
Chapter 372: Supreme power!

  Pile up a box office of 103 million on weekdays? **** it! Don\'t they all go to work and school? "

In the early morning of the 17th, when Kate saw the statement file sent by Evelyn Watson that recorded the box office statistics on the first day, the dazzling 103 million made her feel a lot of emotion, but when she expressed sourly, When the cohesion of Roland\'s fans far exceeded her imagination, Roland, who was also restless in his heart, smiled and shook his head, repeatedly denying it.

  Because he felt that the box office of 103 million was related to the cohesion of fans, but it really had little to do with it.

   "Actually, the publicity and release of "Spider-Man 3" is not just selling feelings.

  If I directly announced that I would quit filming, even if the news of my resignation spreads to everyone, it is impossible for the box office to soar to such a high level.

  The current achievement of 103 million is actually all due to the combination of vertical and horizontal. "

   "What? Brown-maned face?" Kate, who wanted to quietly watch her husband pretend to beep, was stunned.

   She couldn\'t understand what He Zong Lian Heng meant, and she looked at Roland in surprise.

Roland was not embarrassed when he found that he had used the wrong word, but explained in a serious tone: "Combining vertical and horizontal relations is actually a diplomatic and military policy. If you have to use a metaphor, it refers to your former British Prime Minister Churchill. The proposed mainland balance of power policy uses methods such as separating the strong and joining the weak, supporting the weak and suppressing the strong, isolation, and interference, to unite with various weak and small countries to defeat and defeat the military hegemony on the mainland, so as to ensure their own status and interests.

   And Lianheng is to attract other powerful countries to attack some small countries together, similar to how the United States always pulls the EU and NATO together when we carry out various operations against third world countries. "

   "But what does this have to do with the box office of "Spider-Man 3"?" Kate understood her husband\'s variant explanation.

   But she still didn\'t understand how the announcement of the film was related to foreign and military policies.

"Why doesn\'t this matter?" Roland asked back: "If I announce directly through the media that "Spider-Man 3" is my last movie and I will retire after that, how do you think my fans will react? "

   "Uncomfortable? Puzzled?" Kate thought for a while, then said, "And then a little doubt?"

   "Yes! They will be uncomfortable because of my decision." Roland nodded, and said: "They will also be puzzled by the sudden incident, because they don\'t understand why I chose to stop at this time.

   No matter how much I explain, it is useless.

  Because at this time we will not be an interdependent community, but an enemy.

And after they feel uncomfortable and puzzled, they will see the current publicity momentum that is not good for me. When they find that because of the general election, the promotional momentum of "Spider-Man 3" is not as big as those previous movies, they will even Doubt, is the news I released to stimulate the box office? Because if I did decide to step down, why wasn\'t it announced before the film was in production? Why not announce it before the marriage? Why announce it when no one is paying attention to the movie? "

"This is also the reason why you didn\'t take the initiative to announce?" Kate finally understood, "That\'s why you showed all this in the form of easter eggs, because only the silence of the media can make your fans feel that you just want to leave quietly ?”

   "Bingo! That\'s what it means."

Roland snapped his fingers and continued: "Only when we are forced to speak out due to external forces can all this become more real. From the public\'s point of view, it means that we have deceived all the media in order to To show my own people the happiness they want to see and to inform me that I have quit the circle. This cautious approach is compared with the arrogance of the general election. The public will naturally label me as weak, pitiful, and helpless. It is human nature to sympathize with the weak."

  Kate realized, "This is the brown mane? What do you mean by uniting the weak against the strong?"

  But her spoken English is still not standard.

   "Yes, this is Hezong."

Roland didn\'t mean to correct him, so he skipped the topic and continued: "And Lian Heng, in fact, is to divide my fan base. Compared with the general election, my fans and I are weak, and compared with my fans , I am also weak, so I will divide some of the strong and let them become my help to success."

   "What?" Kate didn\'t understand again.

   interrupted her husband\'s words, and asked: "Isn\'t it because of you that you have your fans?

  You are the foundation of your fans. Compared with your fans, you are the stronger one! "

   "No, No, No, things must not look like this."

  Roland waved his hands again and again, saying: "The relationship between us and fans is actually the relationship between products and buyers.

  Whether it is an actor or a star, everyone is a commodity, providing spiritual services to the audience or fans.

  Why do audiences like an actor? Why do celebrities have their own fans? That\'s because the services of actors and stars give audiences and fans spiritual comfort. Actors and stars produce emotions on the screen, and emotions are harvested by audiences and fans. In this case, having They who have the right to choose are the predators at the top of the food chain, and we guys are just commodities selected and liked by them.

  That’s why the idea of ​​a custom aesthetic has emerged in Hollywood.

  Because capital wants to be able to control the choice of viewers and fans, and minimize the risk of profit taking.

   It is for this reason that Marilyn Monroe was born.

   Similarly, isn’t that what I’ve been doing all these years? "

  Hearing her husband talk about topics that should have warmth in a serious tone, Kate immediately rolled her eyes.

   "Oh...don\'t you think you\'re cold-blooded?"

   "Cold-blooded? Isn\'t that a reality?"

  Roland smiled helplessly when he heard the words, "Although actors and celebrities pursue the joy of fans, this kind of joy is actually the embodiment of value, and the only thing that can make value concrete is money.

   What\'s more, if there is no tangible benefit, how can capital invade?

  Things that don’t make money are not circulatory, and can only become a minority indefinitely, and eventually die.

  Because of this, if you cannot accept the mapping of commodities and sales, you will never be able to jump out of this circle. "

   "Okay, Okay, so you\'re out of the circle." Kate smiled and shook her head.

  Press down with both hands, signaling to her husband not to drag the topic away.

  Although she felt that her husband\'s words were a bit unreasonable, she would not deny that what her husband said was the truth.

  Because in the eyes of capital, everything has a price.

  If you can\'t price yourself, then you will never enter the gate of capital.

  You can only let the capital set the price for you and let it exploit you.

"Hey~" Roland clapped his hands, and instead of continuing to entangle the relationship between the product and the customer, he returned to the theme and said, "Actually, there are two ways to make a sound with Easter eggs, one is to show it directly without holding a screening ceremony , and add Easter eggs at the end of the movie. When the Easter eggs flow out after the movie is released on a large scale, it will naturally achieve a purpose of word of mouth, thereby stretching the box office; the other is to hold a screening ceremony, first borrowing The mouths of a small number of fans speak out, and then they come out to express their opinions, and finally achieve the effect of wide publicity, so that everyone will know the news of my retirement before it is released, thereby stretching the box office.

Although on the surface, the fundamental purpose of the first method and the second method are the same, but the second method can mobilize the audience\'s desire to watch the movie before the movie is officially released, so as to achieve the box office. The situation, but in fact, this is just the appearance, the real key is not the publicity before the release and the crazy fermentation after the release, but the understanding from the fans.

According to the first method, even if I am forced to speak out in the form of an easter egg, it is still a voice. For the enemy of the general election, I am a helpless weakling, but for the fans, they still cannot understand me. way of doing.

  Because of this, large-scale paving may indeed be able to form a tsunami sound wave, but when the sound wave appears, several questions will also appear in the brains of fans, that is, why should I quit the circle inexplicably?

   Is it because of poor publicity?

   So this is cheating?

   Or maybe this is a manifestation of lack of confidence in the film?

   This problem can hinder their interest in the movie, resulting in a big fanfare but no box office situation.

   In this way, the effect of the ten screenings that I asked Sony to do appeared.

  The real meaning of their existence is not propaganda, but to divide fans and prevent them from being monolithic.

When the fans who participated in the screening found the easter eggs of the film, they would definitely be shocked by the news, and then spread all this to the outside world crazily. In the eyes, it is rumors and deceit, because these people do not have the credibility of the media.

   But in this case, the enthusiasm of fans has actually been mobilized.

Fans who haven\'t seen the movie and don\'t know the truth will vent their emotions, while fans who have seen the movie and know the truth will try their best to prove it all. In this case, the core of people\'s attention is not me at all Why quit the circle, but want to know why someone inexplicably spread rumors that I quit the circle.

   After that, the proofs of ABC, CNN, and NBC are actually the best promoters of fueling the flames.

  They\'re going to plant a false notion that I\'m being lied to.

  The rebuttals of CBS and other media will plunge the public into a quagmire of doubts.

On the one hand, the media with sufficient credibility said that Roland Allen would not be able to withdraw from the circle, and on the other side, the media with sufficient credibility said that the movie they saw on the day of the premiere was indeed problematic. , the public will be entangled in the matter of whether I will withdraw or not. With the appearance of Sony\'s announcement, this entanglement will be infinitely magnified.

  This kind of amplification will deepen the fans\' sense of participation in the whole thing. Their core goal is to find out the truth of the matter. When the second screening is over, another small group of people said that when there are really easter eggs...

  When they get the real answer, they will have a sense of urgency to prove it in person.

  Because it is human instinct to deny all unfavorable news.

  In this way, they can\'t wait to go to the movies.

  And when the guy who released his enthusiasm when he heard the news of my retirement, and vented his emotions when there was a dispute, after the guy who got the final result, the emotional indoctrination of self-moving will appear.

  At this time, they will only keep telling the people around them that the bad news is true.

The idea of ​​\'why Roland Allen is retiring\', which is not good for me, will be completely replaced by the concept of \'Roland Allen really announced his resignation\', and I, the instigator, will no longer accept to a large number of questions.

   This unfavorable factor that can affect the box office gradually disappeared because of my differentiation of fans.

  The connection with fans I mentioned has come true.

   Similarly, this is why we emphasize that the announcement is more important than the movie itself.

  Because of the announcement, it is actually playing with people\'s hearts.

   And this 10.3 billion, to put it bluntly, was actually cheated out.

  However, even if it is cheating, we must do it, because we need it, especially capital needs. "

When Roland told his mother-in-law the real reason of 103 million with emotion on his face, Kate, who was listening with her hands folded over her knees, couldn\'t help but smile. Looking at her husband who opened her heart, she sighed and murmured language.


   "Yeah, delayed justice is unjust."

  Roland nodded, repeated what his wife said, and then added, "The future is not profitable."

  That’s right, for capital, compared with expected returns and actual returns, the latter must be more important!

  A movie is made, if it fails now and succeeds in the future, what is the meaning of its existence?

   "The Shawshank Redemption" was overturned, but Castle Rock Pictures is gone.

   Not only that, but its father, Turner Broadcasting Network, was also acquired.

  "A Chinese Journey to the West" was overturned, but Xingcai Company had already closed down.

   This defeat also made Master Xing fall into the eyes of Qian.

  These reversals moved movie fans and reminded them of the past, but if it was just this, it would actually be meaningless to capital, because these failures eventually led to the death of capital.

  So, movies must be released to make money, which has become the ultimate goal of major capitals. Because of this, the publicity and distribution process that can deceive more audiences into theaters has become the most important part of the entire film industry.

   Similarly, it is also the most difficult part.

  Because once the operation is improper, there will be a counterattack like "The Last Night on Earth".

   But if you don’t use your brain to promote it, it will be like "Jiang Ziya".

   It was made by Maoyan. The reason why the film was unclear was because of the announcement accident that cut 90 minutes.

   "Then, the risk is quite high."

   After seeing the risk of public opinion hidden behind the 103 million yuan, Kate said again: "If it wasn\'t because you have a good relationship with various media, I think this announcement will definitely be interrupted by them."

   "Yes." Roland admitted, "If I have an irreconcilable conflict with one of them, then they will not cooperate with the hype like they are now, but will directly attack and expose the fact that I want to quit the circle."

   That\'s right, the success of "Spider-Man 3" has a lot to do with Roland wearing a pair of pants with various media groups.

  If it is impossible to unite the various parties, then it is impossible to use the means of asymmetric information to earn greater benefits.

   "But aren\'t you afraid of being scolded?" Kate still has another question, "If the content of "Spider-Man 3" doesn\'t meet the expectations of the public, then you who decide to quit the circle will be scolded even worse."

  Such words made Roland shake his head confidently, "No, the movie "Spider-Man 3" cannot fail to meet public expectations."

   "Wow, do you dare to say anything after quitting the circle?"

   Seeing her husband\'s confident appearance, Kate put her feet on his lap.

   "Who gave you the courage to speak words that the public must love?"

   "Oh, don\'t you know what you\'re asking?" Roland hugged his wife\'s feet, squeezed the soles of the feet, and said, "Because there is a line in the movie \'My DNA is not DNA but USA\'!

   Once this line comes out, I will win!

  Believe it or not, in a day or two at most, people from both the donkey and elephant parties will contact me.

  Because they need my patriotic heat! "


  The most fundamental reason why Roland dared to steal the limelight of the two parties during the general election, and why he dared to unscrupulously unite with the media to divide fans, was because of the public patriotism at the end of "Spider-Man 3"!

  Because the United States is the country in the world that pays the most attention to patriotic education and likes to engage in ideological and political affairs!

  All patriotic education starts from the four-year-old doll!

  The first thing a child does when they go to school is to swear allegiance to the national flag. Anyone who doesn’t follow suit will be isolated by the teacher.

  The result of this is that in 2016, because of his opposition to the government\'s discrimination against blacks, the football star Kapnick was directly labeled as a negative example of unpatriotic after he refused to sing the national anthem before the game.

   Even if he is black, even if he speaks out for racism, he cannot make a fuss about singing the national anthem!

  After the incident, he was fired by the team.

  Even Nike, which asked him to endorse, lost 4 billion because of unpatriotic incidents.

  And when he sued the court, accusing the league of crowding out, the final result was that the court required the NFL to issue a rigid clause that players must stand on the field or stay in the locker room when the national anthem is played.

  Is racial discrimination the best sword?

  Sorry, but in the face of patriotism, racial discrimination is scum!

In addition, at the Rio Olympics, the famous gymnast Gabrielle Douglas was criticized as unpatriotic because he did not give a heartfelt salute during the national anthem. From traditional media to Internet platforms, every corner of the United States was full of critical voice.

The "Washington Post" just defended her a few words, saying that the 19-year-old girl was overly excited because she won the gold medal, so it was understandable, but this explanation made the "Washington Post" owner Jeff Bay Zos and Amazon followed suit.

  Because as long as you don\'t do it, you are not patriotic!

  Under the overwhelming propaganda, the patriotism of the United States has actually become the point where whoever does not brag about the United States is a traitor.

   And in this environment, is it embarrassing that \'my DNA is not DNA but USA\'?


  Because Americans can only feel proud!

   Who wouldn\'t be proud!

   Who is Russian!

   Who scolded Peter Parker for his poor filming of his mental journey!

   Who is the traitor!

   It is precisely because of the death-free gold medal that Roland is not afraid that his propaganda will backfire.

   And the reality is just as he thought.

On the morning of the 17th, the media who were unable to make a fuss about patriotism because of confidentiality were all mobilized to publicize Peter Parker\'s ideological consciousness, dig out the core of the film that the production team had never thought of, and try their best to make it Set up a positive example, and in the afternoon, Roland Allen received calls from Ronald Perelman and Henry Rumsfeld. The former said that Zipperton asked him to come and ask if he would like to work with his team. The deputy, who is now the candidate of the Donkey Party, met.

  The latter made a more straightforward request, hoping that Roland Allen could have an interview with them. If it was convenient, they would also have time to sit down and listen to Roland\'s mental journey of deciding to quit the circle.

   Such a situation made Roland smile.

  Because, compared with the success of a movie, influencing the general election is more rewarding!

   And this is the supreme power that everyone desires!

  (end of this chapter)

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