
Chapter 199: Crowd cost invites disagreement

   After all, Roland is just a guy who can be controlled on the surface, not a guy who has been controlled in fact.

  The latter is of no value to the non-controlling party.

  The former can benefit all parties.

If you have to use a metaphor, the current Roland Allen is the same as Steven Spielberg ten years ago. People in the industry can’t understand how they succeeded, but it doesn’t matter, as long as they know how to invest, they can achieve it with a high probability. On the other side of success, that\'s enough.

So, at the same time that Michael Eisner asked his subordinates to keep an eye on Roland, Sony also took the initiative to call under the banner of liquidating the share of the first North American phase of "Spider-Man". First build a studio and make shooting models by hand. It will take about one to two years of preparation time before the project is approved. Then they record the information they have gained in the company\'s memorandum, and plan to make regular inquiries and wait for opportunities.

   Even if it is a fantasy theme, they are willing to give it a try.

No way, under the shadow of a famous tree, the money Roland earned for them can support them to lose several projects. Since they invested in other people\'s losses, they might as well continue to gamble with Roland, so that even if they fail, they will not So distressed.

   Fox, who has the same idea as Sony, has a simpler approach.

  The chairman of Fox Films personally led the team and brought a bunch of supplies to the crew to visit the set.

And when chatting with Roland about the unpopular project "Lord of the Rings", the other party even smiled and said: "One or two years of preparation time? Oh! No problem! The big project we are currently working on at Fox is only "Titanic" ", after "Titanic" is released, the preparations for "Lord of the Rings" will almost be completed, and then we can continue to cooperate."

  Hearing this remark, Roland did not deny that he was not sure, but asked instead, "Didn\'t you kill "Lord of the Rings" before?"

Such blunt words did not embarrass the other party, not only that, but he also said as it should be: "Yes, the Green Light Committee did kill "The Lord of the Rings", but...now there is no Green Light Committee that can judge you project!"

The meaning is close, making the words seem extremely eager, "We would not dare to cast "Titanic" for someone else, and Sony would not be able to open a budget of 100 million with eyes closed if "Spider-Man" was cast by someone else, but you and Steven is different."

   "Others are not qualified to open up new fields, but you can try whatever you want."

Although the chairman of Fox Films concealed that "this is capital based on continuous profitability", Roland still felt comfortable hearing it, but even so, he did not give a definite answer, but said: "This is not urgent, Let\'s talk about it then."

  The chairman of Fox Films didn\'t force it, and before parting, he took the initiative to hug Roland.

   "Okay, if you need it, just call me, anytime."

If both Fox and Sony have projects to communicate with Roland, after losing Spielberg, Universal has come up with a show operation. They called Roland under the banner of inviting Roland to appear as a cameo in "Jurassic Park 2". Telephone.

  Both parties knew that this was a lame excuse, and after a few guest words, they officially entered the topic.

   Roland is very grateful for their investment intention, but it is not necessary for the time being.

   Using a few bright words will not lose him a piece of meat, just say it!

And after learning that the three shameless competitors have expressed cooperation intentions, Disney, who was ordered by the chairman to keep an eye on the project, and Paramount, who had a good cooperative relationship with Roland in "Forrest Gump", have never Warner, who had never cooperated with Roland before, couldn\'t bear it anymore, and called one after another, expressing his cooperation ideas.

Roland, who had long thought of going it alone but didn\'t want to be the first to be exposed, showed a serious and responsible attitude towards investors in the face of inquiries from three parties. When he didn\'t see that newcomer Peter Jackson come up with a convincing studio and technology, he simply didn\'t Will not invest.

  If it were any other producer, everyone would definitely think it was up for grabs.

  But Roland\'s own projects have been in preparation for more than several years.

In addition, there has never been a criminal record, and fantasy-themed movies are really not easy to sell, so the various companies did not force them, but just wrote down the age limit revealed by Roland, and prepared to watch the real thing when the time comes, and seriously The good guy in charge talks carefully.


   "Wow, this is the first time I\'ve seen that the Sixth University actually begged for a person to cooperate."

When Roland finished coaxing those giants with a smile and put down his phone, Kate, who was in the same lounge as him, joked, "Besides, you are talking about a new field that has never had a successful record. "

  Looking at the guy with his head in his hands, exaggerated expression, and high voice, Roland rolled his eyes and said, "Hey, can you stop pretending? I\'m not the only guy in the circle who enjoys this privilege."

   "Tom, Steven...their schedules are all five years away, okay?"

   "The Big Six also gave the green light to their projects, and I\'m just a guy who just entered the privilege club."

   "Privilege Club? What a high-end term."

  Kate repeated it, and then regretted: "Unfortunately, I will never be able to enter this circle."

   "Can\'t enter this circle? Aren\'t you here now?"

  Looking at the look of pretending to be sad, Roland kicked his feet, the swivel chair slipped instantly, and the whole person directly rubbed against Kate.

  Hearing these words and seeing this movement, Kate was taken aback for a moment, and after a few seconds, she responded with a smile.

   "Yeah~Yeah~Yeah~ I\'m in this circle right now..."

   Immediately afterwards, she changed the topic again and said, "But you know what? After entering this circle, I won\'t be able to receive projects."

   "Even the projects that have been finalized before have flown..."

  Because Kate, who wears tight costumes, likes to lie flat when she is resting on weekdays, putting her legs on Roland in exchange for comfort in the abdomen, so her transfer seat is adjusted quite high.

  Because of this, while she was complaining, her feet, which did not touch the ground, kept dangling in the air.

Looking at the guy with his elbows stretched out and the best treatment in the most helpless words, Roland turned the opponent\'s swivel chair, grabbed Kate\'s feet, and let them rest on his thighs. press.

   Kate, who was already used to it, leaned back, and at the same time, she was like a cat, humming softly.

   "Don\'t you like this feeling?" Roland asked with a smile.

   "Who doesn\'t like to be superior?" Kate understood what Roland was talking about, and he felt that Roland was talking nonsense.

   "However, at the same time as I am high above, the performance is far away from me."

   "Do you know what my agent said to me when I got a call from my agent that day when you were in the shower?"

   "She told me that the BBC has unilaterally terminated my contract..."

   "The "North African Lover" project team is willing to pay liquidated damages according to the contract..."

   "Not only that, after my contract expires, there is a high probability that she won\'t renew my contract..."

  It seems that Roland\'s movements are a little bit forceful, but it seems more helpless. When she said this, her brows also frowned.

   "Do you know what I was feeling at that time? At that time, I was surprised..."

   "And after you came out wearing a bath towel, I realized that being your girlfriend has to pay a price..."

  When Kate finished talking, Roland, who had been smiling and pinching her feet, didn\'t say a word.

   It\'s not that I don\'t want to answer the call, but that I don\'t know how to answer the call.

Of course he knows what the price Kate is talking about, or in other words, bullying the Weinstein brothers and stealing the linkage effects of "Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit" from their hands is not at all disdainful of fantasy The movie\'s six moments change face, but Kate Winslet, out of a job...

  That\'s right, being Roland\'s girlfriend doesn\'t allow her to enjoy the preferential treatment of film selection.

   On the contrary, it is like the plague, which makes people avoid it.

  Why did the Weinstein brothers get stomped on by Roland?

  Guys in the circle, that is the heart (brain) knowledge (complementation) belly (success) Ming (gong).

No one believed that Roland was really going for the filming rights of "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit", and no one would believe that Roland would use the banner of justice to look forward to Wayne, who has no hatred in the past and has no hatred in the near future. Brother Stan strikes.

  You are not the headmaster Wang of the Disciplinary Inspection Committee of the entertainment industry, how did you just tear up with those two fat guys?

  So, when the timeline was pulled, the situation became clear.

  When those guys found out that the North American release of "Angel of Sin" played by Kate was done by Miramax, and then Kate chose to return to China to develop after the film won an award. This experience made everyone realize instantly—

   That fat man is disgusting again!

   Block if you don\'t serve!

In this way, they could not only understand why Roland was fighting Miramax, but also made a bunch of emergency responses because of this "trivial incident"—now that they knew Roland\'s "taboo", then Isn\'t it over if you touch it?

  And what is Roland\'s taboo?

  Can\'t stand my girlfriend being alone with other opposite sex...

   Well, this kind of taboo is too common in Hollywood.

  The combination of the director and the actors, the combination of the actors and the actors, looks very beautiful, but there are a lot of messy things.

  Take Angelina Jolie as an example. She married Johnny Miller for Hacker, Billy Thornton for Traffic Jam, and Brad Pitt for Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

The same is true for Gwyneth Paltrow, who fell in love with Brad Pitt for "Seven Deadly Sins", and had a relationship with Ben Affleck for "Shakespeare in Love", and other romances, making Spielberg They all sighed at her wedding and finally got married.

  In this circle, it is too common for peers to separate and combine.

   Those who can persist for more than ten years, in fact, cannot accept their girlfriend or wife being alone with other opposite sexes.

The most typical one is Harrison Ford. He married his first wife when he was a junior. They were not in the same industry at all. Their marriage lasted for fifteen years. The second wife was a screenwriter. Where did he go, the relationship lasted for 21 years. Although the third wife was a colleague, after marriage, his wife Calista Flockhart dropped from a leading role in an American TV series to a supporting role in an American TV series. The number of jobs, also plummeted.

  There is no other reason, it is simply that the producers dare not use it!

Steven Spielberg is the same, he doesn\'t believe in love, but he won\'t watch his wife make out with other men, even in front of the camera. The heroine of "Adventure Soldiers 2" was reduced to a supporting role in major movies, and within two years, she became a cameo, and finally...

  There is no filming.

   Husband and wife play their own things, which is very common in the entertainment industry.

   But marrying a boss and playing their own things at the same time, that\'s just a dream!

  The producers are not stupid, they know how awesome your husband is!

  And those producers, directors, and actors also understand that if they cooperate with you, they must bear the risk of falling in love with you, having an accident, and finally facing the risk of being blocked by your husband!

  So, when an actress becomes a big shot, even if no one speaks, the producers who are used to it will take the initiative to remove her from the list of options, because they don\'t want to cause trouble.

   In this way, Meghan Markle still wants to return to Hollywood in the name of her husband?

   Stop joking, okay!

  You want to film, but no one arranges for you!

  Before, when the news about Roland and Kate came out, all parties simply thought that they were just playing around.

   Now, when Miramax was slaughtered by Roland as a chicken, the monkeys acted instantly.

  Since you, Roland, can\'t accept it, then we won\'t ask Kate to make a movie!

  Unless Kate and Roland break up, those studios will never approve projects related to Kate that are not named by Roland!

  This is the price.

  The so-called marriage to a big boss, the film appointments follow one after another, but it is the guy you love, not a big boss at all...

  Because of this, while Kate was complaining, Roland smiled and said nothing, but took the initiative to press the other party\'s feet.

  Because he understands that Kate, who finds out that his acting career, which he has loved for more than a decade, may be over, is angry.

  Unfortunately, his silent gesture of goodwill could not remove the depression in Kate\'s heart.

After waiting for a while, seeing that Roland had been acting like a coward, Kate stomped on Roland\'s thigh with his heel a few times, narrowed his closed eyes, and said, "Don\'t you have anything to say? "

   "Of course! How dare they disrespect me! It\'s really disgusting! After the filming of "Titanic" is finished, I will accompany you to their company directly, and they will liquidate each one!" Roland pretended to be stupid.

  The words filled with righteous indignation combined with the exaggerated expression made Kate laugh directly.

"Don\'t play dumb, you know what I mean..." Kate pulled out her feet, stepped on Roland\'s hand with one foot, separated the thumb and second toe of the other foot, and twisted Roland\'s arm, "I need compensate."


   Roland bared his teeth, drawing out of thin air.

   At the same time, he also smiled helplessly, "Okay, Okay... what movie do you want to make, tell me?"

   "I\'ll be your producer."

  The eager gesture of confession made Kate let go of her toes, but she was not interested in this, "Is this called compensation?"

   "If this didn\'t happen, I asked you to help with the project, would you refuse?"

   "There is no sincerity at all." Kate gave Roland a hygienic eye.

   "Then what compensation do you want?" In order to prevent Kate from pinching himself, Roland quietly withdrew his hands.

  The smile on his face not only didn\'t fade, but it got bigger.

   "Shouldn\'t compensation be offered by you? If I say it, won\'t it be a deal?"

  Kate pouted, and looked at Roland with a playful smile in her eyes.

   "Okay, okay, let me think about it..."

   Roland scratched his head pretendingly, but his gaze was wandering around.

  When he saw the shooting schedule on the table, the clear September made bold ideas appear instantly.

   "Uh...can I ask you a question before I offer compensation?"

   "Of course! But let me say first, if it\'s a question of preference, I have the right to refuse to answer..."

   "How could it be a matter of preference? If I ask you what you like and give it to you now, you will have to pinch me again..."

   "You mean I\'m unreasonable?"

   "I\'m unreasonable, I\'m unreasonable..." Roland smiled wryly.

   "Huh? You can ask..." Kate was very satisfied with Roland\'s performance.

   "Well, I just want to know, is everything you told me before true?"

   "What everything?"

"It was just after watching the draft, the two of us chatted on the way back from New Jersey to New York, you told me that your parents are very busy and have no time to accompany you since you were a child, you want to act, just want to stay with them , because this way, no one will stop you from going to the theater... Also, in your memory, you have not had a good festival, because every festival, your parents will go to the performance, even after the holiday It\'s changed to a holiday, for you, this festival is meaningless..."

  When Roland babbled out what he remembered, the smile on his face gradually faded.

   Kate, who put her feet on Roland\'s lap and looked at Roland with a smile, also followed Roland\'s voice lowered, and the teasing joy on her body returned to calm like an ebb tide.

   "Yes." Kate took a deep breath, then let it out, and nodded, "Is there any problem?"

   "No problem." Roland smiled lightly and shook his head, and Ben\'s evasive hands grabbed Kate\'s feet again.

   “I just wanted to say, this Christmas, come to my house.”

  When Roland lowered his eyes, looked at Kate\'s toes anxiously, and issued the most cautious invitation with an \'extremely calm\' voice, Kate, who was still depressed because of childhood events, stared instantly.

   The unbelievable accident, like a sweeping ocean wave, made her heart turbulent.

  She, who was leaning there, also sat up directly.

   "What did you say?" Kate raised her voice unconsciously.

   "I said..." Roland pursed his lips, raised his head, and met his eyes. "This Christmas, you can come to my house."

  When Roland repeated the same invitation again, Kate, who arched her body, suddenly laughed.

  First she pursed her lips to hold back her smile, then bit her vermilion lips with her teeth trembling wildly, then leaned back and covered her mouth and nose with her hands...

  Although there was only a soft puff, her eyes were already red, and tears were shining at the corners of her eyes.

  Looking at her appearance, Roland said deliberately: "If you don\'t want to, then pretend I didn\'t say it..."

   "Who said I wouldn\'t? Did I say so?"

  Hearing these words, Kate, who was crying with joy, gave Roland a hard look.

   "Then is this considered compensation?" Roland also laughed again.

  However, to his surprise, Kate shook her head resolutely, "It doesn\'t count!"

  "Aren\'t all compensations proposed by the victim?"

   "It\'s not that I\'m going to your house, but you invited me to your house..."

   "Your current behavior is an apology after admitting your mistakes... Compensation order talk."


   Countless question marks popped up on Roland\'s head.

  He knew he couldn\'t reason with women, but he didn\'t expect women to be so unreasonable...

  Judicial power, legislative power, and judicial power are all in your hands alone?

It seemed to see Roland\'s helplessness, but it was more like sharing when a child got a gift. After seeing Roland shaking his head repeatedly, Kate added, "But... I have already felt your apology, I am very satisfied, I It\'s not the kind of unreasonable person, since you take the initiative to admit your mistake, then the compensation I want will not be too much..."

  "...During this week\'s rest, you will accompany me back to Los Angeles for shopping, and then tell me what David, Ganetti, James, Ashley, Mary, and Elizabeth like. Five news count as one compensation..."

   "How about it, am I very considerate?"

  When Kate bent down, leaned forward, and counted heads with Roland with her fingers, Roland\'s body also leaned forward.

  When Kate curled her lips and wanted to get Roland\'s approval, Roland, who didn\'t want to answer with words, proved everything with actions.

  The bottom-up touch made Kate hug Roland\'s head.

   When the two separated, Roland also reached out and twisted Kate\'s curly hair.

  While the four eyes meet, the two also know each other\'s thoughts, and the question and answer of the soul begins.

  Roland asked: "Do you like acting?"

  Kate replied: "When I first acted, I just wanted to be with my parents."

   Roland asked again: "What about now?"

  Kate replied again: "Acting now is just to get recognition for the efforts of the past ten years. I didn\'t waste more than ten years."

   Roland asked again: "What about the future?"

  Kate replied: "I won the British Academy Award. If I don\'t win the Oscar, I think I will regret it when I get old."

   "Okay, I understand." Roland smiled and nodded, "Is that Oscar?"

   "Yes, I understand too." Kate blew her nose with some regret, "It\'s Oscar."

   "I think you\'re going to win an Oscar..."

  Roland touched Kate\'s cheek, and said very cautiously: "You will definitely get it, I firmly believe..."

   "Really? I think I can get it too..." Kate blinked her eyes, trying not to let herself cry.

  Because when she told Roland that she would stick to it, she also found out Roland\'s bottom line.

  She wants to compete for awards, but Roland doesn\'t want his woman to act. This is the biggest difference between the two of them.

  Roland is not a saint, seeing his girlfriend cuddling with other men, talking about love, and then his heart feels calm, or is he suddenly enlightened and instantly becomes a Buddha? Don\'t be kidding, okay... He also has selfish intentions!

  He will never be able to accept his woman making out with others, never possible!

  But the problem is...

  Kate is obviously the kind of guy who doesn\'t want to let his life leave regrets...

Note: ①When you prove that you are successful time and time again, even if it is an unpopular project, others will rush to invest. "Men in Black" is the best example, although there was no precedent for superhero movies back then, But when Spielberg did it, others rushed to vote. ②I have read a lot of entertainment articles, the kind of protagonist who has become a big boss, and his wife still has a lot of scenes to shoot. I really accept that I am incompetent. There are too many examples in reality. , but no one asked them to shoot! Spielberg\'s wife said in a fair and honest way that she didn\'t film because "Steven hopes that I can return to the family". The producers are not fools, of course they know who to choose to maximize their benefits, and they don\'t want to cause trouble in any way! No one can guarantee that the boss\' wife will encounter accidents while filming. And if there is an accident, we will not be able to cooperate for a long time in the future. I really admire those who write about the magnanimity of the protagonist. In reality, none of the bosses are magnanimous, and those who keep saying they don’t care are money-making tools for capital, and they are not big bosses at all. Hanks and his wife also met in filming. After getting married, his wife also fell from the leading role. If she likes to act, she can act in a supporting role, or as a producer, and the acting and cooperating guy is also Scott East. Wood and Meryl Streep are all wandering around in their own circle, and they have starred in "The Beautiful Ohio" for many years, how introverted they are!



  (end of this chapter)

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