
Chapter 48: Two big guys (seeking recommendation tickets)

"Mad Max" helped Mel Gibson reach the top; Arnold Schwarzenegger opened a new chapter in his career with "Predator"; "Rekindled the second spring; even Jean-Claude Van Damme, a guy who has never studied filming, can become a B-level kung fu star by virtue of "Time and Space Special Police"; let alone Will Smith, Harry Sen Ford, these box office superstars with both acting and personality.

  In this era, no action star can bypass the field of sci-fi action movies.

  Even more than ten years later, when the manga series became popular, this theme is still popular.

The invincible Superman in the main story of "Fast and Furious" has achieved a perfect transformation in the rumor. Black Adam and Bald Guo beat Heimdall who was laid off from Asgard and re-employed; for a dog, against the world John Wick also perfectly interpreted the essence of an assassin. The theorem that the best stealth is to kill everyone was vividly interpreted by him, but the last fall in "Quick Ready" made B-level action movies Completely out of the original taste, officially promoted to the field of science fiction; only "Anna" shot by Luc Besson, who pays tribute to himself, has a sense of old-school action movies, but unfortunately, Les and Yan are the biggest in it point of view.

  For decades, sci-fi action movies have cultivated a group of loyal fans, and the size of the group is really staggering.

   And its far-reaching influence has made many big directors become the beneficiaries of this type.

Like John McTiernan who made "Predator"; David Fincher who took over "Alien 3"; "The Fifth Element" and its creator Luc - Besson; Tim Burton, the creator of the original Batman; Ridley Scott, who finally overturned the verdict with "Blade Runner" many years later, and so on and so on.

   These people are all famous for their sci-fi action movies.

But compared with the above directors, James Cameron and his "Terminator" can be regarded as a sign of the times; and this sign does not mean the 100 million investment in "Terminator 2" , not to mention the 500 million box office that swept the world in the 1990s, but the shooting method of science fiction films that subverted people\'s perception.

When everyone is dominated by traditional models and special effects makeup, when shooting sci-fi movies, the truck driver is crazy about computer visual effects; in this era when fists are the romance of men, the truck driver has created a plastic villain ; when the performance of the future governor was criticized, the truck driver gave him a special charm; and in the face of the routine of robots acting as villains, how to let the machine learn emotions and use the machine to reflect on human nature, the topic raised by the truck driver, makes the film sublime.

As the first place in the "Most Collectable Movies of the 20th Century" voted by the American people, the "Terminator" series has a profound impact on this land. To put it bluntly, its weight is no more than " Home Alone" Light…

  Unfortunately, Charlie Cosmo is not a time traveler, he doesn\'t know these things.

  But the investment of 100 million yuan alone has attracted countless people!

Even if James Cameron at this time can\'t compete with Steve, who has already filmed "Jaws", "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", "Raiders of the Lost Ark" series, "E.T." Compared with Wen Spielberg, then you see, for the sake of "Terminator", "Alien 2", and "Abyss", it will be no problem to take over two films at the same time, right?


   Not right.

   It seems that there is a problem.

  In fairness, if you are Charlie Cosmo, if you really want to develop in Hollywood, holding on to Spielberg\'s thigh is much more cost-effective than betting on Cameron.

   After all, those big bosses of the Jewish gang are all acquaintances, and if you follow them to make a movie, you can make money without losing money.

  And if Cameron\'s 100 million masterpiece hits the street, the word-of-mouth that was finally mixed up will be gone.

  Of course, for Roland, the best news is that Charlie Cosmo will not accept this movie.

  If the identity of the old woman was unknown before, Roland might have persuaded her, but now...

  If people do not work for themselves, heaven and earth will perish.

   As for the fact that Roland\'s behavior may make Edward Furlong, who has no background, disappear?

  Since Roland crossed over, this kind of thing was destined to happen.

  Roland didn\'t think it was a big deal at all, at least it was much better than copying other people\'s movies.

  Plagiarizing other people\'s works is tantamount to directly using other people\'s ideas, but if he steals a role that is destined to be successful, he can\'t completely act in the same way as the original owner, so he still has to work **** his own.

   Moreover, even if he works hard, he may encounter the situation today.

  Because of his own reasons, he was defeated by a guy who fit the role perfectly.

  If his morality is so high that if he grabs someone else\'s role, he will have a guilty virgin reaction.

  Then he might as well just wipe his neck with a knife, and why is he still entangled with people like Mohamy?


"James Cameron?"

   "Terminator 2: Judgment Day?"

  When Roland nervously reported these two groups of names, Mary, who thought he was not bad, smiled even wider.

   "Good, I didn\'t expect you to be able to guess it?"

   "It seems that you know James quite well?"

   "How about it, now can you tell me, are you interested in this project? Do you have time to come with me?"

   "Of course, I can go right away..."

   After getting an affirmative answer, Roland swallowed the steak in his mouth, picked up the napkin, and wiped his mouth.

  At this moment, he felt that if he didn\'t agree, he would be a fool!

  The kind of fool who has to eat Italian cannons!

If Jack in "Captain Hook", that is, the son of Peter Pan, is the key character in the film, because Captain Hook took him away first, there is a plot of Peter Pan\'s follow-up rescue, in terms of seniority , at least the third male lead; John Connor in "Terminator 2" is the real second male lead, with more roles than Captain Hook.

Not only that, compared to Jack, who is full of innocence, John Connor\'s rebellious role is actually more suitable for Roland. He doesn\'t need to show the purity of his heart, and he can use the skills given to him by those big guys to conquer this role.

  Of course, the same family attributes as the characters in the play are also Roland’s bonus points. Although the Olsen couples did not treat Roland like the other families in the play, the gap between closeness and estrangement still exists.

  However, in addition to the above advantages, Roland\'s disadvantages are also very obvious.

That is-

  He has no time to prepare for the upcoming audition.

  However, Roland felt that it didn\'t matter.

  He would rather come to a surprise drill than participate in the audition; he would rather be the replacement for Charlie Cosmo that Mary found, and he would rather not be reclassified into the sequence and wait for Cameron\'s screening.

   Unpreparedness is indeed a big challenge for him.

   But at the same time, Spielberg\'s evaluation this morning and the other party\'s signature are precisely his biggest help.

  As long as he can meet Cameron today, he can tell the other party with confidence that Spielberg praised himself this morning.

  So, in order to be able to meet Cameron today.

  Roland didn\'t even finish his lunch, so he hurriedly urged Mary to take him there.

   When he left, if it wasn\'t for Charlie Cosmo\'s kind reminder, he would have even forgotten the comic book he just bought here.

   "Thank you for helping me."

   "If I can win this role, I will definitely treat you to dinner then."

   Such words made Charles nodded with a smile. Compared with Roland\'s excitement, he didn\'t care about this project at all.

  For him, entering Hollywood is purely for fun.

If it wasn\'t because he found out this morning that Roland wanted to join the crew of "Captain Hook" so shamelessly that Charles felt that he might be in the way of a film lover, he wouldn\'t have given the opportunity to Mary directly in front of Mary. Roland.

   "Then I\'ll sit here and wait for you to come back." Charles winked at the excited Roland.

   "Ok, then you wait for me." Roland thanked him sincerely, and after answering, he grabbed Mohamy who was a few tables away.

  Ever since he learned that Roland was passed by Spielberg himself, Mohamy was very depressed in his heart.

  He felt that half of his wallet was missing.

  So, during lunch, even though there were a few tables away, he didn\'t pay attention to wiretapping.

   Not only that, even though Charles\' manager is a beautiful woman, he, a straight man, didn\'t even think about saying hello, but put aside his grief and appetite, and tried his best to eliminate the food on the dinner plate.


  When Roland slapped his knee and asked him to take himself to Sony Studios to participate in James Cameron\'s project audition, the guy who was struggling with the start-up funding jumped up instantly.

"What did you say?"

"James Cameron?"

   Mohamy, who was in shock, had enough professionalism. Even though he was surprised, he still asked with a voice.

The appearance of being a thief made Roland feel relieved a lot. After giving the other party an affirmative look, Mohami, who got what Roland thought, threw away the knife and fork, took the information in his left hand, and pulled Roland with his right hand, just like a mother cat holding a small bag. Like a chicken cub, he dragged him out of the restaurant.

   When returning the same way, Mohamy also asked Roland why.

  And when he learned that the project of "Terminator 2" was handed over by Charles lightly in this way...

  The big mouth can even directly stuff the new Wangzai steamed buns from Want Want Company.

  Unfortunately, Mohamy has not received the influence of ancient poetry.

Otherwise, he would definitely describe Roland\'s current situation with "the mountain is heavy and the river is full of doubts, there is no way out, and the willows are dark and the flowers are bright and another village" instead of becoming an illiterate with no culture like now—"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Youarekiddingme (You Are you lying to me)!?"

"All right, all right, I\'m also very nervous now, can you stop putting pressure on me?" Roland looked at the manic guy in the central rearview mirror, took a deep breath, and said, "Now, you You can pray for me."

   "Because, if nothing else, this should be a one-on-one meeting."

Of course this was a one-on-one meeting, or in other words, James Cameron just got the news that Charlie Cosmo was poached by the "Captain Hook" crew next door, and then Roland was picked up by his casting director Mary Finn brought it.

When Cameron, who was nestled in the temporary office on the set, saw two guys coming out of nowhere, the guy who was having lunch raised his hand and wiped his mouth. This guy who hadn\'t yet shouted \'I\\\'mkingoftheworld!\' at the Oscars ceremony The truck driver is not yet forty, and his hair is still black.

  Perhaps because he worked **** movies and didn\'t sleep well, the bags under his eyes are a little obvious.

  Of course, eating, sleepiness, and dull eyes are actually not the point.

  The point is that in the huge office, besides him, there is another guy wearing round glasses—Spielberg.

   "Mary? Why are you here? You\'ve only been away for twenty minutes, and lunch is ready?"

   "Roland? Didn\'t you leave with Charles? Why are you here again?"

  The two questions that appeared at the same time made the four people present a little confused.

  However, after a while, the two big brothers were the first to react.

   "Mary, are you here to tell me that Charles was cut off by Steven?"

   "Roland, when you and Charles were having dinner, you were bumped into by Mary?"

have to…

  Before Mary Finn explained the matter clearly, the two big brothers had already guessed the ins and outs of the matter.

  In fact, after Roland and Charles left together, Spielberg also separated from the other two main creators one after another.

   It\'s just that, unlike Dustin and Robin, Spielberg didn\'t go home, but turned around and came to the "Terminator 2" crew next door.

  Of course, when Spielberg came over, it was not a shame to announce to Cameron that Charles had been signed by himself.

   This kind of small matter is not important to them at all, besides, he and Cameron are good friends.

  He came back this time, besides having a meal, he actually wanted to chat with Cameron about a movie about dinosaurs.

   "Jurassic Park".

  However, before they officially started, Mary Finn brought Roland over...

  Although the two bigwigs had already guessed the cause and effect, Mary Finn still recounted her reason for coming.

  And when they learned that Roland was John Connor newly selected by Mary Finn...

   Spielberg was the first to laugh.

   "Marie is right, I did see him act this morning."

   “Also watched the Home Alone videotape.”

"His acting skills are very complicated, some places seem to be taught by Robert Zemeckis, and some places can see the shadow of Michael Fox, but his method of character analysis is Joe- Pesci, Robert De Niro and the others used it, which is Martin\'s favorite expressionism..."

   "Of course, although it is very complicated, it is very good to use."

   "If you don\'t mind, you can give him a script and let him act it out for you."

   "We all have to eat anyway, so we won\'t waste time."

Note: ①The timeline of the "Jurassic Park" project is not wrong. This novel was indeed published in 1990, but before it was published, Spielberg had already spent 1.5 million to win it. Cameron signed up for that project, and when Cameron received the book, he also wanted to make this movie, but after contacting the author, he knew that the project was cut off by the Jew next door to him, so Cameron Long talked to Spielberg about the dark version of "Jurassic Park", but was rejected by Spielberg in the end. Spielberg decided to shoot from the perspective of a twelve-year-old child. (Source: Episode 3 of the sci-fi documentary "James Cameron\'s Anecdotes of Science Fiction" launched by AMC in 18, Spielberg and Cameron said personally) ② "Terminator 2" and "Captain Hook" are The crew next door, the interior studio scene of "Terminator 2" was filmed at Sony Studios, but when they were filming, "Captain Hook" was still making interior scenes.

   Thanks to [LinJiasen] [Rescue Man] for the 100 starting coins.



  (end of this chapter)

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