
Chapter 6 - 6

Chapter 6: Chapter 6

"I'm sorry, Noboru, but we have decided to train your sibling. As you know, they are heroes who possess the power of the 12th dimensions Lava Wolf and Black Sky Hawk in them and therefore need training. We will start your training when you enter the academy," Hiroshi lied. They were not going to start his training, and if he wasn't useful to the prophecy as a scapegoat, they would have sent him away or had an accident happen to the disgrace.

Noboru heard giggling; he turned to his left to see his little brother Kouki and Meiyo laughing at him.

"It seems like Noboru's going to be weak," said Kouki maliciously.

"What do you expect, Kouki? He does not have power like us. We are the heroes; he's just zero," said Meiyo with disdain towards Noboru.

"Now, Noboru, go to your room; you're disturbing your siblings' training. They need to be powerful to fulfill their roles," Hiroshi said, not mentioning the prophecy.

"But all the other clan heads..." Noboru was cut off by his mother.

"Noboru Chikara, I didn't raise you to talk back to your elders. You will be trained at the same time the civilians will be," said Amaya.

"That's not fair; I am clan heir, I should..." Noboru was stopped by a slap on the face, which sent him flying into a wall.

"I've had enough, you spoiled little shit, get out of here now!" yelled Amaya as she saw blood trail from Noboru's head from the impact against the wall. Noboru started to cry, alerting everyone. Haruki heard Noboru's crying and came to Noboru's side instantly.

"Noboru, my boy, it will be okay," he said, using a healing spell to heal him.

"Grandpa, mommy hurt me 'cause I asked daddy and her to train me since I'm clan heir," Noboru said. Haruki noticed both Hiroshi and Amaya's hands twitch like they are about to attack when Noboru said "clan heir."

Haruki walked to both of them, letting out his omni energy aura. Everyone shook in fear.

"Since when was it okay for someone part of the Chikara clan to strike a child, Amaya?" Haruki asked, enraged.

"Dad, Amaya didn't mean it; Noboru was pestering us when we told him no, so she lost it," Hiroshi said with fear. Haruki let his energy out more as everyone fell to their knees, apart from Noboru, who, because Haruki had so much control over his omni energy aura, wasn't affected. Kouki and Meiyo, on the other hand, were finished; they were on their knees, clutching their hearts. It went unnoticed because everyone else was focused on their own fear to realize.

"I asked Amaya, not you, Hiroshi. Now answer me, Amaya, what kind of mother strikes her son?" said Haruki.

"I'm sorry, I just lost control; it won't happen again," she said. He let his aura in as he looked at them with disgust. "See to it never, Noboru, come with me; I will teach you myself," Haruki said, as he was stopped by a figure.

"Haruki, Amaya made a mistake, you went too far, but Noboru talked back to his elder. You know in this clan, it is frowned upon, especially since he tried to dispute a decision made by me and the rest of the clan elders," said the figure.

"Father Ryu, he is a child," Haruki said, unafraid, letting his energy out. He was the strongest in the world, the only 13th-dimensional transcendent behind the founders of the 3 kingdoms. He won't let the clan use this as an excuse to hurt Noboru..

"I understand he still broke the rules. But as he is a child, we won't punish him too severely. But as you have intimidated the king of the kingdom, and your grandson has gone against the clan, I have decided both of you will move out of the castle to your personal castle," Haruki's father Ryu said.

"Father, he is a child; it's not even his 5th..." Haruki was cut off.

"I have handed out the punishment. Unless you want it to be worse for little Noboru," said Haruki's father Ryu, but was suddenly grabbed and slammed into the ground.

"If you ever threaten Noboru ever again, I won't hesitate to end you, father or not," Haruki said, as fear was felt from the figure. Haruki saw the cronus, and the clan started to prepare themselves for battle before he walked to Noboru.

"Let's go, Noboru, my boy. I will train you at grandpa's castle. We make it a competition to see who's stronger: your siblings trained by mommy and daddy or you trained by grandpa," Haruki said. Noboru nodded, still scared of Amaya.

Flashback end

Noboru looked at Hiroshi, Amaya, the clan head, and the Cronus uncaringly as they were insects to him, which they were. It didn't matter if the leader of Takeshi Tanaka was a 13th dimensional transcendent. To him, he saw them all as fiction, even his grandpa was seen as fiction while in this state. There was something about it; they were just beneath him, as if he transcended them infinitely and then infinitely beyond that. He couldn't explain it; he just knew it. The red and black omni-energy he was using surrounded him.

"Did you think you could take away my title, my birthright, and dishonour me, and I would just take it Kouki, Meiyo, after all the bullying you did to me? You stand hiding behind the Cronus like cowards," said Noboru.

"The beast speaks big; it was about time you showed your true colours," Kira Tanaka, the second strongest of the Tanaka clan, mother of Hakashi Tanaka and Takeshi Tanaka's wife, said as she rushed at Noboru. She was an 11th-dimensional being. Noboru tried to strike her with a knife his grandpa gave him, but it did nothing.

"You must really be foolish, child. Or you're just a mindless beast, as we all know. But are you forgetting I am an 11th-dimensional transcendent? My body can't be affected or damaged by something from a lower dimension, the third dimension. That means you and your pathetic little 3rd-dimensional knife, beast, it's time for revenge. You killed my baby girl when you attacked 5 years ago. Now die," she yelled, punching Noboru, expecting him to shatter to her superior 11th-dimensional power, but Noboru stood there unfazed.

"What? How is she 11th-dimensional?"

"He's only a 3rd-dimensional being."

"Unless he is using the 12-dimensional beast's power because he is their reincarnation."

"You're right, he is the two beasts' souls merged who have taken over our prince's body."

The bystanders said as Noboru punched her back in the ribs, breaking her bones and sending her flying back. She connection against the wall and blood poured out of her. One of the Cronus knights healers ran and healed her staying out of Noboru's side.

"Kira, you monster, you dare strike my wife," Takeshi said as he stepped up. "I will end you myself, Noboru."

"Lord Takeshi is here."

"He will slay the beast who has haunted us."

"Yeah, the beast who mocks us by using our prince's body to live here, the very place he ravaged years ago."

"Lord Takeshi, leader of the Cronus, kill him."

The bystanders yelled. As this was happening, Amaya and Hiroshi smirked. If the Cronus eliminated the disgrace, not only would they have a pest out, but this scene has proven he's the beast, so Kouki and Meiyo won't have to face the kingdom's anger.

Haruki stood there watching. Luckily, he came equipped, knowing something like this might happen. He was ready to back Noboru even in his weakened state; he would sacrifice his life to kill Takeshi to protect Noboru.

"Come at me, Takeshi. I have a debt to settle with you for what you did to Grandpa," Noboru yelled as he rushed at Takeshi, who went for a punch but was shocked.

"Impossible! How didn't it affect you? It should have killed you! I'm 13th dimensional. You, however, are nothing," Takeshi said. Even if he had the beast's soul merged and sealed within him, which Takeshi knew wasn't true and just a false prophecy, Noboru would be a mere 12th-dimensional being to him, a 13th. What is this power?

Noboru decked Takeshi in the balls before punching him in the face. Noboru knew he could easily kill Takeshi, but he didn't want to. He wouldn't even kill; he would let the weakling live in disgrace, the same title the people of this kingdom labeled him as. Takeshi will be the man who failed to beat a 3rd dimensioner but somehow noboru knew that wasn't the case while in this state he was beyond dimensionality itself. He won't tell anyone apart from his grandpa because it will be funny to see takeshi be humiliated like he was.

"You little brat! How dare you hurt me, Takeshi Tanaka, the strongest in the kingdom! I will show you my true power," he yelled as his omni-energy increased, and everyone apart from Noboru, Takeshi, and Haruki fell to the ground. Takeshi was shocked.

Just what is this monster that he, a mere 3rd dimensioner, can stand the presence of the 13th-dimensional being? Even if our world does scale our power down to make it so we can't kill people with mere presence or destroy the world. The scaling down shouldn't stop the fear. The boy should have fallen to the ground, clutching his heart, like Kouki, Meiyo, and I was a 12th-dimensional transcendence did when Haruki unleashed his 13th-dimensional transcendence power on Noboru's 4th birthday, the day he was denied training.

"You beast! You dare look down upon us! Fall to your knees like everybody," Takeshi said as he laughed, launching a volley of blasts capable of destroying the multiverse, but one of the laws or concepts of this world scaled the attack down to protect the world from destruction. This was one of the world's ways of self-preservation; it scaled down attacks just like how it heals itself after non-human-made structures are damaged.

"That's quite a cute little blast. Here, let me show you something stronger," Noboru said as he made a giant ball of red and black energy. Takeshi, Haruki, Hiroshi, and Amaya were shocked, along with everyone else.

"Imposible why isnt that attack scaled down"

"He truly is a monster"

"Is the side effect of a mindless beast possessing the body of someone with sentience"

The bystanders screamed out terrified. Hiroshi and Amaya whose greed surpassed their fear got up and walked to Noboru looking at him.

"Noboru, are you mad? That will destroy the kingdom!" yelled Hiroshi.

"You disgrace, stop it now! You will wipe out all of existence," demanded Amaya.

"Impossible! Why aren't the laws, the concepts applying to you? What are you?" yelled Takeshi as Noboru laughed.

"It's quite ironic, isn't it? You called me a disgrace, but you are the ones who are powerless, bound by this dimensional hierarchy's laws and concepts. But, on the other hand, I am unbound. I can't be bound. I am beyond dimensionality itself," Noboru said. He then shaped the pure red and black omni-energy into a spear and was about to launch it down.

"Noboru, my boy, don't become the beast, the monster the people are trying to make you. Let's go home," said Haruki said

"But, Grandpa, they took my birthright, my title as crowned prince and clan heir. They deserve to suffer," said Noboru as he had the spear spin.

"That was never your right, you disgraceful monster. You think that just because you have power, you are better than my prophecy kids? Get lost," Amaya yelled. Noboru felt his heart break. His mother called him a monster; his anger started to surge.

"You are a disgusting mother, caring more for whatever this prophecy is more than your son. But I won't kill any of you," Noboru said as he made the spear dispel. "What I will do is destroy whatever this little prophecy is. I will show you that no matter what happens, these 2 brats won't ever match my power, and then I will take the throne as I kill them at full power in front of you, Mother," Noboru said as he went to his grandfather and teleported them to his grandfather's castle. Noboru's special red and black omni-energy turned to the regular silver energy everyone had, as he collapsed. His anger, the catalyst that allowed him to use the energy, had run out, and using the energy had taken quite the toll on his body.

Back at the castle after Noboru left, there was panic. Noboru had not only shown power beyond anyone's comprehension but also threatened the prophecy.

"Mum, Dad, what was that power?" Kouki asked with jealousy.

"Yeah, the power should belong to us, the heroes," said Meiyo, filled with contempt and envy.

"I have no idea. If it's a bloodline power, but it shouldn't be. Noboru, as much as I hate to admit it, is a Chikara and should have the Gensōgan, the power to turn all attacks of the Higher dimensionality or lower into an illusion at stage one," said Hiroshi. Amaya frowned, which Hiroshi saw. "What's wrong, my wife?" he asked.

"That disgrace, he said he will destroy our hard work. He said he will oppose the prophecy, and he will use that power he has to do so," said Amaya.

"Don't worry; he won't be able to. Kaito is never wrong. But what terrifies me is how Noboru can just ignore concepts and laws. Even my father can't do that; he can create concepts and laws but modify them," said Hiroshi.

"Hiroshi, we might have to waste resources sabotaging him. We can't stop him from entering the academy. It's neutral grounds, but we can use our closeness to the principal to sabotage him when he joins the Academy, possibly even rig his entrance exam to fail," said Amaya. "What if we ban him from Pre-Academy then he can's get in Celestial Vanguard Academy."

"That's a good idea, Amaya. We will plan. Kouki, Meiyo, you two will have increased training. You must fulfill your role and bring the clan and kingdom as the sole ruling force throughout all of existence and even beyond, if what the disgrace says is true."

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