
Chapter 339: Six projects and two acquisitions


   Isn\'t that because the current operating model of Warcraft Films is exactly the same as that of Time Warner?

   Outsource! Outsource! Outsource!

   Say important things three times!

The current five pitfalls opened by Warcraft Film and Television are all undertaken by a complete production team, and the location shooting locations are all over the world. In this case, there is no need for the entire company to follow the operating model of Disney and Fox. expansion.

  In this way, Evelyn Watson\'s job is actually to connect with each group and control the overall situation through feedback information.

  For example, now, after checking the crew of "Princess Diaries" and finding that there were no unstable factors, she left the set with peace of mind and let Jon Landau monitor and check.

   Then went to Sony to ask about the release of Memento.

  After learning that Sony will bring "Memento" to the Cannes exhibition, doubts about safeguarding the interests of the boss also followed—

  "Although Cannes is the most commercially successful international A-category film festival, didn\'t the French Prime Minister issue a call this year, hoping that European films can unite to fight against Hollywood?"

  "Other film producers have withdrawn their participating films after learning of France\'s attitude. Under such circumstances, you are sending "Memento" to the exhibition. Isn\'t that humiliating yourself?"

The questioning words made the leader of Sony Global Distribution panic, and quickly explained: "Although "Memento" is a movie invested by Hollywood, the director Christopher Nolan is British, so when we declared, we revised it. I looked at the film’s origin and turned it into a US-UK co-production.”


  Hearing this, Evelyn Watson\'s voice became even more high-pitched, "Are all of you judges in Cannes fools?"

   "They won\'t see the tricks in it?"

   "Withdraw, withdraw, withdraw! Quickly withdraw the film for me!"

   "Change the film festival, change Venice!"

   "Then show me, who are the judges in Venice this year?"

  The clear instructions made Sony numb. Although they wanted to complain about the fact that the company had already spent over three hundred thousand on Cannes, they swallowed these words before they reached their lips.

   No way, who made Evelyn Watson represent Roland Allen?

  The head of Sony\'s North American headquarters had notified them earlier that they didn\'t need to ask about the project related to Roland Allen, just do it.

  Because even if you ask, the higher-ups have no control over it.

   Under their rummaging, the lineup of judges for this year\'s Venice Film Festival was also presented in front of Evelyn Watson.

"The jury president of this year\'s Venice Film Festival is Milos Forman, and the jury includes Jennifer Lee, Sharmila Makmalbaf, Giuseppe Bertolucci, Claude Chabrol ..."

When a person\'s name was repeatedly reported, Evelyn Watson, who was frantically spinning her brain, had already extracted a lot of useful information, "Isn\'t Milos Forman the director of "One Flew Over the Cuckoo\'s Nest"? Jennifer Lee\'s father Isn\'t Vic Morrow, isn\'t the mother Barbara Turner? Isn\'t Giuseppe Bertolucci\'s brother Bernardo Bertolucci?"

   "These judges are our own people!"

   "With them here, why do you go to Cannes?"

   "Go to Venice! Give Memento an award!"

  Such words almost choked these people from Sony Global Distribution to death.

  Although all awards rely on public relations, the question is, which company can kill as much as your boss?

We also know that Milos Foreman has a very good relationship with the Jewish gang, we also know that Jennifer Lee\'s parents have a very good relationship with the Jewish gang, and we know that Giuseppe Bertolucci\'s brother has a very good relationship with the Jewish gang. The relationship is very good, but...

  We are not familiar with them!

  However, these are hard to hide, because after explaining clearly, there will be an illusion that the professional is inferior to the amateur, so these guys nod helplessly, and they have accepted this difficult job.

   Of course, they are not stupid.

   "If we want to compete for the award, then we have to write Warcraft Film and Television in the column of the production company that sent the exhibition book."

   This is to tell people aboveboard that the entire movie was produced by Roland Allen.

   Those who understand will naturally understand, but those who do not understand...

  They don’t have the right to vote either!

   "Okay." Evelyn Watson understood the small plans of these people, and nodded directly: "Let\'s do it like this."

   "Oh, by the way, Boss also ordered that the premiere of this movie must be held. When the time comes, invite those masters of suspense, like David Fincher, David Lynch..."

After handling the production of "Princess Diaries" and the announcement of "Memory Fragments", Evelyn Watson\'s day\'s work is actually over, and this is also the benefit of outsourcing. Can help you solve all problems.

  Of course, a company that takes half a day off for a month is not so easy to open.

  Because the foundation that supports its survival is its unparalleled influence.

  Time Warner has been in business for so many years, and the resource channels it has mastered are not comparable to those of small companies. Although Warcraft Film and Television has not been in business for so many years, the resource channels it has mastered can still crush all non-first-line companies.

  This kind of success cannot be replicated, this kind of ease is eye-catching.


And when the time came to April, Evelyn Watson, who had been resting at home for almost a month, also packed her luggage and flew to New Zealand by plane, because "Lord of the Rings 1", which has been filming for more than seven months, has officially come to an end. "Lord of the Rings 2" also launched at the same time.

  Although all the post-production of the three-shot project of "The Lord of the Rings" will be completed in New Zealand, the contracting company in America does not need to worry about it at all, but the face project still has to be done.

  For example, condolences to the staff—

   "Is the filming going well? Because I took over Warcraft Film and Television after the project started shooting, so I didn\'t have time to communicate with you." At the wrap-up banquet of "Lord of the Rings 1", Evelyn Watson looked at everyone with a smile.

   And her words also provoked a lot of complaints:

   "Smooth? It\'s not too bad, if broken teeth and ribs don\'t count."

   "That\'s right! Viggo Mortensen and Orlando Bloom insisted on not using doubles, and they were both injured!"

   "Viggo Mortensen lost a tooth by an iron sword!"

   "Orlando Bloom broke a rib hanging Wia!"

Even though these accidents were tolerable accidents during the filming process of the major crews, Evelyn Watson still cast her surprise at Peter Jackson and asked, "Peter, didn\'t our crew sign a contract with the actors?" , when filming a fight scene, is it mandatory to use a substitute for a protective contract for dangerous actions?"

   "You are all filming in the wild. If there is a major accident, it will be too late to rescue."

  Similar to questioning words, everyone present quickly mentioned Peter Jackson and made an explanation.

   "No, no, no, this is our own insistence." Viggo-Mortensen said.

   "Yes, it\'s none of the director\'s business." Orlando Bloom nodded in agreement.

   "We hope that the pictures we shoot will be more realistic, so we don\'t need a substitute."

   "Because he went into battle in person, the director can take more close-ups to show the thrills of the fight."

Although Evelyn Watson\'s words were not humane at all, and in her conversation, she did not regard those doubles who were engaged in dangerous work as human beings at all, but the problem was that none of the people at the scene felt strange, because this was originally a person in the circle. Normal!

  The meaning of the existence of doubles is to help the leading actors do dangerous moves!

  And why help them do dangerous moves?

   Isn\'t that because doubles are worthless!

  A leading actor kneels during filming, and the subsequent inspections, compensation, restarts, filming changes, etc. will cause heavy losses to capitalists, but what if a double kneels during filming?

  Take insurance and let the insurance company pay.

At that time, most of the media questioned the danger of shooting, and then the producer stood up and said that he would definitely investigate thoroughly, and expressed his condolences for the dead double, and finally fired the blame man who was in charge of safety and props and it was over .

  Compared with kneeling a lead actor, kneeling a stand-in is the best choice with the lowest cost.

  Although a lot of propaganda labels life as priceless, as long as people still need to survive, it has a price.

  So, after learning that the crew members were eager to pursue better viewing effects, Evelyn Watson immediately shook her head and said: "I respect your choices, but I also hope that you can protect your own safety."

   "Did the crew arrange a helicopter rescue team?"


   "The company will provide this guarantee."


After helping the "Lord of the Rings" crew contact the 7*24 hours of all-weather rescue service, Evelyn Watson, who had a wave of goodwill in front of everyone, returned to Los Angeles and represented the company to participate in the May 1st "Gladiator" premiere.

  Although she was not interested in this fictional Roman historical drama, she watched the movie very seriously and gave a high evaluation—no way, who made this movie invested by DreamWorks? And director Ridley Scott is about to accept the project of "Black Hawk Down"!

That\'s right, even though the "Black Hawk Down" project is fully controlled by Sony, there is no Warcraft film and television figure in the column of the production company, and there is only Arnold Schwarzenegger in the column of the producer Name, but in fact, Sony doesn\'t care about other things except for people, money and venues.

   You can shoot whatever you want!

   Don\'t beep beep with me!

  Because even if you talk blindly with me, I can\'t make a decision!

  In this way, the entire project is actually equivalent to outsourcing. Sony is the contracting party in name, Warcraft Film and Television is the contracting party in the actual sense, and the team led by Ridley Scott is the contractor.

  In this case, isn\'t it obvious who is in control?

And after "Gladiator" was released, Evelyn Watson asked Ridley Scott to come out for a gathering on the grounds that he won nearly 35 million box office in the first weekend, and raised a little bit. When "Black Hawk Down"—

  The old man who had guessed what she was thinking immediately smiled and said, "I\'ve already studied that book."

   "I know what you want to express."

   "Don\'t worry, under the supervision of the American Ministry of Defense, I will not do artistic reprocessing."

   "Besides, your lady boss has to call me uncle, I won\'t cheat my own people."

   "Oh, by the way, since you\'ve asked me out, I\'ll tell you."

"Originally, the start time of the movie was May 18th, but after reviewing the training level of the actors and referring to the opinions of the consultants, I decided to give them ten more days of rehearsal. Therefore, the official start date was arranged. It\'s on the twenty-eighth."

   Such words made Evelyn Watson laugh.

  As long as Ridley Scott obeys history and doesn\'t make random changes, there will be no problem.

  Because their biggest goal is to make a serious war movie under the guidance of the American Ministry of Defense. What kind of medieval witches and inexplicable phoenixes must not appear.


   And shortly after "Black Hawk Down" was launched, on May 30, "X-Men" was also announced to be finished.

As with "Lord of the Rings 1" before, on the day "X-Men" was finalized, Evelyn Watson also fulfilled her role as the spokesperson of Warcraft Film and Television very well, went to the set in person, and celebrated with the staff .

It\'s just that this series is not a continuous shooting, so after the celebration, everyone went back to each house to find their mothers the next day. As for Kevin Fitch, of course he was buried in the studio together with the director and editor. , try to get the rough cut out within half a month, so that I can throw it to Industrial Light & Magic, Digital Domain and Weta Digital to make special effects.

So far, among the six projects that Warcraft Films is operating, "Memory Fragments" is in the announcement stage, "X-Men" and "Lord of the Rings 1" are in the post-production stage, and "Black Hawk Down" and "Princess Diaries" are in the shooting stage , and "Harry Potter"... Steven Spielberg just finished filming "Artificial Intelligence" and needs to rest for three months.

  So, "Harry Potter", which has already been prepared, is scheduled to start in October.

  As for why May plus March equals October?

  That\'s because the old man said that since Roland is going to get married, he will wait until his wedding is over before filming.

  Just a few days after filming, the whole team stopped working to attend the wedding. This kind of waste of resources is too shameful.


   And just as Evelyn Watson was gearing up to make a preliminary announcement plan for "X-Men" and "Lord of the Rings 1", on June 1, Intel also quietly threw out an acquisition offer to ATi.

Such an abrupt move has attracted the attention of the outside world, and everyone is wondering whether Intel wants to monopolize the CPU and GPU markets at the same time, just like Microsoft, but before some experts can come to a conclusion, ATi is decisive reject.

   Such a vigorous performance made the market breathe a sigh of relief.

  No one wants to see the birth of a Roman Empire that squeezes its own living space.

   But when those small capitalists felt that ATi still had the backbone, on June 13, the Ontario Securities Commission summoned the management of ATi, wanting to ask them about the stock sale a few months ago.

  This abnormal behavior made the hairs of the small capitalists who had just relaxed!

  Because of this trick, they have seen it!

  Intel, stud from the very beginning!

It\'s a pity that even if their hairs are standing up like monkeys, it can\'t change the fact that Intel has attacked ATi. When Intel uses the long-arm jurisdiction to force ATi\'s shareholders to change their managers so that they can swallow the company, The recipients related to it are not looking forward to it at all, because on June 16, "Frozen Planet" will be released.

  The agreement between Blue Sky Studios and Fox has expired.

  (end of this chapter)

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