
Chapter 354: wedding

   Roland couldn\'t answer this question.

   Or rather, he believes there is no answer to this question.

  Because he clearly remembers that in his previous life, he once watched a program called "The Voice of the Grassroots People", and the people interviewed there gave their most sincere thoughts.

  Nobel Prize winner Mo Yan said in an interview:

   "I don\'t know, I never think about it".

  Under repeated questioning by reporters, he even stated bluntly:

   "If I say I\'m not happy, that\'s too pretentious, right? Can I say I\'m not happy just after I won the Nobel Prize?"

  Mr. Jiao, a migrant worker, was asked again, ‘Are you happy? ’, even gave a self-protective response:

   "My surname is Zeng."

   While the college students who bought tickets at the ticket office of the train station expressed "happiness" in an interview, they also encountered the most unfortunate thing, "I was interviewed by you, and the team was interrupted."

   Responding in this way shows the various states of the world, and also reflects the preciousness of happiness.

   After all, human desires are not static, and in this case, input and output can never be balanced.

  Others say you are happy, it is only because they are satisfied, but you yourself—

   "Here." Kate, who brought the small cakes to the table, picked one up with a fork and brought it to Roland\'s mouth, "It\'s cooled, it\'s not hot."

   Biting it into his mouth, it was slightly sweet with a milky aroma, making Roland nod, "Yes."

"I knew that the reason why you don\'t eat baking is because you dislike those things that have too much sugar, so I added half of the sugar this time." Kate also ate one herself. Although she thought she made it very successful, that The tasteless cake still made her frown. However, after she picked up the chicken soup and took a sip, the familiar taste made her laugh.

   "By the way, what were you talking about just now?"

  The loud laughter just now has spread into the kitchen.

   "Your father is wishing us happiness." Roland said truthfully, "But your mother said that we are happy now."

   "Huh?" Kate tilted her head and asked curiously, "What do you think?"

"I think?" Roland turned his head to look at the other party, looking at the guy with flour on his hair, he pointed to the dishes on the table, and said, "Your taste of coconut chicken soup and my taste of cake can explain everything ?"

   "Hey hey~" Kate smiled idiotically, and punched her man with her elbow.

  Although the two didn\'t say it clearly, everything was implied.


  With the arrival of the two, guests who were moved by the news also came to the island one after another. In their words, it was, "Anyway, Roland has booked the entire island. In this case, it is the biggest waste to be empty."

For such a statement, Roland still quite agrees, and when he raised his hands in agreement and warmly welcomed these guys who came to join in, the Olsen family who heard the news also voluntarily gave up their tickets for the second half of the Olympic schedule. Australia rushed back, and David and Ganetti made it very clear that they felt that Roland couldn\'t be busy alone.

  Originally, the meaning of the wedding company’s existence is only to set up the wedding process, and in the case of wildly throwing coins, at most they can do everything in detail, but you want them to welcome guests? That is a fool\'s dream.

   Like Steven Spielberg who landed on the island a week earlier and was the first to bring his family.

   What is a greeter standing at an airport to greet him when he gets out of his private jet?

  As the first thigh that Roland hugged, the young couple didn\'t show up, which is beyond reason and reason!

   But when the young couple received them, Arnold Schwarzenegger also brought his family.

   What about this?

   Let Roland and Kate jump out of Steven Spielberg\'s car and rush back?

   Or let Arnold - Schwarzenegger and the others drive to the hotel by themselves?

  It doesn\'t matter which choice it is, it is not suitable.

   And in this case, not to mention David and Garnettie, even the Olsen sisters have to play the wheel.

   Not only that, James, who was studying at Johns Hopkins University, was also pulled back to help around.

  Of course, relying on just a few of them will definitely not be able to take care of everyone.

  So, while seeing the crux, the guests who arrived one step earlier also volunteered to help, expressing that they can pick up acquaintances.

After Steven Spielberg rounded up old buddies, Arnold Schwarzenegger swallowed old friends, and David Olsen welcomed business partners in, Kauai\'s Kerry and Sheraton The hotel is almost enough to live in.

  By the time everyone arrived, the time had quietly reached October 5th, the wedding day.

  As Roland said, it is really difficult to surprise something like a wedding.

Especially after going through the marriage proposal at the Oscars, unless you take the space shuttle to the space station to swear an oath, otherwise, even if you are doing some helicopters or cruise ships, it doesn\'t make much sense, at most it\'s enough pomp and let others I know you are rich, but the problem is, when there are more than 30 guys on the Forbes Global Rich List, and none of the guests at the scene has a net worth of less than 100 million, if you only pursue ostentation and not connotation, then In the eyes of everyone, he is just an old hat.

  So, when the wedding company found out that all the guys that Roland invited had accepted the invitations, the heart became the most important thing. After they searched around, two plans were placed in front of Roland.

  The first is to hold a wedding on the Na Pali Coast.

  Napali Coast is the most spectacular coastline on the Hawaiian Islands. It has green cliffs that pierce the sky and cascading waterfalls that flow down deep and narrow valleys. Standing here, you can overlook the vast panorama of the Pacific Ocean.

  Using heaven and earth as witnesses and letting the ocean listen, this is already the most romantic way a wedding company can think of.

  But Roland and Kate still passed it.

  Because it is too difficult to organize.

  There are only three ways to go to the Dhanapali Coast.

  The first is to hike through the five valleys, and the journey alone will take two days;

  The second is to take a kayak and slide along the coastline;

  The third type is a helicopter, which seems convenient, but if you want to land, you have to go airborne.

  Although the two wanted to experience this kind of wedding, but considering that the accumulated wealth of the guests at the scene exceeded 500 billion...

   They still don\'t bother.

  The second method is simple and concise but not simple.

  The wedding venue is the northernmost Kilauea Lighthouse at the northernmost National Wildlife Conservation Center on Kauai Island.

The Kilauea Lighthouse is fifteen meters high and was built in 1913. At first, its meaning was to guide passing ships. In 1970, the lights of the lighthouse were replaced by more advanced automatic marking lights. replace.

Although laid off in the shipping field, it has not been demolished, because it is also a perfect observation point for the northern coastline and the deep blue Pacific Ocean. Too many, seagulls, gannets, frigate birds, black-backed albatross... as long as there are birds that exist in Hawaii, they are here.

   It is precisely because it protects life, attracts life, and witnesses life, so the two decided to swear an oath here.

With Roland wielding the money ability, it once again illuminated the way home for the lost sailors, and for the two newcomers, this rekindled lighthouse will guide them to go on a good journey. the end of life.

  With such an idea, the guests who came to watch the ceremony shouted romance.

   After they sat down in an orderly manner, the voice of emotion sounded even more quietly.

   "He can play better than you." Bill Gates whispered in the ear of **** Paul Allen.

   "You are not as romantic as him." Paul Allen, who once helped Bill Gates organize the wedding, replied unceremoniously.


   "We decided to get married at the Kona Resort in Hawaii." Laurenna Jobs also said to her husband.

   "Then a year later, the wedding was held at the Avani Hotel in Yosemite National Park." The old man smiled and embraced each other.


   "Last year, why didn\'t Roland bring Kate to Omaha?"

   Astrid Monks asked Warren Buffett, "Are you afraid that taking Kate out will delay work?"

"Delayed work?" This question made Warren Buffett stunned for a moment. After a few seconds, he laughed and leaned over, nodded: "No! No! No! I think you think I work too much! "


   "There are so few people with money and ideas like this now!" Ronald Perelman said with a smile.

   "Yeah, the point is that he is still young and has the energy to toss, unlike us, who are too lazy to move." Carl Icahn nodded in agreement.


  If it is said that all business partners give good reviews, then the people I have known the longest are about to quarrel.

   "Is he really your student? Why have I never seen you romantically?" Kate Capshaw yelled at her husband.

   "Am I still not romantic?" Hearing this, Steven Spielberg immediately shouted, "We held two weddings! One Protestant and the other Jewish, isn\'t this more intentional than him?"

Kate Capshaw is a Protestant. In order to take care of her feelings, Steven Spielberg directly chose a Protestant church when he married her, but Kate Capshaw converted to Judaism after marriage, so they again A wedding was re-done in Judaism.

In this case, Steven Spielberg felt that he had done enough, not only that, but he also gave a negative example on the scene, "Then Roland is still a student of James, do you think James is romantic? "

   "He doesn\'t even hold a wedding!"

Since they were sitting in a row, when James Cameron heard the words of the old man next to him, he was still happily embracing his hands and preparing to watch a good show, and he exploded on the spot, "Steven What nonsense are you talking about?"

   "I obviously had a wedding!"

   "It\'s just not as high-profile as the students you teach!"

   However, as soon as these words came out, Steven Spielberg also began to blow his beard and stare, "You obviously taught him to be high-profile!"

   Not only that, he also gave evidence, "I\\\'m the king of the world!"

   Upon hearing this, James Cameron was not to be outdone, and directly threw out the opponent\'s words when he lost in "Jaws", "FuckTheOscars! Fuckyou! Thisisbothshit!"

  Needle\'s behavior of throwing blame at Maimang made everyone around feel helpless.

  Aren’t you being outcompeted by your own students in terms of creative planning?

  What\'s the shame?

   Is it not good to admit it generously?

  Why do you have to fight each other here?

  If the two of them knew the thoughts of the people around them, they would definitely shake their heads like a rattle.

  In their view, it’s okay to show weakness in other aspects, but they can’t show weakness in things like love.


  My wife is by my side!

  If they take the initiative to admit that their wedding ideas are not as good as Roland\'s, then it\'s over, and they will definitely be uneasy in the days to come!

  Of course, the verbal behavior like a child is just playing on the spot.

  When the two newcomers arrived, they immediately activated the face-changing skill of Sichuan Opera, stood up and applauded with a smile.

  Due to the limitation of the venue and the lack of facilities, it is definitely impossible to be like a traditional church wedding, where the man waits in front of the bishop and the woman is sent in by her father in a wedding dress.

  Not only that, considering the ability to move freely in the nature reserve, the tail of a few meters long skirt is also saved.

  In addition, neither of them believed in religion, so it was even easier for the witnesses.

   Not to mention, any of these guys at the scene can get married!

And when Kate expressed that she wanted to invite Steven Spielberg, who had helped Roland the most, to be a witness, the old man who had just been arguing with James Cameron showed a smug smile at the other party, the truck driver , give an annoyance response.

  Although everyone did not prepare in advance, this kind of thing is not difficult at all.

  Because of this kind of wedding oath, it has never changed.

   Introduce whose wedding this is to everyone present, let the two couples declare their marriage wishes to everyone present, let the two hold hands and read the oath, then exchange rings under the witness of everyone, embrace and kiss.

  The whole process was over in less than ten minutes, and when everyone stood up and applauded, the wedding ceremony was completed.

  Compared to other weddings, they cut out a lot of links.

   Not only that, the corresponding programs were also excluded because of the existence of nature reserves that could not be spread out.

   On the surface, this is simply a simple low-end wedding, which does not match the high expenses.

  But when Roland lifted Kate\'s veil and kissed her, Kate, who was embraced by Roland, still had tears in her eyes.

  Because for her, the oath and the ceremony are not important, but the people and witnesses are important.

The man said, \'I will marry you as my wife with all my heart, whether it is good times or bad times, rich or poor, healthy or sick, happy or sad, I will love you without reservation, and I will try to understand you, Trust you completely. We will be one, part of each other, we will face life together, share our dreams, and spend the rest of our lives as equal faithful partners. ’ After that, will you really not cheat?

The woman said, \'I will marry you as your wife with all my heart, whether in good times or bad times, rich or poor, healthy or sick, happy or sad, I will love you without reservation, and I will try to understand you, Trusting you completely, we will become one, part of each other, we will face everything in life together, share our dreams, and spend the rest of our lives as equal faithful partners. ’ After that, will you really not haggle over every detail with the man?

   Or in other words, the witnesses read out, ‘From now on, you will no longer be drenched in wet and cold rain, because you have become a shelter for each other. From now on, you will no longer feel cold, because you warm each other\'s hearts. From now on, there will be no more loneliness. From now on, you are still two persons, but only one life. ’ After that, can they really merge into one?

   What a joke!

  In Kate\'s view, these vows are just the process of the wedding, and it will not move people!

   Even the meaning of existence is not as precious as the things made by Roland himself!

  The most meaningful and happiest part of the scene was when Roland said in front of everyone——

   "Acquaintance again, this is my wife, KateAllen."

  That\'s right, the essence of a wedding is for the man to admit the woman\'s identity in front of all his relatives and friends!

  Because this is the sense of security that a wedding can bring!

  (end of this chapter)

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