
Chapter 377: examine

The old professor who was over half a century ago put on his glasses, and after carefully flipping through the freshly released medical examination form, a slightly relaxed smile appeared on his face, "The oral cavity is normal, the hormones are normal, the gynecological items are normal, and all indicators are within the numerical range. .

You took MMR with us in September, and you received another booster shot in October, and the blood test showed that antibodies were produced, and now more than 90 days have passed since the last booster shot, so you can do everything else on your own Just arrange it. "

  Such casual words made the two half-wearing masks beam with joy.

   "Doctor, what do you mean, she is healthy now and can officially prepare for pregnancy?" Roland asked impatiently.

   "No, you two are healthy.

  The last time you came to the pre-marital physical examination, her report was fine, but no measles antibody was detected, and you also expressed that you want to have children, so to be safe, we asked you to make up two shots of vaccines. "

The old professor nodded and said: "After all, in the absence of measles antibodies, if a pregnant woman is infected with measles, many accidents will occur. If the infection is transmitted to the fetus, corresponding lesions will appear in the eyes, heart, brain and other organs. , Mental disorders are extremely common, but now, after the antibody is produced, similar problems can be avoided."

   That\'s right, Roland accompanied his wife to the doctor for the pre-pregnancy checkup.

  Although in this day and age, many young people ushered in the birth of another new life in the family because of a sudden accident, for Roland, it was even more surprising that the accident was far from the plan.

  Because the former is uncontrollable and full of various uncertain factors.

  The latter is orderly and can be born in the expectation of everyone.

  Even with Roland\'s current financial resources, no matter how many accidents happen around him, he can forcibly change his fate against the sky, but in many cases, such things are completely unnecessary!

  An incident similar to a harelip can be killed in the cradle by various means, so why bother to remedy it afterwards?

  If you don\'t spend the money you earn on this, what\'s the point of making money?

   "Since we have reached the standard, that\'s it for today?" Kate took the report, folded it and put it in the bag, "Thank you doctor, if there are any problems, we will come again."

   "No problem, call me anytime if you need anything." The old professor smiled and nodded.

  Just as Kate was beaming with joy because of the satisfactory results, and couldn\'t wait to take her husband home, and discuss with him the timing of the National People\'s Congress, Roland, who still had some doubts, suddenly said, "Wait, wait...

  Doctor, is there anything else we need to pay attention to next? "

   "Huh?" The old professor didn\'t understand, "Next? Are you talking about preparing for pregnancy?"

   "Yes." Roland affirmed.

   "Oh, trying to get pregnant?" The old professor blinked his eyes when he heard this, and said, "Body and mood, that\'s all.

  You have already checked the physical indicators, and there is no problem, so the next thing is to feel happy.

  Don\'t do what you don\'t want to do, don\'t do what you don\'t want to do, even if you can\'t guarantee a happy mood all the time, but you can\'t be depressed for a long time... I think it shouldn\'t be difficult to achieve this with your conditions, right? "

   "It\'s not difficult, it\'s not difficult." Before Roland could speak, Kate shook her head to confirm.

  The smile on his face became even wider.

  Although what Roland asked was common sense that they had heard a hundred and eighty times, this heart made her very happy.

  However, just when Kate thought that today\'s matter would end because of this, Roland took the posture of breaking the casserole and asking the end.

   "What about the rest? Is there nothing else?"

   "Other?" The old professor was confused by Roland\'s question.

   After thinking for a while, he finally realized.

   At the same time, an incomprehensible smile appeared on his face, "Uh... Is that why you want a child so desperately?"

  Two eyeballs rolled straight, slightly gossip eyes swaying recklessly, just like Columbus discovering the New World, eager to know more content, "Besides physical examination and happy mood, the only auxiliary means left are tools...

  And I think, at your current age, you haven\'t reached that level yet, have you?

  Although there is a 53% chance of success if you use auxiliary tools to measure the optimal fertility window before taking action, but...

   You two are only in your twenties now! Is it that urgent?

  Even at the rate of giving birth one year and taking one year off, you can still have three children before the age of thirty!

  So, I personally think that the goal of pregnancy is very important, but enjoying the process is more important, right?

  When the old professor looked at Roland with the eyes of someone who had passed by, Roland was stunned on the spot after listening to the other party\'s story!

   Grab the grass!

  He just wanted to ask what should be paid attention to during pregnancy preparation!

  Why did you drive the car!



   It doesn\'t matter whether you are married before or after marriage, it is a stumbling block!

   After saying goodbye to the doctor, he dragged his wife out of the hospital.

  Although he tried his best to show his normality, the embarrassment on his face was clearly captured by Kate.

   After getting into the car, Kate, who was still trying her best to hold back her laughter, couldn\'t take it anymore. She fell on the seat and laughed loudly.

   "Hahahaha~ Roland, you are so shameful!

  The root cause of the desire to have a child is to want to rest?

Wow! This doctor is really too smart! "

   "Fart! He\'s obviously bullshit!"

  Roland emphasized righteously: "This kind of guy just has no medical ethics!

   I was obviously asking what items I need to pay attention to during the pregnancy preparation period, but it turned out that he was fine, and it was fine if he didn’t give advice on diet, exercise, and life?

   Am I the kind of guy who gets corrupted by alcohol and tobacco?

   Every time you admit defeat, okay! "

  Blushing and having a thick neck made Kate laugh out tears.

  "Yes, yes, yes~"

The head was busy, and the laughter spread cheerfully. Instead of continuing to battle with Roland, a cooked duck, on such a topic that already had an established answer, he blew his nose and asked: "Okay, okay, tell me , what exactly did you want to ask just now?"

Although Kate was still smiling, Roland didn\'t want to continue entangled in this unanswered topic, but said: "When I checked the information before, I saw someone mention that many women take folic acid supplements during pregnancy, so I want to ask Ask him if he wants to buy something for you too? As a result... as a result... as a result... hey!"

   Roland didn\'t know what to say, so he waved his hands helplessly.

   The extremely aggrieved appearance made Kate, who had just calmed down, laugh again.

   This time, she didn\'t lean on the seat and tremble blindly.

   Instead, she threw herself into her husband\'s arms, with her head like a lion cub, rubbing against her husband\'s chest and writhing around.

  Because she is happy now, really happy.

   After all, to find someone as handsome, rich and caring as Roland is a real treasure!

  Let his wife lie in his arms for a while, and then drive home.

  Although there are security guards on the front, back, left, and right sides, and Roland\'s car is sandwiched between these guys like a sandwich, he still likes to drive by himself, for no other reason than to allow outsiders to intervene in the two-person world of himself and his wife.

Of course, after officially getting married, they also moved out of Sherman Oaks. The current permanent residence is a villa on the beach in Malibu. urban area.

  When I press the road with my wife after dinner every day, I no longer have to worry about being bumped into by passers-by or being photographed by outsiders.

   In addition to this, the good security blockade is also the root of his liking here.

The coast facing the sea is a natural moat, which cannot be invaded, and the electric grid is backed by the hillside, which cannot be climbed. The villas on the left and right sides are either Steven Spielberg’s or Tom Cruise’s. Living here, so when Roland got the key to their house, this place can become a natural fortress.

  The security personnel surrounded the check-in from the left and the right, which can make the safety factor of the entire area soar.

   Not only that, since the two guys who are doing nothing are too lazy to work most of the time, but they don\'t want to be disturbed by the servants, so it is a perfect choice to hire servants to let them live on both sides.

   It is no exaggeration to say that this safe and enjoyable environment is a paradise for the two of them.

   After Roland drove straight in and parked the car, as the gate closed, the field security guards also left work.

Looking at the bodyguards who smiled and greeted themselves, and then changed into their own vehicles and left gracefully, Kate, holding her husband\'s hand, said with emotion: "After the castle on the top of Beverly Hills is built, we won\'t have to worry about it like we are now. ?

   Actually, I still want to live with Liqi and the others. Although I like quietness, it is too quiet and boring. "

   "Sure, according to David\'s plan, it will not be a problem for a thousand people to live there at the same time.

  I also want our parents to come and live here. If it’s just the two of us, it’s really like playing hide-and-seek every day. "

In the Beverly Hills construction drawings finalized by David and Roland, the 156-acre building land will eventually have 30 acres of residential use area, and the remaining more than 100 acres will be built with swimming pools and tennis courts , football field, basketball court and other sports and entertainment facilities, although only one-fifth of the land is used for daily use, but 30 acres, there are already 120,000 square meters, running around will exhaust them to death, If two people live alone, they have some conflicts and lose their temper at random, and find a place to hide themselves, then the one who is looking for someone will really experience a ghost story first-hand.

   And judging from the current situation—

   The one who listened to ghost stories would most likely be Roland.

  As for why so many rooms are built?

   Isn\'t that because the castle has to rely on rooms?

   There are no neatly arranged bay windows, and no cage-like design.

   How to embody the nobility like a canary?

   "I quite like this answer." Kate didn\'t think too much about it. When she entered the house with her husband, she also said, "However, it\'s impossible for them to come here because they are used to living there."

   "Let\'s talk about it then." Roland didn\'t like to force people.

   Just as the young couple were chatting one after another, the mobile phone in Kate\'s bag suddenly rang.

   Pick it up and take a look, good guy, it turned out to be Roland.

   She didn\'t intend to answer the call, so she put the phone into her husband\'s hand, and then she leaned on the sofa, waiting for the result.

  In fact, Kate does not have her own mobile phone number, or in other words, Roland does not have her own mobile phone either.

  Since Roland proposed to Kate, they have shared the same mobile phone with the same number. If someone is looking for Kate, they have to dial Roland\'s number, and if someone is looking for Roland, they have to use Kate\'s mobile phone to answer.

  In this case, the situation that the girlfriend can\'t survive from the boyfriend\'s phone simply does not exist.

  Although it sounds convoluted, the bottom line is that the two have nothing to say.

   Roland felt that he had nothing to hide, and Kate also felt that he had nothing to hide.

  After the call was connected, Disney Pictures Chairman Dick Cook\'s flattering voice came from inside.

When Roland learned that Disney was in trouble in operation, and desperately hoped that Warcraft Movie and TV could use any new type of amusement project in Disneyland as a model to create a commercial promotional movie, Roland, who was in a good mood, I knew that the opportunity I had been waiting for for a long time had finally come.

   "Which project do you want to promote?"

   "Our chairman said, as long as the park\'s passenger flow can meet expectations, you can do whatever project you want."

   "According to the publicity process when Mr. Walt Disney was alive?"

"Yes, let the movie become a giant advertisement spread out to the world, and you should be familiar with this. The "Titanic" and "Spider-Man" series are examples of success, so when we encounter difficulties, I ask you for help."

"But you know, Time Warner is also looking for me to do this kind of thing now, and what we signed with Disney at the time didn\'t seem to be a promotional film contract, but a pure film project. There is a huge gap between them. My terms are all copyrights except filming copyrights, that is to say, if I shoot Batman, all copyrights related to the movie belong to me. If I want to make a game based on the content of the movie, as long as it does not involve non-movie characters And the plot, then they have no right to intervene, which is equivalent to giving me an expanded game world for free, but...you Disney are different..."

"We know this. I have already communicated with the chairman. This promotional film is included in our cooperation. As long as you can come up with a project plan that satisfies both of us, we can try to give up the corresponding copyright, including the film Copyright, sequel shooting copyright, toy manufacturing copyright, game manufacturing copyright, limited media broadcasting copyright, online media broadcasting copyright, etc. That is to say, if you can come up with an emergency plan that satisfies us within a month, then before shooting , we can sign a contract to transfer all the copyrights except the park to you, what do you think?"

   "Okay, then come over tomorrow."


   "I\'ll ask you to come over tomorrow."

   "Isn\'t it...so fast?"

"That\'s right! It\'s that fast! After all, Mr. Walt Disney, who created the Mickey Mouse Club and turned Disney into a world brand, is the originator of film marketing. If we want to be successful, we have to study his marketing case , Therefore, we have a lot of reference cases related to it, you heard it right, there are many..."

  (end of this chapter)

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