not here."

"I'm surprised those Aerithan trash can even use Aura. They should be in the fields."

"Aerithans are weak and can't do anything right."

"Don't forget that Ignarockian trash. They're weak and useless and can't even do a thing. That's why Aeritha and Ignarock are lower realms."

"The lowest life form using Aura is an insult to us."

Sky, Yumeko, Layla, and the Ignarockians all backed up, seeing the forces. They looked to see Nagisa had left them for his marines.

"Sorry, nothing personal. I brought you here because I didn't want to face Red Sky, but now that Fleet Admiral Enkai is here, I have nothing to fear. I will..." Nagisa fell dead as a beam of water pierced his heart. Sky looked to see it was Enkai who fired it.

"If you lost to Ignarockian and Aerithan trash, you don't deserve to live as an Aquoran disgrace," Enkai said.

"You killed him," Layla screamed.

"Yes, I did, just like we will do to you, and then I will send your bodies to your countries as a reminder for the rest of those lowlifes to never come to our great nation," Enkai said.

"How could you kill him?" Yumeko asked, tears forming in her eyes.

"What is this I feel from you? Sadness towards an Aquoran? What the hell is wrong with you? You lowlifes dare question the actions of your betters. The Aquorans are the most perfect race. You lowlifes should be happy that our race even acknowledges you and lets you exist. If it weren't for Terravale, you would be dead," Enkai said.

"You call yourselves human and yet you treat others worse than animals," Yumeko replied, her face filled with tears.

"Stop with this tearful display. Men, kill them all except the female Aerithans," Enkai said as his marines readied their swords.

"Stop," a voice echoed throughout the cave.

"Water God Suijin," the marines said as they kneeled before a tall man in robes.

"What is the meaning of this?" Suijin asked.

"Sir, these Ignarockians, Aerithans, and Aquorans trash were brought here by the traitor Nagisa Seafist," Enkai said, gesturing at the corpse. Suijin's face turned to one of disgust.

"So that is why he is dead. He deserved his fate. The only thing bad that i never killed him. That is a shame; I would have loved to have killed him," Suijin said.

"What the hell is wrong with you? How can you say something like that? You are a human being, not an animal," Layla yelled.

"Human? A human? A lowlife such as yourself dares to speak to us like that? You are no human; you are a cheap imitation of us. Aquorans are the true humans," Enkai said.

"Enough of this. Fleet Admiral Enkai, I expected better from the leader of the Navy. You know we don't talk to lower lifeforms; end them," Suijin said, waving his hand.

"What?" Yumeko screamed as a water blade flew towards the Fire General.

"No," Sky shouted as he tried to use the wind to knock the blade away, only for it to break through the wind.

"Nooo," Yumeko yelled as the blade flew towards the Fire General but suddenly went through him as if it were an illusion.

"What is happening?" the marines said, looking around confused.

"Impossible, something like this is impossible," Suijin said in shock.

"What the hell is happening?" Enkai roared, looking around frantically.

While that was happening, Yumeko, Sky, and Layla had smiles on their faces. They knew only one person had this ability. "Noboru Chikara," Layla and Yumeko said with smiles.

"Who the hell is this Noboru Chikara?" Enkai and Suijin shouted in rage.

"Oh, are you interested in who I am?" a voice said.

"Who said that?" the marines yelled out.

"It's coming from above," Enkai yelled as he and the marines looked up and saw a man. His hair is black, styled with a slicked-back look that has a few strands defying gravity. He has a well-groomed, full beard and mustache and is wearing black and gold royal armor. He was floating above them with a grin.

"How did you get in here?" Suijin demanded.

"Oh, that's simple, Water God. I flew in. I mean, what other way could I get in undetected apart from flying?" Noboru said as he floated down and stood next to Yumeko, Layla, and Sky.

"You. You are not Aquoran, Aerithan, Ignarockian, or from Terravale. Who are you?" Suijin demanded.

"That, my dear Water God, is none of your business. I am here because, well, this is where I am meant to be, so how are we going to do this? Are you going to listen like a good little boy, or are we going to fight?" Noboru said.

"You dare come into MY kingdom and demand I listen to lowlifes? You've got some guts. You aren't from any of the realms of the higher realms, which means you are from the lower realms. Why should I listen to you?" Suijin yelled as Noboru looked at the water god as if he were an idiot. Him, from this world's lower realms? That was wrong; he was from a whole different plane of existence; this entire place was made as a prison for him. Noboru couldn't help but scoff.

"You think I'm from the lower realms. You're wrong, but I know your kind. You won't listen once you've made up your mind, so I guess we will have to beat it into you and then make you listen," Noboru said as a grin appeared on his face.

"Noboru Chikara. Are you going to kill him?" Layla asked, worried.

"No, but I will beat the arrogance out of him," Noboru said.

"How dare you! Men, kill him and the Aerithan and Ignarockian trash," Suijin said as water surrounded him.

"Sky, Yumeko, Layla, stand back. I will take care of this," Noboru said as Omni Energy started to gather around him.

"Okay," Sky, Layla, and Yumeko stepped back.

"Kill him!" the marines yelled as they ran at Noboru.

"Let's dance," Noboru said as the Omni Energy gathered and surrounded him. "You're going to wish you listened."

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