
Chapter 384: There is no difficult business in the world 4.0

Music belongs to make up numbers, the story of jewelry has been written, there are big names at the helm in the field of science and technology and the Internet, semiconductor companies are waiting for outsourcing orders, and biomedicine belongs to the backing of mountains and water. The drugs declared by Liga Food and Drug Administration have already become their pockets.



   Whichever medicine is more effective, we will acquire the corresponding reporting company!

   Grab and you\'re done!

   As for how to end?

  With the deputy commander and the two stakeholders of the Ministry of National Defense present, someone will take the initiative to wipe their **** off!

In this way, when Roland, who upholds the concept of "let people know, do the right thing, and earn more money", has made a plan for the future of the game field and set a small goal for the film and television company, his net worth is already ten. With a single digit, he once again acted as a good husband in the eyes of the public, and accompanied his wife to stroll around Irvine.

Go golfing at Strawberry Farms Golf Course, stroll along Crystal Cove Beach, attend UC Irvine\'s Reggae Carnival in Dridge Park, go fishing at William Mason Regional Park, buy Impressionist art from the Irvine Museum, ride Cycling on more than forty-five miles of off-road biking trails, follow the trails of wildlife, tracking possums, skunks, coyotes, mountain lions, sparrows, eagles...

   It is no exaggeration to say that the current Roland is an upgraded version with more money, less work, closer to home, high position and light responsibility!

   If there is more money and less affairs, then there are affairs!

  If the position is high and the responsibility is light, that is also the responsibility!

   And what about Roland?

   Lots of money, nothing to worry about, a family from all over the world!

   High position, weight, can hold accountable!

   While driving a bunch of tool people to make money for themselves, they can enjoy life well. This kind of life, let alone how cool it is!

   Not to mention, at the same time, there is a wife who is as beautiful as a flower, knowledgeable and courteous as a playwright by her side!

  When you are in a happy mood, she will play a small temper and make you half dead;

  When you are down, she will sit next to you and open her arms to hug you.

  Although the change in style is driven by trivial things, the gathering of bits and pieces is more heart-warming!

  After all, good-looking skins are the same, but interesting souls are one in a thousand.

  In the case of an unbreakable material foundation, spiritual construction is even more obsessed.

"Is it tasty?"

  In the rest area, Roland looked at his wife with his chin resting on one hand.

  Kate today is wearing a long black dress and flat shoes.

  The simple style of clothing fully shows the charm of a mature woman.

  But if you count the Minnie Mouse headband on the head and match it with the lavender bear cones sold in the Disney park, the ensuing childlike innocence blooms, making her even more cute.


  Kate nodded heavily, and while pursing her lower lip, she handed the cone to her husband as if offering a treasure.

   "Try it."

  Looking at the ice cream that had been licked by his wife a lot, Roland didn\'t dislike it either.

   Find the target, open your **** mouth, wow, and gnaw off the Disney bear Duffy.

  In an instant, half of Ben Yizhi\'s tall cone was missing.

  The potholes at the cut-off point are even more wild.

   Such a situation made Kate stunned on the spot.

   And after she shifted her focus on the cone to Roland, she was chewing on the Daffy bear, tasting the sweetness of chocolate, and Roland also made vague comments: "Woo... taste... not bad...

  It’s just...too...too sweet..."

  Kate was furious when she heard the unbeatable words. In her eyes, her husband at the moment was a cheap beep.

   "I just let you taste it!"

  Kate slapped Roland on the arm.

   "Didn\'t let you eat the bear!"

  Fingers gathered together, and twisted on Roland\'s arm.

   "Why are you like this!"

  Pouting his mouth, the width that can hold an oil bottle is like an invisible pen, writing grievances all over his face.

  Although he was beaten, Roland was still smiling.

   "Oops, I just ate a bear, what\'s the big deal?"

  Kate was even angrier after hearing these words.

   Rolled his eyes, turned around and ignored him.

  Seeing this, Roland leaned over and asked meanly: "Aren\'t you happy? Then I\'m buying you one?"

   "No." Kate bluntly rejected the insincere compensation.

However, before Kate could figure out how to punish her husband, Roland\'s next words broke her defenses, "No? Let\'s forget it... I wanted to buy Duffy\'s abrasive tool Go home and make a cone for you, but since you don’t want it and think it’s not good, that’s fine, and it saves me a lot of work!”

   "Huh?" At this moment, Kate turned her head like a Corgi who heard the sound of dinner, "I want it!"

   "What did you say?" Roland pretended not to know.

  Kate, whose eyes were like copper bells, said, "I want you to make Tamiflu for me!"

   "But you just clearly said no!" Roland continued to tease her.

   "I didn\'t say it!" Kate was like a little lion, full of fighting spirit.

   "You said it, I heard it!" Roland suppressed a smile.

   In such a situation, Kate reached out again, but this time she touched her husband\'s waist, "Are you sure you heard that?"

   "No, no, no!" This time, it was Roland\'s turn to shake his head, "You\'ve always said yes."

   Following Roland\'s confession, the two also looked at each other, and after a while, they laughed at the same time.

   "Why are you like a child?" Kate took the lead in complaining, and while speaking, she continued to lick half of the cone.

   "You are just like a child." Roland refused to accept it, and took another bite of the cone with his head, "You are still protecting the food!"

   "You know I protect food and you still eat!"

   "You are my wife, what\'s yours is mine, why can\'t I eat it?"

   "Hey! Get the **** out of here!"

   "Slightly slightly slightly..."

  The childish behavior of the two people made the accompanying bodyguards and the staff in the park who were watching from a distance bewildered.

  No one knows what they are doing, but everyone can see that the relationship between the two is really good.


   And when Roland spent 2.7 million to buy Disney California Adventure Park for a day, just to play wantonly with his wife, everything in the world is also developing according to its own trajectory.

  On February 18th, something that shocked the entire United States happened.

  The American FBI arrested Robert Hansen, a former FBI member, in Folkestone Park in Vienna, Virginia, and charged him with being a bear spy.

  From 1979 to 2001, he provided the disintegrated Mao Xiong and the current Maozi with secret information for 22 years, and sold thousands of confidential documents.

  If it\'s just these, then forget it.

  Because Mao Xiong is the world\'s number one spy, that\'s something everyone knows.

However, when the American FBI disclosed the list of leaked data, people discovered that this guy was not as simple as imagined, because the most valuable legendary spy in the history of Eagle Sauce prompted Nixon to visit China and steal Soviet Union. Dmitry Polyakov, who produced anti-tank missile data, was dug out by him!

   Not only that, the nuclear war information handled by the FBI, the military weapon technology iteration plan, the counterintelligence plan, and the news that the FBI built a wiretapping tunnel under Maoxiong’s embassy in Washington, have also been leaked!

  When the shocking leaked documents were released to the public, the whole of America was enveloped in an uproar!

  After the Ministry of Justice reads and evaluates one by one...

  The whole incident was defined by them as the worst intelligence disaster in American history!

  Small Bush was the first to express his opinion—

  “Today is a particularly difficult day for those who love America. I want to warn those who betray their country that sooner or later they will be caught and severely punished!”

  FBI Director Franky said—

   "The Hansen espionage case once again shows that the risk of U.S. government officials betraying their own country exists at any time, so the FBI will have to take stricter measures to prevent espionage incidents from happening again."

  When the world\'s largest violent organization spoke out, attitudes consistent with this were displayed one after another.

  The Federal Bureau of Investigation dispatched all of them to target the cleansing within the federal government, and came into being.

  Many people may think that this is just a contest between countries, and the collision of intelligence agencies is far from the lives of ordinary people, or that even Roland, an ordinary person, thinks so.

But when Roland received a call from Katherine Kennedy, who told him that the FBI hoped that they could postpone the project and was willing to bear the loss, Roland realized that when the general trend came, everyone would run away. not drop.

   "What did you say?" Roland, who was grabbing food with his wife, gradually became serious.

   "The FBI wants us to be able to postpone the movie "Bourne\'s Identity"." Katherine Kennedy said.

   "Why?" Roland asked, but in the next second, he thought of the answer, "Because of Robert Hansen?"

"Yes." Affirmative words came from the other end of the phone, "We all know that the Bourne trilogy is filled with a lot of FBI and CAI content, although there are bad and good, but they can\'t afford it now. public criticism.

  So, they hope that we can slow down the pace of production, wait for Robert Hansen to plead guilty, the verdict comes out, and after the whole matter is settled, they will promote the film to the outside world, and they are willing to bear the losses caused by it. "

   That\'s right!

As the world\'s most powerful propaganda outlet and the main place of American ideology, Hollywood can shoot movies that criticize any individual to promote the values ​​​​of freedom, but at the same time, they can only roll up corresponding ones at the right time. The storm!

  When the war comes, you must unite the front!

  Any anti-war propaganda, the special code is that the old birthday star hanged himself, looking for death!

Because of this, when the FBI and the CIA are being questioned, Hollywood can\'t add fuel to the fire anyway, just like "Shawshank\'s Redemption", if you dare to provoke a civil war, they dare to do it about you!

  Of course, everyone is a respectable person. Although the efficiency of fighting and killing is the highest, behaviors that break the rules of the game will also cause countless troubles. In this way, peaceful negotiations and friendly consultations have become their magic weapon to defeat the enemy.

  And after Roland has publicly supported the small bush many times and donated to him from the beginning to the end, these people also believe that the top rich man whose actual assets far exceed the exposed assets will make the choice that is most beneficial to him.

   "So, how will the FBI compensate me for my loss?"

   After hanging up the phone with Catherine Kennedy, Roland called the current Secretary of Defense again.

  After Henry Rumsfeld understood Roland\'s doubts, the guy who knew that Roland was standing with General Boeing immediately explained: "The FBI can\'t give you any guarantees, but we can.

  The current director of the FBI, Louis Friech, will step down in June this year, and the new director will be promoted by us.

  Although it is confidential, it is not impossible to say.

   According to our deliberations, we are going to appoint Robert Mueller as the new Director.

  You may not understand just the name, but if you talk about the resume, you will definitely know it.

   In 1989, he entered Washington and became the acting deputy attorney general of the Department of Justice.

   In 1990, he was the Attorney General of the Criminal Division of the Ministry of Justice.

   In 1993, he left Washington because of Zipperton\'s superior position.

   Now, he\'s coming back.


  You just need to press the movie now.

  The compensation that the FBI owes you will definitely be there.

   What is it specifically, or what do you need? After he takes office, we are communicating. "

  The simple dialogue made Roland say **** it!

  Because Henry Rumsfeld has made it clear enough!

  The director of the FBI who is about to take office is a person handpicked by Little Bush\'s father!

  In this case, since the FBI wants him to hold down the movie, it must give other support!

   Not for anything else!

   Just because the FBI is a bush!

   As a result, Roland happily asked Katherine Kennedy to postpone "The Bourne".

  It will be extended until the end of time, until the sea is dry and rocks are rotten, and until the FBI allows it to be released!

   Help a friend!

  He is really not greedy for the violent agency of the FBI!


  \'Chee! \'


  When Roland suppressed the release time of a classic series with two sentences, Matt Damon\'s rise was also cast a shadow, but... what does this have to do with Roland?

  Who made him so unlucky to run into Robert Hansen?

   In other words, Roland is no longer interested in the "Bourne Shadow" series.

  If the FBI needs him to kill the entire series, he doesn\'t mind letting his 70 million investment go to waste.

   What is 70 million?

  For Hollywood stars, 70 million may be a very good project!

  Compared with the FBI, the green Franklin is not attractive at all!

   If 70 million can be exchanged for good cooperation with the FBI, even if the validity period is only ten years, it will be enough for Roland to commit crimes!

   After all, the fastest way to expand capital is to grab!

  The essence of grabbing is the supremacy of force!

   Externally, it can be suppressed with the long-arm jurisdiction clause.

   Internally, what better thing to use than the FBI?

  Whoever opposes me is a criminal when the most effective crime-fighting agency is with him!

  Okay, just think about this kind of thing.

  Roland is not a member of Taobao.com, how could he have such a big dream during the day?

  After arranging these things that he didn\'t need to care about, Roland, who had been in Irvine for almost two weeks, finally left.

   However, they still did not go home, but went to San Francisco.

  There is a castle-style villa there, which has not been lived in much after it is installed, so Kate wants to play for a few days.

  Anyway, preparing for pregnancy, happiness is the most important thing!

   Money is not money, how vulgar!

  However, when the young couple regarded happiness as their life creed and offspring as their future goals, an article that appeared in Fortune magazine on March 5th attracted Roland\'s attention.

  This article was written by Bethany McClain, who is a contracted analyst at Goldman Sachs.

  Of course, just looking at her name and position, Roland can’t recall who she is, but the article she wrote is very interesting because the title is ‘Is Enron Overpriced? \', Not only that, she pointed out in the article that there are some undisclosed places in Enron\'s financial documents, and these places happen to be the source of income. According to the law, these contents can be disclosed to the public. Under such circumstances, Enron actually got a record market capitalization. This situation is unreasonable.

  Although she didn\'t mention that Enron was involved in fraud throughout the article, after reading this article, Roland knew in his heart that the thunder that should explode was about to explode, and in this case, it was not his nature to sit stupidly!

  So, Roland called David and asked the guy he trusted the most to do something for him.

   "What is Berkshire Hathaway\'s stock price now?"

   "Sixty-five thousand."

   "How many shares do we have now?"

   "80,000 shares, of which 20,000 shares have been pledged and invested in projects such as "X-Men", "Lord of the Rings" and so on."

   "That is to say, with 3.9 billion in hand, the pledge loan can make more than 200 million?"


   "Then pledge one billion and build a safe short position. The time is the end of the year."

"you sure?"

   "Of course, earn money for milk powder for the child..."

  It would be silly to not pick up money.

   Knowing that Enron will be hit by a thunderstorm because of financial fraud, it is the right way to go to Wall Street\'s wool.

   As for saying that butterfly wings will affect the occurrence of the Enron incident?

   Stop talking nonsense.

   Enron’s fraud is not a day or two. Before the 1990s, it was doing numbers crazily.

   Being able to cover up to now is already very awesome!

   What\'s more, even if butterfly wings do appear, it doesn\'t matter if Enron doesn\'t have a thunderstorm in 2001.

   After all, Washington is now his own.

  Anron can avoid thunderstorms, but Roland can also check it for thunderstorms!

   No matter how you calculate, this is a business that is sure to make money without losing money. Since this is the case, why not do it?

  One touch of the mouth, the future children can have one billion more milk powder, how wonderful this kind of thing is!

   Notes: ①Daffy Bear was a character that accompanied the California Adventure Park when it appeared in 2001, but it was not popular because the Adventure Park was too stretchy. But after it spread to Tokyo Ocean Park, Kawaii\'s appearance was immediately loved by the Japanese people, and the popularity directly surpassed Mickey. And the whole series of "Ol Mira", the star dew that is super popular in Shanghai Paradise, selling 45 yuan of cones, was actually born in Japan Paradise. ②In reality, "The Bourne Shadow" was postponed because of the appearance of Robert Hansen. According to the plan, the movie will be released in September 2001, but because Robert Hansen\'s influence is too strong, Universal has no interest in the movie. It was postponed. As for any lack of schedule, it’s bullshit. In May 2002, after Robert Hansen’s verdict came out, the movie was temporarily moved up, and it was chosen to be released in June. ", "Minority Report" collided. ③Robert Miller, who served as the director of the FBI from 2001 to 2013, was single-handedly pulled out by the old bush, or in other words, the three nominees back then were all left by the old bush to his son, except for Robert - Outside of Miller, George Twillig was the deputy attorney general of the Justice Department under the old bush, and Dan Webb was the special counsel. Regardless of how the Senate votes, the FBI is a small bush, which is the super second generation. ④ Financial fraud and delisting will not affect short selling. With reference to this year’s Ruixing Thunderbolt, some people shorted. In eight months, the profit was 75%.



  (end of this chapter)

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