
Chapter 29: A different contract (recommendation ticket required)

make up a story?

   No, he was just stating a fact.

  When he brought his personal experience to David, David, who wanted to delve into it, closed his mouth.

  He raised his hand and patted Roland\'s shoulders a few times. The middle-aged man who looked like a rough man sent a blessing with a complicated expression.

   "Come on, act well, and I will help you with other things."

  Roland, of course, didn\'t want to manage other things.

Not only that, in the time loop, he who has seen David\'s energy has already thought about it, and he will leave all the miscellaneous things such as signing contracts and contracts to David for no other reason, because David\'s subordinates have a group of professional.

Since Joe Pesci, one of the thieves who will soon be starring in "Home Alone," has been hooking up with Oliver Stone, the two flirt with each other and want to mess with the "Killing Kennedy" movie, while another thief, Daniel- Stern is also hanging out with Columbia, trying to do a western comedy called "Urban Hillbillies"—

  So, when John Hughes felt great respect and satisfaction from Roland, he and Columbus didn\'t hesitate any longer. The next day, the production director of Fox sent the proposed contract to Roland\'s home.

If Roland was an adult, facing the contract submitted by Fox, he would probably sign it directly with his eyes closed, because he is a newcomer who has not yet entered the industry, and this contract is the stepping stone for him to enter the circle, regardless of the crew. How cheating the terms are, he will sign them correctly, even though this is a film history project, but he is still soft-spoken! If you want to get a share of it, it\'s just a dream!

  However, when David sacrificed the lawyer representing the Olsen sisters, the situation was different.

  Faced with the harsh conditions offered by Fox, these lawyers picked out the loopholes word by word. They didn\'t want to give up Roland\'s portrait rights at all. Not only that, they didn\'t want to sign a guaranteed renewal contract.

"Our client, Roland Allen, is not a member of the Screen Actors Union. We don\'t have to abide by the minimum daily wage standard, and our asking price is not high, ten dollars an hour. Based on a six-hour day and a ninety-day production cycle, the pay A total of five thousand four hundred dollars."

   "We don\'t want overtime pay either. We can voluntarily give up this kind of overtime compensation."

"Not only that, according to the law, you don\'t need to intervene in the tutors who must be assigned to minor actors. You don\'t need to worry about the nanny car, board and lodging, and the crew treatment of the accompanying personnel. These things, our client David O. Elson will handle it himself."

   "We also discovered that there are some dangerous shots in the script. We will pay for the insurance premiums incurred by our client Roland Allen because of dangerous shots. You don\'t need to worry about this."

   "Then, we heard that your crew has not found a suitable shooting location yet? Our client has a newly completed residential area in Inglewood. If you are satisfied, we can rent it to you at a low price."

   "The taxes and renovation fees that may be involved will be borne by us."

   "We made such a big concession, there are only two demands."

"First, our client hopes that you will change the portrait authorization clause in the contract from five years to two years, and delete the clause of the guaranteed renewal contract; second, we also hope to add a symbolic box office bonus The Gold Plan will only be triggered after the global box office exceeds 300 million, and if it exceeds 300 million, an additional one-time bonus of 3 million will be added.

   rich and powerful...

When Roland, who was sitting in the study, watched the lawyers hired by David try their best to cut benefits for him, he was actually in a daze. At that time, he seemed to be possessed by Xiao Ke, watching The golden coins kept flowing away, and his heart ached. He wished he could pick up a knife and stab those money-losing boys to death, so as to get back his benefits.


With the gradual disappearance of the concession clauses and the suggestion of changing the treaty, Roland realized how terrifying David Olsen was. As a businessman, he actually gave up his immediate vested interests and subsidized the crew by himself. …

  How tempting is everything that David gave up?

Not to mention the residential area involving millions of rental fees, and not to mention the illusory portrait value, the total price of the film salary, overdue remuneration, insurance, board and lodging expenses and daily expenses alone has to be towards six figures. Count up and run.

Not only that, with David at the front, Roland\'s filming in the crew may involve all the issues of the Children\'s Protection Association, and they don\'t have to worry about it. Even if Roland is a newcomer, this kind of concession is very important for any crew. huge.

  Because no crew is willing to deal with the Children\'s Protection Association and the Animal Protection Association.

   Of course, David is not a boy of good fortune.

  The reward plan, which may be as high as 5 million, can also be regarded as Roland\'s expected income.


  This kind of clause is simply a joke to Fox and the others.

  The global box office of "Home Alone" will exceed 300 million, reaching 500 million?

   If it can reach 500 million, the 5 million bonus will be given.

  Because they can earn more!

   What\'s more, Warner and Fox were not optimistic about this project.

  If it weren\'t for the two big names coming from Columbus, Fox wouldn\'t bother to invest.

   Except for these main terms, they didn\'t change the terms such as DVD, video tape, CD box, poster position, etc., because Roland is the leading role, they don\'t need to emphasize these things.

Therefore, when the crew learned that David Olsen, a doting kid, was going to provide him with a shooting location, the project directors in charge of the set all showed up. Not only that, they wanted to wait for the contract to be signed Afterwards, Hughes and Columbus, who met with them, also went to Inglewood in person to inspect the construction site.

   It only took three days to finalize more than 200 contract terms.

   Witnessed by the lawyer, David and the crew formally signed the contract.

  Such strong support also made Roland a little curious.

  When he asked David what was on his mind, the guy who was arranging the contract and stuffing it into the safe didn\'t look back, and said directly: "The contract between Ashley and Mary is also like this..."

   "We are not short of money, so if you want to shoot, go for it."

   "But if one day, you don\'t want to film anymore, you who own the portrait rights and are not bound by the guaranteed renewal contract, you can withdraw at any time."

   "You don\'t have to worry, you\'ve quit the circle, those guys are still using your portraits to continue to make money."

   "You don\'t have to worry, you have retired from the industry, but because of the contract, you have to continue filming."

   "After you take the power into your own hands, your life will become extremely easy."

   "As for me to pay for it all?"

   "If money can buy freedom, what if I lose two or three million?"

   Having spoken so far, David, who had already closed the safe, stood up.

   touched Roland\'s head, and said with a smile: "As long as you can keep smiling, no matter how much money I spend, it will be worth it."

   "If you really feel sorry, then act well. If you earn the five million back, not only can I make up for my loss, but I can also earn a lot."

   "If we\'re lucky, there will be a sequel, and we, who haven\'t signed the guaranteed renewal clause, can still raise the price..."

Note: ①The crew of "Home Alone" is really poor. According to the memory of their editor Raja Gosnell, the crew couldn\'t even find a formal shooting location, and finally filmed in an abandoned school. Where is the open space. ②The main reason why the Olsen sisters can accumulate wealth in a **** way is that his father has all their authorizations in his hands. Of course, this is the way of local tyrants. Can\'t learn it. ③If you don’t join the Screen Actors Union, you can still sign a film project contract with the six majors. Woody Allen is famous for not being a union member, but he still shoots well. Having fixed resources doesn\'t mean you can\'t make movies. ④ You can sign a contract without an agent. Many child stars’ agents are their parents, but they are not agents. They are called managers. Contracts must be obtained through a broker, but — no union is exempt.



  (end of this chapter)

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