
Chapter 370: The sky is falling! ! ! ! !

  The complete easter egg of "Spider-Man 3" theaters is the wedding record on Kauai Island on October 5th.

  Under the blue sea and blue sky, in the music of "Rose", the gray-haired Steven Spielberg is holding a thick book with unclear contents, asking the two newcomers some unsuspecting questions.

   "Roland and Kate, now please declare your marriage wishes to everyone present."

"Roland, would you marry Kate as your wife? Would you love her unreservedly and be faithful to her forever in good times or bad, in riches or in poverty, in health or in sickness, in joy or in sorrow ?”

   "I am willing." Roland smiled and nodded.

"Kate, will you marry Roland to be his wife? Will you love him unreservedly and be faithful to him in good times or bad, rich or poor, in health or sickness, in joy or sorrow, until forever?"

   "I do." Tears welled up in the corners of Kate\'s eyes.

   "Then, Roland and Kate, now please face each other, hold each other\'s hands, and swear an oath to each other as a wife and husband." Steven Spielberg flipped through the books in his hand and led the two to take the oath.

Although in the process, the inscription hand card caught in the book suddenly appeared, this small bug did not make the fans in the theater dissatisfied, but instead made them cover their mouths and noses and cast anticipation to the big screen. Light.

  Under their watchful eyes, the two who had sworn oaths also began to exchange rings.

The best man, James Olsen, took the ring from the ring pillow in the hands of the ring boy, handed it to Roland, and asked him to put the ring on Kate\'s ring finger. Then he held Kate\'s left hand in both hands, and followed the witness Steven S. Pierberg repeated:

   "You are my life, my love, my best friend."

   "I marry you today, and this ring will forever testify to my love for you and my solemn commitment to you today."

   After he finished his vows, best man James Olsen gave Kate another ring.

  Although it was the same steps and similar words, when Kate finished speaking, the eyes covered by the veil were already red.

Even though she was too excited to contain herself, Steven Spielberg did not give her a chance to breathe. Instead, he closed the book with a smile, put his hands behind his back, and said in a loving tone: "Now, Roland, you can open the book." Unveil and kiss your bride."

  The voice fell, and the scene was silent.

  But the background music of "Rose" has already pushed the atmosphere of the scene to a climax.

  Roland took a step forward and slowly lifted the veil over Kate\'s head.

   Such a situation made the nervous Kate bow her head shyly.

   And that budding appearance made Roland smile.

   Raise your arms, wrap your waist with one hand and caress your head with the other.

   After Roland closed his eyes, lowered his head slowly, and gently kissed those bright red lips...

   Filled with tears of happiness, they gathered at the corners of Kate\'s eyes and slowly slid down her cheeks...

  The screen freezes here.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

  The ear-piercing screams soared into the sky, enough to overturn the theater roof, "The wedding scene that has never been exposed turned out to be the post-credits egg of "Spider-Man 3"? Why didn\'t any media report this matter?"

   "My God! My God! My God!!"

Unbelievable emotions erupted in an instant, and surprises were written on the faces of everyone who stayed at the scene, "Kate in the wedding dress is so beautiful! Roland in the formal dress is even more handsome! Especially when he swore at the end of the world! This is too beautiful!" It\'s so romantic!!"

   "Ohmygod! Ohmygod! Ohmygod!!"

Some people almost shouted out their lungs, roaring: "Since those media said that they couldn\'t get the photos of the wedding scene, I feel that I may never be able to see the scene of the two of them getting married again, But no idea! But no idea! They cut the wedding scene behind Spider-Man 3? This... this is amazing! Oh! My God! I finally got to see them get married! Kate was crying, right? She was crying happily, right? Woohoo~ Why do I want to cry when I see her cry? It’s obviously an exciting thing! High spirits!"

The reason why Roland kept his hands on the news of the wedding scene was not because he was unwilling to share all the happiness with fans, nor was it because there were too many bigwigs at the scene, and everyone tacitly did not want to reveal their identities. Not to mention RandK\'s publicity needs, if the wedding content is not exposed, how can the outside world be stimulated to choose RandK\'s jewelry products? Instead, he needs to make the wedding process into an easter egg and put it at the end of "Spider-Man 3".

  This kind of approach does have the meaning of maximizing benefits, because when formulating the publicity plan for "Spider-Man 3", everyone has clearly seen the general election that perfectly coincides with the schedule.

  When the quadrennial political rallies come up, all side-doors, get out of the way.

  Because of this, it is the current mainstream.

   If you want to survive in such a big event and ensure that you can exit the stage with dignity, you must give it a strong report.

   The final chapter of the series "Spider-Man 3" is not a surprise.

   Only two years ago, the "Titanic", which allowed half of America to enter the theater, could smash them!

  So, tying Spider-Man 3 to the wedding scene became an obvious thing.

   At the same time, in order to reduce the discomfort caused by the bundling to the public, Roland did not allow the media to publicize all this, but silently put these things at the end of the movie for those who are destined to find out.

  Because he believes that there will always be fans who can see these things.

   And when the time comes, word of mouth from fans will be more surprising and more approachable than direct feeding from the media.

   As for no one knows?

   Doesn’t exist, okay!

  His fans are at least 100 million, and someone will always be lucky!

All right…

   Stop talking.

  No matter what era it is in, there will always be a situation where the smell of wine is afraid of the deep alley.

  So, even if no one finds out, on MSN, Yahoo, and IMDb where he wears a pair of pants, some lucky viewers will release easter egg news.

   And when the time comes...

   Those fans who are eager to witness the wedding scene with their own eyes will fall into the same ecstasy as these early experience guys!

  However, if it\'s just the wedding scene, it\'s not enough to make Roland Allen get away with it.

   After all, he is not the green Franklin, and he cannot be loved by everyone.

  Fans may be excited and happy, but those passers-by and black fans will sneer at his behavior of pulling the box office.

  So, when the background music of "Rose" ended completely, the fans at the scene happily wanted to share the news with their relatives and friends, and at the same time, the gloomy screen was lit up again.

When the trembling and slight hand-held picture appeared in front of the public, Roland\'s handsome face immediately occupied the entire screen, and after the curious eyes focused a little, the charming voice also pulled the fans who were about to leave the venue back together. Back to seat.

   "No, is this machine on or not?"

   "You have been making movies for so many years, but you still don\'t know whether the camera is on or not?"

   "Wow! I\'m only acting and not filming! How do I know how to use this camera?"

   "Then look at the lights! Is it really impossible to poke your head over and look at the screen?"

   Following Kate\'s words, Roland on the screen suddenly stood up, lying on his stomach and looking back.

  When the shirt was pulled up and the strong abs were slightly revealed, the fans who were still crying all laughed idiotically.

   "Wow! Roland has a great figure!"

   "Kate is so happy! If you give me this waist, I think I can play all night!"

   "What kind of easter egg is this? A post-wedding interview? My God! I never thought I\'d see this in a movie theater one day!"

If the ending of "Spider-Man 3" is still a bit depressing, then the wedding egg is something that can make fans feel happy, and when sadness is replaced by joy, and pain is replaced by longing, everyone also wants to know, this second An easter egg, what are you talking about.

  When Roland finished tinkering with the machine and took a seat in the empty seat beside Kate, the wedding ring on his hand had already proved everything.

   This easter egg was recorded recently.

   "Okay, it\'s done, let\'s start..."

Roland pretended to give himself a slap, and then greeted the guys in front of the screen, "Hi, everyone, hello everyone, I\'m Roland Allen, and the person next to me is my wife, Kate Winslet. "

   "Alan, how is Alan?" Before Roland could finish speaking, Kate had already discovered the problem and interrupted to correct it.

   "We\'re married."

   "You won\'t forget that I have changed my surname by doing this?"

   "Uh... I just want to mention your previous common name to them." Roland explained hesitantly.

   "Really?" Kate didn\'t believe it, tilted her head, and asked in a playful tone: "Then why don\'t you introduce my current name to them? Do you think I will change it back? Huh?"

   "Hiss..." Such a deadly question made Roland gasp, and raised his eight-character eyebrows, "Okay, okay, this is my mistake, is it OK to cut this part? I\'ll introduce it again."

Under Kate\'s gaze, Roland flinched. When he cowardly took the responsibility on himself and re-introduced in a serious manner according to Kate\'s request, the cuteness like a cat made the fans burst out laughing .

   "He really came from acting in comedy! That appearance of admitting defeat is so cute!"

   "Oh my god! Roland loves Kate so much! It\'s really too spoiled to take all the problems on himself!"

   "Hahaha! It\'s great that the crew didn\'t cut this part according to his request! Roland is so sweet!"

  Actually, the opening introduction was just one sentence, but because of his surname, Roland said it twice twice, and it took him nearly half a minute to get wet. After the introduction ended, the words related to the easter eggs also officially appeared.

   "First of all, thank you for being able to sit down until now, because we have not disclosed the previous wedding video and the current recording to the media, that is to say, it is fate that allows us to meet each other."

"This is like the winter ten years ago. I came into your field of vision through "Home Alone". As a newcomer who has never acted before, my debut work can win 500 million box office. The accident surprises me, and when this kind of accident lasts for ten years, occurs every year, and is never absent, the ensuing touch makes me want to say thank you to you.”

   "Thank you for being with me over the years, thank you for supporting me over the years."

   Having said that, Roland got up and bowed towards the camera.

   And when the extremely solemn gesture appeared, the faces of the fans who were still laughing gradually eased.

  Almost everyone smelled something unusual.

But before they had time to think, Roland in the video sat back down again after bowing for five seconds, and this time, he was recalling the past, "From "Home Alone" on November 16, 1990 Since it was released, in the past ten years, I have filmed "Terminator 2", guest-starred in "Captain Hook", starred in "Home Alone 2", "Jurassic Park", "Forrest Gump", and also given "The Lion King" was dubbed, and then came "Spider-Man" in 1996, "Titanic" in 1997, "Saving Private Ryan" in 1998, and "Spider-Man 2" in 1999. , and now Spider-Man 3."

   "Ten years, twelve works, to be honest, it\'s not low-yield. Excluding "Spider-Man 3", whose performance is not known yet, these twelve works have won a total of 8.81 billion box office."

"Oh my God! You know how I react when someone tells me, \'Hey Roland! You\'ve made $8.8 billion in movies you\'ve been in\'? The first thing I say The words are \'Oh! Fuck! Are the audience crazy?\', \'You know, Harrison Ford\'s cumulative box office is less than four billion!\'”

   "Yes, all of this is due to you."

  “Without your support, I wouldn’t be where I am today.”


   Having spoken so far, Roland stood up and bowed to the camera again.

  When the serious figure appeared again, the guys present had an ominous premonition in their hearts.

Still not giving them time to think, Roland sat back and took his wife in his arms, and continued, "Of course, among the twelve movies, the one that surprised me the most is "Titanic" .”

   "Because I never imagined that you guys could push the record of one billion set by Jurassic Park to two billion."

   "What is the concept of two billion?"

   "Two billion corresponds to at least 300 million movie viewers!"

   "When I think that one in 20 guys in the world like me, I\'m, like, excited."

"Although I know a lot of you guys like me because I\'m handsome, but... well, it\'s a fact, because I also feel that I\'m better than Tom Cruise, Leonardo DiCaprio, those guys Much handsomer!"

  Although Roland made a joke, there was no corresponding laughter in the theater.

  Because everyone had already seen it, Roland\'s eyes on the screen were red.

   "Just like you like "Titanic", my personal favorite is also this movie, not only because it won a box office of two billion, but also because it allowed me to find a wife who loves me."

"In fact, after I became famous, there was a problem that bothered me, that is, what will my future life be like, can I find someone who really likes me like Tom Hanks. "

"Yes, this is my growing pains. You have seen the easter egg before. The one who handed me the ring as the best man is my good brother James Olsen. During the time when I became famous, he He often asks me about these **** things, and then tells me that there are many people around me who like me, but..."

   "More people want to have a relationship with a celebrity."

"This kind of real situation made me confused, and it was also the key to why I never found a girlfriend, because I couldn\'t figure out what kind of thoughts those guys came to find me. At that time, I was like a Hedgehogs until..."

   "Until I met her."

"As the gossip magazines said, because of my fame and James Cameron\'s relationship, I interfered with the casting. I chose Kate by myself because the first time I saw her, I thought , this girl next door is quite cute."

  Although Roland\'s evaluation was very sweet, Kate looked unhappy, raised her hand and punched her husband, and asked, "What did you say?"

"I\'m cute?"

   "Then you mean that I am not beautiful?"

   "Beautiful! Beautiful! Beautiful!" Roland raised his hands in surrender, "Can you save me some face? I really don\'t want to record this kind of thing a second time."

  The intimate words made Kate pouted.

  Although judging from her expression, she is not happy at the moment, but her body is very honest.

   moved his body, approached Roland, put his arms around his arm, and interlocked his fingers.

   After appeasing his wife, Roland looked back at the camera and said, "Actually, my hunch was correct."

   "Because I enjoyed the process of getting along with her very much."

   “We fell in love during the filming of Titanic.”

  “And after the film was finished, I asked her a question, which was… ‘Would you like to be my girlfriend?’”

   “She said, ‘I do.’”

   "I asked her how willing she was and she said—"

   "We will live well." Kate took over the words and said, "We will have children around our knees and a house full of children and grandchildren."

   "We\'ll watch them grow up, and we\'ll live out our old age, in the warmth of our beds."

   "Being chosen by you is the luckiest thing in my life."

   "It brought me to you."

   “I can’t thank you enough for that.”

   When Kate uttered the slightly modified Jack\'s lines, Roland on the screen closed his eyes and laughed.

  Turning around to hold him in his arms, his forehead bumped in tacit understanding.

   After a few seconds, he kissed his wife lightly on the forehead, then got up, faced the camera, and said the final decision.

   "Because she loves me, she quit the circle."

   "She didn\'t take the role in these years because she didn\'t want to make a role."

   "She was afraid that after cooperating with other male actors, I would be misunderstood."

   "So, in order to respect her decision, respect her ideas, and also respect this relationship, I also decided..."

   "Retire from the circle."

   "Yes, "Spider-Man 3" will be my Roland Allen\'s last movie."

   "I won\'t be taking on any projects after this."

   "I don\'t want the ending of "Titanic" where Ruth is alone at the end to be repeated on us, because..."

   "Kate can only belong to me, Roland, and I, Roland, can only belong to her."

   "I\'m sorry to let you who stayed until now heard a regrettable news."

   "However, this is the result of my careful consideration."

   "That\'s why I set "Spider-Man 3" on November 16."

   "Because all travel has an end."

   "But I hope that this end point is also our starting point for each other."

  “Ten years ago, we met happily, and ten years later, we bid farewell.”

   "Because of your company, I have found my future happiness, and I hope you can also find your own happiness."

"I love you all."


  After speaking so far, the camera facing the two gradually zoomed away.

  When the figures of the two became blurred due to the shooting distance, it sounded like a click to turn off the TV.

  From top to bottom of the screen, darkness emerges.

  The white light flashes, and the image disappears.

  When the lights in the theater came on, everyone present was shrouded in dead silence.


  The sky is falling! ! !

  (end of this chapter)

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