
Chapter 424: Black Gold (3)

  After kicking the round table tea stand, Roland even tore off the bow tie around his neck.

   While unbuttoning his front shirt, he was panting heavily with anger.

  He twisted his head slightly, his eyes were out of focus, but the raging flames scattered around him clearly interpreted the anger in his heart.

"George wants to make the donkey party give in? George wants to continue to slap them while the donkey party makes concessions? This is impossible for anyone to accept! This kind of behavior of giving up profits and shame! How could they think of it?" ?ah!"

As if he felt that roaring was not enough, when the red-faced Roland saw the small round stool placed next to the tea table, he immediately flew up. Following his movement, there was a dull sound, and the original-colored wooden stool Suddenly, a beautiful parabola was drawn in the air, and then it hit the TV set in the living room of the suite, with a loud bang, causing countless cracks.

  In such a situation, Kate who was following him naturally took it into consideration.

Although she really wanted to stop her husband\'s restless behavior, considering everything that happened just now, she knew that Roland needed to vent and she chose to remain silent until Roland tore off his coat, sat on the sofa hard, closed his eyes and covered his face with his hands without moving. At that moment, she came to the other party\'s side, took a seat, put her hands on his shoulders, and gently pressed her husband\'s neck, hoping to help him relieve the pressure in this way.

   While she was staring at her husband\'s cheeks and thinking about how to speak, Roland, who felt the familiar movements, took a step ahead, and the muffled words came out from between his hands, "Don\'t be afraid, I don\'t have domestic violence tendencies."


Hearing these words, surprise flashed across Kate\'s face. After she realized it, the corners of Ben\'s smooth mouth curled up, "Domestic violence? Are you kidding me? Even if I stand here and let you hit me, you won\'t You have to have the guts to do it!"

  The slightly disdainful voice made Roland sigh. While putting away the cover, his body also fell down, and he lay on the sofa very naturally, and his head was precisely pillowed on his wife\'s thigh.

  Looking at the guy who was looking down at the same time, when his eyes met, Roland, who thought his head was huge, suddenly smelled a bit of relief.

  Because he finally didn\'t have to hide in the study and face everything alone like before.

   "Thank you." Roland, who grabbed his wife\'s right hand, said softly.

"Huh?" Kate, who didn\'t want to get entangled in such trivial matters, raised her eyebrows and said, "Actually, I don\'t think there is much problem with George\'s idea, because cooperation between donkey and elephant is not impossible. Thing, in the past, they have joined forces on multiple issues in the past, and now, if the root of the problem is oil and the dollar, then I think the donkey party will compromise, for the entire country in the world Compromise for the status of..."

  Although Roland was angry because of the donkey-elephant cooperation mentioned by Henry Rumfield, Kate understood that even if she brought it up again, Roland, who had already vented his anger, would not rekindle his anger.

  Because at this point in time, Roland has to find a way to solve or bypass this problem.

  So, she spoke with confidence.

And as she asked, Roland, who was resting on his wife\'s lap, also had a helpless expression on his face, staring at the familiar face, slowly escaping nature, and he took a good look at it, "Kate, you are wrong to think so, they, will not join hands."

"Why?" Kate felt that there was something wrong with her husband\'s thinking. "Is it because of face? Oh my god! Politicians never need face. As for the donkey-elephant dispute? It\'s just two sides of the same coin." .

The fight between the donkey party and the elephant party is not to kill each other at all, because their ultimate appeal is the same, it is for the better development of the United States, but because of the relationship between their positions and means, they look like enemies . "

Such words made Roland hide his face and laugh, because Kate\'s unmistakable position is indeed the mainstream view of people since the birth of the donkey and elephant parties, or it is a consensus view, but with the development of the times, this set of rhetoric, outdated.

   "Do you think the existence of the two parties is for the better development of the United States?" Roland asked.

"What else?" Kate frowned slightly, puzzled, "Although I haven\'t gone to school, politics can\'t be refined by going to school. The dispute between the two parties is just a manifestation of democracy. What they want to hide is Chiguoguo\'s interest exchange, because this kind of thing cannot be known by the public."


Seeing that his wife wanted to help him solve his problems, Roland, who was pillowing on the other\'s thigh, was not so unreasonable. He wanted to find someone to talk about the pain in his heart, and he raised his hands out of emptiness to signal his wife to listen to him. "There is nothing wrong with your statement, or in other words, when the two parties existed, it was indeed for the better development of the United States.


  In what year was the US electoral system created?

   Two hundred years ago!

  When Washington was unanimously elected President of the United States for two consecutive times, he never thought that after his death, this group of guys would be like this! It is even less likely that he would have imagined that immediately after his death, the elites would be divided, and those who wanted to establish a strong central government became federalists, while those who emphasized the rights of states and the sovereignty of states became anti-federal partisan!

  Which year did Washington die?


   And in 1800 after his death, the Democratic-Republican Party was established!

  However, even if they split, it doesn\'t really matter.

  Because at the time, only white men could vote.

However, when Lincoln emancipated the slaves, the situation changed dramatically. In 1920, then Secretary of State Bainbridge-Colby signed the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, allowing After women gained the right to vote, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was rewritten, and the apartheid system was officially abolished, the donkey-elephant dispute became a complete conflict of interests!


  Because when voting rights can only be owned by white men, whether it is planting, oil, railways or military industry, people have the same purpose, that is, to plunder more wealth!

   And when women start to have rights, their primary goal of standing up is to seek more benefits for themselves, and where do the benefits come from? Isn\'t it from white men?

In this case, abolishing various laws that are more harsh to them and getting more resources has become what they want to do and what they must do, and once someone can assure them that they can get more resources for them If there is a greater interest, the guarantor will be able to get more votes and become president.

  What is this behavior called?

   Isn\'t it just internal fighting?

  Should this kind of infighting be right? Is liberating women a sign of progress? I have no right to judge these things!

   But I know that the election system in the United States has changed at this time!

  With the lifting of racial segregation, more people have to share the limited cake!

   Negroes say we want to improve our lives!

  Then their needs will have great friction with traditional industries!

   Negroes say we want to improve treatment!

  Then their needs will have a great confrontation with all capital!

  In this case, the guy who needs a lot of votes will naturally win over them for his own benefit, but this kind of win over will inevitably cause confrontation with the guy affected by it! And is this confrontation for the better development of the United States?


  I\'m just here for my position!

   The donkey gang don’t understand now, is maintaining the status of oil in the world the same as maintaining the status of the United States?

they know!

   But they can\'t do that!

  Because they need to compete for their own status! "

  When Roland danced and explained to Kate that the American electoral system had long been contrary to the founder\'s ideas, countless pasts also appeared in his mind.

   Is it because of the red-necked Wang Wang and the sleepy man who wins over the minorities?


   It is the king who understands the sea and let Guan Hai do it for nothing! Watching the sea makes the small bushes dry again!

  When the bushes were in power, two wars were launched, energy mining was promoted, and oil and the dollar regained their luster.

  But with Guanhai’s ascendancy, the green energy plan directly puts oil in an embarrassing situation.

   Is Guan Haihui not clear that the forced implementation of the Clean Energy Security Act will have a huge impact on the stability of oil, causing huge fluctuations in the exchange rate of the US dollar, the settlement currency in global trade?

  Of course people know!

Since the father of missiles could understand in 1992 that the development of clean energy can help a country get out of the energy dilemma and not be choked by other energy countries, then Guan Hai can understand better that the development of new energy will have a great impact on itself !


Have no idea!

  For their ass, that\'s all they can do.

   And what about after Jianguo came up?

  The first thing to do is to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement, ban the clean energy plan, let Guanhai, which hinders the development of oil, roll into the trash can, and continue to push black gold with the support of energy giants!

  He not only made the United States the world\'s largest oil producer, but also made the United States the world\'s largest oil exporter. The record-breaking oil trade surplus is what he does for Jin!

   But unfortunately, this kind of fact will soon become nothingness.

  People keep saying there is no real difference between the two parties, but…

  How can there be no difference?

   The contradiction between men and women, the contradiction between white people and black people, the contradiction between capital and ordinary people, these are all differences!

  As long as there is a difference, there will be a transaction of interest, and as long as there is a transaction of interest, there will be a real struggle between the two parties! Because what matters is not other people\'s interests, but their own asses!

   "So, it is impossible for them to cooperate."

   When Roland came back to his senses, he realized that he had been in a daze for too long, but Kate didn\'t mean to disturb his thinking, so after a smile, he continued: "Unless, there is a new enemy appearing in front of them.

  Only when the external living environment is seriously threatened, they have a certain possibility of throwing votes behind them.

   But by that time, let alone democratic elections, even the electoral system will no longer exist. "

  After Roland spoke eloquently, Kate, who was sitting there listening, immediately laughed.

  It seems that I feel that my husband\'s ideas are really weird, but I feel that these views are indeed correct.

  After much deliberation, when she couldn\'t find a substantial loophole, she asked, "Then you mean that the American election system and voting crowd have made it impossible for the donkey and elephant parties to cooperate?"

   "Yeah!" Roland nodded affirmatively, "Human nature is greedy.

When they find that their future must be based on sacrificing the lives of some people, they will definitely hold on to the other part of the population who will not be sacrificed, and then sacrifice the other part in the righteousness of a better life for these people people.

  Because only in this way can the contradictions brought about by capturing profits be transferred out.

  Actually, in the 80/20 rule, 2% of the world’s people control 80% of the wealth. Such statements are deceitful.

Because when capital is rampant, letting 2% of the world\'s people control 120% of the wealth is their ultimate goal, and the remaining 98% of the people have to bear 100% of their wealth. Twenty debts. "

   "Then you are aiming at the 120%?" Kate finally understood what her husband was thinking.

   It was precisely because she understood Roland\'s thoughts that the lipsticked lips looked even more attractive.

  Let 2% of the people grab 120% of the wealth?

   Isn’t this a return to slavery?

  Package the concept of advanced consumption and root it in people\'s hearts. When the concept of exquisite life takes root and sprouts, the advanced consumption brought about by consumerism can turn people into slaves of capital.

  Although consumerism has indeed improved life for the general public, this kind of overdraft allows capital to continue to grow!

   And when the concept of living in the present and consuming tomorrow becomes popular, only rulers can stand at the top of the system and overlook all beings. In this way, power becomes the most attractive thing.


   is even more impossible to exist.

   "Then what should we do now? Don\'t you even want to help them talk?"

  After thinking about this, Kate also rubbed her husband\'s face.

  Since her husband was only angry because he was slapped together, and not in a daze, she felt relieved.

But while she was relieved, she also felt that if her husband did not cooperate, the current situation would probably become more complicated, "Henry has already told you that this matter is very difficult for others, but for you It\'s still very simple, because the donkey party has disclosed its own litigator. As long as we start from this aspect, maybe we can increase the success rate of persuasion?

  Combined with the previous interests, they may be more likely to accept your mediation? "

   His wife\'s cautious words made Roland roll his eyes.

Yes, after telling Roland their appeal, Henry Rumfield also gave the action plan they had already conceived, and the reason why they approached Roland was to ask Roland to act as this thankless middleman , it\'s not that Roland is really capable, but that Roland is full of connections...

   Like the lawyer who undertakes the donkey party litigation business, it is Carter Phillips.

  He is the top appellate lawyer in the United States, bar none.

  The record of 75 Supreme Court lawsuits set by him is more than the number of Supreme Court lawsuits undertaken by the fifth to tenth law firms in the United States, and when he appears in court, victory is already doomed.

  Of course, Roland doesn\'t know this kind of guy who can drive the US Department of Justice and the US Supreme Court away.

   But Bill Gates, and he is very familiar.

  Because the Ministry of Commerce filed the antitrust split case against Microsoft, it was Carter-Phillips who undertook the fight.

  Little bushes they can\'t affect him, but Microsoft, can.

   In addition, Ronald Perelman\'s political donations to Zipperton, and the economic model made by David Shaw, the king of quantitative analysis, are also things that the small bushes are keen on.

   When they couldn\'t invite these people, Roland, who wore a pair of underpants with these guys, became an insider.

  Although Roland really resists such bad things, but...

  Now it is true that only he is suitable to be the middleman.

  Because this will be an informal conversation involving deals that will never be made public.

   "Hey..." Roland sighed.

   To be honest, he really doesn\'t want to touch these things.

   But when the trouble was already on his body, he could only support it.

   "Trading power and money is really tiring." Roland complained.

   "But the profit is very generous." Kate smiled and pinched her husband\'s face.

   "Besides, after it\'s done, "House of Cards" can be filmed."

"Come on." Roland curled his lips, "If this thing is really done, then I definitely can\'t ask for something like "House of Cards". Compared with the shale oil they get, this reward, It\'s just too little."

   "Then what do you want?" When her husband said this, Kate also became interested, "You don\'t want oil, do you?"

   "Why do I want this? I don\'t do this." Roland shook his head.

   "Then do you have a goal?" Kate wanted to hear her husband\'s thoughts.

  However, facing his inquiry, Roland blew his nose, "Target? Does this need a target?

  When power is regained, everything you see in front of you can become a target. "

   Note: ①Comrade Guan Hai pushed a new energy policy as soon as he took office, hoping to use the pressure of global cooperation to abolish the shale oil pushed by the small bushes. In his bill, the amount of methane emissions from oil mines and natural gas industries was clearly stipulated, and strict requirements were imposed on emissions and combustion during oil and natural gas extraction. Oil and shale gas mining and hydraulic fracturing regulations have had a direct impact on more than 13,000 natural gas wells and oil mines in the United States. Therefore, Jianguo, which is supported by energy giants, tore up this bill as soon as it came to power. Those who think that Jianguo is crazy are the real idiots, and Comrade Guan Hai is the real 25-year-old boy. ② Carter Phillips is the best litigator in the United States, he is number one every time there is a ranking list, and his relationship with Microsoft is not a cooperation in the pure sense, because he and Bill Gates’ boss Dad had been a colleague for five years when they worked together in Washington.



  (end of this chapter)

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