
Chapter 50: The Birth of Hollywood's Largest Affiliated Household (Please recommend tickets)

   At this critical moment, he will not express his doubts.

  According to Spielberg\'s signal, Roland left Cameron\'s office.

  Find Mohamy, borrow his mobile phone, and call Aunt Ganetti.

When Roland told the other party that he missed the important role of "Captain Hook", Ganetti on the other end of the phone did not show any surprise; and when he continued to tell the other party, he got the second male role in "Terminator 2" When the call came, Ganetti just exclaimed, and then sighed for a few seconds before returning to calm.

   Such a situation made Roland a little puzzled.

  \'What\'s the situation? Why are you not surprised at all? \'

   Roland felt that he might have fallen into a pit.

   And when Roland told the other party again with doubts, he needed an agent.

  Garnetti\'s answer surprised Roland even more.

   "Okay, I will inform her now and let her find you."

   "You\'re calling David yourself and asking him to come over and sign..."


  ‘I really have an agent? \'

  ‘Spielberg didn’t lie? \'

   Roland who hung up the phone was a little dazed.

  He didn\'t know what he was going through at this moment.

  Before he knew it, the Olsen couple actually found him an agent behind his back?


   It shouldn\'t be!

   You know, when Roland was deeply trapped in the time loop, he was there and communicated with David countless times.

  According to his understanding of David, this guy who cares most about children\'s feelings cannot possibly sign a contract with others behind his back.

   Not to mention, it\'s still such a big deal to finalize the agent!

  And now, Ganetti told him that he actually has an agent?

  This matter, why does it get more and more wrong?

   Feeling strange, Roland sat in the waiting area of ​​the crew, his eyes staring blankly.

  At this moment, he is like the little leopard next door who has just changed his job to become a druid, anxiously trying to figure out the whole situation.

   While he was thinking wildly, Mohamy, who sat beside him and heard that he had won the project, was extremely excited.

  Unfortunately, no matter how he behaved, Roland didn\'t care about him.

   Not to mention, I want to share the joy in my heart with Mohamy.

   This state lasted for about an hour.

  With the appearance of David, Roland, who tended to become a stone monkey, finally gained a little popularity.

Looking in the direction of the footsteps, Roland also found a blond white woman in a suit and skirt, following him; although Roland didn\'t know her, and couldn\'t distinguish the white woman with the naked eye. However, with her appearance, Mary, who learned of their arrival, directly called out the other party\'s name and said the other party\'s occupation.

   "Samantha, so you are Roland\'s manager, I should have thought of it a long time ago..."

   "Oh Mary, nice to meet you."

  I rub...

  She is my manager?

   Ah no!

   Do these people even know each other?

  When Roland saw with his own eyes, the new Samantha jumped over him and hugged Mary to say hello—

  He suddenly turned into a black question mark face.

  What\'s the situation?

Just when Roland was overwhelmed by everything in front of him, Samantha, who had been separated from Mary, turned around, looked at Roland with a smile on her face, and said with kindness all over her body: "Roland Allen ?Hello…"

   "I\'m your agent Samantha. In the next two years, I will discuss your film contract, film salary, and cooperation details..."

   Well, let\'s be honest.

  Samantha has a nice voice.

   People are also good looking.

  Of course, the above two points are not the focus of Roland\'s attention.

  Although Roland II is a human being, he can\'t think of a good solution at all except to raise his head and ask David for help.

  Because he didn\'t know the ins and outs of the matter, he didn\'t know how to answer.

   After seeing Roland asking for help from David with a bewildered expression, Samantha, who didn\'t get any response, didn\'t care.

   chuckled lightly, turned his head, looked at Mary, and asked, "Is Steven still there?"

   "Of course." Mary nodded, "James won\'t let him go."

   "Is that so? Then I won\'t go over to say hello, let\'s read the contract first." Samantha shook her head, not wanting to touch the mine.

   "Okay, I\'ll take you to Mario, he\'s been waiting..." Mary replied immediately without any objection.

   "Then David, I\'ll go there first. After reading the contract, I\'m calling you to come over and sign it?" Samantha turned her head to ask the other party\'s opinion.

"No problem, I just want to talk to Roland about what\'s going on." David, who hadn\'t spoken since he came in, finally opened his mouth, smiled and nodded, then raised his hand and patted Roland\'s shoulder to signal He recovered.

   Following his slap, the corners of Roland\'s eyes twitched.

  Although his head was a little dazed, he heard the short conversation in his heart.

  Even though Samantha didn\'t reveal her identity, her address to Spielberg has proved everything.


   is a broker belonging to the Jewish Gang.

   Yes, there is no pie in the sky.

  Spielberg, the guy who picked up the guide tube as a director and put down the guide tube as a businessman, would not help him for no reason.

  As Roland thought, at first, the Olsen couple had no intention of helping him find an agent at all.


  Since Roland learned that he was pushed into the final election hosted by Spielberg himself by two casting directors from the "Captain Hook" project team, things changed.

Just like what Roland asked Robin Williams this morning, after knowing that Roland might hug his thigh, Ganetti took the initiative to find Director Howard, hoping to get through Robin Williams through him. Relationship, take this role.

  Since Director Howard has already appeared, Robin will naturally save face.

  Personally called Spielberg and communicated with him.

  After hearing Robin\'s request, Spielberg didn\'t say anything, and agreed very happily to the other party that he would seriously consider Roland.

  Of course, if it’s just these, then forget it.

   It\'s just a favor audition, no big deal.


   Just as Robin Williams recommended Roland to Spielberg, Chris Columbus was not idle.

  The appearance of Roland enabled the crew of "Home Alone" to be formed quickly and operate efficiently.

  The venue sponsored by David out of his own pocket also made their shooting work much easier.

  In the face of this situation, Columbus backhandedly helped Roland, which can be regarded as repaying the kindness he had given when forming the crew.

  So, compared to Robin\'s simple communication, Columbus directly took some filming copies and handed them over to Spielberg for review.

   And this look, you can see the problem.

  If Robin\'s phone call only let Spielberg know that there was an additional accountant during the audition, then the filming copy brought by Columbus made Spielberg remember Roland.

   There is no other reason, it is purely because Roland has the shadow of director Robert Zemeckis.

  Robert Zemeckis, who filmed the "Back to the Future" trilogy, is indeed a member of the Jewish gang, but compared with Chris Columbus, his identity is more special because—

   He was Spielberg\'s apprentice.

  Both recognize the apprenticeship of the relationship.

No one knows Zemeckis better than Spielberg, and the relationship between the two is like Francis Coppola and George Lucas; it was Spielberg who taught Zemeckis s, everything about the movie.

  How should the script be written?

  How should the scene be directed?

  How to guide the actors to dig into the heart of the characters?

   Everything Zemeckis knew was taught by Spielberg.

  And now, not long after the apprentice left the teacher, he unexpectedly accepted another apprentice?

   Isn’t this special person his own disciple?

  Disciples and grandchildren are coming to film? Are you hiding your identity?

   Are you playing with snakes?

  Give me a call, and I won\'t choose anyone!

  Isn’t it up to me to say whether it fits or not?

  Even if Roland can\'t express the feeling I want, his skills can completely reach the level of 80 to 85.

  With this level, you can get on!


  When Spielberg, with the excitement of being a grandfather, went to ask Zemeckis about his crimes.

   Facing the teacher\'s question, Zemeckis was a little confused.

  Because he only remembered that Director Howard, who often drank with him next door, once approached him and asked him to help John Hughes, the producer and screenwriter of "Home Alone"—as for whether he taught Roland?

  He has no impression at all.

   However, after reading the copy brought by Spielberg, he was a little shaken.


  It\'s so similar.

  He even suspected that this special code is the apprentice he taught himself!

  Because of this, even if Zemeckis was sure, he did not teach Roland.

   But his reply to Spielberg was very ambiguous.

  "I don\'t seem to have taught him, but everything he shows in front of the camera is really the one we use."

   "He should have been to Universal Studios and watched me film."

   "Or, he asked me a question, but I forgot?"

  This result surprised Spielberg.

  However, after the two looked at each other, they both felt that the answer just now was simply nonsense.

  The skills they use cannot be learned by watching them for a few days.

   If you don’t want to watch other people act behind the camera, watch them shoot, and let them answer your questions.

  In your life, don’t even think about learning those shooting routines, character positions, and character composition.

Self taught?

   They are unbelievers.

  If their skills are really so easy to learn, then the famous Hollywood directors will be rotten.

  However, even though Zemeckis categorically denied that he had systematically taught Roland and just pushed all this to the unknown, Spielberg did not believe it.

  He felt that even if Zemeckis hadn\'t accepted disciples, he must have taught him the method.

   Who made Zemeckis such a personality?

In order to prove himself, he made "Emerald" first, and after it was a big success, he asked his master Spielberg to help him get investment in "Back to the Future". Berg didn\'t believe his nonsense. He simply thought that Zemeckis felt that he had not taught well and was unwilling to admit it...


After parting with Zemeckis, Spielberg communicated with Columbus again. When he learned that Roland was diligent and studious on the crew of "Home Alone", he instructed the other party to reveal more to Roland. own news.

   And when he found out that Roland really learned various skills according to what Columbus said, he was even more sure of the conjecture in his heart.

  With such a diligent and studious disciple, why does he pretend not to know?

   Zemeckis too, teach as you please, no big deal...

   It doesn\'t matter if you don\'t teach it completely, if you have talent, just accept it, he is only ten years old! What\'s the hurry!

   As for identity?

  Although the Jewish gang is dominated by Jews, they have never excluded other talented white people—letting them accept their own favors and keeping them tightly together with themselves is the real reason why their Jewish gang is always invincible.

   As long as the real bond is them Jews, that\'s enough.

   After all, showbiz is different from other places.

   Mixing here is all about luck.

   And luck, it is impossible to always be on the side of the Jews.

  If in this case, they still cling to sectarianism, it\'s over—

In this way, he found Robin again and asked him to relay a sentence to the Olsen couple through Director Howard, "Steven has seen a copy of "Home Alone" and thinks Roland\'s performance is good. After learning that he didn\'t have an agent, he even inquired with concern..."

  Although the subject was not specified, how could Ganetti, who has been in the circle for many years, not understand the meaning of the other party\'s words?

  So, Ganetti didn\'t say anything, and directly told her husband David about the matter.

  Although David very much hopes that his daughter and Roland can have their own childhood.

  But in front of the olive branch thrown by Spielberg, this calculating David still chose to accept it.

  Everyone knows what it means to sign with the agent given by Spielberg.

   This not only means that you have officially entered the camp of the Jewish gang, but also means that you don’t have to worry about film appointments in the future.

  As long as you don\'t defect, they will never treat their own people badly.

   After signing the contract, Spielberg also took the initiative to express his thoughts.

He frankly stated that Roland is not suitable for the role of Jack. He can let Roland appear in the film, but he will not give him a supporting role. He hopes that Roland can first focus on the project of "Home Alone" and cooperate with With the identity of the Jewish gang, I will do publicity first, and after the film is released, I will consider the next project.

  Of course, if there are good projects during this period, he will also ask the agent to notify them.

   Not only that, he also hoped that the Olsen couple would not tell Roland about this matter.

  He hoped that Roland could continue to prepare for the audition. He wanted to test Roland\'s level.

   Both David and Ganetti chose to agree with Spielberg\'s two points.

   There is nothing you can do if you don’t agree!

  Spielberg is the star of the Hollywood food chain.

  He said it so bluntly, if you are still stubborn, wouldn’t you be making things difficult for yourself?

   It is precisely because of these things that Roland does not know, so during the audition this morning, even though Roland was very frustrated, Spielberg gave him a chance to act. As for what\'Robin gave him the chance? ’, these words were just excuses, and he was the one who really wanted to see Roland perform; after seeing Roland being brought by Mary, he felt that Roland could take over from Spielberg in "Terminator 2", so he pushed a handful.

   Not only that, Ganetti\'s attitude is also because of him.

It is precisely because of Spielberg that when Roland called Aunt Ganetti to tell Aunt Ganetti that he had not won "Captain Hook", the other party acted very calmly. When they won the title of "Terminator 2" by James Cameron, they were only shocked for a few seconds before returning to calm.

after all-

   In her opinion, with Spielberg around, no matter what project Roland wins, it is normal.

  In this circle, is there anyone he doesn\'t know?

\'I see…\'

  After Roland listened to David\'s narration, all doubts in his heart were resolved.

  Spielberg thinks he played well?

   Isn\'t that just bullshit?

  His acting techniques may cause various problems for anyone, but not for Spielberg!

  He was taught by director Zemeckis!

   Can something go wrong?

  He Roland chose to leave because he hollowed out Director Zemeckis in the time loop!

   Can something go wrong?

   Not only that, in the previous study, he used Spielberg\'s movies as inquiries, and Director Zemeckis also used Spielberg\'s movies for example guidance!

   In this case, can something still go wrong?

  After Roland sorted out everything, Ben, who was still puzzled, gritted his teeth.

  He wanted to laugh, but he couldn\'t laugh out loud at the office door.

  One time loop, 600 days of study, while eliminating Macaulay Culkin, a staple of "Home Alone", at the same time, it also directly made him the biggest relationship in Hollywood?

  Robert Zemeckis turned out to be Spielberg\'s apprentice?

  I learned from Steven Spielberg?

   It\'s just—

   It\'s just—

   It\'s just—

marvelous! !

Note: ① In 1994, Lucas\'s 50th birthday, he invited six people to his Skywalker Ranch to celebrate. They respectively filmed "A Beautiful Mind", "The Da Vinci Code", "Apo Ron Howard for "Romance No. 13"; Brian Palmer for "Dawn of Love", "Scarface" and "Mission: Impossible"; and Steven Spielberg, Martin - Scorsese, Francis Coppola, and Robert Zemeckis; among them, Zemeckis is Spielberg\'s apprentice, Howard is Lucas\' apprentice, and Lucas, in turn, is Cooper\'s apprentice. Paula\'s apprentice; this character relationship chain is what the "Hollywood Daily" said when interviewing Lucas after the report. He said that he had known Coppola since 1965. Warner learned it when he filmed "Now You Are Grown Up" with Coppola on the studio, and when he filmed "American Graffiti" later, he found that Howard was very studious, so he wanted to take him the same way Coppola taught himself back then. After Spielberg found out that he was accepting apprentices, he thought their way of inheritance was quite interesting, so after cooperating with Zemeckis on "1941" and finding out that the other party also had a dream of being a director, he helped He endorsed and asked the chairman of Columbia Pictures, who was also Spielberg\'s first agent, to ask them to increase the investment from 2.7 million when Zemeckis failed to direct "A Kiss". To 8 million, let him shoot "Intrigue", and taught his own shooting experience.



  (end of this chapter)

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