
Chapter 448: I don't like castles, I'm not interested in castles

   Or, he believes that what Kate wants is not actually a castle.


   Then we have to start with what the castle is.

  It was born in the Middle Ages, and it was an armed building from the beginning.

  European nobles continued to provoke wars in order to compete for land, food, livestock, and population.

In order to train professional soldiers and cultivate elite knights, they built forts one after another, making them attack strongholds that can radiate all around. When the nobles discovered that living in such armed buildings, their own safety could be greatly increased. Turning an offensive tool into a defensive fortress has become the unanimous first choice of everyone.

  So, in order to ensure that they can be safe and sound wherever they go, these nobles who provoked wars and were afraid of death built more and more castles, and with the expansion of force, the capacity became larger and larger.

  The most typical place is actually France, which is milked every day. In the ninth century AD, there were only three castles of a small scale, but in the eleventh century, the number increased to thirty-nine.

  A large number of violent soldiers allowed them to expand wildly, and laid the cornerstone for the Hundred Years War.

  At this stage, the castle is actually a symbol of the power of the ruling class.

   And Roland and Kate need this kind of thing?

Do not make jokes!

   It is understandable to use military equipment to protect security, but if the security team is really expanded by thousands, and they are not shy about setting up heavy weapons, then it is really "anti" written on the forehead!

  But with the appearance of artillery, the defense of the castle was greatly weakened.

  Because no matter how thick the city wall is, it cannot keep up with the increase in the power of the artillery, and no matter how tall the arrow tower is, the effective killing range will not be farther than that of the musket. In this way, the castle that has lost its military role has become a status symbol.

  What it proves is not how rich the nobles who lived there at that time were.

   It\'s their ancestors who used to be rich.

  In this period, the most fundamental purpose of the vanity piled up with money is actually comparison.

   Two noblemen met outside, greeted each other and invited them to visit each other\'s home.

  I\'ll go to your house to have a look, ho! You are extremely rich!

   Come to my house and have a look, hey! This guy\'s ancestral property has been ruined!

  This kind of status measured by money is the most fascinating.

  The pleasure that is enough to fill the vanity is the greatest meaning of the existence of the castle.

   And Roland and Kate need this kind of thing?


  If they really want outsiders to know that they are rich, they can go directly to Forbes and be done!

  30 billion achievements in their twenties can make them the focus of the world\'s attention!

  But neither of them chose this quickest way to show off. In this way, in David\'s eyes, the fundamental purpose of Roland and Kate wanting the castle is actually very obvious——

  One loves to dream, and the other makes trouble with her!


  When Kate touched the wedding dresses she had worn with her fingertips and let them sway slightly with her movements, David, who had been guiding the tour, had already retreated and closed the door behind him.

   Following the sound of the lock hitting the keyhole, Kate, who had been walking around for almost three hours, came to the window.

Fifteen-foot-high floor-to-ceiling windows cannot block the outside scenery, and the well-trimmed garden yard is dotted with lights, exuding an inexplicable soft light, like a warm tulle, but also giving people a sense of etherealness. Makes you want to raise your hand to catch it.

  If it is equipped with a corridor of light strips embedded on the outer wall further away.

  The feeling of being isolated from the world makes everything inside more like a dream.

  Pressing the glass lightly with both hands, with her forehead slightly touching, when Kate was lying in front of the window, greedily wanting to see everything around her, she pursed her lips many times, and finally made a sound that belonged to the soul.

   "Roland." Kate called her husband.

   "Huh?" Roland, who had been with her all this time, took a step forward and turned his head.

  He thought his wife wanted him to observe the beauty of the outside world.

  But when he opened his eyes wide and looked around, his wife\'s words stopped his movements abruptly.

   "Do you know why I want a castle?"

   "..." Roland, who didn\'t keep up with his wife\'s brain circuit, pondered for two seconds, and said, "You said you like it."

"Hey~" The straight man\'s speech made Kate laugh, turned to look at her husband, and found that he was staring at her with an embarrassed face, Kate turned her eyes to the outside world again and said: "Yes...I mean I like…

  But what I like is never the castle itself, but the feeling of living in the castle. "

  ‘? \'

  Such words caused a big question mark to appear on Roland\'s forehead.

   "I don\'t understand, right?" Although Roland didn\'t respond, Kate didn\'t care, because she knew in her heart that now only she could break the silence around her, "For me, the castle is actually a beautiful fairy tale.

  I told you before that when I was growing up, what I was exposed to the most was actually drama.

  Because my grandparents owned theaters, as long as I had time to go there, what I saw was either performances or rehearsals.

In this case, I fell in love with acting when I had nothing to do, and as I continued to deepen, I also got to know a lot of people in the British theater world, and got acquainted with those aristocrats who often listened to plays. Face. "

  When Kate suddenly talked about her past, Roland, who had been staring at his wife, could clearly feel that the guy around him was a little chilly. The loneliness from memories made Roland want to hold her hand, but unfortunately...

Before he could express anything, Kate stood up straight and continued, "You know, what nobles like to do most is to pass the time, because of the wealth they have, Enough to support their wanton profligacy.

  Although they show favor to us, whether they are theater actors or theater owners, they are not from the same world as them.

  Even if we can sit at the same table to eat, and chat with them about common topics, but the kind of relaxation that comes from leisure and pleasing for livelihood makes one table become two worlds.

  Unfortunately, I didn’t understand at that time, I just thought those uncles and aunts were very nice.

  And when those uncles and aunts told me that they looked forward to seeing me shine on the stage one day in the future, I took this wish as my biggest goal and worked hard for it.


  My mom didn’t actually want me to be an actress. "

   At this point, although Kate is still smiling, the corners of her eyes are already shining brightly.

Without any further hesitation, Roland opened his arms and hugged him directly. When he rested his chin on his wife\'s shoulder and kept rubbing his nose and cheek against his wife\'s face, Kate, who could feel her husband\'s kindness, blew her nose and said : "I\'m fine."

The next second, in order to show her normality, she said again: "I mentioned to you before that my grandmother paid for the acting school. At that time, she was very supportive of my ideas. But my mother When she learned that I didn\'t study hard and went to the drama academy for further study, she directly had a big fight with my grandmother.

  At that time, I didn\'t understand why she was so angry.

   Angry enough to not give me living expenses, nor let my father give me living expenses.

   And when I entered the school and found that the classmates around me were thinner than me, I mistakenly thought that she thought that I couldn\'t even manage my figure well, and I didn\'t have the potential to be an actor at all, so she objected to my wasting money in this regard. "

  When Kate talked about her chubby career, Roland, who was holding her, actually wanted to laugh very much.

  But considering that if he speaks out now, he is afraid that his wife will throw him directly from upstairs, so he still holds back.

   With her silence, Kate pushed her thoughts forward a little bit.

   "But to be honest, at that time, I actually didn\'t think it was a big problem to be fat.

  Because those noble uncles and aunts who go to the theater to watch performances all the year round think I am cute!

   Not only that, the actors who have been in the troupe all the year round will never criticize my figure.

  So, at that time, I felt that I still had a lot of room for development.

  It wasn\'t until the school rehearsal that the teacher couldn\'t find a role for me to play, and I realized that something seemed wrong.

   And after some snack manufacturers went to the school to select actors to shoot commercials, and they caught my eye at first glance, I realized that the world is full of malice towards fat actors, because the audience will think fat people are not good-looking. "

It seemed that she was tired from standing, but it was more like she hated the reality of the outside world, so when Kate stopped talking, she also elbowed her husband, and when Roland let go, she turned around and sat on the bay window superior.


  Wife is already sitting, but he doesn’t sit, can it work?

   And when they leaned against the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked inward, the rows of wedding dresses also brought back their pre-marital memories.

  However, the better the memory, the colder the words in Kate\'s mouth.

  "When I found out that my fat was not as cute as those noble uncles and aunts said, I questioned everything around me, because I didn\'t understand why this kind of thing happened?

  Those guys go to the theater every day. As loyal consumers in the theater industry, don’t their aesthetics match the public?

   And those performers are also big names in the circle, can\'t their praise represent the industry standard?

   In my teenage years, this question came to my mind!

   When I was constantly searching and wanted to know where the gap between them and the outside world was, "The Little Mermaid" was released.

   After organizing us to watch this movie at school, the teacher\'s words woke me up.

   So far, I still clearly remember what they said at the beginning.

He said-

  ‘Do you guys know why this movie is a success? \'

  ‘Because Disney put The Little Mermaid and the Prince together! \'

  ‘Do you know why this story is regarded as a classic by people? \'

  ‘That’s because in the original book, the prince and princess are together! And the Little Mermaid turned into a bubble! \'

  ‘Break class re-creation, making Disney’s fairy tales more in line with modern tastes! And the original story with strict class makes the fairy tale full of warning significance! The former is a dream for the public to see! The latter is the reason to let the world know! \'

  ‘These two creative methods have their own advantages, but the core is to find the right audience! \'"

  When Kate said everything the teacher had taught in her cadenced voice...

   Roland, who was holding her in his arms, already understood what the wife in his arms was longing for.

   Is it a cold castle?


   Is it a glitz built with money?


  What she wants is not money, but the freedom that money can symbolize!

  Why can those nobles judge her figure arbitrarily?

   Isn\'t that because they are the patrons of the theater?

  Why do those theater actors agree with the views of the nobles?

   Isn\'t that because they have to rely on these people for food?

  When the relationship between supply and demand is tightly controlled by these people, their words will attract countless people regardless of whether they are right or wrong! And in this case, the guy who believes is a fool! The guy who doesn\'t believe it is a big idiot!

  Because you don\'t have the capital to believe! There is no confidence in disbelief!

   "So... you are very envious of those people who can freely express their opinions?" Roland asked while hugging his wife.

   "Yes." Kate said bluntly: "I envy those guys very much. I envy them that they can not be responsible for what they do. I envy the things they throw away, which will become the objects of countless people."

  Chi Guoguo\'s utilitarian mentality made Roland nod silently. Although he felt that his wife\'s obsession was a bit pathological, but...

  What\'s the matter?

  In this world, who can be called mentally healthy?

   As long as there is desire!

   There will be no light in the eyes!

   While Roland was feeling emotional, Kate also continued: "In the drama school, the reality conveyed to us by the teacher broke my heart.

  Because I discovered that my own efforts may really be a mistake in my mother\'s eyes.

  At that time, I really wanted to be those guys with rich ancestors who could live in manor castles, sleep until they woke up naturally, and decide the fate of a bunch of people while talking and laughing.

   But I know that this is impossible, just a beautiful fantasy.

  Until one day, I met you, and then I found out that you are really, really, super rich..."

   Speaking of which, Kate, who was leaning on Roland, raised her head.

When her eyes fell on Roland\'s face, the smile mixed with self-mockery, emotion, joy and other emotions made her happily bump her head on the shoulder of her husband, like a coquettish little milk dog, against the Husband\'s shoulders rubbed left and right a few times.

  "Although I have never blamed those uncles and aunts, let alone the guy who raised them up to the sky, and when I found out that acting might be an industry that I could never reach the peak in my life, I still chose to go on, but...

   Really, three billion when you were sixteen is an astronomical figure to me.

  At that time, there was only one thought in my mind, that is how could you be so rich!

   Even though I have seen countless nobles and rich people, none of them can buy whatever they want like you!

  Because those guys\' money is in the family fund!

  And like you, if I want to buy an apple today, I just buy one-fifth of it, no one really can do it..."


  When Kate mentioned Roland\'s chic deeds back then, Roland, who had been listening, suddenly laughed.

  He once imagined that his extravagance would bring a certain impact to his wife.

  But he didn\'t expect that this kind of shock would continue until now.

   Of course, these things are not important, what is important is the views on each other.

   "So you fell in love with me?" Roland asked: "Do you think you can realize your dream through me?"

  As soon as the words came out, Kate stuck out her tongue, "That\'s right, but I never thought that everything would happen so quickly."

   "Huh? You think I\'m making money too fast?"

   Roland frowned, "No! Shouldn\'t you think that the sooner the better?"

   "Bah!" As soon as such utilitarian words appeared, Kate spat, "Why are you making money so fast?

   Am I so snobby?

   Obviously you fell too fast!

  I thought that I would use some tricks so that you would be obedient and honest because of my fascination, but what about the truth?

  You are hugging my leg and not letting me go! "

  \'! \'

   Roland didn\'t like to hear these words, "What the hell! You were the one who cried and begged me to marry you, okay?"

   "Nonsense! It\'s because you are so fascinated by me that you can\'t walk!" Kate insisted.

   "You\'re talking nonsense!" Roland objected.

  However, before he could utter the words of defense, Kate, who was sitting upright, had already stared.

  Under the gaze of his wife\'s death, Roland straightened his back, and then...

   went soft again.


  The movement like a shrimp in the girdle directly defeated the stern-faced Kate.

   And when she relaxed and fell into her husband\'s arms, Roland who caught her kissed her on the forehead.

   "Like it here?"

Although Kate has made it clear that what she loves is not the castle but the money and power behind the castle, but Roland is not angry, because it doesn\'t cost him much to build this castle, since he can let his wife open up, that...

  Why not do it?

   And when Kate, who was resting on her husband\'s thigh, heard this question, Ben\'s gaze on the wedding dress was also withdrawn.

  Looking straight at Roland, he said, "I like you."

  (end of this chapter)

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