
Chapter 104: Audience Choices for Home Movies

  For these guys with rich experience, "Captain Hook" filmed by Spielberg is the orthodox sequel to "Peter Pan", because the growth of fairy tale characters is a refreshing concept.

   It is a concept that can empathize with the old guys at the scene.

"Captain Hook" tells that Peter Pan, who will never grow up, returns to the human world. With a child, he will be tired of everything in real life, and the pressure of the mundane world has put him He turned into a cold adult, with only the habitual thinking of \'everything is matter\' in his head.

  The arrival of Captain Hook kidnapped his two children. Pulled by the little fairy, Peter Pan with a beer belly returned to Neverland, and was forced by the other party to save his children.

  He is not young, not brave, not energetic, nor happy. Even when he returns to his base camp, those familiar children will not recognize him, and even think that the greasy old man in front of him is a pirate.

   Just when everyone was rejecting him, a little black boy suddenly walked out of the team.

  Passing his face, he said with surprise: "So it\'s you."

   After being recognized again, Peter Pan, who had grown up, was able to stay and find a way to defeat Captain Hook.

During the training, the innocence lost due to growing up and the imagination lost due to excessive social experience were also recovered one by one by him. When he recalled the feeling of being a father at the beginning, the joy, satisfaction and happiness made him He regained the ability of the year.

Yes, in the novel "Peter Pan" written by James Barrie, Peter Pan, who will never grow up, pursues eternal childhood, the supreme and pure childlike innocence, and the kind of life far away from the hustle and bustle of the adult world. Nice and peaceful.

But people have to grow up after all. Although childhood is beautiful, it cannot be retained. From childhood to adulthood, human beings will not only lose their innocence, but also their own personality will be suppressed, and human nature will also be distorted by the noise of the outside world. At that time, the alternative method proposed by Spielberg, spiritual comfort, was children. In his opinion, growing up with his children was the best way to find the beauty of the past in the glitzy world, and it was also the best way to pick up the past. Return to childlike innocence, the best way to recall the past.

   Never forget your inner child.

   As a fairy tale movie for adults, Spielberg just wants to tell the world his love for children.

   And this kind of love can only be experienced by adults. The helplessness caused by social life, but the persistence to move forward for the better growth of children is the real blow that pokes adults to tears.

  Because of this, when the film screening ended, there was a burst of applause at the scene.


  Because these guys can understand everything!

  Different from the Hollywood younger generation who were born in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s and were deeply shadowed by their parents, these old guys present here only rely on their own hands to achieve their current status!

Canglong in the film industry, the film he starred in has entered the top ten box office in North America for more than 20 consecutive years. Mr. Dongmu has set a record that no one can break, but the "Red Man Trilogy" that made him famous: "Red Dead Man" , "The Us, The Us and The Us" and "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" are actually European films, because Hollywood Studios at that time did not want to cast westerns, and Eastwood, who had no films to make because of his image problem, picked them up and was not accepted. Everyone is optimistic about the series, and then it becomes popular.

   This kind of life experience of stepping into the circle with a dream, being squeezed out and rejected by others, and finally turning around to succeed, isn\'t it a true portrayal of the adult Peter Pan in the movie?

The western film he insists on now is the child of Peter Pan in "Captain Hook". He told Roland before that it will be released next year. "The expression is the same, at the end of the decline of western films, I miss my high-spirited self.

  In this case, can he still not understand the movie?

The same is true for Tom Hanks. His parents divorced when he was six years old. His childhood life was watching and acting, but because of his appearance, he has never been able to get the leading role. , Even he himself doesn\'t know how long he can last. For him, Howard is the Peter Pan in his life, so that every time Howard gives him a script, he will directly participate in the role.

  In this case, can he still not understand the movie?

Although this directional movie viewing threshold will greatly affect the box office and word-of-mouth of the entire movie, because the vast majority of audiences enter the theater just to have fun, "Star Wars" can make people feel good, so the box office is huge. Selling, but compared with Quentin\'s movies that require a lot of event reserves to understand, "Captain Hook" is much better.

   You don\'t need to know what happened in Hollywood in the sixties.

  Because you can find yourself in the movie.

  In this way, at the reception after the film screening, people only talked about the success of the continuation of the story.

   "Recovering the feeling of happiness through fatherly love and recalling the good memories of childhood is indeed a very good breakthrough."

"Wendy\'s old age and Tinker Bell\'s loneliness are the helplessness of adults. Peter Pan loves his wife and his children. He must choose and give up. This pain is something that all adults will experience. s things."

"The real problem grown-ups face is not growing up but forgetting; all grown-ups are children, as long as you haven\'t forgotten; what happened in the past can\'t be forgotten, it\'s just that you can\'t remember it for a while. This is an excellent family fairy tale drama , although there may be many children who can\'t understand, but I believe that the adults who walk into the theater with them will tell their children why they like this movie... because this is not a brain-burning suspense Adults can understand this movie, and they can communicate well with their children through this movie."

  To be honest, perhaps because Spielberg did not disclose the news that the children\'s scenes were filmed by Roland, so more than 90% of the compliments on the scene had nothing to do with Roland, but—

   Roland, who thought this movie would suffer bad reviews, immediately understood how \'stupid\' his previous thoughts were after hearing those compliments that hit the bottom line—

  Children may not understand "Captain Hook"?

   That\'s right! Ashley and Mary are the perfect example!


   Their parents understand it!

  The so-called family movie, isn’t it that after watching the movie, the family can have a topic of communication?

  Just like "Home Alone", after watching this movie, children will ask their parents, will everything that Kevin encountered in the movie come true in their own body? Do those horrible villains really exist?

  These topics do sound childish, but they are a bridge to improve the relationship between children and parents!

  As long as children and parents have one or more arguments after watching the movie, then the movie is a success!

  What kind of intentions, intentions, and skills are secondary things.

  The root of family movies is to create a topic for those families who can\'t find a good chat topic on weekdays!

   It doesn’t matter if the child understands it and then shares it with adults; or the adult understands it and then explains it to the child; these two channels are fine! And as long as you do this, the movie you made is meaningful!

In this way, when Roland stepped on the clock, brought Needham and Spielberg to meet, and after embracing and signing for a group photo, when he expressed his thoughts, Ben was still full of socializing Spielberg. , suddenly laughed and patted Roland on the shoulder, and said very agreeingly: "Oh... the fundamental selling points of various types of movies, I wanted to teach you when I was filming "Jurassic", but I didn\'t expect you to have Figured it out?"

   "That\'s right, the reason why family movies were born is to create chat topics for those family members."

   "You don\'t need to care about children or adults, you don\'t need to please everyone, as long as you let a certain type of people understand your movie, then this movie has a great probability of having a market..."

   "You don\'t need to think about perfecting every aspect of the movie, you just need to amplify the biggest highlights in the script."

"The audience can accept a certain amount of logical loopholes, but the premise is that when you are writing the script, when you are filming, you have to understand which part of the audience is the whole story, and what you write and film, Can it impress them?"

"The reason why I think the cut and revised draft of Jurassic that you wrote before is okay is because you know what the audience of that movie wants to see. People want to see dinosaurs, so in this movie, dinosaurs are the main characters. Whether it\'s you, your sister, or other human characters, they are all ingredients. Only after grasping this point can we start writing the script. Of course, even if the target group is clear, we have to pay attention to one problem, that is, the quantity ..."

   "If the quantity is too small, don\'t shoot if you can."

"Although the success of a movie depends on luck in the end, a movie with a small audience needs more luck than a movie with a big audience. If a movie with an investment of 100 million is ruined, it will still have a box office of several hundred million, because the investor If you will find a way to pay back, the public will still know you, but if a movie worth 10 million yuan is ruined, who will know you?"

  Although Spielberg\'s words were full of the smell of copper, Roland had to admit that there was nothing wrong with what he said.

  As Ba Jin wrote in "Day", "A cold and lonely life is not as good as a vigorous death." \'

  How many actors and directors entered the public eye through blockbuster films?

   And how many guys are relying on a blockbuster movie to eat to death?

  If you have a chance to get 100 million, you will definitely not get 80 million!

  Just like Cameron\'s "Big Ship" and "Avatar", after burning so much money, which investor would dare to bite the bullet and hide the movie? Even if the critics have a bad reputation, they still want to promote the movie like crazy.

   This is not a question of having a dream at all, but only a vigorous death can get back more capital!

You know, "Fast 9" invited back Paul Walker\'s younger brother in the absence of Bald Johnson and Guo Da. This kind of behavior of Walker (earning) Ke (death) forever (people) saves (money) them If you can do it all and get your money back, so what?


  For Roland, although he participated in the movie "Captain Hook", the spotlight is destined not to shine for him.

   After all, there are too many big bosses in front.

   Unless Spielberg is willing to give him the position of an assistant director on the poster, otherwise, even if Sony vigorously promotes it, there will be very few guys who pay attention to him...

However, if he can not hang up, he is already famous enough. If he adds the concept of \'all-around\', it will really be flattering. Before he has mastered various skills proficiently, he is only given the status of an actor. Identity is actually protecting him.

More expectation, more disappointment.

  Before you can really stand alone, there is no need to tell your fans what you are learning.

  It\'s not that he doesn\'t have exposure, why bother to add a "student master" persona who is easy to attract hackers?

  Since the road is wrong, there is no need to go.


Due to the fact that there were too many big names present at the premiere, Roland could not sneak out of the scene with the director and sit and rest in the private room next to him like in the previous "Terminator 2". It was late.

But fortunately, those guys that night were actually very chatty, there was no such thing as raising a glass of wine and keeping strangers away, and the topics of dealing with Roland were limited to the surrounding itself, and no one asked him "you How do you view MJ\'s MV\', \'Do you have confidence in "Home Alone 2"", "Whether "Terminator 2" makes you different" and other scenes, Roland is still very concerned about the social relationship he is facing. satisfied.

  But even if you are satisfied, you can\'t change the fact that you are stuck beyond the rest time.

  By the time Roland reached the house, it was already past two o\'clock in the morning.

   He took a bath, rolled into bed, and when he woke up again, there was pink in front of his eyes.

   "Roland, get up, you said you would accompany us to see "Beauty and the Beast" today!"

   "Your movie will take five months to shoot! If you don\'t accompany us now, then the next time we meet will be in May next year!"

  Although everyone was sleepy when they came out last night, children... they are strong enough to resist physical fatigue when they are thinking about it, just like staying in an Internet cafe all night, which is exclusive to young people.

   Urged to get up by Ashley and Mary, he rubbed his face and glanced at the time.

  The eye-catching ten o\'clock made Roland yawn.

  Although he really wanted to sleep for a while, if he didn\'t do what he promised, wouldn\'t he be setting a bad example for Ashley and the others?

   Suppressing the drowsiness, he drank a glass of vegetable juice, and when he went out, the faces of the three little ones beside him were full of excitement.

  Is it because I can watch my favorite movie?


  Because they can watch what they like.

  Disney’s princess movies never need any depth and connotation, because their audiences want to see beauties in fantasy princess dresses and handsome handsome guys falling in love in a magnificent castle.

  The beauty is over, what logic is needed?

   If you can make money in the simplest way, then you don’t need to add new things to it!

When Elizabeth, who was sitting on Roland\'s lap, stared at the screen with wide-eyed eyes, she looked at the fluffy, tailed, and able to hold a girl with one hand. Roland knew when the beasts rubbed against the pads of their paws that he would not buy princess dresses for them later.

  If they didn\'t get three two-meter furry beast toys, how could they let themselves go?

Note: ①In the 1960s, it was not that Hollywood did not shoot westerns, but it did not shoot "spaghetti westerns". The movie plagiarized Kurosawa\'s Yojimbo, and Hollywood Studios didn\'t want to get in trouble. The original protagonist also resigned, so Tony Damu joined in. Moreover, after the film was released, Akira Kurosawa also sued the film studio and won the lawsuit, obtaining the distribution rights of the film in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, as well as a 15-point share of the global box office. But even so, Eastwood was on fire. "Unforgivable" was filmed to pay tribute to the director of "The Good Man Trilogy" and his mentor Sergio Leon. ②Just like Aunt May was disliked for being too ugly, Hanks entered the industry in 1979 and has been in the TV circle because he was disliked that his nose is too big to be good-looking on camera, and Ron Howard chose him as the leading role. After that, Howard would take his books, even if Spielberg rejected him, he would still go next time Howard asked him.



  (end of this chapter)

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