
Chapter 119: Three-year harvest, future goals, buried jade incense, cypress

  The amount of information received today is a bit large, and he has to go through it carefully, what he has done in the past three years.

   Needless to say the movies he made, he couldn\'t forget these things, and the resources in his hands made him grin from ear to ear.

The first is the company that David registered for him. After plucking the bear hair, all the funds were bought into Berkshire’s stock, a total of 10,800 shares. Due to the low turnover rate, the cost price per share At around 9,220, of course, this is not the point. The point is that the current unit price per share is 12,001, which means that he has done nothing. After receiving the net income after tax last summer, he has spent half a year In this period, the value of assets has increased by 23%.

  In addition to this, it is the copyright of the Fulian. If today\'s encounter is counted, then he has actually collected all of them.

  After excluding these two items, there is still 8% of the "Jurassic Park" dividends that have not been cashed in, and Blizzard, which is wholly-owned and will have to give up its equity in the future, plus a classified authorization of real-time strategy...

without any exaggeration-

   "I have become Luo Yiwan in three years?"

  Looking at the piles of contracts that were taken out of the safe, a sense of accomplishment arises spontaneously.

   You must know that in January 1990, Roland was still thinking about how to get along in this unsupported Hollywood. He didn\'t expect that three years later, in January 1993, he would have everything...

Of course, it’s an exaggeration to say that you don’t lack anything, but when you think of Spielberg’s 43% of the shares, Roland finally couldn’t suppress the emotion in his heart—43% of 43% , that is equivalent to 17.2% of the equity of the upcoming overseas distribution company. Although overseas distribution in this era is a money-losing product, otherwise Universal, Paramount and MGM would not have teamed up to share the distribution cost. , but Roland knew in his heart that with the development of the Internet, this thing would become more and more valuable, even more valuable than the Berkshire stock in his hand!

  If it is said that he does nothing now, just eats and waits to die, by 2019, the stock in his hand will be worth more than three billion yuan.

  What about the issuing company of 17.2?

  For the film company at that time, this was the lifeblood!

   And the lifeblood is so easy to get?

Although even Roland himself was inconceivable that all this went smoothly, he understood that this was actually the crystallization of a group of people playing games together, and he just sold the expected future income and replaced it with the present one. Just a pile of rubbish.

   It’s just that in the case of foresight, I feel that I have made a lot of money...

  As for why Spielberg shared equity?

   This is even simpler.

  After several consecutive films, Roland can no longer wash off the Jewish gang imprint on his body. If he plays with everyone, then all projects will be easy to start, but if he jumps out... he holds the equity of the distribution company and is there an egg?

   What\'s more, Ronald Perelman and Carl Icahn that Roland came into contact with through Cameron are all Jewish!

  Although the limitations of this kind of circle will directly characterize Roland\'s identity, he doesn\'t care!

  Now is indeed the best time, and there is gold everywhere.

  But in the case of class solidification, who without background can eat those things!

   Like in many novels, when you are born again, you vote for a penguin? When Brother Xiao Ma started his business, his old man drove a big business for him. Don’t say you put in a million dollars, even if it’s 10 million, people will give priority to the son of the fellow villager, Superman!

   And the yellow kangaroo with a market value of 100 billion is just around the corner. I dare to say that the tunnels and bridges in Fujian Province use cement produced by itself. Is it really a copy of Facebook? Without his father throwing coins behind his back, the wages would not be paid out!

To put it bluntly, sometimes success is not because of what they did right, but because the people around them can help him eat the result of doing the right thing. Otherwise, Wang An wanted to team up with Bill Gates back then. reject?

   Isn\'t it because his mother and IBM are his real backers?

  So, when Spielberg was not worried about him jumping, Roland himself didn\'t think about going against the water.

  He also felt that people divided the publishing company into 40%, and they might not have no intention of guarding against others.

  The old man didn\'t tell him about DreamWorks, but will Roland forget it?

   Among the Big Three of DreamWorks, Jeffrey Katzenberg, who is in charge of animation, knows the value of the distribution company, and David Geffen is the guy who bought a house on the Forbes Billionaires List.

If they knew that Spielberg had shares issued overseas by Sony, they would definitely try to get the old man to integrate the shares into DreamWorks, but the problem is that it is impossible for Spielberg to let this kind of thing happen. Under the circumstances, giving some to Roland can better keep this thing, because before on the TV show, the one who will be promoted to be a band in 2011 was made public, and the relationship between Roland, Perelman and Ika was made public.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, at least there is a backer who can confuse people, and Roland holds the equity, so Spielberg has a greater initiative, and if he holds it alone, he will eventually tear it up .

  As for Roland judging the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain?

  If the three of them really loved each other, they wouldn\'t just pay money.

  Everyone has a bunch of copyrights in the company under their name, but they just don\'t want to accumulate these and share them.


  After accepting this pile of priceless things with peace of mind, Roland wanted to sing a song to the sky.

   "Blue skies..."


   Well, the sky in Los Angeles is still so hot!

  Although there is Hollywood in the south and Silicon Valley in the north, the air quality is not very good.

   Even compared with Australia, which is known as "Fenglin Volcano" and "Kangaroo Graveyard", Los Angeles can still live, but if Roland is really going to choose, then he will definitely ride a horse to enclose the land.

Do greening, raise some lions and tigers, peacocks and alpacas, and by the way, \'hire\' a girl named Kelly to take care of the overall situation. Tell her and Elizabeth a story, as long as there is no \'Rosemoor Wildlife Park\' on the door, he is not afraid of being targeted by Jason Bourne.

  Of course, this is just Roland\'s beautiful vision and goal.

   As for what to do next?

   Of course it is a good filming!

  With the rising status and close relationship, Roland should not be too simple when buying things now!


  If he invests in Yang Zhiyuan next year before changing his job, he might have a tactical backlash, wondering if this fourteen-year-old guy in front of him is a liar who is bigger than a horse and can talk about mountains!

   And now? No one needs to verify his assets!

  With just a handsome and charming face, you can negotiate the price!


  How does this feel the same as those little fresh meats who were dragged to talk about radio purchases in later generations?

  However, the meaning is common!

After a person becomes famous, all kinds of things are easy to do. Roland\'s name is there, and he himself is the best gold-lettered signboard. He can buy whatever he wants. Flower\'s old hat\' to convince myself.

   There are too many people like this in Hollywood!

   In other words, Hollywood\'s "children with low education" have always been the favorites of those entrepreneurs!

  As long as the trick is successful, Qian Tema will come!

  So, whether it\'s investment or prodigal, those guys don\'t care at all!

   Not only that, but they will also go greedy for Roland\'s channels. As long as those guys have the concept that Roland\'s investment is beneficial, then Roland will not be rejected for some weird reasons...

  It\'s like Shuangmeizi smashing a technology company.

   Whether it was cheated or for account registration, we don’t know!

   When it came to filming, Roland would have to lose his job for at least half a year.

Tom Hanks is filming "Philadelphia Story" and it won\'t be finished until February. Although "Forrest Gump" has been finalized, it won\'t start until August. Le\'s List" crew, but this kind of thing, just think about it, he didn\'t ask, and he knew that the old man would not take him there.

"Schindler\'s List" is the painstaking effort of the old man. It is not only something that has been prepared for ten years, but also the materials that his father has collected all his life. The child actors in the film are all descendants of Schindler\'s Jews. It may not be a pure biographical film, because the old man knows how to make it so that more people can see what happened back then, but it is definitely a "serious commercial film" in Cameron\'s mouth, because only more Only when more people see it can more people be moved.

  Although it is a lifetime to miss, Roland does not want to test the relationship between the two parties on this kind of thing.

  In normal times, he can shake his wits, but when they want to cry, let them stay quietly for a while.

Moreover, he still remembered that the little girl in red in the movie was requested by Spielberg to watch that movie after she became an adult. Although the other party did not obey, her act of trying the forbidden fruit made her completely leave acting lock up.


   While Roland was scratching his head and waiting, when Cameron and Spielberg would quarrel, on January 20, a big event happened. The guy supported by Perelman moved into the White House?

   No, Audrey Hepburn died of colon cancer in Lausanne, Switzerland.

  She, who became famous all over the world with "Roman Holiday", finally left the world accompanied by Givenchy. When the overwhelming news reports, when Hepburn passed away, Givenchy was the only one in the room.

   Cameron and Spielberg\'s project dispute may not be able to quarrel for the time being.

  Because on the day the news came out, Roland could visibly perceive with the naked eye that a bunch of people in Hollywood had disappeared.

  When he habitually walked into Universal and pushed open the door of the old man\'s office, the empty scene proved everything.

   "Where did Steven go?" Roland grabbed an assistant at random and asked.

   "The director took a private jet to Switzerland last night."

   "Ms. Hepburn?"

   "Yes, the last movie "Forever" that my wife participated in in 1989 was directed by the director. The director and my wife have a good relationship, so after hearing the news, I pushed everything away..."

   Death is the most important thing, and the dead are the greatest.

   This kind of sudden incident is not within Roland\'s memory at all, but he...

   Well, it would be hypocritical to say that it is difficult to remember.

  He didn\'t know Hepburn, he didn\'t know each other, even if the people around him mourned in silence, he didn\'t feel much.

   At best, a celebrity dies.

  Of course, although this kind of thing can\'t mobilize Roland\'s emotions, he won\'t be like Chi Zi, making random remarks.

  Because Chizi is scolded at most, and Givenchy really paid out 80 million bounties for other people\'s heads.


  The old man ran away, and no one stopped him, because he didn\'t have any important projects in his hand.

   And the group of guys like Mr. Dongmu can\'t escape, because the 24th is the Golden Globe Awards Ceremony.

To be honest, Roland really can\'t remember which year and which work won which award. Unless it\'s a movie that is so old that he can\'t forget it in his next life, or it\'s an extremely shady movie, otherwise, he just has a little impression Bar.

Therefore, when "Scent of a Woman" won the best film in the drama category, Dongmu won the best director with "Unforgiven", and after Al Pacino was awarded the Golden Globe Best Actor, he unexpectedly came up with a kind of,\' Oh, so that\'s how it feels...

   As for the others?

   That\'s \'Dumbledore wouldn\'t have recognized him without his beard! ’, ‘Gabriel Anwar is so beautiful! ’, ‘Demi Moore is so skinny! ’, ‘Nicole Kidman is so cheap! ’ and a series of exclamation-like words…

   Don\'t ask Roland why he stared at the actress!

  He was watching the live broadcast at home, and he was not participating in the scene.

  When there are no reporters in the front, back, left, right, up, down, up, down, why can\'t you watch it?

  Huh (↗)?


  After the Golden Globe Awards Ceremony, what Roland was most looking forward to was actually "Groundhog Day", which was released in early February.

  The movie starring Bill Murray is his personal experience. The feeling that happiness will come if you live in the present seriously, made Roland, who went to the theater to watch the movie, smile knowingly.

Judging from the current situation, the state of being imprisoned for a day may not come again, but he has actually gained enough things like the guy in the movie, as long as he does not repeat himself day after day , you can become a better version of yourself.

  After watching the movie, Roland was deeply moved and wanted to collect the behind-the-scenes information of the whole movie.

   Not only because he has experienced it, but also because he guesses that he will never have the courage in his life to shoot a movie with a time loop theme. The feeling of wanting to touch but not daring to touch is like an itchy, unbearable feeling.

And when he followed the movie\'s opening logo and went straight to Sony, he, who was unimpeded by brushing his face, heard a passage from inside Mike McDavoy\'s office before prying open the door .

   "Mr. McDavoy, our film has been submitted to the Berlin Film Festival."

   "Then you go through the international procurement channel!"

   "But your procurement manager said that they are not good at making decisions, let me come to you..."

   "Why can\'t you decide, what is the name of your movie and what is it about?"

   “Well, our movie is called .It’s about comedy, romance, family, and…”

Note: ① It is very normal for Hollywood stars to be cheated. In the 50 billion Madoff fraud case, there are Spielberg and Kevin Bacon. Sometimes they invest too much and don’t know that they are cheated up. ②It is true that the little girl in red can only watch "Schindler\'s List" after she becomes an adult. Spielberg was afraid that the children would not be able to accept it, so he made it clear to the parents when recruiting people, but the other party still watched it in advance. Yes, this is what she herself admitted, and she originally wanted to develop into the movie industry, but after watching it, she didn\'t want to make movies anymore.



  (end of this chapter)

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